A Matter of Choice If you want a cur iosity, buy a I ''ly ing Machine. If you want Reliability, have your PHOTO taken at the : : Alliance Art Studio 114 E. 4th St. Phone 111 DAVID LIVINGSTONE Centenary Celebration by the Woman's Presbyterial of Box Butte Presbytery l j WAS GREAT EXPLORER Hnznl-Mc-nthnl Plastrra An pff'-ctirr, jwin relieving platter contain ing Mnthnl. Brings welcome relief in Lumbago, Htieinnntism. Hciatica anil other painful affection. Yard rolls $1.00; alto 95c aize. Hold by druggist or mailed on receipt of pTloe. IlsvU Lawrence Co.. New Tork. iiiile mailed upon request. Sc. stamps. O. H. MOON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Any kind of Plans furnished. You are invited to inspect my work. Satisfaction guaranteed Shop, 424 Miss. Phone. Red 440 BRENNANS CORNER Opal Fountain Best Luncheonettes Hot and Cold Drinks Served by an Experience!) Mm 1 The Pureist and Most Delicious Home Made Candies Our Own Candy-Maker Makes Them Daily Already the most popular line of caildv iii the citv "Forth to the fight he fared. High things and great he dared. In his Master's might to spread the light. Right mightily wrought he. He greatly loved He grewtly lived And died right mightily." At lilantyre. Scotland, on March I.:, ISIS, David Livingstone, the great African explorer and mission ary. waB born. Centenary celebra tions of this event have been quite general In churches cf various de nominations. The Woman's Presby terial of the Freaby tery of Box Butte, oiuprlslng the pan handle of western Nebraska, will hold their nineteenth an nual meeting at Scott sbluff. Wednes day and Thursday, March 2fi and 27. In raOOgnM Ion of the hundredth annivers ;n of the birth of David Mvingstone. a "Livingstone O n tenary Program" has been prepared. Rev. D. W. Mont gomery, pastor van gellst of the pres bytery, has had pro grams printed in the form of a beau tiful folder contain ing cuts of Living stone and the house in which he was born. We repro duce these cuts here but, of course, they do not pre sent as artistic ap pearance as in the program, which was printed In colors. Following quota tions from Living stone's writings were printed in the program : "The end of geographical feat la only the beginning of the mission ary enterprise." "We are the idherenhs of a be nlsn. holy religion, and may by con sistent conduct and wise, patient ef forts become the harbingers of peace to a hitherto distracted aid down trodden race." "I beg to direct your attention to Africa: 1 know- that in a few year3 1 shall be cut off in that country, which is now open do not let it be 10:30 Making the Most of Our Lit erature Mrs. J. F. lewis Discussion 11:00 Business Hour Roll Call, Re ports of Committees, etc. 12:00 Recess THURSDAY AFTKRNOON Mrs. Wm. Bignell presiding 2:00 Devotional Service Mrs. A. L. Conklin 2:15 Experience Meeting How We Do Things Mrs. F. F. Kverett ssl - Wat, dl PI k Aliens Cough Balsam an excellent remedy lor Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, and such complaints. Keep It by you lor an emergency. Conialnm no harmful drug. Lars. Mi Haw end Small Settles. DAVIS MWIENCE CO.. NEW V01K. 7:45 Address: David Livingstone's First Love China Rev. T. C. Osborne 8:;10 A Look Forward Mrs. J. B. Butter Adjournment Cough Medicine for Children. Too much care connot he used in selecting a cough medicine for children. It should be pleasant to take, contain no harmful sub stance and be most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets theae requirements and is a farorite with the mothers of young children erery where, for sale by all Dea lers. Advertisement. For sale by F. E. Holi- en Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright Phone 71. tf Mrs. S. L. Ralls of the Bonner neighborhood drove to Alliance laE; week and was detained in town by the atorm. She did not return home till Tuesday of this week. While here she enrolled as a subscriber to The Herald and will hereafter re ceive Its weekly visits. DAVID LIVINGSTONE The White-Man Who-Would -Go-On Discussion ;i:00 The lips and Downs of Twen ty Years. Mrs. O. L. Wilson 3:15 The Rural Society Mrs. Anna Golden 3:30 Forward Movements Mrs. J. B. 'Butte r. I'n s. Ne braska Synod'.oal 4:00 Unfinished Business 5:00 Recess THURSDAY EVENING Mrs. C. H. Speith presiding 7:.!0 Devotional Service Mrs. Frances Elliott "I Am Well" writes Mrs. L. R. Barker, of Bud, Ky., "and can do all my housework. For years 1 suffered with such pains, I could scarcely stand on my feet After three different doctors had failed to help me, I gave Cardui a trial Now, I feel like a new woman." e 58 Take CARDUI Tha Woman's Tonic A woman's health de pends so much upon her delicate organs, that the least trouble there affects her whole system. It is the little tilings that count, in a woman's life and health. If you suffer from any of the aches and pains, due to womanly weakness, take Cardui at once, and avoid more seri ous troubles. We urge you to try it Begin today. RINi Bar ' iii Mi ' ! i sit jffi MtssMtftkifcw lB Hk- vrHeM HsLilk i&JHniifl V. F. Beardon of Dorchester. Ne- br.. a brother of Engineer B. W. Beardon, stopped in Alliance a few- days the fore part of the week for a visit on his return from a trip to Billings, Mont. Coughs Are Dangerous Very frequently they lead to very serious results. No cough should ev er be neglected. Just as soon as it occurs a remedy should be sought. We believe that the very best treatment obtainable for coughs of any description is Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup. v e sell it un der a positive guarantee that if It noes not satisfy you and relieve your cough your money back. Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup helps destroy the disease germs which are common causes of coughs It hi lps check violent spasms or the krone hial tubes and tends to soothe the Inflamed membranes and nerves,, put'ing them In a condition of rest so that the injured tissues may have a chance to heal. Hexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup has. a thoroughly agreeable tasle and Is tonally good for young children or rilder people. 25 cents, 50 cents and $1. Sold In this community only at our store The Rexall Store F. E. Holsten. Gaines Chapman's address is changed from Malinda to Alliance. He will travel the coming summer as inissii nary for the American Sun day School Union and finds It con venient to make this city his head iuai;ers, hence moved in recently. A new lot of ladles' large aprons and diMt caps Just received at Don ton's Banntr Variety Store. Advt -15-2M97.! RETURNS FROM WISCONSIN Edward Schultz. one of Th Her ald's Garden county Lubscribei , ar rived in Atlicuce Monday morn.. , on his return from Markeson. ..is win re he hrd been spending three months with home folks. He was ac coiiuianicd by his brother. Frank Si butts, who will spend the spring and summer in this country and max decide to locate here permanently. I v . vw - Bill I'll PLACE OF D AVID LIVINGSTONE B'antytv. Scotland The or'.gln: ! (SC&Cfrspb was purchased in David Livlnr .tone's birth oc in. iii this o!d oa'Uu:: , and Is r ei.rodu.-cd h:rc thr.:uv;li the courtesy 1 1 The Continent. Straight at It. mmm There it no use of our "beating around the I) mil." We might a well out with it first a last. We want you to trr thamier lain' Cough Remedy the next time you have a cough or cold. There is no reason to far as we can see why you should not dc so. This preparation by its remarkable cures hat antined a world wide reputation and ueoule everywhere sneak of it in the highest terms of praise. It it for sale by all Ota.ers. Aoveruseiiieiu. For sale by F. E. Hols en IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE tlBKAABVQBM9VHfctit2-i fibuBSk Let USjM TOWS- SALE BVLLJ found s Care for KbeuniatUm. "1 suffered with rhi-ouialuun for two years and could not get u.y right hand to niy mouth for that length of time," writes Lee I. Chapman, Mapiettm, Iowa. "1 suffered terrible pain to 1 SOU Id oat sleep or lie still at night. Five jeuit ago 1 began using auiberlain'a Liniment and in two month 1 tat well and have not suffered with rheu ltiatitrn since." For tale by all dealers. Advert itemeut. For salt- by r K Hois en shut sgatu! I gc ki !; io Afrit a to try to make an g;n p;t'a tor com ' '.i. t,d Clu'st ai.i.y ; dc; you car vy o. the work which 1 have b.- un 1 Wave ii wiih you!" "I will place no value on anything I have cr may possess, except in re lation to the Kingdom of Chris!. If I anything will advance the Interests rf that Kingdom, it shall be- given j away or kept, only as by giving cr J kitpiug cf It I yhall promoti the glory of Him to whom I owe all my ; hope. in lime and eternity." Program WEDNESDAY EVKNINC, Mrs. D. W. Montgomery presiding 7: JO Uv ' :ial Service Rev. T. C. Osborn 8:00 Address: lesor.s from the Life cf Livingstone .. David Wallace Montgomery Apt.in:meiH of Committees and Announcements S:(mi Who's Who Re--r mi t ii.n Service THURSDAY MORN1NC. Mm. Anna R. Golden presiding !:;i0 Devotional Service Mrs. J G. Woodman MMM How the Prayer Cycle Works Mrs. L. R. North Discussion .1 mm Received Highen Award World' j Pure Food Exposition CALUMET BAKING POWDER The wonder of h-ilr. k Ei II Powders Calumet. Pd Wonderful powers its umformiev. j j its never failing results, its purity. Wonderful in its ecnnnmv It costs less than the hich-nricp trust brands, but it is worth as i mucn. It costs a trifle more than the cheap and big can kind; it is -worth more. But prove its real economy in the baking Um CALUMET the Modern tvaking Powder. At all Grocers. mm 0 Land Value Almost Doubled HEN a Lee county, Illinois, farmer bought a run down 400-acre farm, his neighbors thought he had made a bad bargain. After three years' soil treatment by scientific methods, he raised more than eighty bushels of corn to the acre on land that produced less than thirty bushels the first year he farmed it. It is no longer unusual for us to get reports from farmers who have been using manure spreaders consistently for periods ranging from three to five years, to the effe ct that their land is regularly raising so much more produce that the value of the land io almost doubled. I H C Manure Spreaders are made in various styles and sizes to meet all conditions. The low machines are not too low to be hauled, loaded, through deep mud or snow. I H C spreaders are made with trussed steel frames in wide, medium and narrow styles; all of guaranteed capacity. There are both return and endless aprons. In short, there is an I H C spreader built to meet your conditions and made to spread manure, straw, lime, or ashes as required. I H C spreaders will spread manure evenly on the level, going up hill, or down. The wheel rims are wide and equipped with Z-shaped lugs, which provide ample tractive power. The rear axle is located well under the body and carries most of the load. The apron moves on large rollers. The beater drive is posi tive, but the chain wears only one side. The I H C dealer will show you the most effective machine for your work. You can get cata logues from him, or, if you prefer, write International Harvester Company of America llncoruoraitd) Crawford Neb, issssZsssssssss 111 muni II Old Trusty Incubators, Brooders and Repairs Incubators $10.00, $12.50, $16.50 Newberry's I Hardware Co. MEN AND BOYS BHFORE buying your foot wear, see M. D. Nichols' stock of New Shoes. Better oods and lower prices. It wont cost you anything to look at them, Remember the place, at the sign of the boot. 217 Box Butte avenue. ....... ndj . t ttttti 1 1 11T1T1 iTiTi If You Doctored 19 Years For RHEUMATISM And eventually found BSSBStSSM ,httt 've It out ot your lyttem would you tell verlody you could about it or would you keep the aoerel lo yourself I think one should tell, and If you write an ol.l suffer r h vMII 'ell you what drove it from her at a coat af mm ISM l-OO. Fleaae bear in Bated i hay, i,,,dlc(Be or tneri'handite of any kind to aell. to you need not he backward in vending for in formation. I want to kelp you and will give you all the information wnhjui one pefll deposit. 1 t-en neve, fornet how I KufTeivd fron, K leumatiem and now erta ted 1 was for a Ion tli.ie and ii .w-no ll:n, i t , ,, ,,., ,,f ., av ' T.ut it why I am not asking you to tend mone f.jr something you know noihma b..ut. at I reaiiz.' how maio UtSra air who a.k t lot and a:v net 1 11 no " postage for reply " esss MRS. M. Z. COLLY. Aputmrnt 100. 117 to Leat-on it.. CHICAGO.