flf WHAT IT ft -THEN SUDDENLY F,Nft5 OUT, rnere TlOOlsn Cemtl f rOm. The Hebrews who live In Germany speak the German language, using among themaelves a peculiar dialect called "Yiddish " that term being It self a corrupt form of the Germsn word Yudlsch Russian Hebrews also use this language, while by a curious chain of historic events Turkish M brews speak Spanish. Printed Yid dish shows an Interesting combina tion of languages, the words being essentially German, but printed In He, brew characters Christian Herald. Made in Nebraska New Berry In Demand. The losanberrv. a hybrid of th ' blackberry and raspberry. Is aald to ! make the finest of Jellies, Jams and j pies. Introduced a few years ago In I the west, its popularity has been steadily increasing, and the demand now outruns the supply. Western , Oregon and Washington are the greatest producers of the new berry GOING TO THE WEDDING Ittl-H VKTaaUaWW" (9 r i f i-4ii eilal rJauaViBv Tjfo'laRBJ'nntKK t Bishop Not Qualified. Comments by the blHhop of London (Dr. Ingram) on the fnlllng birth rate were quoted by counsel in a case In the Clerkenwell county court, when Judge Cluer remarked: "What hus the bishop to do with it? He is not mar rled. Example is better rhan pre cept." To the Point. All the world Is so closely akin that not one Individual may realize his high desire except all the world tthare It with him. Every good thought you send out la a silent power working for peace, health, love. Joy, success to all humanity Including yourself. Elisa beth Towne. 8UN3HINE CRACKERS 'S box Krispy Crackers .75 kt box Soda Crackers 75 Kull box soda crackers, weigh ing about 20 lbs., at 7 C SKINNER'S MACARONI Hlbow macaroni 10 Spaghetti 10 VemicelH .10 Mev.zani Macaroni 10 JEFFERSON BRAND SORGHUM Made at Endicot, Nebraska Absolutely pure, in gallon paals .HO JAM PURE HOME MADE Quart Mason Jars Peach Jam .25 Pint Mason Jars tJnipc Ian 20 SOAP Diamond (' soap, loo bars in box. Eoi ....... 3.t5 Paiirl W'liiii soan lnx of 100 bar lor LOO BLUEING AND AMMONIA MADE IN ALLIANCE j Vi Sacks In Pint Bottles 48-lb. sack In cent eOB, for .25 Two 48-lb. sacks H for .85 NEBRASKA GROWN NAVY BEANS ! 4-lb. sack Fancy goods, at per pound .... 6 ! Two 48-lb. sac ks VICTOR FLOUR Tuberculosis Tuberculosis or consumption Is rare In childhood: increases rapidly after the age of fifteen, and Is moat com mon between the ages of twenty-five and thirty. Those who escape it till the latter age are less and less prone to it as they advance in years. Loose Screws. Very often a screw hole gets so worn that the screw will not Btay in. i In such a case cut narrow stripe of i corn and fill the hole completely. Then ! force the screw In. This will make 1 It as tight as If driven into an en i tlrely new hole. In Lunnon. First Workman (disgusted) These blinkin' furrlncrs comes a 'obnobbln wlv us in the toobs and buses and lumme, they gits to tork llengllsli very nigh as good as me and you, Hill not 'arf, they don't! Punch. Clove Protector. To ward off a hole in a kfd "Rovo where the fingernails cut through, las ten a small niece of kid of the same we color to the seams on the Inside of the finger and the glove will last for 1 . " weeks. 2.65 RED R 1.30 2.55 A full line of the best goods on the market on hand all the time House Hunting. Prospective Tenants "There's one great disadvantage about this house: it is damp." Landlord That's no dis advantage. If a fire were to break out It wouldn't burn nearly so fast." Alliance Grocery Co. Prevents Cracks. A small amount of vaselin rubbed Into patent leather' shoes occasionally will keep them soft and prevent crack ing. Footwear of this leather should be kept treed when not In use. I Please accept our FREE H fiJ LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT COMPANY. OMAHA. NEB. I Pleatc scad nc FREE "Surprise Box" of aortcJ Suashioc Uiseuils. otiaaaaa V Address Grocer's Name Address " 1 ' -i By AMY GADSDEN. "I went downtown and bought Lucy's wedding gift today," said the girl when conversation lagged a bit. "It was real fun.'' "I went to school with Lucy, but she didn't ask me to her wedding or to the reception," said the young man caller. "I wish to goodness she had. Surely one's schoolmates ought to be asked If anybody is." "The reception is going to be small," said the girl, soothingly. "The house isn't large you know." "They've invited the whole town to the wedding all but me." "Well, It's too bad. I don't see, though, how you can go when you're not asked." "If there was any way to slip me In you a tnink or tt, woman i you: saia the young man. "Couldn't I pretend to be a butler or something?' "Butlers wouldn't be at the wed ding." exclaimed the girl. "You ro thinking of ushers. Somebody might drop her curd of admission out of the church window to you." "She might get caught and thrown out. Do people have to have cards to the reception, too?" "No, you walk rlglit in for that, but you couldn't do it without being caught. They'd know you weren't asked.' "I'd give a lot to go to the wed ding, anyhow." "I didn't know you were so craxy over weddings." "It isn't weddings I'm craxy over," said the young man, with a sigh. But I bet you're going to let Sam Meadows take you." He hasn't asked me yet. but if he wants to take me I don't see why I shouldn't go with him and enjoy myself." No, I suppose not. A girl can't imagine going with Sam and not hav ing the time of her life." "I didn't say that." "No, but you thought it, apparently. And here I am, craxy to go, and you won't even think up a practical way to smuggle me In." 'If you had called there recently you'd have received an invitation." 1 didn't want to call there. There was another place where I preferred to go." "Dear me! What a popular young man." "I didn't say a lot of placeB," he protested. "But you know I haven't got very much time and I'd rather be here than anywhere else." "That's very kind of you," she said smiliiiK. "Hut you Hee what you ve lost by it you can't go to the W9& ding." "Oh. bother!" he cried I don't care a thing about that wedding." "Why you said you wi re cra.y to go!" ' I am. Hut If you wii.n't going I'd not care at all." "May-tor I won't go. Mother and father will be away and It may happen that Sain will take somebody else." "That Isn't likely. He's been hern every evening for months." "Please don t exaggerate." "Well, he's been here every time I have. And now he can take you to the doings and I've got to sit back and smile like an anel and look aa if I liked it." "You won't even see us." "No, but I know just what a good time Sam will have. There won't be a pr. titer girl there than you are.' "Sam 11 think differently." she said with a laugh. Sam's awfully Interest ed in my cousin Mary, who's one of the bridesmaids. lie always talks about her every miuute when he calls here. You see, they had a quarrel and be came here to get news of her It's all right now. I was the peace maker, by the way." "Then you're not going!" cried the young man joyfully. "Can I come over that evening?" "I think you're horrid," she pouted. "I'm crazy to go to the wedding.' "And I'm crazy about you!" he blurted out. "I've been trying to tell you all the evening, I want you to marry me!" "Well, why It's so " "You know I love you." he said. "I couldn't stand it to think of your go ing with Sam when 1 wanted so to take you." "You can go now!" she cried, secur ing possession of her own hands and proceeding to clap them "One's fiance, you know, is always included!' Chi cago Daily News. ells Uhoes Look Over His Line Hanan, Edwin Burn E. P. Reed, and Sherwood Ladles' line Is the finest line shown west of Chicago by any retail dealer. Look Them Over Monarch No- 1 Dip 1 to 75 Cures Scabs. Chases Flies, Sure Death to Lice Certificate of Government Approval on every can THE BEST FOR Sheep, Cattle, Horses, Poultry and Hogs USE IT NOW Guaranteed by RoC Chemical Concern. Lincoln, Nebr. so.a by . L. ACHESON We are prepared to do your Fancy Cabinet Work We operate a planing mill in connection with our large Lumber Yard and are able to turn out high grade work. Get our prices on Wood Tanks, Storm Doors or Porches, in fact, anything you wish made to order. FOREST LUMBER CO. TELEPHONE 73 Mr. Man: ore You Build or Repair, Let Mice Didn't Care. Little Dorothea is one of those chil dren whose danger signal is silence. When she Is still, she is in mischief. The other day her mother became aware of the quiet which boded trou ble. She was about to look for the child when, at that moment. Dorothea came in, her face rosy with happiness and her mouth covered with crumbs "Where have you been, Dorothea?" aaked her mother. "What are you eating?" ' CheeBe," said the young lady, calmly Cheese? Where did you get It, dear?" in the tuouf-trap " "In the mouse-trap!" exclaimed her mother, horrified. "O. yeth!" "Hut what will the mice do? They won't have any cheese." "O, dey don't care, mamma! Dey was two moufles In de trap, and dey didn't care a bit." Earnest Rosenberger FIGURE WITH YOU OX ALL KINDS OF Carpentering and Contracting Jobs taken, large or small, jobbing a Specialty. Estimates and Plan I Furnished Free. Rates Reasonable. Work Guaranteed. of hu- Oood Test Has Mrs Bifferis a mor?" "I'm afraid not. I've seen her look at Mr. Hlffels a number of til Without iw iwlUax " HEMINGFORD, NF BR ASK A Coughs Are Dangerous I'ri'j trequtiitly they ImkI to very serious results. No cough should ev- r be neglected. Just as soon us it occurs a remedy should be sought. We believe that the very best treatment obtainable for coughs of any description is Kexall Cherry Murk Cough Syrup. We sell It un der a positive guarantee that if it uoes not satisfy you and relieve your cough your money back. Kexall Cherry Hark Cough tffW helps destroy the disease germs wntch are common cause of coughs. It ! In ohecJi violent spasms of the I rouchial tubes and tends to soothe the inflamed membranes and nerves, poring them in a condition of rest so that the injured tissues may have ' a chance to heal. Kexall Obanry Bark Cough Syrup : has a thoroughly agreeable taste and is uMially good for young children or older people. 25 cents, 60 cents and j t. Sold lu this community only at our store -The Kexall Store P. K. Moisten.