I1 ssi.s9f tsassennnsnraiLLgLgLa The Largest Store in Alliance M ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftftftftftftftft l At this store I L I CtOtMII SI Established 1887 you will find two floors, each 50x135 feet, loaded down with goods to please all. We are receiving our new lines of men's, young Prices right. men's ami boys' clothing daily. Big, complete lines in all sizes. See the new Florsheim shoes and nobby spring hats. A big line of Easter neckwear for men in all the popular colors. Our stock of overalls, men's work shirts, work shoes and work gloves is the largest in the west. Big stock enables us to fit you easily. Commencing Monday, March 10th, we will place on sale the fines Undermuslins, we will place on sale the finest assortment ever shown of consisting of all the la test uniiergarments for ladies. Do not forget this profit-sharing sale. This is one of our profit-sharing sales given every year. We wish to call the ladies' attention to our lingerie waists and dresses. Ladies' oxfords and pumps in all the latest creations. Large showing of ladies' kid gloves for Kaster in all colors and all .lengths. Finest line ever shown. Our new dress goods, silks and embroideries are arriving daily. They are beauties. Come and see. Do not overlook our fine line of suit cases, trunks and bags. Our curtain goods and rug dept. is now complete and ready for spring housecleaning; The Store with a Conscience NORTON'S We have the goods as advertised mm m ... 44444t444 444444444444vW44444444444444444444 :444444t44. 11 ! 4e4 JjJS.SJ. S.S ' JBM93K9393K939JKK99 THE T. P. A. ORGANIZE ALLIANCE LOSES TO SIDNEY fhe Reception Recent Amalgamation of Traveling Men in Local Order Results in Branch of National Organization Largest Crowd Ever Witness Fast a reception followed (bo um, an interesting program being carried out, and a varied entertainment was j furnished by member Of the faulty, members cf the teams, and .students. I .-a luncnt'iu was serveu to uiose "The re is no death! ,.. uj.'.Masiu.o pi,-, 111, ana neipeo to ctispeii ail Game ments and how keen the sorrows of the bereaved, only those know who have had like experience. They have the sympathy of their many friend . Conncil Proceedings ALLIANCE SECOND TEAM WINS The stars go 111 fnolltiuu if i i 11....... Tho I HOW II class room' in which the reception was To rise upon some fairer shore, held was prettily decorated with Al-! And bright in heaven's Jewelled nance ami Kidney pennants, and al so the three Alliance championship banners occupied prominent places on the walls. crown They shine foreverraore.' STRONG POST FORMED In the fastest and best game of ; the season Sidney won the basket ball championship of this part of the i state Saturday night. In a prelimin ary game between the Sidney and Alliance second teams, the Alliance OBITUARY The recent local social organization terfeeted by the local fueling men -tarted the desire for .-trung or . aniation of that kin in Alliance, nd through the effo 8 of two old it n b. is of the Traveler' I'rotecl ive Association of America, "Si Thompson and Roy Strong, the state officers of the association came to Ilium . on Saturday and granted a charter to Post M, completing the rganlzatlon of the Alliance post, at a business meeting held Saturday ev- nun', at the Burlington. The officers and directors iier were S. S. English, prtsldent, 4.10 1 South 11 St., Lincoln; II. J. Dunkin. I Jnd vice president, Uibbon; ('has. L.I Hopper, secretary treasurer, Omaha; j Geo. E Beg row, chairman beard of ; ii . .-tors. Omaha; Frank It. Hol- brook, director. Omaha. Following is a list of the members 1 joining Saturday. A. D. Rodgers. Iv- e.n Rodger. R. C. String, transfer; from Grand Island, S. Tit mpson. transfer from Omaha. Ou. Appleburg.i J. C. Iean, Lloyd C. riiouias, Clar- ' t-ntt K Matktf. Joseph F. O'Connor, Lincoln l-owry, o or O'Eranan, Chenia Ht wbcrry. Harry F. Thle'c. Mjrrctt ll M key, C. J. Vandever. 1 ..ohn A. IMii. .ii. John t. Wiker, H. C, R ' ubaugh. C. O. bagley, W. F. Dnvr, i i Be bach tel. Jas. M. Hole; I J. John II. Hawes. Jos. Rot poshil, Karl B. Justice. H. J. Czar nowtki, C. L. Kwing, Joiui ('. Berry. Frank Hertzog, W. M, Baker. The following officers were elect ed.: R. C. Strong, president; Frank Hertzog, vice pres.. John H. Hawes, -ecretary-treasurer; Dean Geo. G. Ware, (haplain; board of directors, 9. W Thompson. J C. Berry. C. L. Kwlug. H. C. Redenbaugh, W. M. Maker; legislative committee. C. A. Newberry, chairman; railroad com inittee. ('. O. Bagley; pre.-- commit Tee, Lloyd ('. Thomas; hotel com mittee. ('. J Vandever. Joseph F. O'Connor; gtod roads and public util ities committee, Ivan Rodgers. After the evening business meet ing the members present were the gut st of the Burlington management 1. 1 a banquet. 8. 8. English acted as toast master at the banquet and proved to be a very interesting .aker. He eiuphasi .ed the fact tnitt the organization or this post was a big thin fur the town of Al Tiante aud would be a valuuble as net to the town. He lold of the big rcMilts secured in other towns! ami of the extent of this national organization of traveling men I 'resident A. I). Rodgers of the Commercial Club was Hit first speak- t introduced. He made an enthus iastic talk and asked the help and i assistance of the members of the i organization in building up (he city , of Alliance. John H. Hawes was introduced and made a well-liked speech ' thanks for his election to the important position of secretary-treasurer. His! statement that he would always do j his duty and be on the Job brought forth a round of applause. He ex-1 tended a cordial invitation to all to be In Alllan-'e during the coming Stockmen's convention and Firemen's 'tournament. ('has. L. Hopper, state secretary and formerly national president, was the next to speak. He told some in-'i.s-ting storits and gave some mighty valuable advice to the mem bers of the new post. He greatly tmouraged the newly elected chair man of the press committee by tell ing him that he started from the I im position. Llcyd was call d on by the toast masUr for a little speech and a story. He stated that the traveling men hive a right to be proud of thei calling and th.lr organization be cHus cf the fad that it requires a mail of energy and intelligence to hold a position as a travel'a man. and that everyone could not hold a Jcb of that kind Frank B. Holbrook was the next speaker. He told of the many bene fits to be derived from membership ! in the association and expressed him i self as being very well pi t with the grand showing made In Alliance, this tost having the third largest 1 eliHrt r membership in the state. Tin toastmaster told of the repre sentation allowed at the next state convent U ii to be held in April at Kearney. A vol of thanks for tWe bountiful banquet was rendered the Burlington management. An in vita ! tlou for a full delegation to attend ih Kearney convention was re ceived and the gathering dispersed. - Mrs J ('. McCorkle is very ill at her home with an attack of appendi .ri.is She lias been too ill to be re moved to the hospital for au operation THELMA MAY RICHARDS Thelina May, daughter of Mr. and boys won in i oik sided game by the Mrs Thomas V. Richards, wa born the lunillll-V 11 111- Hietl March ' 111 i at the age of two years and two months. Funeral services were held av- tune of II to 10. The time of halves were fifteen mlnutts, and the game tree refereed by Clements. . Vouni. starred in this same and scored ;. ; tal of 20 points. Johnson I at ,lle residence, 11! Sweetwater threw s and No of thk- ime ended the score was H to in. In the last half the Alli ance boys made L9 points, and suc ceeded in keeping the Sidney young steis from scoring a point. The lineup was as follows: ALLIANCK SIHNKV Johnson c I'arks Young rf Clasman Davenport If Bentley Campbell rg Doran Nolan Ig Mi Daniels CARD OF THANKS We with to thank our many and kind friends for their love, sympa i.iiv , and flowers, during the illm -and death of our little PbUIp, and especiallv .Miss Schaper, the nurse, nd Dr. Hand for their tireless ef forts in behalf of our little man. Mil AM) MRS PfUUP NOHB.JB COMES BACK TO ALLIANCE City council met In regular session March -I. 1913. Meeting called to or I der by Mayor Barnes with Council men snyoer, MOllrtnc and Sterns present. Councilman Vaughan ab sent. Minutes of the previous regular nutting were read and approved, wutli one correction, as follows: "The future pay for reeling fire hose to De 9 1 .00 p i man. limited to t hi t e ! men for all carts."' The council ratified t he mayor's settUinent on t he I'arkison patent Furnace for the City Hfbt plant, con ' tract ed with the u, stern Furnace Co for L!50. Settled in full to $800. Mr. Guthrie or Gray & Guthrie In surance Company presented a propos jition to pla e insurance on the elec ' trie light plant, known as use and occupant) insurance. Mayor Barn. -appointed a committee, Snyder and (Sterns, to investigate the matter mi.l ! report at the baskets, Davenport four, enue, Tuesday, March 4th, conducted I I w'o. When the first half ; hv h, v n s H.kor t.jttrr nf ih M. E. church. Interment was in Greenwood cemetery. To the rnu'itiu itijtttii.i- a tA ,.tl,..i rolntl tu. ., , TZ i Tailoring Company. He arrived yes- 1,8 Prtstnt, to investigate the St i tfrduv from M :i rs I ;i n t . whr hnn commends the sentiment of the ' re.sided since remoing from this city, beautiful hymn sung at the funeral, 'and at once began work. Besides pointing the way to the better world: Beckoning hands at the gateway The Championship Game The A. H. 8. boys fniled to exhib it their best playing in this game. Darnell, who led In t he basket shoot ing in the game with lodgepole, fail ed to score, but th s was perhaps due to the tact that Barks, the op posing 1 1 liter, was a much larger ' man than laruell, and It is probable Hi it the Jatter diiliked the idea of getting too near the Sidnev pugilist who bus won decisions ov r promin ent boxers of Denver, Omaha, and other points. Bea Ii also put up a poorer game than has been his custom, finding the basket but dice in the game.' Sch iter, Spacht an I Keegan each shot two goals for Alliance. If all tries for goal had been made Alliance would have been au easy victor. Oberfelter, guard, w is the star of the Sidney team, making twelve ot the eighteen points for that team. The game was close to the last ftw minutes of play and of course the greatest possible excitement reigned. Within two minutes of the close of the game the score was Alliance It, Sidnty 16, and the local boys made every possible effoit to tie the store but just as Oberfelter added anoth j er goal to the Sidney score. Hi game ended The High School baud furnished some good music in (he gym before the gam- and between ths halves. tonight, Faces ashining with radiant light. Eyes locking down from yon heav- enly home, Beuutiful hands they are beckon ing "ccme ". Lineup ALLIANCE SIDNEY Darnell c Barks Scbafer rf Willis Beach If Trabill Spacht rg Oberfelter Ke.gan Ig Wright ub Witters Beckoning hands of a little one, see! Baby voice calling, O mother, for thee; Rosy cheeked darling, the light of (he home. Taken so early, is beckoning "com " Beautiful hands, beckoning hands, Calling the dear ones to heavenly lands; , Beautiful handd, beckoning hand;. Beautiful, beautiful, beckoning hands. PHILIP HUME NOHE Philip Hume, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fhllip Nohe, Jr., was born Novem ber 3. IttOI; died March 3. Itti, Fun era! was conducted by Rev. James B Brown, pastor of the First Pres byterian church, Sunday afternoon, March 3rd, interment being In Greenwood cemetery. Only a more than two years was the sweet little boy permitted to bless the home of i(s parents with Us pres ence and be (he Joy of Rs grandpar ents, wheu angel hands carried W" pure spirit to thi happy land be yond. How B, T. Bayeart. torin.rly manager 'V" . Ine nexl regular meeting th vii, i-, . i ., t ..,,,..,.,,; t wneuier or not the city is in nei sor-ln busine-ss again in Alliance, having i of. ,hiU kind ,L nsura,i:'1- T-e coun ives accepted a position with tie Victor !l instruct d r ire Chi.q Remig. Who .-. iii. iu iiiveatigate me St Agnes Academy, i lie condition of th fire escapes, and to recommend such improvements that will afford ample protection in case of fire. Also to see that all gasoline cans of five gallons capacity or more be placed uti derground when storing gasoline wiithin the fire limits. Should any one fail to make such arrangement within the next thirty dyas thev wll1 be compelled to comply by ordinance The council authorized the thief t( have notices or letterheads printed such as is needed for the department. taKing orders ror worn, ne win as sist In cleaning and repairing, at which he Is an experienced hand. HOMESTEAD LAND In Sierra Nevada Foothills, central California. Good land, water, wood, range, game and fish. Springs, streams, big oaks. No biiow or storms. BOOBI for hundr (Is. Living is cheap. Winter a Joke. Near a gotd R. R. town. Copy UH.J Gov. Township Flat of the land, and all question answer d, $1.00. I save Ordinance No. 190 An ordinance contracting to furn ish the property owner free stre. ; light for a certain time Judges and clerks of the election boards were appointed for the you 199.09. 1 have. nothing to sell hut my work. Resident L'U years, j ,ar cit-' election, April 1st, 19J2 ... I i.-i .. . . ... a a No remittance, no answer. n,M "ni. Jiitig- Jo. Wt stover a xr f'MVL'n ,1 . , , ru. vi zi. ivr,.wiir,u .i.uii, iiaiiioiu California. datisby and R. K Hmi. , , . Clerks L. A. smu i-.- vi l-' Utfll9l Orebe. C. M. Keeley of the Alliance Clean ing Works left Sunday morning, with his wife and children, for Fremont, where tbey went on business and for a visit of a week or tin days with rtlatlves. On another page is an item in re gard (o A. D. Rodgers' trip to Om aha to attend the Made in Nebras ka Shew" and the convention of the Fedt ration of Nebraska Retail Dealers. Our reporter should have intjiloned that he was accompanied by Mrs. Rodgers, who also wilt take in the sights of the city and attend little (he big show. 8exond ward. Judges K. J Stern Gregory Zurn and Frank Mt Farland' Clerks (ico. Snyder and Bert Dun-' can. Report of City Treasunr for Feb 1 81 1 ; Receipts uuiance Kebr 41913 Mire, license Lights Marshal fees Interest Water Misc. collections 591.24 10. 01 ::!.. 5; : ot 11341 55 40 949.91 Rev. James B Brown returned yesterday from Morrill where he at tended a meeting of the Home Mis sion Committee of the Box Butte , Presbytery of the Presbyterian chin eh, of which he is chairiuao- j Ii... 11 VA Vlnliltfrlllurv ulan nrfitwl. greet the disappoint- kli the me.,ing. Total Disbursement General fund 40 j. 413.0t iKhtlUg ;;02s Balance Mai 4, l!U3 b6S 494V.M latest Spring styles at Harper's Toggery at opening Saturday Adv. V.