State Historical Smle'r cp Gives all the ntws of ox Butte County and City of Alliance. The Alliance Herald Largest circulation of any newspaper in Watt ern Nebraska. VOLUME XX ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA I THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1913 NUMBER 12 PLANS FOR A PRIMARY Herald's Proposition for Postoffice Prim ary Receives Approval of Alliance Democrats rule of the people Hume time show to the people that democratic candidates and pnJtUcleUt. (meant what they said In the Inst campaign In advocating the. rule of the people. V need not be 'old that the office of postmaster Is not elective; .we are well aware of that fact. Bnt We have confidence -nough In the democracy. In ita tru est sense, ot Wood row Wilon iiml those who are neareat him, indmlirwj 'Senator Hitchcock and. the personal' friends of Mr. Bryan, to believe that popular choice of federal appoint cep will be just hh cordially endorsed b them as the popular choice of United (States senators. Btul that they lll igladly accept some practical plan for ascertaining the wish of the people. WILL LEAVE ALLIANCE "SsTm'e am, ALLIANCE CELEBRATES Commissioners Advertise for Bids for Bonds to Build New $65, 000 Courthouse ADVISORY BOARD ELECTED Te democratic slogan, "Let the people rule," sounds good to The Herald. And It sounds just as good when applied to the selection of federal office holders under a dem ocratic administration as at any oth er time. It sounds good to other people, too. Thde does not mean that the rights of democrats under the new administration are not to be protected, but it does mean re form. On Saturday, Feb. 1 5th, from I to 6 o'clock in the afternoon, a post office election was held at Merna, Nebr. More than a merely local In terest was manifesto! in this elec tion because that Merna is the home town of W. 3, Taylor, demo cratic candidate for emigres at the last election, and also because he had given this plan his endorsement. The claim that is sometimes made that only a small nuinler of voters will avail themselves of the oppor tunity to express their choice of can didates at a preferential election, did not bold good in this case. More than 91 per cent, of those entitled to vote did so. A much smaller ier centage of the total vote of Nebraska was cast at the presidential election laert fall. At the special election held in Box Butte county on the 18th of this month to vote on the court house bonding proposition, in which the people of Alliance were supposed to be greatly interested, only about 75 per cent, of the total vote of this city was polled. The Custer County Herald gives the following Informatics about the Merna election: The people of Merna, it is believ ed by those who bawe watched the election, are as a rule highly satis fied with this method of choosing 'the (Hjstmaster. There may be a few sore spots, but that is the case in any election. There have been six candidates In ithe race for the appointment for the poetmastershlp in Merna. The race, under the old method showed up some complications. v. J. Tay lor, being the democratic candidate for congress and a resident of M r na, would naturally he consult a as to the appointment of a postmaster In his local town. All the candidates are neighbors and friend's of Mr. Taylor. Not wish ing to offend or show any partiality among his personal friends. Mr. Tay lor took the steps to call an elec tion for the purpose of weeding out the candidates and assisting the com munity In gtting settled on some particular candidate All but one of the candidates In the race entered the primary held at Merna on Saturday last, with the following reextlt : There were 281 votes cas out of a possible :!0f' legal voters who are patrons of the Merna post office. The vote wa.s as follows: Joe Fen n I more 8 W S. Wells til Us! Avis il Mrs. Hiiney 41 Kdward Foley :15 Five votes were thrown out be cause of mistakes in the casting of the ballot. After the election was over and the vote counted and the judges and clerks of the election made an affi davit to the effect that such an elec tion had been held, giving the num ber of votes cast for each candidate, telling of the call of the election, that it was advertised for two weeks in t.he local paper, and other neces sary data regarding the election. These affidavits will be forwarded to the proper authorities, and It is believed will prove instrumental In landing the appointment for the win ning candidate at the primary. Mr. Taylor, who was responsible for the election, was in the city Tuesday and expressed great pleas lire at the seeming satisfaction of the entire patronage of the Merna post office. He thinks that there are but very few discontented ones since the election has been held and the people have expressed a choice in the matter. Now for Alliance The Herald has three plans to siiKgest for a post office primary for Alliance, either of which if adopted will eonsej-ve the rights of demo cratic candidates for postmaster and will be at least a step in the direc tion of popular election: 1, Permit all legal voters who are patrons of the post office to vote, as in the caje of the Merna election, only democrats to be can didates for the position. If the de mocracy of any candidate shall bi called in question, let it. be decided &' such method as the .democratic candidate for congress at the last lection shall direct. 2. Primary to be open only to democratic voters who are patrons or the Alliance post office. In the event of any voter's democracy be ing challenged, it shall be passed upon by the Judges of election. If they unanimously approve, he shall be permitted to vote without show ing for whom he votes. If one or more of Ihe judges of election de cline to pass him as a democrat, he may be permitted to vote by show ing his ballot, a record being made of nil such votes cast and the name of the candidate for whom each votes. If it shall be found that votes .so cast might change the re sult of the election from what It WOUld otherwise be, subsequent in vestigation shall be approved by the candidate for congress !. Primary to be confined to d in ixrats who voted at the last state wide primary, as shown by the reg istration books. This would have the advantage of sifting out all but simon pure democrats, but would be open to the objection of leaving out many who did not vote at the general primary last spring. We have suggested the above three plans for a post office pri mary with the hepe that from them some plan may be evolved that will be fair and practicable, and at the The table shown herewith, the same as published in the last issue of The Herald, gives the official count on the recent bond election. The count shows 558 for bonds ami 564 against, with 5 ballots spoiled an thrown out. Over 200 Alliance Citizens Attend the Banquet at Opera House Tuesday Evening OLD TIME "BLOW OUT'' Popular Alliance People Will Move to Salt Lake City. Herald Loses Valuable Correspondent LEAVE MANY FRIENDS HERE ff. N. lloskins, who recently re signed his position with the Burling ton at Alliance, after having worked as freight conductor for seven years, htts accepted a lucrative position as fr ight conductor for the Western Pacific, running out of Salt Lake City. UtAb, where he is at the pies ont time. Mr. lloskins had been in Salt Lake City only a week when he received and accepted 'the position I above mentioned. Mrs. lloskins. who lias delighted Herald readers with her railroad de partment notes for a number of years, will leave Alliance on the 23nd of March, to join Mr. lloskins. The Herald joins the many friends Of thiB estimable couple in expressing doefi refHM at their departure from : Alliance. They leave a host of friends who wisb them well in their new home. EASTER CANTATA A. J. Welch, director of the Moth I odist church choir, is organizing a t chorus of fifty voices for the pur pose of rendering the cantata, "Con Iquering King." Easter night. This ' la something never seen in Alliance j before and will be worth planning ; to attend. A great deal of work and practice is being put into t entertainment ami Alliance peoi I will be rewarded in hearing them, j Mr. Welch Is very competent and thorough in his work and always ' achieves good results. Following is the tabulated vm.- Feb. 18, Nov. 5 1913 1912 Yes No Yea No First Ward 273 42 326 72 8eond Ward 160 23 197 46 Hox Butte pres. 12 72 7 82 Boyd 27 9 26 21 Deraey 6 167 6 tit Lake 59 27 60 40 Lawn 0 63 2 59 Liberty 1 41 o 42 Nonpariel 2 63 5 56 Running Water (t 21 tl H Snake Creek ... 1 19 8 32 Wright 18 27 21 .t.t Totals 568 654 6!in tit I School Bonds Yes No First Ward 242 II Second Ward 181 I Lake fN H Two hundred and ten Alliance . it I izens responded to the call of the Commercial Club and The Herald, ' and met together around the banquet table Tuesday evening, in the Phoi an Opera House, to celebrate 1 1 a -twenty-fifth birthday of Alliance. It l was the largest gathering of Its kind In Alliance since the big Nor mal banquet, about three years ago. We are not going to give n full an complete account of the banquet In 4. Vocal Solo- "The Swift Swallow" Miss Kunice. Burnett Accompanied by W. L. Phil lips. 5. "Alliance, Twenty-rive Years Ago and Today" F. M. Broome Short Speeches by Various Old Settlers and Other Prominent Citizens On the hack of the program was prtnled a history of the beginning mis issue, tor we are saving tnat un- I or Alliance, written by John W ill the btg industrial issue of Tits Outhrle. who took great liberties Herald one week from today. We ) with the names of the old and want to give a condensed report younger settlers m making it up, as Jiere, however. will be noted. We wish to give the patriotic At-; Owing to the heavy snows and llance men the credit due them for business which interfered. It was liu thelr energetic and untiring eftoris possible Tor the speakers who were in making this hanquet a rut-cess, to come from out of town to be at Rodgers, Lockwood, Highland. Mai the banquet. In addition to the tin, Rumer, Johnston. Broome. I l speakers given on the. program above and the many others who took ;.u short speeches were made by Judge actho part in arranging for the ban- W. W. Wood, John W. Guthrie, w. Uttet, selling the tickets, handling : O. Rumer, C o. Asnenwall of Chl- WILL GO TO OMAHA A. I). Rodgers, president of the Commercial Club, will leave for Om aha next Monday, accompanied by Mrs. Rodgers. to attend the annual convention of the Federation of . braska Retailers, March 11 to 14, and the "Made In Nebraska Show", Mar. 5th to Kith. Convention headquarters will be at the HOta Rome; 1 6th and Jackson streets, and the Made In Nebraska Show will be at. the Auditorium, 15th and Howard streets. LADIES' AID POSTPONED Owing to sickness and death, the Ladirs' Aid cf the First Presbyter ian church was postponed for one week and will meet next Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Nellie 'Heath; the week following with Mrs. Bowen, and after that with Mrs. Coleman. The funeral of Mr. Win. Kennedy wiib postponed until this morning at nine-thirty o'clock, as the relatives were not all able to be here in time yesterday morning. Get an ad in the Induatrial Edition. Following is the advisory board elected on the unofficial ballots, for the purpose of working with the county commissioners in letting eon tracts, approving work, etc.: First ward. Alliance, Henry Swan Second ward, Karl J. Stem. Running Water. John Jelinek. Wright, Frank McCoy. Lawn, G. L. Taylor. Dorsey. A. M. Miller. Boyd, Virgil Putman. Nonpariel, K. K villi Lake. 1). W. Hugbes. Box Butte, John O'Mara. DATE SET FOR TOURNAMENT AND STOCKMEN'S CONVENTION The Nebraska Storlt Growers -Booiatlon has selected Thursday, Kri day and Saturday. June 12, 1.1 and it. as the dat?s for the convention in Alliance this year. This means ttoat the Tournament of the Nebras ka State Volunteer Firemen's Asso ciation will be held on the same dates. The committee in charge of ar rangements for the tournament eon slats of Councilman George Mollring, chairman; Chief P. K. Rom kg. Vice chairman; president Oarl W Spacht, secretary; E. O. Lalng, treasurer; A. D. Rodgers, Bruce Mattery. John W. Guthrie and F. O. McCormick. The concessions will be handled by F. D. McCormick. - .... ENTERTAIN FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. John Wlktr enter tained a number of their friends at their home Sunday evening" at a Victrola concert. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Chase Feagtns, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Westover. Miss Vir ginia Broome, Mr. F. M llroome, Mr t Snead, Mr and Mrs. Harry (lantz. and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Nelson. the funds and arranging the program all deserve great credit lor their work. Following Is the menu, served by Caterer Coyle. and his able corps of assistants, who were worked to the limit in serving the immense crowd Oyster Soup 'Celery Sweel Roiled Ham Baked Pickled Beets Fruit Salad Fresh Fruit Cake Milk capo, F. VV Harris, K. H. Hemlng way wi Kansas City, General Suoer- in tender, t fc. K, Young. Bruce Wil cox. J The inuswal program was excel lent, the young ladies' quartet re ; reived a great deal of applause and iwere brought back for hu encore. oiUosjMBaa Hurnett sang beautifully and Pickles lor an encore sang Aulo Lang Syne. icon a i rorn i tie ore nest rn. consisting of Paul W. Chicken Thomas, violinist and leader. Prof. Hard Boiled KggsjL K. Clements, cornetlst, J. Carl Potato Chips Thomas, cellist, and Miss Ha'.Ue rufhJ Rcnswolcl, pianist, rendered music ol I. oaf Cak.- over variety, several ot the patri WILL ENTERTAIN Mrs. w. r. Harper will entertain twenty of her young lady friend at the McCorkle residence on Fridaj evening. Lunch will be served, and the entertainment will be in the na ture of a post card party. Tea Coffee otic pieces bringing the ualherlnB tn Cigars Iheir feet at tinifs. Here Is the program: The program ended at eleven thlr- I. Ladies Quartet "Water Lilies" tj ami the hnppy gathering of Alli- Missfs Kmity Skilea. Virginia anew men and women and their vis- Broonie, Josephine, Ware, An ltors wnt to their homes feeling gela Ware Accompanied b) that the birthday ol our little city Mrs. W. I). Zediker had been celebrated In a lilting man (2, Address of Welcome ner and llmt the bonds of fellow i: M lUtnptcm.'uiiiKt itshiti bind tighter than Uiauv 3. Response Hon I E. Tasii people think. HISTORY OF ALLIANCE Once upon a time, some twenty-five years ago, a Rumer reached the west of a Strong, Young, but Gray Knight of Ak-Sar-Bc-n, called Buechaens'tein, with his squire O'Keefe, in Reddish-Brown Armour, accompanied b a Bowman, a Smith .airvlng a Broome in his Hand, all on good Mounts, leading a Drake and a Bullock (to Cook for the King) each with Marks of Moist Waters on Ita Pate, and eating a Newberry which was not Rice nor any Berry a Miller could make Into Graham, met a Harper singing his Darling Soules Swan song of Joy accompanied by Hampton who Was playing on a Reed and passing through the Woods and Hills beheld a Ray of Moon lighting the Churchill and saw a Reck of a Hall and Haines where the But ler told them he had No-he, Nor ton of feed and that the rule of the Klmore Clan was "tbut he who Hughes the so-called Bell wood and Lockwood Burns it." And they went to Hewitt. Reaching Highland Reard-on the Banks of Grand Lake they saw Andrews s hlupp on the Beach surrounded by Klks with Kagles fluttering near, for which that country was Famous. The luke was too deep to Ford, and Rowan Westover acrois, all except Taah. who waded, against the fears of the doubting. Thomas, and catching some flah Gut-tbrlo, they met a Carl fr who built the Keel-er some oth er part of the boat leaving an Asp-in-vall. assist td by Spry Itenswold from plans made by Brenn- an .superintended by Pilkington. and all Phelan gay they entered into Alliance with o'her old set tiers and lived happily ever after. Perpetra'ed by John W. Guthrie. THE biggest step ever taken for the advance ment and development of Western Ne braska has been taken by D. Clem Deaver, General Immigration Agent for the Burling- ii ton. In this rapidly growing country otours, money for development is scarce. He is going to help our homesteaders and landow ners to get $$ for development of their land. Read this letter to The Herald: Hurrah for D. Clem Deaver 1 i Omaha, Nehr.. Feb. 19, 191 S. To the Editor of The Herald: There are main million of dollars on deposit in Nebraska banks. Some ot the owners are looking tor investment in good securities. There are thous ands of Kinkaid homesteaders that have now made proof and want to borrow some money to buy milk cows with. Will you help me to get them together? 1 am going to have a meeting March 14th in Omaha with a number of financiers who have monev to loail on good security and would like to know how many in your locality have proved up on their 640 ac re homesteads and w ant to borrov money to buy milk cows with. After talking with some of the men who have mone to loan and w ith a large num ber who want to borrow, this plan has suggested itself to me that the owners of the proved-up 640 acre claims write out an application for rive year $1500.00 loans, giving the legal numbers of their land, full description of improvements, state that they are willing to inv est $1000.00 of the money in milk cows and give a mortgage on the cows and their 640 acres, and, state w hat they propose to do w ith the other $500.00 and w hat rate of interest they are w illing to pay. If you w ill get the applications together for vour locality and get them to me bv . ay March 13th, 1 w ill present them to the people who have money to loan and it may result in the organization of a company for the purpose of loaning money to K inkaid homesteaders. Yours truly, I). CLEM DKAVKk. Write today to the editor of The Herald at Alliance, giving the numbers of your land and the other information asked for in the above letter. We will see that your application reaches Mr. Deaver without delay. If you have not proved up, but will inside of the next year, write just the same. We will watch out for you.