I l l Every Progressive Alliance Business Man should be represented by an advertisement in the Industrial Edition of The Herald. It will be a complete and reliable direct ory of the city of Alliance. It will contain much informa tion about Western Nebras ka. Several thousand copies will be printed. The price will be five cents per copy. Advertisers are now reserv ing space. Regular rates Detains, HeminKford, pt. part of of , Nobr., 1 20 ')(. part f pnrti of I A FOR THE PUBLIC HEALTH 1 TRADE MARr The sign of the Toilet and Medicinal preparations of the American Drug & Press Association A mutual organization of the druggists and news paper men of the country, formed for the purpose of providing for the general public an Absolutely Guaranteed, Dependable line of Remedies and Toilet Articles A pre(Mtration foe. each specific purpose, the comxmition of which ia known to every druggist who sells it and money back withou rj i u r aIOft To fchefeustotntYrrb buy it If is not satisfied. We have joined this association because we believe in the Merit!" Remedies; because we know there is nothing better. We have the exclusive agency for Alliance. We invite you to call and see this splendid line. F. J. BRENNAN Ralph O, .tnckson. Chadron. Nebr. part of 14 29 4! John L Wohr. Alliiince, all of e . 24 1M-43. Harry C, Kcnnard, Ellsworth, pail of 1 and :: 24-43. Kraak 11. Thompson. Ellsworth. Nc br., part of sections and 9-22 t ! Oeorito K. ShafOW, Hnrrlsbure;. all of 24-28-58. Harrv W of 2-28-49. Henry C, Hloomflcld, Oary. Nebr . part or 4 and 6-18-68. Samuel V Hoed. Mitchell, part of C-26 and sec. .11-2.1-fiR. William Kuan. Long Knk 21-24 45 and M-ST-lfl. Thomas Huller, Alllan'e. part ;-25-51. (povei- ( Sutton, part of Rection 22 2.5-49. Hark H. Morten. Kackott part or 211 and 26-20-43. II: y Kay. Mitchell, part or Hubert W. Hopkins. Mcdrew, S2 and M 20-5.1. Marcus A. D'vnsher. Rnckett o sections 12-i:i and 14-21-42. Orltn M. Reed. Mlnatare, part 7 9841. i:erctt Walker. Rislnjt City. part of 24-24-68. Applications for Final Proof I aoim anepneru. riarrison, pari oi : S2 :;4-56. 0, W. Horn. Mlnatare, part or sec 21-23-53. Cnthryne K. Hlnke. Kllsworth. all or L'6-29-43. Kdward Haley, Harrifbuiv;, all or 12 and 13-20-67. Grace Slinsbauni, HarrlsburK, part or sections 11 and 12-20-67. Wodle L. Hisel, TippeHs, Nebr., part of 2 and 11-20-41. Ida M. Hinman, Hoffitt, part of" r.-20-46. Kdward E. Lewis, Mlnatare, part of 1! and 24-23-6.1. William H. Rockwell, Mlnatare, pt. of 25-23-63. Rollle J. Reld, Mhiatare. part of 25-23-53. William Hreckner, Ring-ham, part of 12-24-41 and part of sections fi and 7-24-40. Charles Wildcard, Mud Springs, pt of 1 and 12-24-64. John I, milm.uk. Wayside, part of see. 13 and 24-34-60. Daniel K. DaviB, Mud Springs, Ne br., part of 22 and 15-26-53. Leslie O. Shetler, Canton, part of 32-27-53. John H. Uonohoe, Ellsworth, jwirt of 12 and 13-24-43 and 7-24-42. Lambert Applegate, Minatare, part of 12 and 13-24-54. William H. Ehrinan, Orlando, part of sec. 5, 6, 8 and 17-20-46. .Limes P. Nlelson, Orlando, part of 6 and 6-21-45 and 31, 32 aod 1-21-46. Fred Schoefer, Harrison, part of 9-32-56. Eugene D. Wood, Bridgeport, part of 2-19-49. Arthur E. Eugate, Spade, Nebr.. all of 32-27-41. James C. Britton, Marsland. part of 18-29-49. George W. Britton, Maryland, part of 13-29-61. Josaf John, Hay Springs, part of s. m i in 31-28-44. David C. Hunsaker, Marsland, part of 12 and 13-28-62. wmm Mr M mm 11 i i U.S. Land Office Notes Interesting News of Alliance Land Office PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK pari Ne-und NOTICE f A 1 Bahl c- You'll be de- tHB kVv with ''e re J Bit H Calumet Baking 1 ' noleiB No disappoints noB'al. SV. 8gy biscuits. Juslike Isfliicsi, daintiest, most unlTmHftai-ed aod roost deli cl.ii itik )ou ever ate. PjV ktillAiMilranr Wrl i. ior. Homesteads Filed On Henry Potter, Tippets, Nebr., or sec. .13-20-41 and 4-19-41. Catherine Walbridge, Alliance, br., part of Me. SI and 32-25-44 1-24-45. Allan H. Lincoln, Bayard, Nebr., part or sec. 2X-.M and 34-22-61. Krank Kloyd, Pawlet, Nebr., all of f-'l-43. Uorn H Cialt. Morrill, Nebr., all of 1-26-5". William H. Packard, Harrisburg, part of 14 and 23-20-67. Hamilton Brown, Denver, Colo., pt. of see. 22 and 27-21-4,!. Frederick Knickerbocker, Lynn, Nebr., part of 18 and lil-21-48. Walker M. Lee, Alliance, Nebr., part of sec. 2 and 3-26-56. Thomas A. Anderson, Henry, Nebr.,' part of 26-21-50. Mary Verner Brumley, Alliance, Ne i ; br.. all of 35-22-47. i Maggie Andrus, Alliance. Nebr.. i part of 26-22-47. i I Homesteads Allowed Krank Kloyd, Pawlet, Nibr., all of, 4 21-4!. Leora H. Cratt, Morrill. Hi br . all of 1-20-67. William H. I'ackanl, Harrisburg, Nebr.. part of see. 14 anil 2.: -2 -45. I llamiltoii Brown, Denver, Colo., pt. ' of sec. 22 and 27-21-43. Krederii k Knlckei bocker, Lynn. Ne br., part of sec. I x and l-2l-4K. Henry Potter, Tippetts, Ntbr.. part I of 31 and 32-25-44 and 1-24-45. 1 Allan H. Lincoln, lluyaid, Nebr.! part or set . 2X 33 and 31-22-51. Ralph H. Tt.inputt. Alliance. Nebr. pri r if ID-IT. H. Arthur Smith, titling. Nebr. pun Of 5 and 6-2U-56. Kdward LeaakaB. Crawford, Xclir part of nee. 8, and I (-.;. I-.'i'.'. Usraa Hitler, Ncligk, Nebr.. e-. 35-28-57. Kdward Cooper, Oahkoh. Nebr pari ol see. 35 and 34-19-43. ina II. Sutton, Alliance. Nebr of set-. 32-23-48. Johu P. Jones. Mumper. Nebr.. pan of sec. 14 and 23-21-46. Edwin T Patera, Lincoln. Nebr.. part o sections 17 aud 20-20-47. James Mltera. South Omaha, part ol set . and 28-21-28. Order for Hearing .. , State of Nebraska, Box Butte Coun ty, ss. At a County Court, held ut the County Court Room in said county on the 18th day of February. 1913. Present L. A. Berry, County Judge. In the Matter of the Estate of Ab- ner L. Monroe, 'deceased. On reading the petition of George E. Hughes filed herein, praying that administration of said estate be granted to himself as administrator. ORDERED, That, said petition will be heard on the 10th day of March, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. That all persons interested in said estate may appear at County Court on said date, and show cause if any there be why said petition should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and of said hearing be given to all persons interested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Alliance Herald, a weekly newspaper published In said county, for three successive wik prior to said hearing. L. A. BERRY, ISEALI Count v .Indue 201-1 l-3t estion To Mary Catherine Feaiiat, and Meade K. Kearlnx her husband, Margaret M Rooney and Michael Rooney her husband. Darius Good win, Mary (5. Kenton, and William K. Kenton her husband, Jesse Ly dy anil Mamie Lytly his wife, Kran Ldy anil Bessie Lydy his wife, Leonard Goodwin. William God win. William R. Armlngton and Jane Armington his wife, whose true Christian name is unknown, non-resident defendants: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 6th day of Kcb ruary 1913 the undersigned Armllda M. Caven, as plaintiff, filed her pe tition III the District Court In anil for Box Butte county, Nebraska, Mgainst you and each of you, im pleaded with John II. Langford, Nor man E. Langford, Lurille M. New comb, James A. Langford and Mary 1 :mgford his wire, and William C. Cavln, as defendants, the object and prayef of which petition is to par litlon the south half of the northeast nuartir and the south half of the r.orthwest quarter or stetlon twelve tl2 in township twenty-rive (26), north, range nrty-Uiree (53), west of the Sixth Principal Meridian In iotix county, Nebraska, and Iota s!. 6 and seven (71 and the east half of the southwest quarter of section six (6) in township twenty-five (25), north, range fifty two (52) west of the Sixth Principal Meridian la Box Butte county, Ne braska, and that by a decree of the Cmirt the Interests of the respective parties, as helrs-at-law of John Lang ford, deceased, and of Mary E. Lang lord, deceased, be established and i forth in severalty If the name can be done without manifest injury, and that partition of said land and pieinises be made, and that from the share and interest of the de fendant James A. Langford there be deducted and divided amongst the others entitled thereto the moneyB due from him for rents of the said real estate amounting; to $160 and lor permanent Improvements, viz: fencos, removed by him to the value ot $100 and for such other proceed ings as are authorized by law in that behalf. You are further notified that you are required to Tile your answer to said petition in the office of the clerk of said Court on or before the 7th day of April, 1913, or aid pe tition will bo taken aa confessed by you and each of you. H M 1 1 .1 M. CAVEN. Plaintiff. By J. E. PORTER, Her Attorney 197-11-4t Notice for Service by Publication Krank Reed and Louisa M. Reed, his wife, defendants, will take no tice that on tbe 6th day of February, 1913, Henry Cake, plaintiff herein, filed his petiUon In the District Court of Box Butte county. Nebras ka, against said defendants, tbe ob ject and prayer of which are to quiet the title in the plaintiff upon the north half of the northeast quarter of section 23 and north half of the northwest quarter of section 24 In township 28 north of range 50 west of the 6th principal meridian In Box Butte county, Nebraska, and to ex clude each and all of said defend ants from any Interest therein. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 17th day of March, 1913. Dated Feb. 6, 1913. HENRY OAKE, Plaintiff. 198-9-4t ells Uhoes Look Over His Line Hanan, Edwin Burr, E. P. Reed, and Sherwood Ladles line Is the finest line shown west of Chicago by any retail dealer. Look Them Over Monarch No. 1 Dip ! to 75 Cures Scabs, Chases Flies, Sure Death to Lice Certificate of Government Approval on every can THE BEST FOR Sheep, Cattle, Horses, Poultry and Hogs USE IT NOW uuTamerd by J?eC Chemical Concern, Uawofo, Nebr. ' by 1. L. ACHESON of pt causes heartburn, sour stomach, nervousness, nausea, impure blood, and more trouble than many different kinds of diseases. The food you eat ferments in your stomach, and the poisons it forms are ab sorbed into your whole system, causing many dis tressing symptoms. At the first sign of indigestion, try Thedford's Black-Draught the old, reliable, vegetable liver powder, to quickly cleanse your system from these undesirable poisons. Mrs. Laramore, of Rile Good water. Mo., says: "I suffered for years from dyspep sia and heartburn. Thedford's Black-Draught, in small doses, cured my heartburn la a few days, and new I can eat without distress." Try it Insist on Thedford's LEGAL NOTICE Benjamin H. Craig and Mrs. Craig, his wife, first and real name un known, William Craig and Mrs. Craig, his wife, first and real name unknown, and Birdie Craig and her husband, John Doe, real name un known, defendants, will take notice that on the 30th day or August, 1912. Hattie E. Sherwood, plaintiff, herein filed her petition in the District court of Box Butte county. Nebraska, ngalnat said defendant, the object and prayer of which are to quiet title in the plaintiff to the nOftheMl quarter (NEVit of section thirty-two t.t-') in township t went y-st von 127). north or range rorty-nine, west of sixth principal meridian in Box Butte county, NebraKka, as against the de fendants and all persons claimtDS through or under tht-m and to ex clude the defendants aud each of them from all right, title and inter est therein. You are required to answer s;iil petition on or before the 24th day of March, 1913. Dated Ft b. 13, I'M:: HA TIME E. BHERWOOD, Plaintiff. 200 IO-4t I liy vli-tue or an order of sale di-1 ! rected to me from the Clerk of the' i)iirit Court or nx Btitta oooary, Nebraska, on a decree renired in said court on the 17th day or Decern- i : ber. A. D. 1912, in ravor or R M ! Hampton, as plaintiff, and against 1 Walfrid jounson and Clara Johnscu, 4 'rtS defendant, for the sum of one I hundred forty-five dollars and sixty- t five cents, with Intereat at 10 per j cent and accruing coats, and direct . ing that the premises therein de- scribed, tow It: J.ot number seveB teen (17 iu block number twaat) (SO) in the first addition to the town or Alliance. Box Butte county. N I brjjka, be appraised, advertised aud Isold as upon execution, to satisfy saiil sum or one hundred forty-rlve ; and sixty-five one-hundredths dollars, and accruing coats, I have caused the follow ing described land to be ap- praised, low it: Um number seven teen (17) iu block uumbtr twenty! 120) in the first addition to the' town of Alliance, Box Butte county. Nebraska. And will ofter the same to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on the 24th day of March. A. D. 191.1. i In front of the V4NM front door or ; the court house In Alliance iu said county, at the hour ot II o'clock a m. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the un derulgned. Dated February IK. 1913. 0, M COX, Sherirf of said county I 202-1 I t We art prepared to do your Fancy Cabinet Work We operate a planing mill in conrrectwn with our large Lumber Yard and ara able to turn out high grade warn. Gat our prices an Wood Tanks, Storm Doors or Porches, in fact, anything you wish made ta order. FOREST LUMBER CO TELEPHONE 73 Mr. Man: Before Vo u Build or Repair, Let Earnest Rosenberger FIGURE WITH YOU ON ALL KINDS OF Carpentering and Contracting Jobs taken, large or small. Jobbing a Specialty. Estimates and Plans I'urnished Free. Rates Reasonable. Work (iuaranteed. 1 1 KM INC F RD, N E BRASJC A Coughs Are Dangerous Ifatl frequently they lead to very MriMM reMilis. No foujili should v- r be netilected. Just as soon as It UOoan a remedy should be sought. We believe that the very bebt treatment obtainable for coughs of any description is Kexall Oh rtJ li.uk Cough Syrup. We sell it un der a positive Kuarantee that If it noes not satisfy you and relieve your tMSh your money back. Itexall ('hero Hark Couah Sviup helps destroy the disease germs wtiicb are common causes of oush -li l Ipa check violent spasms of iiu I rouchial tubes and tends to soothe the Inflamed membranes and nerves, put'tag them in a condition of rest so that the injured tissues may haw i chance to heul. Itexall Cherry Hark Cough Syrup Uab a thoroughly agreeable taste and s tcually good for young children or lei pi opl -'" cents, "in ccnt. and $i. Sold in this community only at our store The Hexall Store K K Moisten I ' - -