Fir THE ALLIANCE HERALD JOHN W. THOMAS. Editor Lloyd C Thomaa. City Editor Publialiad every Thursday by THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY Incorporated Lloyd C. Thomaa, President E. C. Drake, Vice President John W. Thomas, Secretary Kntered at the posrt ofBce Rt Alllnmr. Nebraska, for tranmlss1en irouKh the mails a- . nd-Haa matter. Subscription price. 11.50 per year In ndv m The circulation of this uewspajxT Is guaranteed to 1)" tin.- latest tl western Nebraska. Advertising rates on application. Sample copies fre. TIUMISDAY, MAIU'll . Itl3 The Herald decline to he drawn Into a rag chewing contest with the other Alllnne. paper. There'! noth ing in It.. W haw giwn the gen tlemen under whose mi men the Times Ik publish 1 credit for at hast wanting to approximate the truth in what they publish and seme desire to be spiare. but it In evidtni that their hired pruaiicatct has a degenerate tai-te which nothin; short of downright mlsrcpreM niation by him will satis y. There Is some sat isfaction to us in knowing Mist what time he devo:es to misrepresenting thla paper and its editor gives him that much less time to slander Inno cent girls and defenseless women. Omaha in January, iwh. at which line he began editing The Herald. There is a general feeling of good will t awards I'resldenl Wo .v Wil Bon among the people of this conn try, who. regardless of party dis tinctions, wtph him a sureersful ad ministration. Tin- Daily Drown Jou nal-Stockman ol yesterday oi i I a p miliar !-. ni!ineBt In the following edH trial: "No man ever vrani into that high off: e with w general a feeling of gotd will on the part of all people as Woodrcw Wilson. Ills lofty ideals cf goviinmint ftrtke a popular chord ami If he can succeed In putting Into effect a very small proportion of his suggestions the exuw'ry will be more thBn satisfied tt'ifc h!s tdmlnistratlon." lar JaB Says the- Kushville Standard: 1 lie Alliance Times bears up untler the hope that there will Im? no rhanv,-' In ". official capacity cf the land of luc until Register Wood has served two more years. We don't blam the Times for holding on to that hope, but we also have a hope and t lint Is that Wood will be compelled to take a walk about tire Firwt of April. :r When we spi ; t k of this Issue of Tin Herald as lclng a credW to Al ; UMkSti we do not mean merely that the work and expense put on the pa ptT bf tlie Herald Publishing Com 1 pany nnd employes speak .well for ; Hie city, hut we include as well the patronage of the business men. as nIiowii by the advertising columns. If this pner contained all that it W.i s. except advertisements, and they were confined io a few little "two-by-fouis", it would not begin to do the ci!y as a whole the good that It will with the fine advertising pat ronage shown on almost every page. It is needier for us to say that this issue or The Herald will give Its rt at' i s in other parts of the country a good impression of Alli ance and northwestern Nebraska, btft what we wish to mention here i that credit la due the business men who patronize the paper, well as Kb publishers, for the cellent showing made. as ex- JOHN W. THOMAS Kditor t f Th. Alii . i Herald, came to Nebnuka from his native state, In 1885. May 10th of that year he filed honit u e; ti pa its on the N.W.Vi of c . .:!-: .. in Lin coin (Oun:. and has been a continu ous residirit;of the state 'dnce tliat lime. Hi i aine to Allianc fioni W. D. RUMER W. D. Hum. i came to Alliance a "ouplr of days bi-f.jr.' the lo sale LJtnff aaHaaral ili MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT ALLIANCE HERALD From left to righ : J. K. Adams. Lloyd, J. Carl Thomas, J. B. Knit it, b. C. Drake BUSINESS OFFICE ALLIANCE HERALD From left to ri' 1 M. Thomas, Lloyd, John W. Thomas Two Treats for Alliance People High School Debate Alliance vs. Rushville HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Saturday, March 8, 8 p. m. ADMISSION, 25c Declamatory Contest Students Alliance High School IN THREE CLASSES Oratorical, Dramatic, Humorous Phalan Opera House, 8 p. m. Tuesday, March 11 ADMISSION, 25c 'w it ta, 1 1 JafT aa JaawMavd i-i L ii i aaaaaaM. fi f'gp aaT ig1' " iRfee-a. 'ftOC ' tenaflaabaaV &!bbbb l- rL V' Vil i - 5 ' ' HIWjj! 4Sfea1 vC. . jJJJBBBBiBWaHaaaaaWMaaalawaMaavWaaw HOME OF "MODERN CLOTHES FOR MEN" E. G. Laing, Prop., at left net tlon dray. wilh liis partner. Mr. .lames IRA E. TASH came to Hox liutte county and St- i tied at Nonpareil Mulch 5, 188", went to Hemtngford Pbrurj I, Ittli and held the position of county clerk several terms. He came to All .in September i. !'''. and on Kdiruary 23, 190X. took the important offi ( I postmaster, which he has held ever since. Alliance fifteen held important positions and is years ago. He has public and federal a valued citir.en. C. A. NEWBERRY started out in a smull way in the hardware business. Todny he has a business requiring thirty-five employ ees. In addition to a large retail business In Alliance he wholesar s hardware over western Nebrnska. Hh also manufactures tanks by the carload. W. W. WOOD Judge Wood came to western braska in 1828 and engaged in practice of law at Rushville. came to Alliance six years ago has always taken a iiromineni in public affairs. Xe the He and part BRUCE WILCOX Mr. WiU-ox came to western Ne braska twenty-five years ago and to EXPERIENCED OPTOMETRIST Mrs. K. C. Drake, an optometrist with several years' experience, has been engaged by Dr. H. A. Copsey to assist him in this class of work. She will fit. glasses scientifically and straighten cross-eyes permanently. She will be nt lr. Copsey 's office in the Alliance National Rank block and has been here ever since that time. He was made receiver for the original electric light plant, after ward purchasing the same and own ln!g It for a number of years. His capable wife came to Alliance six months after him, from Sterling, where they lived before coming to this city. Rl aas and has been at Alliance ever sin :e, He engaged in the newspaper busi ness for several years, held an im portant federal position, and lias sold all of the lots on the original townslte. JOHN W. GUTHRIE .Mr. Outhrie came to Alliance on April ill), l!0fi, and has built up the largest fire and lite insurance busi ness In western Nebraska, in eon- HIDES TANNED Ask Us About Custom Tanning We ean tave ycu 30 to- 5(i pi r cent on the c-cat cf Men's Kur ('oats, Ladies' Kur Coats, Kur Rohes. Mlttcnt, Rugs and Ladies' Kurs of all kinds. We can give you the besL Cuaranteeel Kurs so cheap you e-an't a ford to be without them. Don't Sell Your Best Hides and Skins Bring them to us, we will have tlitm made up just as you want them YOU TAKE NO RISK. EDES $1000.00 GUARANTEE PROTECTS YOU We represent the EDKS ROBK TANNING CO., the rirm that origin ated the Custom Tanning Business and handles nearly half of It. Ask us feir Prices and Samples. We can gr?e you lower prices thau you run secure from any other tannery. MARKS HARNESS COflPANY R. M. HAMPTON Mr. 11 nipton came to Box Butte eeur.ty !r. 186 and was here at the lot sale venty-five years a;o. On Februai.. II, 1889, he organized the First Na iemal Bank. He has been mayor of Alliance several times and holds the important office ofc ilesi- j dent of the Nebraska StoYk C,nw ers' Association. F. M. BROOME Mr. Broom' came to Box Butte county in the fall of 1885. went to llva at Nonpareil in February. 1886, was la Alliance when the big lot sale was held twenty-five years ago. Geo. Snyder Cigars Tobaccos Confectionery Stationery 210 Box Butte Ave. Alliance. Nebraska Brennan's Drug N D Jewelry Store PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST A complete stock of DRUQ5 Exclusive Agency for Nyal's, Penslar, Goodrich, and Meritol Household Remedies STRONG LINE OF JEWELRY Expert Watchmaker and Optician We have the Best Equipped Soda Fountain in Western Nebraska in charge of an Expert . Pggg Wa" Papcand Paints jg, ON THE CORNER THIRD STREET AND BOX BUTTE AVENUE