By joining the Orkin Brothers Piano Club you can own a good piano for less than it will cost to rent ( CtlGclty 0 to any Pano store yu w'sh anc' rcnt a piano, They will charge you $5 and u Cf cartage. The cartage will amount to anywhere from $3.00 to $6. 00, according to location. The use of the piano afterwards will cost you $5 a month maybe in some instances it may only cost you $4 but in either case you only get a second-hand piano and you only get the use of it. You don't own it. By joining the Orkin Brothers Piano Club you start immediately to own your own piano. You are paying on your own instrument. f( SgFT ) SjilHUBHHl 1 ,1c vcrv t,rst Payment you V-J Mm&&& ' .(ID v! make $8.75 while it does not much r.A A PhHHLLHI more than pay for the delivery, yet it is credited to your account. The bal- i si V kN v COPYWGrVT I9H BV MaWTIIM!CWiC i a nee is payable $1.25 a week. Seven tee n cents a day. The piano is delivered im mediately. You do not have to wait until the club Who should join the club 1st YouriK H)&rriel folks should Join ih club. til I Young couples ABOUT TO BE MARRIED should Join the club. Inl Young persons who are anxious to learn to play the pittno, but who, through farce of circum stances, will have to buy and pay for tiielr own instruments. 4th Music (metiers who art1 Just starting their professional career should Join. 5th Societies, clubs, lodges and Sun day schools that have small stat ed Incomes should take advan tage of the easy condition of MM lub is filled. You get your piano when you join. There is nothing added in the way of extra charges. No cartage to pay no inter est added. Simply pay the intitial club dues of $8.75 on joining the club then a dollar and a quarter a week as regular dues, until $277.50 has been paid and you own the piano yourself. The w hole proposition is easier and simpler than renting a piano that the other fellow owns after you are through with it These pianos are worthy of a place in any man's home They are of a most reliable and trustworthy character. Good substantial pianos in which the real value is put on the Inside rather than in fancy cases with a whole lot of "geegaws" on them. We have handled this qual ity of piano for a number of years. We know it to be as reliable a piano as was ever put in a home. They are made by good, sturdy German labor in one of the representative factories of the country. These pianos are worth $375. They sell regularly for $375. Hundreds of them have been sold all over Ne braska and the surrounding states at $375. Hundreds more are being sold everv month all over the United States at $375. They are worth It. They are worth it on our floors, or on the floors of any reputable piano dealer in the country. The Orkin Brothers Piano C lub price is $277.50. The price includes everything. There are no extras of any kind. ISo interest to be added. Nothing to be added for drayage, scarf, stool abso lutely no extras. Two hundred and seventy-seven dollars and fifty cents is the price, anil the price Includes everything. i A stronger guarantee cannot be put upon a piano than the one we give with these We know these pianos so well we know them to be so good that we have gotten up the strongest guarantee to go with them we know how to make. If the English language can make one stronger we are willing to sign it. we nave eliminated every "if" and every "doubt.' The language of the guarantee is the spirit of it; w hich is to give each and ev ery person who purchases one or these instruments positive and absolute protection. We print herewith copy of the guarantee which is handed to each and every club member In writ ing the moment they join the club. Can you think Of or suggest a guarantee that will 1 e stronger."- ORKIN BROS. PIANO CLUB FIVE YEAR GUARANTEE We guarantee Orkin Brother Club Piano (No. . ) to be free from defective material and workmanship for the period of five years from date. Should same arise within that time, we agree to repair it or replace it if necessary with a new instrument without charge, upon its re turn to us. (Signed) ORKIS BROTHERS. Orkin Brothers player-piano club We liavt inaugurated a PLAYER PIANO i -Iul in i -onncctiim with our 101 piano lub. Tin- price ot these Hub PLAYER PIANOS is 467 lol lurs mill 50 ciats the Uniih arc 1 17.60 rHB K1R8T PAYMENT AND 2 DOLLARS A W KKK WITHOUT IN TICK EST ADDBD. Them PLAYER 1'IANOS have ne . er been sHd tCt less ihau $ if.d, will, terms of $50 do.-n ud !S nwBth, with Interval adihi Ht tin- rata o 7 per cent. rills in -he I i rs time, nc. far an our kniw'itlge goes, thai huHi trust wor hy instruments have h en nffernl foi -.n. upoo.aocb popslar terms as 17 POM. AKS AND .in I'KM'S TDK KIRST I'AYMKNT AND 2 DOL LARS A WEEK WITHOUT INTEREST ADDED Thcte PLAYKK PIANOS are STANDARD M NOTE players- that is Hi e Club I'l.AYKIi PIANOS PLAY EVERY NOT! ON TDK PIANO wht.n Hi niu.-ie roll i as in motion We give you an unconditional guaran t Willi these Hub PLAYER PIANOS. Hie PLAYER-PI VNO club will tCiuUl or lo ttembe. The PI. A YER -PIANO eiub lilt'iiilic. can lake their choice be twe n two of the best PLAYER-PIANOS on the market. The PLAYER-PIANO Hub pru is HIT dollutx .uxl 5i rent.-. The suin.i- to eaHi PLAYER-PIANO Hub member is JIK2.50. Tin PLAYER.Pl ANO Hub me saber ha" no INTEREST TO PAY. Th leima to PLAYER PIANO Hub numbers are $17.50 cash and I doUftfH I Vesft or, putting it in another way, PLAYER-PIANO Hub i till Lilt hnvt -."-'.S w , k in whli h to iav for their PLAYER PIANO. Ka h PLAYER PIANO Hub member has Hit use of 1.004 music rolls PR KB. PLAYER PIANO Huh members secure Hie ER EE life of the great Orkin Brothers Muic R ill Library K a PLAYER PIANO Hub mi mbcr dies during the life of his cou I:. ni we will iiiiineiliately cancel all future payments and send a rtciipt in full to his family for the Instrument. i I Special attention will be givi.i to correspondence and inquiries. Ad dress all communications to ORKIN BROS., Alliance, Neb. Some of the well known makes of pianos from our regular lines that will be offered in connection with thit great sale of pianos at a sub stantial reduction: Checkering A Son, Kurtsman, Ivors A Pond, Hunt ington, Sterling, Segerstrom, and Packard pianos. formerl the Bennett Co., Larget Dealers ol Higb Grade Pianos in the West) ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE