The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 27, 1913, Image 8

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    Our Birthday
fN FEBRUARY 12th this bank was
twenty-four years old. Wc have
a clean, progressive record of steady,
healthy growth extending over the
entire history of Alliance. We are
proud of our record and the confidence
reposed in us by our numerous satis
fied depositors. Consider these facts
when you find it necessary to transact
Your Banking:
Remember our deposit boxes, pro
tected from fire and loss in our large
steel vault.
$1.00, $1.50, $2 50 per year.
First National Bank
Alliance, Nebraska
lESallroad. ZSTotcs
Switchman John Hicks laid off
I eie sday night on account of the-
After belnc sick several day.
Switchman .lohn DotlOOl reported
for work Wednesday.
On Monday morning Supt. R. K.
Young came In from Sheridan In
Sup' . Pecklnpaugh's car. N6.
Ouy Morrison will spend the next
thirty dnys vlRitlng ami sight seeing
In Omaha, Council Bluffs and Lin
coln. Fireman McMilllan of Kdgemont
has been 1n Alllwncc the past four
la having Home dental
J, Ward aw wif re
froni a thirty days'
in (Irani! lslanl and
Free, Absolutely Free
Beginning Fib. 15th and ending
March 15th at the
Alliance Art
one easel or paper
weight with all orders
for photos a mu nting
to $4.00 or over
Yeu can have any photo
wish put in
114 list Fourth St
Phone 111
the best on the market for all kinds
of coughs, we say It because we do
know that it Ib made of the purest
ingredients obtainable, and that it
OOntaiM remedial Agents that In the
opinion of medical experts are the
most effective for the relief of
coughB and the irritatlno and Inflam
mation of the bronchial tubes.
Children like Rexall Cherry Hark
Cough Syrup because it is pleasant
to take. Remember that we guaran
tee it to satisfy you, or money back.
Prices, LT) cents, 60 cents and $1.00.
Sold in this community only at our
store the Rexall 8tore F. E. Hoi
IK42 9-Mt
Mrakemnn A
tMMl Monday
vacation spent
St. Paul. Nebr.
Miss Dorthea Moor, Of the clerical
force in Supt. Ynunu's office. re
turned Tnesdny noon from a ten
days visit to Omaha.
Mrs. laura Weatheral came in on
No. 44 Tuesday from Chicago. Bbc
went several days ago with Miss K
gan to buy spring millinery.
Mrs. A. J. Cole ami her little son
and daughter will leave in a few
days for a month's visit with Mrs.
Cole's parents In Oklahoma
A funeral train carrying the two
canines -184 ami P.57 of the receDl
wreck in Sterling were in Alliance
They will be taken to Havelock.
On Monday the passenger con
ductor of the Ravenna-Seneca run
came througn on ixo. i. i ni-UJci
Conductor McDonald did not have
time to come back.
Owing to a shortage of CteWB on
ti-,- south line. Conductor Cramer
-vert south with a potato special on
Monday. They are spuds from
Washington, going to Texas.
Mrs. Carr, wife or Kngineer Carr.
has rented her home. famished, for
nix months. She will spend most of
this time at Broken Row with her
ft.ther, who is In very poor health.
Kngineer and Mrs. John. I'll lan
returned Monday from a month's hon
eymoon apent on the Paolftc oasrt
They will go to housekeeping at
once in their new bungalow on Tol
uce Ave.
On Tuesday Doc. Baker. night
yard master, laid off. Red Anderson
filled his place in a very satisfac
tory manner. Slats FUnn took
charge of the lead engine. Bill
Tragesser was in the field.
Last Thursday afternoon the ... I
A. ladies held a very Interesting and
instructive meeting. Two now mem
bers, Mrs. Pete Rowland and Mrs.
Jack Klassin, were Initiated. A wry
appetizing lunch
hero with troops and horses from
Pi McKenr-lc, at Sheridan, Wyo.
lwisl Thursday noon Brakeman
Fred Vaughn and Barker returned
from Hock port, where thy had ac
companied the body of Brakeman
Sund-strom. They went as represent
atives of the B. of R. T. On Friday
morning Kngineer H. Rennau re
turned from Ipswlck, 8. 1). Mr. Ren
nau accompanied' the body of En
gineer Johnson. He went as a dele
gate from the B. of U E. ami also
of the Masons. The last one to re
turn was Fireman B. P. Trenkle,
who had gone with Mrs. Wheeler to
Oak Grove, Michigan, whore the re
mains of Fireman Wheeler were
laid to rest. Mr. Trenkle was a
delegate from the B. of I, P. and E.
The following Is taken from the
Coidwater, .Mich., pap r: "George T.
Wheeler of Alliance, Neb., son of
Jiufus C. and Emma J. Wheeler, was
instantly killed February 15, Iff1,
while on his engine near Edgemont,
Sou tli Dakota, by a loller explosion.
Jll death comes as a crushing blow
to lls dear ones. He leaves to
mourn him n loving wife and a de
voted mot tier, who rot MoO in .lack
son, two sisters. Mrs. Mabel Van
Mortwlck. of Battle Creek, and Miss
Orace Wheeler of Jarkson. also two
brothers, Orin K. Wheeler of De
trott ami Boy C. Wheeler of Jack
son. His remains were brought from
the west here by his wife and young
er brother, Roy, and laid to rest In
Onk Grove cemetery beside his fat Iter.
In the County Court of Box
County, Nebraska
1 ot
Notice of Probate of Will
The State of Nebraska.
Box Butte County, 88.
In the County Court.
The State of Nebraska, to Ida May
Hobs, Chester A. Rots. Maggie May
Wise) i i.i i - Kv; IfarlO Boss, and to
.ny others interested in said mat
That at) instrument purporting to
be the LOOl Will ami Testament of
Alexander C., deceased, is on
tie in said court, ami also a peti
tion praying for the probata o!
instrument, ami for t lie appointment
of Ida May Hos and Chootor A
iRosi as executrix and M ecu tor, Thai
on the 15th day of March. 1913, at
jlP O'clock a m , said petition ami the
"proof of the execution of said in
atrument will be heard, and that if
you do not then appear and contest,
aid court may probate and rt curd
Notice of Hearing on Petition
Letters of Administration.
iiox BU rra COUNTY.
Tc all persons Interested in
estate of George T. Wheeler, lat
county, Deceased.
You are hereby notified that on
he 21st day of February, 1914,
I. ail I. Wheeler filed her pet'i-m
tit the ; o'inty ,urt of said county,
for hoi appointment as atlniinl.eti a
trlx f the estate of George T
Wild .( r late of said county, deceas
ed. ,.r. t that the BKBM will be heard
at i county court loom in the city
ef .Usance, in laid county, on the
list day or March, l!H:i, at the hour
0l ,ii o'clock a. m.
notice of suid hearing be given all
parties inte-rcsted in said e-state by
tOO PQbUOOtiOO of tliis OOttOO for
three successive' weeks in the Alli
ance Herald, a ne-wspape-r printed,
published and circulating in said
Dated iIiIb -1st day of February,
Fire, starting at ten-thirty-, o'clock
Tuesday morning, form a defective
flue, damaged the large- residence of
Eugene Hall on Cheyenne' Ave. The
damage, estimated by Snoddy &
Mollrtlng, who had the building in
sured, amounts to tt.000. The fire
started in the attic at the west end
of the building anel was burning
fiercely Whan discovered.
The fire dOpOrtnien I made a very
iuick run to the fire ami two
st results of water were soon busy. It
was difficult to reach tiie Ore on ac
count of the fact that it was back
uneler the roof, through Which holer,
had to be chopped. It was necessary
to use a large amount of water,
which soakeel through the ceilings
and walls, doing a great amount of
damage. A chemical engine could
have saved a big loss here on ac
coun t of the fact that the big water
damage could have been avoided.
Most, of the furniture was removed
from the house and placed in tin
house udjoining on the south, which
was vacant, and whie-h will be o.e-u-pied
by Mr. Hall and family untfl
his residence is repaired.
was served.
The switchmen are all rejoicing ov
er the return of their "Old Relia
ble". Kngineer Joe Plummer, who
...tie ... ,,,, th.. land pmrlne lit
win nun ir . r. t),. c n.,1, eri,.j. .;.
!!,. ,,,,.. lii-oll snctlir ""'". 'nr.. i, , .
James E. Benedict, who came to
Box Butte- county in ISXeJ. before the
town of Alliance was started, and
who has been ill for a long time
with paralysis, died at his home last
Saturday. He is survived by Ills
wife, daughter Eelna, another daugh
ter, Mrs. Pearl Loomis, and brother,
B. L. Benedict, of Geneva. He was
B member of the Masonic lodge and
the O. E. S. Both orders attended
in a body. Funeral services were
In Id at two o'clock Monday after-
Ing the
the same, ami grant
of the estate to Ida
Chester A Robs.
This notice shall be published three
week successively In the Alliance
Herald prior to said hearing.
Witness my hand aud official seal
this 26th day of Fe-hruarv, 1W1.I.
Acv 12 :t 205
L. W.
Office al First
Phones: Office.
Prescriptions to
clnea furnislied
f erred.
Avoid Risk Without Rik
Avoid risking what may result
from a neglected eough h usini:
Rexall t'herry Park Cough Syrup for
ita relief. You risk nothing whate-wi
when you try It, because we sell each
and every bottle with (he positive
guarantee that it will give relief, or
money back.
Can anything be more Mir than
this? Can you afford to experiment
with other reuieettes most of whk-h
are not guaranteed- in view of this
t on i -st offer?
When we say that Rexall Cherry
Bark Cough Syrup is in our opinion
Notice of Bond Sale
Notice is hereby given that the
County Commissioners of Box Butte
County. Nebraska, will inert at the
Court House in .Milanese, Box Butte
administration i County. Nebraska, on the Pth day-
May Ross and or March, Ittl.!. at 10 o'clock, A. ,M
ef said day, for the purpose of re
ceiving btels on tile.' tD,000, court
house Bond I sun ; said bonds to he
of the following denominations, vix:
Sixty-five bonds or One Thousand
lkllars each, to run rc.r a period of
twenty years from date- et i.-suauce,
bearing bjterest at the rate of rive
per cent per annum, intere; payable
semi-annually, said interest payable
at the rise-al agency of the state of
Ntbrteska, ill lll? .city er New forV,
ate of New York.
All bids lei be in writing and filed
with the county clerk on or before
10 o'cloek a. m., on the loth day of
March, l!l.:, and ace-oini runted .wfth a
eertified che-k or ncl less than un
jht e-ent r the amount bid. Th se
not accompanied by a oOtttflOBl ehook
will not be eumsldered
The County Commissioners reserve
the right to reject any and all bids.
By order or the Board.
1M04-I2 2t
County Judge.
mm "
and Surgeon
National Bank lildg.
:!62; residetice, 16.
drug store or medi
from ofXice, If pre
Don't forget to witness the best
basket ball gume of the season. Sat
urday night, between Sidney and Al
liance The Sidney boya have not
loat a game this season, and a bard
. ht is expected At the gymnas
turn at the High school, Saturday.
Get an ad in the Industrial fJition.
month in Montana.
The Machinists' banquet Monday
night was a grand success. About
fifty people were' present. The even
ing was spent in card playing and
dancing. The- Maehlnist lode here
is one of the stronger In the state.
Mr. Holdrege. In car !. and Mr.
Young. In car 77, le ft on an inspec
tion trip over the Sterling division
Wednesday momlng. They were ac
companied by Messrs. Grlgg and
We'ide'iihame-r Kemne 3B turusinu
the" motive' power
Master Mochontc Boyorofl arUl
leave Thursday noon for Chii-ago,
wlie-re lie- goe-s em e-oilipany busine-s
lie- was ac. oiupanieel by Mu. Ray
croft. After ten days in Chicago
they will go to BtltUnoro, where
they will visit relatives until atti
BnctkOor W. A. Miller lies bid in
the Crawford Hill run and will re
port for elutv In Crawforil Thurtwla
A. J. Cole', who has been em Craw
ford Hill, will return to Alliance. En-glnee-r
JgCg Kdwards, who lias been
switching In the Alliance yards, will
go to Marsland Hill. Fireman Sitz
BJM will also go to Marslanel
Engineer C J. Young aud Fireman
Ncwlierg left last Friday ror a trip
to the Paeifie- oOOOt. While in. Salt
Lake City they met and vis'ted with
I Charley Mstitews, U. N. lloakins,
tRay Carr. H. C. llolloway and B iium
be r ef o'her eld time PurllngJon
JU' i.
Mai hiuin OrswouiB'a little boy
iiie-t wi'h quite a p-ainful a dent
while playing ne-ar the Emerson
se-liool Monday sftOrBOOO. He rail in
to a hole about ten feet del p and
was taken out unconscious Dr. Sla
gle' was sent for anel had hard work
for a rew moments. The little fel
low is now able to be- in H'hool
(vain, i
nrakeinan Fred Vaughn an I Mis
Mintu Painter were married in Lin
coln Sunday morning. They left Al
liance on No. 42 Saturday night, tell
ius their triends they were' poing te
vls-it relatives in Hrtiken Bow, Alli
ance brakemeu are makiug preijara-
tions te meet the'in witli a brass
baud, nine bushels of rice and a
wagon load of old shoes on their re
turn toAlliancc. Both are very pop
ular young BOOple anl have the
kindest wishes or all their friends.
On last Sunday then- whs a spec
ial train consisting or four single
deck stock ears ami one eoach. en
gine x6 that went to Crawford for
tit-ops from Ft Robinson. The-
were to pick up either eju:pinent at
Crawford. The train wis in charge
of Conductor J. 8. Ward, who took
the train to Crawford, then back as
far us Si-ta-i a It is reported that
beginning Wednesday night there
will be four special t ruins through
from the Methodist church.
Mr. Benedict was born March 2,
18;Pi, In Chenango county, New York
state, and lacked only ten days of
being 77 years or age. He" served
two years and ten months in the
Civil war, being in Sherman's march
te the- se-a He was married in
1875 to Miss Laura Jackson of An
gola, Indiana, who survives him. The
family moved to Alliance in 1901,
from the claim which he took when
coming te the county in 1813.
We- wish to thank the- many kind
friends and neighbors, especially the
Masonic order, for their assistance"
and floral tributes, during tin- sick
ness and death of our husband, Bath
er and brother.
MR. and MRS. C. H. LOO..MIS
The many friends of Mr. and Mt
Pred McDonald will be sorry to learn
that they are leaving for Omaha,
where Fred will have a wider field
for the same line of business. Tln-se
popular Ailinaoo young people hgvet
made a success or their film
chansje but the fae-t that Omaha of
fers a much larger field has caused
them to decide to discontinue the
liio-iness here and HHBT4 4 t lie big
e-ity. The Herald will ke-ep tio-m
informed of the doings in Alliance In
their new home.
All precinct assessors will meet at
the Court House on March I nth at
ten o'clock in the morning.
County Assessor.
1906-1 1-31
Don't Take It
For Granted
that just because you are in
business, every i dy is aware
of the fact. Your goods may
be the finest In the market
but they will remain oo your
shelves unless l people sre
told about them.
If you want to move your
merchandise. Reach the
buyera in their hoiriea through
the columns of THIS PAPER
and on every dollar expended
you'll rssp a handsome
Modern Clothes for
Alliance, Nebr.
Friday -Satu
March 7th
An expert from Chicago wrtfcla,,
the measuring
Woolens in the piece to select from
"Modern Clothes for Men"
Interesting, Snappy News
Our Sister City
By Special Correspondent
While? running the circular saw in
McCluskey Bros, planing mill last
Wednestlay, Fred Acord narrowly
escaped the loss of his hand, and aB
it was, he had the thumb of his
rinht hand nearly cut off Wttb
prompt surgical attention it was sav
ed, howenrar. ami Fred is eloinn nin
ly at this writing.
D. W. Butler, who was re-cent ly
b'irned out, has opened up a Store
adjoining and is now holding a very
successful fire sale.
A. M. Beemun, of Imogene, Iowa,
arrived Wednesday with an emigrant
t-ir and will permanently locate- sev
en niiler- southwest of the city.
James Whitaker, of Canton, le-ft
rriday on 4:! for a visit with his seni-
inlaw at flOOl Wltlltl. Wyo.
It. M. Smith , of Curly, was a mist
ncss visitor to the city Tuesday
A. I. Powell, and son, of Canton,
i .line in for a load of e-oal Tue-selny.
P. J. Michael Sr., accompanied by
hit, sou Phil, and his wife, departe-d
for Omaha Friday morn inn, where
Mi Mtotaol lo reoehro treat
Uient. Mr", Michael will visit with I
her parents at Auburn, Nebr., be
fore I'tfturnlntr.
-I- - i
Professor Hardy Campbell, the- soli
expert, held u. very suc:-e ssful meet- '
int; at the opera bOUM Thurstlay, .
Feb. 20th. The meeting was not ,
large, owing to the storm that pre
vailed, but inasmuch as eight farm
ON have volunteered to farm len '
acri-s ae-e-ordinif. to the eliree-tion of 1
Mr Camjibe-ll, he is we-ll BStUfted.
Owing to the small bids made at
the sale of Guernsey e-uttle held
here- last Saturday, the sale wi4 call- -d
off. C. M. Eotspeieh was the
first anel only purchaser.
A girl arrived at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Kowland elurlng Hie
week. Everybody reporteel Ketting
ulemn nicely.
Mr. ami Mrs. C. Kle-mke lit unit il
eSunelay from Snyder. Nebr.. where
they were called, owing to the sick
ness of Mrs. Klemke's mother.
Johiisou and Melick sMpped aunt ti
er ear of hogs to Denver Moudtty.
Couuty Supertnteneleut of Schools
In it. i M. Heed returned to Alliance
Monday, after a several days' bust
news visit in this vicinity
J. C Blundell, ..t Ounlap. waa a
Tuesday visitor to the city. Jim la
' still wearing his crutches, as a re
I suit of a broken leg, but expects to
'be in good shape when the- spring
work opens up.
Simon Iverson returneil Tuesday
from Denver, where- 00 Spent seter
al days.
Winter weather still iiangs around
these parts, and while the nice lay
of snow is a nood indie ator of tin
early and excellent spring, we some
how e-an't get UBed to frigid zephyrs
after such a pleasant winter up to
Matt BOOUIBOOl is (int-niplatinii ;i
Calit'eirnia trip and BtXBeetfl to le-:i v
Bex! Satuieiay. He- will o via Den
ver, Salt l-ike and San Francisco to
San Diego, where he will make an
e-xle-nded visit.
Matt R. Kirns, who recently dis-Iiese-d
of the Marsland Tribune to C.
H. Burioigh, of Crawford, has de-
oiueo to cast nts tot witii this pro
gressive and up-to-date community
anel 04 -cordlngly has moved his fam
ily here. He will be regularly em
ployed tit the- Journal offfOO.
Dame- Humor has it that one of
our most successful young busim-s-ine-n
is soon to be married te a
very estimable- young lady in thl
city, but as the aforementioned
"Dum Rumor" is not the most reli
alile kind we- dare- not say anything
with a positlveness anil can only
await tile e-oncrete evielene-e of e)Ul
slides ami rice, before we apeak fur
ther. Our popular tonsorial artist. J. T
Butler, was surprised by a pleasiuit
visit from a brother and sister from
Newport, Nebr, during the- ;ist
week. ( . .
P. If, Kamsing, editor of the Curl
Mcntinel, together with It. B. He
harty, made a brief business vlsh to
Alliance.- Monday.
John Jelinek, who
acreage and yield of
last year, has sent
to the Burlington exhibit at ChtetMH
whe-re it makes an exe-e llent show
ing anil speaks volumes for the fu
lure- of this e-ountry.
raised a nie e
macaroni wheat
several busheh
First Door South of Post
of rice
Hemingford. Nebr,
South of Drake Hotel. The plae e
to tahe your e-lothea to have then,
cleaned and pressed. Both ladies
and gents' work solle-ited Wt- lake
orders for the Victor Ladies Tailor
ing Co of Chicago. Styles and sum
pies of Kood shown at shop. )r.
Oro for rut flowers promptly fl.,
Watch for the Industrial Edition.