The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 06, 1913, Image 8

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rintime is
SPRINGTIME means plenty of work
for the busv housekeeper. It is the
time when the house is papered and BP
til- i i m
the woodwork painted, botn insiae ana
out. We are exclusive representatives here for two bi
wall paper factories. Latest designs are arriving daily.
Call and let us help you select your paper from this
immense stock.
We carry the Lincoln brands of paint, the largest
and most varied line in the country. Any color and
shade you desire in paints, stains,
varnishes, etc., at this store.
Prompt service your orders will
always be given careful attention.
Brushes, oils, etc., at prices that
sell the goods, while quality is
our watchword.
You want the latest and best in
Our new spring stock has just arrived, and with our
trimming department in charge of Mrs. M. Fitzpatrick
from D. B. Fisk & Co. of Chicago, we can please you
Also, new stock of
Ladies' and Misses' Underwear, Hosiery
"W. B." Corsets, Gloves, Laces
Embroideries, etc.
New line of
Art Materials and Fancy Work
Best Goods at Lowest Prices
Opera House Block
Alliance, Nebraska
308 B Butte Ave.
Alliance, Nebr., March 7th, 1913.
Gentlemen : -
He had long hair and a pensive look. He wrote a poem
entitled, "Why Do I Live?" He signed it Augustus-and sent it to a
magazine. The editor wrote him as follows: "My dear Augustus,
the reasoh you live is because you sent the poem by mail instead
of bringing it personally." That's reason enough.
The reason many Clothing Men are living today is because
they were not there when the poor victims put on their suits.
We are not afraid to be "among those present" with anybody
who wears "Modern Clothes for Men", because they fit and please.
All you have to do to confirm this is to "ask the man who wears
them" .
E..G.. Laing will be "among those present" with you
whenever you may call and will show you, in the 1913 Spring lines,
some reasons why "Modern Clothes for Men" are always at least one
season ahead of competition.
Yours very truly,
cz j?
Thru gentleman, who is tits propri
etor of Alliance':- factory, has
l)ci n mayor of the city and is a
prominent lodge mun. lie has 'held
other important public positions, lie
came to Alliance when it started and
has been with the town ever since.
the practice of low. He is an auth
ority on legal matters and has held
prominent public position, lie was
the first county superintendent of
the county and was county attorney
from 189;! to 1897. He handles the
business of the Alliance Building; &
lx)an association, which is a strong
financial institution.
Mr. Gllnian has an extensive and
lucrative law practice.
Prcd Mollring. iiK:iibr of Hie in
surance firm of Snodtly Mollring,
successors to the Nt sen Klttcher
Wre Insurance Company, held the of
fice of county treasurer for two
u i ms and has always taken a prom
inent part in our pub'ic life. He
has a host of friends and his firm
. n joys a large business.
came to Alliance in 1894 from Knox
county, Illinois. He has practiced
medicine for many years and was
mayor of Alliance two terms. No
one Is better known than Hr. Bell
wood throughout western Nebraska.
Police Judge (Iregory Zurn and
wife have the honor of being the
flist couple to marry in Box Butte
county. He located in Box Butte
county In 1886. He has held a num
b r of public positions and is prom
inent in fraternal orders.
Tom Fielding, a leading tailor of
Alliance, located in this city in 1892.
He lias a wide acquaintance in the
west- and can tell some mighty in
teresting stories of the history of Al
liance. S
K. II. Boyd, attorney, has a flour
ishing law business. He eaine to
Alliance In 190.!. He is city attorney
and is highl) regarded in profession
al droit i.
Dr. K. M Knight is president of
Hit Alliance National Bank, a strong
financial iiistituti.iu. Hi came to
Box Butte nun y betjre the start
lag ol Alllan.-e and located a Njn
pari il, at.erw ards COW lag to Allium c
and starling It's bank. Hi owns a
large amount of Alliance property
and has a high staiidin" in ill. com
munity. AL WIKER
Al Wlker. Hgtnt for the I'uluc
Kishburn tlranite Company, of Grantl
Island, came to Box Butte tounty in
187 and to Allianct In 1889. was in
the hotel busini s for a number of
years and served very creditably km
county sheriff.
Junge lit I ry (nine to Box Butte
county in 19.!. He has held the of
fice Of county judge for a number of
years and has a good reputation In
his chosen profession.
formerly one of the
owners in the county.
largest land
George D. Caddis located on a
homestead in Box Butte county in
1885 and later accumulated a large
ranch three miles south of Alliance.
He ha now retired and is living in
Alliance, but still retains his large
ranch holdings.
A man who has made a conspicu
ous success since coming to Alliance
good many years ago is K. E. Hoi
sten, proprietor of a large and flour
ishing drug and Jewelry business. He
is also vice president of the Alliance
National Bank. He is owner of a
large amount of Box Butte county
land and Alliance property.
W. W. Norton is proprietor of the
largest store In western Nebraska.
He started in business here before
the town of Alliance was started,
locating his first building just east
of where the fair grounds are locat
ed. Part of the lumber in this
building; was hauled from Chadron.
iHe came here first to go into the
insurance, land and loan business
but a short time afterwards started
a flour and feed business, later on
getting into the general merchan
dise line, which he now handles.
Mr Norton has, knowing some
thing of what the future of this
country Is to be, accumulated over
8,000 acres of Box Butte county land,
and is continually adding more to
his holdings when opportunity ol
ii rs
B. K. Oilman, attorney, came to
Box Butti county iu March, 1887, aud
for a year edited the Box Butte Ke
publicun, afterwards euterin upon
Mr. Gregg was the second settler
ill iiox limit- countv Incufinir
in the spring of 1885. He has a'
large family of young men and wem- ,
en raised lo manhood and womanhoc
,n Box Butte county. He and a son j
I now have u flourishing flour, feed
' and coal business uuder the name
of Gregg rtiw Mr. Gregg was
Among the best known business
men of Alliance are the Acheson
Brothers, 1. L., W S. and A. H. The
firm bearing the name Acheson
Broth rs now is not the same as
the firm that went under that name
a few years ago. W. 8. Acheson
came to this part of Ni braska from
Allerlon, Iowa, in 1886. and took a
homestead claim three mil. north
west ot where Alliauce now stands,
and has residtd here continuously
since that tune. I. I.. Hnd A. It
Achtson came from the same place
in Iowa the next year The) tOtl
returned to Iowa, but came back to
N. braska to make their home here.
R L. was engagwl in the gro er
business for a number it rears. Sill
lug that he engagid in the hard
ware business with W. H. uuder the
firm name of At In son Brothel . af
terwards purchasing his broth r's in
terest lie has since run the store
under his own name. I. L. Ac Ac soa
It Is no flattery to say that as an
upright business man Iu- deserves
the Tine trade he has Iu hardware
tanning implements and vehicles
About two years ago W. S. and
A. K Acheson formed a partnership
for the transaction of real estate and
Insurance business. In which tbev
have been gettlug a fair shine aim',
fine prospects of a good Increase iu
business the eoilliliK season Persons
doing business with tat in can depend
upon gttting a "square deal" even