0 J We are unloading another car each of Puritan and Peerless Flour. Last year we handled twelve cars of this Flour. Why? Because it gives sat isfaction. Have you tried it yet? PIANOS ARRIVING FOR THE BIG ORKIN BROTHERS' CLUB SALE From right to left: Rear of First National Bank, Orkin Brother.' .tore, office of Gray & Guthrie, Empress Theatre. Dray wagons of Dye oY Owen. GOVERNMENT BULLETIN Powdery Dry-Rot of the Potato Treated in Special Bulletin Just Issued INTEREST TO POTATO GROWERS We re-print herewith a bulletin just issued by the Department of Ag riculture, which will be of much in K rest to potato growers both in this .-Ttion of the potato growing coun try as well as the irrigated section. Introduction In recent years a new potato dis ease, whl;'h has been named the "powdery dry-rot," tlM conic to the front. It has caused heavy losses in several western states from Minne sota to Washington and is a special menace to those irrigated districts where the potato is one of the main money crop, tad where the product must be shipped many hundreds of miles to reach a market. Several in stances have recently OCCUITed where carloads of potatoes were shipped from the Northwest to Texas points and to Chicago. Leaving their point of origin In apparent good order they arrive at their destination badly le cayed, were rejected by the purchas ers, and had to be consigned to the dump. The cause of this rapid dc teriorntion was the powdery dry-rot. Such eperiences are exceedingly harmful to the reputation of a new potato district. Huyers will not erect warehouses or provide shipping fa cilities for a permanent trade, nor will they purchase for distant, ship ment save at the producers' rlRk. It is therefore imperative that the growers take every possible m. au to prevent the spread of this dis ease. Description of Powdery Dry-Rot This disease is an external dry rot. It may start at any point on the OOtslde Of the tuber or gain en trance at the stem end. it starts most readily in wounded potatoes, but may spread to uninjured ones. The spats are Wrinkled, discolored, and somewhat sunken, externally darker brown than the normal epi dermis. Internal) sepia brown, with a dark, discolored layer next the sound flesh, in the later stages the decayed portions become dry and powdery, with internal cavities filled w.ih fungous mycelium. The cause of powdery dry-rot is a new;y described fungus, Fusarium i trlchothecioidoH Wollenw. The disease is still too new and o.ir experience too United to permit I positive statements relative to Kit RBI of control, hut the following I advice is based on what is known of the lire history of the causal fun- I gus. . Possible Means of Control CLRAN SEED. - The powd r i dry-rot Is a storage trouble and ap ; wars not to begin work till after the harvest. Yet there is evidence that land becomes infected through plant in!1: diseased seed potatoes and that , this contagion is carried over until ' fall and communicated to the in w crop. Consequently the most rigid inspection of the seed planted is .ad vised. No potatoes with a trace of decay should go into the ground. All the seed stock should be disinfee; . .i by soaking for two hours in a solu tion of 1 pint of formaldehyde in 10 gallons Of water. This will also kill the germs of potato scab. ROTATION OF CHOI'S. Rotation i I'.iritan Flour In 48 lb. sks. Qfa 10 I'uritan, in L4 lb. sacks ... ,7." Peerless, in 4H lb. sacks .. $. IO Peerless, In 24 lb. sacks .. ,75 (iolden West. 48 lb. sacks .. $1 .30 Tip Top, 48 lb. sacks .... $1.30 Delight, 48 lb. sacks $1.20 We sell more COFFEES than any other store in town A II c Coffee, in one lb. cans .40 Mart !ii Washington, l ib. cans ,40 Wedding Itreakfast, l ib. cans.. ,35 Quality, in 2-lb. cans 70 Instant Coffee, in small cans . . ,30 Instant Postum, small cans .. .30 Honest Abe Coffee, in pkg. .. .35 Kmblem, in pkg ,35 Kept Fresh, in pkg 30 Crown, In pkg 30 Santos. In bulk ,25 We have a complete line of SALT FISH Mackerel, bulk, ut 10 Mackerel, pall 1.35 White Fish, pail, at JJO Shore Fish, pail 00 Herring, pail, at OO Holland rierriafj l.OO Mltkners, psil 1.25 Our stock of GARDEN SEED is certainly immense Red and yellow onion sets, per inert 10c White sets, prr ii 12Mt wim. r sets, r ii 15 MulUnlii rs, p r r. 15C We have a good line of Sympe. Log Cabin lwas leads in maple syrups Log Cabin maple, gallon .... $1.50 Log Cabin, one half gallon . . .80 Log Cabin, one-fourth gal. .. .45 Wedding llrenkfast syrup, gal lons $1.00 Wedding llieakfast syrup, one half gallons .50 Wedding Itreakfast syrup, one fourth gallons ,25 Ohio Maple Blend, gallon .. .75 White Swan, gallon 65 A. P. Sorghum, in cans .... .00 Missouri Pure Sorghum, per gallon 85 Our TEA line is fine Imperial Tea. per lb (0 Gold Uly tea. per lb OO Quality tea, P r lb .OO Hikshn tea, per lb .OO Wind Mill tea, per lb OO Uptons I', a. per lb 80 In SOAPS we hove the largest line in town Paloiua. a good laundry soap, 7 bars for 25 Laundry Queen, white soap, 7 bars for 25 Hamond C soap, 6 bars .25 While Russian. bars .25 All White soap, 5 bars .25 llloaters, Halibut. Salmon, and boneless Herring are among our cured fish department. Come and see our stock. Yours, A. D. Rodgers mi I mm ill ii 1 1 1 ii sewn II i i 11111 ii ;sjsMtf33BU i ii w iiini iiMi iiaiaiii iiaawiiB annRSMH.9 an . i Spring Time is Building Time We have the material Just what you want Quality and Prices Right "Let us figure on your bill" Your order, whether large or small, will receive our best attention Dierks Lumber and Coal Co. Is necessary for the permanent suc cess of potato culture in any coun try, and particularly In Irrigated dis tricts. While it Is possible to pro duce two or three successive crops on new land, it is unwise to attempt M on account of the disease factor. One poiato crop in three years has been proved too short a rotation in many districts. One in five may serve the purpose In our western states. If a field has produced po tatoes affected by powdery dry-rot, It Is especially desirable to rotate be fore planting potatoes there again. THK STORAOK PKOBLKM Most of all for the control of dry-rot is the method of handling the potatoes I ;' ter digging and during storage, as h is probable here that the main ' fnurt lies. Well-built storage cellars are a necessity from an economic stand point, to enable I lie grower to await better prices and to properly assort and pack his crop. In such cellars. If properly built, ventilated and watched, the greatest immunity from decay may be Insured. These storage houses should be thoroughly . leaned at the end of the " ' ra;'- t, V 'W?e! i sSatdsaY T?P jlftMMwHsaBaTa FIRST HOUSE IN ALLIANCE Located a little north of where electric light plant now stands. Bach elor's .Hall occupied by Joe Bills F. W. HARQAR TEN, Mgr Phone 22 Alliance, Nebraska season, all old potatoes and dim s carried out, and the walls and floors washed with a disinfectant like cop- per sulphate (blue vitriol), using a 1 per cen.1 solution, or corrosive sub limate, using 1' ounces to Hi gallons af water. The grtutettl losses that have been brought to our attention have occur- ' ed in that porticn of the erop which I was not put in storage or shipped dl r t from the field to the market,! but held for some weeks after hav- ' In;; been dug and sacked. Such no ' atoes, stored in sacks in large pile. , and subjected to variable and occas ionally rather high temperature, of ft r most favorable conditions for the development of the dry-rdt fun- A. D. RODGERS A. 1). Kodgers came to western Nebraska in I8x and tO Alliance fourteen years ago. He has been engaged in the grocery business at Alliance ever since and bus built up. by careful attention to business and , fair treatment of his customers, flourishing established trade. Mr. Kodgers is in the front rank wii.ii ii comes to being a booster; for Alliance. He holds the tapor. . position of president of the Allian. . Commercial Club He is one of the leading democrats of the county, be ing president of ilie Wilson-Marshall Club. HOh' SSTEAD OF JOE BILLS Lljn liter than other picture - - ' k ' LL sH9 '''ti h'ie a. id tint such good ideus were ad ,:n id by the members. 1 tell jri i i h it no nier. haul, tri matter how good lie may be, will evtr regret at tendlni one M tkcae meetings. When he ait. nds one year, ouly sickness will kp him away from the next mi:g. , 1 admit that 1 have one very bad fault and that is in extending too much credit. 1 think this Is one of the nianv particular items to watch. Ansia lation work will make iner chants mere like brothers, and we should be, we are putting the best part ut our lives In our businees, why id: be sociable, swap our ideas on everything thai is vital to the .re lailtrs? Kver one of us knows how lo fui.i.- for a profit, tail every one tf us doesn't know every dead beat until he is tried. There are not many merchants with enough money from Omaha Trade Exhibit: to find them all out and still cwn- T have ben a member ef tea Pod tinea auatnsNS. So let us be as one etation for the last six years but on credits Tins is the important luv.r had the pleasure to attend mtasure that we must meet sad In- anneal meeting of the nssucla- watch very carefully. lion until last Mar h. It surprised . Respectfully, me thai so many merchants were A. D. KOlKiKltS