; - , - "- ' r - . ' ' ' " , I 3 . " "T I -'- V . I - - I I T T r- , h I m i i m m i sm TfTTTTT TTTTp K -j Tl i jl V lT'i ' ' 1 T J - , . rr-T ' I.:. I h st ..L .. - Tprp,. "p-; V :-: E T- . - 1 1 I 1 f I 1 M I - V ' I ' I f M M M d I W i I ' ' ' 11" " f " "l l ' I " ' I I 1-11 - 1 i f J 1 issft i 1 i 1 H t ' ; i v feisz: a - y J Our Lincoln Letter '1r?ire K Hannan. who Is no in raargv of both the pT food do parmrnt and all inspection depart ment, called in all of his depattes the last of last week to arrange their district In snch a war as to make their traveling expenses as light aa possible Experience is proving that he two departments are going to work together to the financial an rantage of the state treasury I The Inaugural banquet that was held Tuesday evening by the demo crat members of the Svnate and House was in every way a aocceas. Chief Clerk Henry C. Richmond pre sided effectively as toasmasfrr. A pleasant word In appreciation of the occasion was received from Presi dent Woourow WHson There were nearly one hundred loyal democrats present and the affair was a pleas ant feant of mason and flow of soul. I . . i j r ; : rs ; i l ' frvj j j jA - I ? 1 J - ( 1 I j i L I T-t f L& T -V-- - - r i ' j I L yi ntJ I . . j i 1 j J i I 1 1 J 1 I -jf f r " r ' 4 m I g j i - - . aWi ' ''"La - ' m j j i ' ! j " I 1 1 i I 1 1 1 , Tf Home Buildings on Gregg Ranch. Owned by F. 6. Pstar Rubendsll Reddish and S2 a MSIW tow B 7 W Box Butte County, Nebraska Keep This Hap Before You Buy Land in Box Butte County E. T. Kibble & Co Leading Real Estate Dealers ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA The Nebraska legislature does not favor the calling of a constitutional convention The fact tba. an elec tion for members there; might nc " be held until the fall of 191C. the time for another presidential elec tion, seemed :o be argued with great effect :vpes against the proposition. I Senate Fik- No 4 by Cordeal is slirring all real ewtate men to mighty ' j deeds of protest. The bill Hi direct-j . ed against speculators and agents of I dishonest corporations which sell j mining stocks and .foreign land, but ! the real estate men point out that! the bill is so drastic as to work a' hardship on any local laad man ' Among other prohibitions the bill I would prevent an agent fr :w prim- i ing an advertisement that has not been censored by the state board of j examiners. Woman suffrage m more popular ' this session than ever before. Many , who have been opposed to the wo men are so tar changing their minds ' that they feel disposed to give the voters of Nebraska aa opportunity i to express their judsnuat on tb-j subject. It must be submitted in the form of a constitutional amendment ' The bill has been recommended by! the committee of the whole for pas- j sage in the house. The senate is! understood to be favorable to the . matter. University removal has had a j stormy campaign and is faring badly. IThs senate wants to move. The house counts the cost and is in fa vor of keeping' the seat of learning on the present down-town ramp Nor is the house in favor of accept ing the offer of the cary of Lincoln of fMft.Sse toward enlarging the campus. Just how the two bodies, of the legislature will get togexber without crippling the fund for the! Is not now apparent, friends of the university are much concerned over the prospect. Herald s manv Sheridan county sub-1 ittsw here since that tune. He was strikers, and called while in town to In Alliance at the lot sale 25 years set himself ahead on subscription ?o and no owns a large amour. of Alllanc- property in addition F. E. REODlSH I his land holdings. He conducts V. E Reddish moved to Box Butte successful abstract, real estate, loan county in March. 1887. He settled and fire insurance business, In on s homestead at Barrel Springs, which his two sons, Robert and How fourteen miles west of Alliance, in ard, are associated with him. the center of what afterwards de- veloped Into a large ranch. In 194 In answering advertisements please he moved to Alliance and has re- mention this paper. We have for sale thousands of acres in farms and ranches March 12 is the dste set for (he legistsiive League reunion banquet, it il! bv held at the Lincoln hotel, and the fe-ure win be a mock ses sion of the committee of the whole. All former members of the Nebraska tcckttattire are inviced The fee '.! he tfJM . plate. m a r s a M a v a sn r - maw -r . s a -srB. a a at A saeeial I las I OS baa t-eo I -A 1 kill. I LJ7" XJ Vila. Write for our latest list of money-saving and money-making bargains Chairman Potts has reported in the -t ' pparpo rat.oo bill f: . .. show a material cut over the appro priattms of last sassioa We Write Insurance The big fight of the sestico so fttf i a row between Omaha and Smi h Omaha over the city water probk-m The Douglas delegation is divided :.gaicst itself. ."J2a 5njSS - . fwaw M Spangler of the Spade atigh borhocd was in Alliance on burtn-ss the latter part of last week, ccm.ac. i up on Friday aad rtam:ag cn 14 the next day. He is one of fh? I Products of Box Butte Count E. T. Kibble at left Free, Absolutely Free BegMRtflg Fel. 15th mi tttec Mvcb 15ik at the Alliance Art Studio one easel or paper weight with all orders for photos amurt rg to (4.00 or over Ytu cm haw ai phttt in wish pit w 114 last Fwna SL ill 'Everything is just fine, mother." Adds to Life's Joys It is so pleasant to tit in one's own Iiunie and talk to one's friends or members of one's family who may ! hundreds of miles stray. The Lon Distance lines of the Bell System bridge space and bring friends near and far within the ninire of personal communication. BtU Ttlephmu Lines Reach Xearlv Everywhere. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY fc-NT Your Soil Is Alive O all intents and Dornnssa soil i alive. It breathes, works, rests; it drinks, and, most iminjitant of all. it feeds. It responds to good or bad treatment. It navs its debts uith interest many times comoundd. Being alive, to work it must be fed. During the non-growing seasons certain chemical changes take phce which make the fertility in the soil available for next season's crop. Hut this process adds no plant food to the soil. Unless plant food is added to soil on which ctops arc grown, in time it stares. Tin re is one best Wgy to feed your soil. Stable manure, which contains .ill the essentials of plant lift, ahould be Ipreftd evenly and in the proper quantil I H C Manure Spreader I H C tnanore spCD&den trc made in a'l itylei and sies. There are low machines which are not too low. but can be used in mod and d i p snow, or tn slonpy harnyards. They ltre msds with either endl -s or reverse aprons. Frames, are made of steel. br;td d sad trun d like iteal bridge. Sues run from small, uai r. .w machines to machines of lar-e capacitv I lie iar a!e is placed well onder the boa, where it carries over 70 percent of the load, insuring plenty of tractive power. Heaters are of large diameter to prevent wmdimr. The teeth are square and chisel-pointed. 1 he apron drive Controls the load, insuring even spreading v!k thee the ma chine is working up or down hill, or off the KveL I H C spreaders have a rear ale dift, r ential. enabling them u prcad n'mlv when turning corners. I H C local dealers handling these nuchiins will show you all their good !Kints. Get litera ture and full information (rOC9 tlnm, 01 write iBtermatioBal Harvester Company of America !u.of assatsUi Crawford N.k s v