PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Uatks: One-inch cards, SO cents; two-inch cards, $1.00 WILLIAM MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT LAW ALLIANCE NEBRASKA BURTON & WESTOVEW Attorneys at Law Land Attorneys Office First National Hank MulldinR PHONE ISO ALLIANCE N EMU ASK A H. M. BULLOCK ATTORNEY AT LAW ALLIANCE NEHRASK F. M. BROOME Land Attorney Long experience as Receiver V. S. land office Is a guarantee for prompt and efficient service. Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE NEBRASKA BRUCE W ILCOX Lawyer and Land Attorney Practitioner in civil courts since 1893 and Register U. S. land office from 1903 to 190". Information by mail a specialty. Office in Land Office Building ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA DR. H. H. BELLWOOD, Surgeon C. B. t Q. Ry. Office over Holaten's Drug Store DAY PHONE 87 NIGHT PHONE 86 Orie Coppernoll P. J. Petersen Res. Phone 20 Res. Phone 43 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen Osteopaths Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Rumer Block PHONE 43 GEO. J. HAND, Physician and Surgeon EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Dr. Oliver McEuen Physician and Surgeon SPECIALTIES: Diseases of women and children, and Oenito Urinary Or gans. All calls answered promptly day or night HEM1NQFORD Nebraska HARRY P. COURSE! LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE PHONE 64 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA IK. D. 10. TYLER Dentist PHONE 167 OPERA HOUSE BLOCK ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA Dr. JAS. P. HAXFIELD Dentist OVER BRENNAN'S DRUG STORE PHONE 526 RED All electrical equipment. Gas admin istered. Evenings by appointment A. J. KENNEDY Dentist Office in Alliance National Bank Building over Post Office PHONE 391 Election Notice O-eo. O. G-a,d.s"b3T LICENSED EMBALMER PHONE: Day 498 Night 510 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA Let the Gold Dust Twins Shine Your Shoes Palace Shining Parlor, 206 Box Butte G. J. CURTIS, Prop. H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 360. Res. Phone 342 Calls answered promptly day and night from office. Offices: Alliance V it itnol htiilrtino- nt-ur flu. I'nwt i . . i,.1wv...c.. u......0 w.v.. ... " Herald omen Office. L. M. Scott, Auctioneer Lakeside, Nebraska Will cry your sales anywhere. See me or leave dates at the Alliance Paul W.Thomas INSTRUCTOR ON VIOLIN Phone 175 Alliance, Neb. Voice Culture Teacher of Tone Production MISS EUNICE BURNETT Soprano Soloist Public Engagements Solicited J. P. Hazard, the Surveyor, Is making a specialty of locating homesteaders. He claims to be posted as to lands still vacant and Has a Few Bargains in RELINQUISHMENTS Your chance ic g -owing less every day. Don't stop for fear of bad wea'her the other fellow may beat you to it. IN LAND OFFICE BUILDING ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA STUDIO. 71.", CHEYENNE AVE Q. He Wood Painting, Decorating and Paperhanging Phone 434 Alliance, Nebr. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald Office REASONABLE RATES PROMPT SERVICE AUGUST HORNBURG Professional Trained Nurse Room I, over Rodger' Grocery Alliance - Nebraska ForNice,CleanNiggerhead Lump and Nut Eastern Hard Nut noisr. to No. 22 Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. 'rgw tF snitfiisSsl , IBaT J 1 " JkA fk I " sflsSM " V f gfm Mm kwdwh .VI Notice Is hereby Riven that on Tuesday, 1st day of April, lilt, next. In Alliance. Box Hutte county, Nebraska, the annual election will be held for the election of the fol lowlnjf officers, towlt: One mayor, one clerk, one treasurer, one city engineer, one councilman from the first ward, one councilman from the second ward, and two members of school board Snid election will be opened at nine o t lock in the morn log and will continue open until sev en o'clock in the afternoon of the same day; that the polling place of the first ward precinct will be at Marin' Hall, situated on the corner of Third rUreet and Laramie Ave., and the polling place for the second ward precinct shall be in the City Hall, situated on Third Street. .1. I). BM BRICK, City Clerk. Dated this Ittfc day of April. 1911. 1965 14-:it LEGAL NOTICE In the County Court of Box Butte county, Nebraska. Notice of Hearing of Petition for Letters of Administration. State of Nebraska, Box Hutte County. To all persons interested in the estate of Ijewls C. Sundstrom, late of snid county, deceased. You are hereby notified that on the 4th day of March, lilt, Eva II Sundstrom filed her petition in the county court of zn'.d cOUDtjr, for her appointment as administratrix of the estate of Lewis C. Sundstrom, late of said county, deceased, and that the same will be heard at the county court room in the city of Alliance, In said county, on the 3rd day of April, 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock and a. m. It Is further ordered that notice of said hearing be given all parties Interested in said estate by the pub lication of this notice for three suc cessive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed and In circula tion in said county. Dated this 4th day of March, 1913. L.. A. BERRY, (Seal) County Judge. Burton & Westover Her Attorneys Advertisement 13-41-208 LEGAL NOTICE MRS. E. C. DRAKE OPTOMETRIST With Dr. Ccpsey ALUANCK NEBRASKA Order for Hearing State rf NV -'-.i. Box Butte Couoty, ss. At a county court held at the County Court room In said county oa the 1st day of March, 1913. Present L. A. Berry, County Judge. In the Matter of. the .Estate jaL James L. Randolph, deceased. On reading the petition of Hazel Randolph filed herein, praying that administration of said e-state be granted to Margaret W, Randolph as administratrix. ORDERED. That said petition will be heard on the 24th day of March, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. That all persons interested la said estate may appear at County Court on said data, ;aid show cause If any there be why said petition should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and of said hearing bs given to all persons interested i.i said niai tcr by publishing a copy of this order in the Alliance Herald, a weekly newspaper published in sa!;l county for three successive weeks prior to said hearing. L A. BERRY, County JudgM. (SEAL) I0713-3t Notice to Creditors Btata of Nebraska, Box Butte County, sa. IN THH IIATTBR OF I'HK ESTATE Of ABNER L. .MONROE, DECEASED. I, L. A. Berry, County Judge of Box Butte county, Nebraska, hereby notify all persons having claims and ucumnds against the estate of Abner I Monroe that I have set and ap pointed the Hth day of October. 191.!, a 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the County Court room in Alliance, for Hie examination of all claims against Ihe estate of said decedent with i view to their allowance and par i int. All persons interested as credi'ors of the said estate will present their I laiins to me at said time, or show cause for not so do'ng. and in case any claims are not so presented by Mid time they shall be forever barr ed. This notice shall be served by publication thereof fcr four eonsecu ' c u.eks iu the Alliance Herald, a n Wspapar published in Alliance, pri 8t 10 the day of hearing. Given under my hand and the seal of said court this loth day of March. 1913. L, A BERRY, (SEAL) County Judu-. iO-14-4t DYE & OWENS Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly solicited. Dray Phone 54 Residence phone 636 and Blue 574 Wise Ones Watch Want Ads said sum of one hundred forty five and sixty-five one hundredths dollars, and accruing costs, I have caused the following described land to be ap praised, to-wlt: Lot number seven teen (I7 In block number twenty IL'O) In the first addition to the town of Alliance, Box Butte county, Nebraska. And will offer the same lo the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on the 24th day or March. A D II In front of the west front door of the court house In Alliance In said county, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in of said day, when and Whan due .iMetiilatu e will be given by the un dersigned. Dated ftfernan is, itii, C. Jfl COX, Sheriff of said county. 202-1 1-t.f Order for Hearing State of Nebraska, Box Butte County, sa. At a County Court, held at the County Court Room in said county on the 10th day of March. 1118, Present L A Berry, county Judge. IN THE MATTER OK THE ESTATE OK SARAH WATSON. DECEAS ED On raadlni the petition of John T. Watson fileil herein, praying that Administration of said estate be granted to himself as Administrator. ORDERED, That said petition will be heard on the .tlst day of March, 1913, at 2 o'clock p. m. That all per sons Interested In said estate may appear at County Court on said date, and show cause if any there be why said petition should not be granted i and that notice of the pen dency of said petition and of snid hearing be given to all persons In terested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order In the Alliance Herald, a weekly newspaper pub lished in said county three successive weeks prior to said hearing. L. A BERRY. ( SEAL! County Judge. 212-1 141 LEGAL NOTICE Serial No. 04012. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, Feb. 19, 1913. NOTICE Is hereby given that THOMAS B. SHREWSBURY, of Ellsworth, Nebraska, who, on March 19, 1909. made Homestead En try, Serial No. 04012, for EVfr SEVi SWii, Sec. 8. SWV4SW4, Sec. 9, NV4NEV4 of Sec. 17, Township 24 N.. Range 43 W. of 6th Principal Merid ian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before Register and Receiv er. IT. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the twenty-first day of June, 191;:. Claimant names ns witnesses: William R. Christie. Herman Dob ler, Ike M. Shrlner, Virgil E. Wills, all of Ellsworth, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD, Register Sheriff. Sale By virtue of an order of sale di rected to me from the Clerk of the District Court of Box Butte county. Nebraska, on a decree rendered in said court on the 17th day mj Darat ber, A. D. 1912. In favor of It M. Hampton, as plaintiff, ami against Walfrid Johnson and Clara Johnson, as defendant, for the sum of one hundred forty five dollars and sixty five (cans, with interest at in per cent and accruing costs, and direct ins that the premises thereiu de scribed, towlt: Lot number seven teen (17 I in block number twenty (20) In the first additiou to the town of Alliance, Box Butte countv, Ne braska, be appraised, advertised and sold us upon -v it two, to satisfy Serial No. 09895. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, Feb. 20, 1913. NOTICE Is hereby given that CHARLES If. CAREY, Of Lakes.ide, Nebraska, who, on Sep ti niber 28, 1909, made Homestead BBlry, Serial No. 09895, Tor SVNE4, N',, Sec. 5. E4NE'. Sec. 6, T. 2.!, N . it. 4:; W., SV6SEV or Section 31, SVj.'VV4 of Section 32, town ship li N . raiuy.e 43 W. of 6th Prin cipal Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three-Year proof, to establish claim to the land aboVu described, before Register and Receiver. lT. 8. Land Office, at Alli ance, Ncbrasku, on the twenty-sev-eaith day of June, 191'. Claimant names as witnesses: R. A. Cook, of Lakeside, Nebraska: A. W. Tyler, of Lakeside. Nebraska; Frank Defiance, of Ellsworth, Ne braska; Or E Black, of Ellsworth, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD, Register. LEGAL NOTICE St rial No. 011270. Notice for Publication Department of the interior, V. 8. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, March 1. 191.; Notice Is hereby given thai PETER JOSEPH ROCK. of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on Ap ril 19, 1910, made Home stead Entry, Serial No OII270, for SE,4, Section 7; SNW'4, HWV4, WVfeSB, Sec tion 8, N4NK4, NViNWVi, Section 17, in Township 24 North, Range fl West of Sixth Principal Meridian. hr.3 filed notice f intention to make finui three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, Unit ed States Land Office, at Alliance. Nebraska, on the 19th day cf July, 1913. Claimant nanus as lOne.sfes: Frank Harvey, Ootleib Seidler, Rcbert J. Simonson, Martin Ro. k, all of Alliance, Nebraska. Serial No. 011271. And MARTIN ROCK. of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on Ap ril 19, 1910, made Homestead I. mm Serial No. 011271. for SKSK Sec 1, T. 24 N.. R. 47 W., and SW.Sec tion 6, Township 24 North, Range 46 Wtal cf Sixth Principal Meridian, lias filed notice of in nt.on to mak. final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, befcre Register and Receiver, Unit ed States Land Ofrice. at Alliaii c. Ntbraska, on the 19th day of July, 19U. Claimant name aa witnesses: Frank Harvey, Cotleib Se.dler, Robert J. Simonson, Peter Joseph Rock, all of Alliance, Nebraska W W. WOOD, Register. 15 7t i - Dr. King's New Discovery Soothes Irritated throat ami lungs, stops chronic and hacking cough, re lieves tickling throat, taates nice, take no other: ouce used, always used. Buy It at Fred E ilolsten's. Advt -Feb 6 27 Big New Stock arriving Come and take your choice of Henney Buggies and Spring Wagons FARM WAGONS The low down Manure Spreader, the only practicable spreader on the market I. L. ACHESON tHush children, its daddy taikinf. A Distant Message It is wonderful how muoh plonsnro can be obtained from a talk over the Hell Telephone. To the members of the family who are away, it is so pleasant to hear the laughing, cheery voices of the home folks over the telephone. To be of the greatest value the telephone must make neighbor of everyone everywhere. Bel Telephone service takes no heed 'of city limits or state lines. Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everywhere. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY a nt HIDES TANNED Ask Us About Custom Tan fling We can sine ytu .:0 to 50 pe: nt oil tire a j; cf Xcn's Fur S, Lad!' Far ('cats, For Robes. Mi. . , Rugl ; :d LadUl' Fura u all kinds We an giv you the best lu. r:tn ic! rtxa ;3 cheap yoa can't afford to b. wl hout thrui. Don't ell Yt ur Bet Mit!e ;ird Skills Bring them to us, we will hac Ih. m mad: up jjst as you wint t::ri YOU TAKE NO RISK. EOES $1000.00 GUARANTEE PROTECTS YOU We r. i. ent the KDKS ROUK TANNING I . rha firm that origin ated the Ccatcn ToAain! l;-.sines and bandits nearly half of it. A.-k us for Tric-es and Samples. We ..-an give you lower nri: es than you can secure from any other tannery. MARKS HARNESS COMPANY Have Him Diagnose Your Case Dr. E. J. PORTER A highly successful Specialist in Chronic Diseases BOTH MEDICAL AND SURGICAL will, bv soecul request, be in ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA t the DRAKE HOTEL FRIDAY. MARCH ?8th, wtrre all afflicted people lo the com ,n unity may consult the noted special ist free of charge. Or I'orter la a graduate of Kush Medical Culteite of Chicago, class of 1878. Ilia post graduate instruction together with thirty-three years of successful pract ice ami hard stud uakea In in one of the foremost consulting specialists of today. Offices: 738-740 State Bank Bldg., Omaha