PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Kates: One-inch cards, 50 cents; two-inch cards, $1.00 WILLIAM MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT LAW ALLIANCE NEBRASKA BURTON & WESTOVER Attorney at Law Land Attorney Office First National Bank Building IMIONK 1X0 alliance nenkask a Dr. Oliver McEuen . ww. pain SPECIALTIES: Diseases of women and children, and Oenlto I'rinary Or All calls answered promptly day or night HEMINGFOHI) XEIHE ASK A H. M. BULLOCK. HARRY P. COURSEY LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER ATTORNEY AT LAW ALLIANCE Farm Sales a Specialty TERM 8 REASONABLE f'HONE 64 NEBRASKA ALLIANCE NEBRASKA F. M. BROOME Land Attorney Lone experience a Receiver U. 8. land office is a guarantee for prompt and efficient service. Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA j ALLIANCE DO. D. E. TYLER Dentist I'HONE k;t OPERA HOUSE BLOCK : NEBRASKA Dr. JAS. P. HAXFIELD Dentist BRUCE W ILCOX Lawyer and Land Attorney Practitioner in civil courts since 18? and Register U. S. land office from ! OVER BRENNAN'S DRUG STORE 1903 to 1907. Information by mail a. PHONE 525 REI specialty All electrical equipment. Gas admin istered. Evenings by appointment A. J. KENNEDY Dentist Office in Alliance National Bank Building over Post Office PHONE 391 LICENSED EMBALMER PHONE: Day 498 Night 510 Office in Land Office Building ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA DR. H. H. BELLWOOD, Surgeon C. B. A Q. Ry. Office over Holsten's Drug Store DAY PHONE 87 NDGHT PHONE 8C Orle Coppernoll F. J. Petersen Res. Phone 20 Res. Phone 43 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen Osteopaths Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Rumer Block PHONE 43 GEO. J. HAND, Physician and Surgeon EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 360. Res. Phone 342 Calls answered promptly day and j wm cry your sales anywhere. See night from office Offices: Alliance j me or leave dates at the Alliance National Bank building over the Post I HTftM office. 1 i i it-. ALLIANCE NEBRASKA Let the Gold Dust Twins Shine Your Shoes i ! Palace Shining Parlor, 206 Box Butte G. J. CURTIS, Prop. L. M. Scott, Auctioneer Lakeside, Nebraska tM&SZ- PUBLIC STENOGRAPHS Parties, out of town should write, as . u 1 am out much of the time. Charges At Tne Mera,a orrice per day'. $5 eXpenst's j REASONABLE RATES ALLIANCE NEBRASKA ' PROMPT SERVICE j mmmmmmmmiimimimimmmmmmmm ""aBaBaBaBaBasasaBisiaBaBaaiaBisaBaiaiBiiaaaasaasjjjaasjjsjjjjjsjjjw I PaulW.ThomasI Voice Culture INSTRUCTOR Teacher of Tone Production ON VIOLIN M,SS EUNICE BURNETT B Soprano Soloist g rhonel75 Alliance, Neb. 5 Pui.iii Binajtmniti Solicited JCXMCie 715 CHEYENNE AVE. ForNice,CleanNiggcrhead Lump and Nut Eastern Hard Nut sioisrE: to No. 22 Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. saaaal M 1 1 it. B Dray Phone 54 DYE & OWENS Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Residence phone 636 and Blue 574 WASHINGTON LETTER Events of Interest from the Seat of Government BY CLYDE H. TAVENNER Congressman-Elect Special Washington Correspondent to this Newspaper actually enrrlrd out, it Is obvious tlist it will do more toward causing Illegal trust niHgnstis to res pert the law. and at tin- same time more (o strcnxthrn the wanlnx. confidence of the masses In the federal courts. tliHn anything that has happened in years. i .1 ALLIANCE EVOLVES NEW PROGRESSIVE POLITICS Washington, February IS.- -For a change, the same kind of Justice that is meted out to poor nu n was iih I ed out to the rich, when Federal .Bulge llollister of Ohio recently m m teiiced twenty-nine officials of the Cash Register trust to sentem-t s In jail, sustaining the view long taken by democrats that "guilt Is ersonal" and tanking the first official re sponse to the will of the people that was expressed in the election of Wood row Wilson. Now that sufficient time has elaps ed for members of congress to con sider the effect of the Judgement of the Ohio court, the concensus of opinion among lawmakers at the na tional capltol is that the Jail sen tences will do more to cause million aire trust magnates to respect the Sherman antitrust law, than any thing that has occurred since trusts and monopolies have come into ex istence. It has been demonstrated that Jail sentences is the only thing trust tnagua.tes have any respect for. They are willing to build up giant monopol ies in the necessaries of life If their only punishment, in the remote event of their prosecution and conviction is to be 'dissolution," the details of which the Supreme court will allow their attorneys to attend, to the end that their stocks will double in value Trust magnates care nothing about fines. Fines are considered simply on a business basis. The trust heads have no objection to occasion ally paying a $6,000 or $10,000 fine. having made million in cornered markets and in monopolies of the necessaries of lite But trust magnates are afraid of a cell, and if they can be convinced that if they violate the anti-trust law they will go to Jail, like the poor go to Jail when they violate a law, no one doubts but that the Sherman law would be obeyed and the problem of illegal trusts, solved. The Sherman law provides for Jail sentences for trust magnates. Just as other laws provide for jail sentences for other kinds of robbery, but for twenity years and more the Federal courts have not been impressed by the fact. Thle Is why so many per sons have come to be suspicious of the courts, and to sincerely believe that the poor do not receive the same kind of justice that la meted out to the rich; It explains, too, the recent remarkable growth of social tern, and the Agitation for the recall of Judges. In this connection It Is important to note that although the twenty-nine cash register heads were Tound guilty and were sentenced to Jail, they are not in Jail, and are not like ly to be for two years, or perhaps even longer. The cage will be fought through tho Supreme court. and aa a general rule two years is consumed. It is said that the men under sentence expect to escape jail, and will pour out their millions in an effort to find some loophole of technicality by which to escape the ignominy of being branded a con vict. If the judgement of the court ia There are varlcus progressive games known to the people of the slate, but a new definition has come to light at the state house relative to progressive politics. It refers to progressing from one state office to another under a well-thought-out plan avoir in advance ol any of th various steps taken. A certnln coterie or llox Hutte pol iticians lias thought out the plan, with the end in view of boosting an Alliance man first from state n pre sentertive to congressman from the Sixth district. The victim Is Earl Mallery, uni versity graduate, and at present rep resentative from llox llutte county Under the scheme Mallery ia to be elevated to the state senate in 1916. sent back again for 1!17 and 1!1!, six years hence, is to be projected as the choice of the people of the Sixth district for congress from that sec tion. World Herald. ACCEPTS IMPORTANT POSITION Ivan Rodgers, a well known Alli ance young man, who has thee repu tation of being a hustler, has accept ed a traveling position with Allen Brothers, of Omaha. His territory will Include Alliance and will be from Anselmo to Guernsey and Crnwford. DIED The Infant baby boy born to Mr. and Mrs. Combs two weeks ago died the first of last week and was burled Wednesday morning. The funeral was held at the house at ten o'clock, Rev. J. H. Brown taking charge. RETURN FROM EASTERN TRIP Rev. I). W. Montgomery returned last Saturday morning from a three weeks' eastern trip, having visited Chicago, St. Louis, Monticello Semin ary at Godfrey. 111.; Ottumwa and Williamsburg, Iowa; and Lincoln and Pawnee City, Neur. At Chicago he spoke before a convention celebrating the twenty-fifth or silver annivers ary of the Presfoyterlan Board of Sunday School Work. He lectured at Ottumwa and Williamsburg, lectured and preached at Monticello, and spoke before the Conservation Con gress at Lincoln. He visited on his way east with his parents, at Paw nee City. Big New Stock arriving Come and take your choice of Henney Buggies and Spring Wagons FARM WAGONS The low down Manure Spreader, the only practicable spreader on the market I. L. ACHESON let ins are sent to persons within the state free of charge. They contain much valuable Information expressed in such a way aa to be easily under stood by any one. THOROUGHBRED BULLS C. E. Clougli, a prominent Alliance man who ia the owner of a big ranch near Alliance, purchased two fine fourteen and eighteen months old thoroughbred registered Hereford bulls at the Grand Kl;.i.d sale. He has a very fine grade of stock oli his rnfich and has secured a cou ple of beauties In these. DISEASE GERMS IN MILK lvrsouts fn Nebraska who are afraid of disease germs In milk should send to the Agricultural Ex in riment station at Lincoln for a copy of Press Bulletin No. 39, giving description of simple methods of Pas teurization, or sterilization, of milk and cream in the home. These bul- oooooooooooooooo o SPADE ITEMS o oecooooooooooooo Dr. Wilson of Rushvllle was called to I' T. Sondoz's sandhills residence on account of severe illness. He Is at present improving, but slowly I Peter Sandoz was out skirmishing the hills for more seed corn. May be he thinks he will raise something in 1913. I Better late than never. Fred Hun zlcker is the proud possessor of an other bouncing baby girl some more dishwashers on earth H. 8. and Mrs. Wright were Hay Springs and Rushvllle visitors on business, and had a nice auto ride from Hay Springs, with Chas. Orr and wife. Fred and Harry McMllllan were Hooper visitors Sunday night and Monday on business, buying horses. Something must be going to lumpen over on the McMlllian places In the near future. Fine weather we hnve had. The farmers are apt to start In to plow and raise an awful dust. That may be all they will raise in these hills. J. A. Simmons and Mr. Hollowell of Spade were Rushvllle visitors on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday on business, paying what they owed the county. If everybody was iiko ttamt the county would be more prosper ous Gus Sandoz is very busy these days riding from his place to hi wife's place to do first her chores and then his. Verner Moore is busy riding the grub line these days. Why don't lis get himself a wife? Verner. send for one to Montgomery, Ward at Co HAPPY HOUR8. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) e CLEMan o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) Charlie Hart Is working for Henry iSagamlller. Geo. Elliott returned home from tlroadwater Monday, where he haa been doing some painting Carl Rapp took dinner Sunday with the Squibs family. Clarence Morgan and !' Westley helped Vic Covalt batcher two hogs Tuesday. Master Hon Elliott has u n w but row. He says It came to Broadwat er by parcel pest, and his papa brought It home Monday. The professional card of Miss Run Ice Burnett, of Mullen, teacher of vocal music, who visits Alliance osv Saturday to Wednesday of each week, announces that she has her studio at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L W. Phillips, 715 Cheyenne Avenue Alliance Cleaning Works The place to bring your clothes forfirst-classcleaningand pressing We make a specialty of night work All goods called for and delivered Phone 58 403j Box Butte Ave. BARNYARD HYGIENE A LITTLE Babbitts Pure Lye or Potash and a lot of water applied to hen coops, nests and roosts, eradicates vermin. Used on stable floors, mangers and feeding 'iojujs, it keeps disease germs away from horses and cattle. As a spraying solution, it kill the scale and preserves your trees. Many uss it as a hog conditioner. Be sure to get Babbitt's, the can of a hundred uses. Highest in Strength, but not in Price. Only 10c. Buy a dozen cans today. It is concentrated cleanliness. Valuable Presents for the Labels. Writ for Houktet thawing many mmj. B.T. BABBITT, p.o.iw. i76, NEW YORK CITY PURE u or