PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Rates: One-inch crmls. .() cnts: two inrli cards, $1.00 XVILLIAM M1TCMIILL Dr. Oliver McEuen ATTORNEY AT LAW ALLIANCE NKBRASKA BURTON & WESTOVER Attorney at Law Land Attorneys 'fioe First National Bank BlltdUgJ PftONI iso ALLIANCE NEBRASKA H. M. BULLOCK. ATTORNEY AT LAW ALLIANCE NEBRASKA Phyatclan and Surgeon SPECIALTIES: Diseases of women nnil children, anel Oenifo I'rinarv Of- All calls answered promptly day or night HF.MIN(,FOKI : Klllt SK HARRY P. COURSEY LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Farm Sales a Specialty TKRMS RE 10ONABLH PHONE t',4 ALLIANCE : ; NEBRASKA F. M. BROOME Land Attorney Lon experience as Receiver tf. S. land office is a guarantee for prompt and efficient. service. Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA BRUCE W ILCOX Lawyer and Land Attorney Practitioner in civil courts since 1893 und Register V. S. land office from 1903 to 1907. Information by mail I specialty. Office in Land Office Building ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA DR. H. H. BELLWOOD, Surgeon C. B. & Q. Ry. Office over Holsten's Drug Store DAY PHONE 87 NfOHT PHONE K DO. 1. K. TYLER Dentist PHONE 167 OPERA HOUSE BLOCK (ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA Dr. JAS. P. HAXFIELD Dentist OVER BRENNAN'S DRUG STORE PHONE 525 1180 All electrical equipment. Gas admin rat.ered. EvenlngB by appoint meftl A. J. KENNEDY Dentist Office in Alliance National Bank Building over Post Office PHONE S9l fc)rie Coppernoll Res. Phone 20 P. J. Petersen Res. Phone 4 '. rw- r,mnu.nlljC.I)t.,. LICENSED EMBALMER PHONE: Day 498 Night 510 ALLIANCE NKBRASKA Let the Gold Dust Twins Shine Your Shoes Palace Shining Parlor, 206 Box Butte G. J. CURTIS, Prop. Osteopaths Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Burner Block PHONE 43 GEO. J. HAND, Physician and Surgeon EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 360. Res. Phone 342 (alls, answered promptly day and nighti from office. Offices: Alliance National Bank building over the Post Office. ( J. P. HAZARD 1 Surveyor and Engineer Parties out of town should write, as I airi out much of the time. Charges will not exceed $5.00 and expenses ' per dtey. ; REASONABLE RATES ALLIANCE NEBRASKA j PROMPT SERVICB. L. M. Scott, Auctioneer Lakeside, Nebraska Will, cry your sales anywhere. See me or leave dates at the Alliance Herald office. f IMIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald Office Phone Your Coal and Wood Orders TO No. 22 Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. MssnJ If- -- P-lfcJ" xJI- DYE & OWENS Transfer Line Dray phone 1 Household goods moved promptly r and transfer work Residence phone 636 and Blue 574 Alliance Cleaning Works The place to briny; your clothes f o r f irst-cl ass c l ea n ing and pressing We make a specialty of night work All goods called for and delivered Phone 58 403J4 Box Butte Ave. r Aos CoVviTtvrv Coughs Are Dangerous Very fToQuentlT they iad very serious result No cough should ev- r be neglected. Jut as soon as it o:-cur remedy should be sought. We believe that the very best treatment obtaiuiible for coughs of Uty description is Rexall ('hero Bark Cough Syrup. We sell it uu der a positive guarantee that If it .toes not satisfy you and relieve your cough vour Psoaey back. Rexall Cherry Hark Cough Snap helps destroy the disease germs Which are common causes of cougua I. I. Ips check violent spasms of t-iet I T'MH-hial lubes ami tends to sooth. the inflame el membranes ant nerves, put lag (In in in a condition of real .-.o hat the injured tissues may have a chance to heal. Itexall Cherry Hark Cough 8jmp iiU.-; a thoroughly agreeable taste ati-l ts eoually good for young children or Ider people, la cents, 50 cents and $1. Sold in this community ouly at our store -The Bexall Store F R Moisten. flood luck Is usually tile result of right living and sound thinking. flood news from England. Sir Wil liam Kn ninny succeed d in transmuta tion or one element into another. QoM will soon be as chenp ns lead. Hut wait. All is not gold that glit ters. Old Bill Dew, who holds forth with "Raster Hack Philosophy" in the semi-weakly, devoted a lot of valua ble. (?i space in Inst Friday's edi tion in an attempt to roast The Her ald and all COO Dec ted therewith. Cha grined at last Thursday's newsy edi tion of The Herald and the eight o'clock morning fire extra Friday, and unable to find anything for the semi that hadn't already been print ed in The Hernld, they bethoughi themselves of the Joyful expedient of landing on us with both feet, and diking apnee which otherwise should perhaps been used for the printing of iegai nonces tne required number or times. We're pretty busy these days, boys, but come on in, the wat er's fine. Hill Dew endeavors to cause the readers Of the Times to believe that The Herald and its editor are against picture shows. For his information we wish to stale that the writer of his column has written every word (except contributed articles) appear ing in The Herald the last lew months regarding picture' shows. We believe that the picture show, when c naored pictures are shown, to be one of the best, forms of entertain ments to be secured. We go our selves, as often as we can get time to spare, and find them a form of entertainment very interesting. .lust becausse a number of our good citi zens disagree as to whether or not these shows should be open Sunday evenings (and they have a perfect right to object if they wish, for they are citizens of the city, which licenses these shows) and The Her ald prints the facts without favor or prejudice, as a matter of news, and at times the factB are in favor of the Sunday shows and at other times against, it is no sign that The Her ald is trying to run the shows out of town. The Herald has not yet found it necessary to take water, get down on Its knees, and accuse the lino type operator of putting an Item in a highly sensational news article. In order to avoid taking what was com ing for an incorrect statement In the article. Some men can look opportunity right in the face and not recognize It. One of the men released from the city Jail at the fire in the city hall last Friday morning had been found earlier in the ni?ht by the marshal, dead drunk behind a bill board, and nearly frozen to death. On awaken ing and rinding himself In a burning building, It Is very probable that lie began to think that "the way or the transgressor is hard". Alliance has a fire department that stands high in the state organization One has only to be present at a fire in Alliance to see the reason. The members are alert and willing, and the companies well organized. Quick team work saved tlve city a big loss when the city hall caught fire the other morning. Chief Koinig happened to be passing within half a block on his way to work when the alarm sounded and was on the spot In thirty seconds. In spite or the ract that the first hydrant to which the hose was fastened was rrozen and several valuable minutes Were thus lost, the damage done was round to be much smaller than at rirst thought. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Hut the knocker on your pay roll. If he hasn't enough business to keep him busy pay him for giving his at tention to yours. She Knew What Was Coming A dapper little type salesniau rroin Chic ago one day dropped into a oun try office in southern Illinois and flndlnt the boss out, approached the pretty typo. ".Vice day, little- one," he began. "Yes, indeed." she answered, 'an. I so' was yesterday and the day be fore, and my name is Sadie, and I know I'm a peach, and have beaut i- ful hair and pretty brow n eyes, ami j I've worked here quite a while ami I like the plae e-, and I don't think I'm I too alee te be working in a printing eifflee. and my wages suit me, and I don't want to ge te a pie-Lure show 'tonight, and if I eliel I would not go with yen; and my husband is e-diior of this paper antt lie weighs 2tui pounds, and last week he landed en ! fn sh rai-a month paper man who tried to make a elate with me. Now hat e an I elo for you?" (iuess I'll have to hurry to catch this train. Just tell your husband I'll see t 1 lit next trip," respited the dapper little type salesman. "tJood night' " Kx. hange. Hill Uev in the Times, unable to say anything against the editor ef The Herald, who happens to be the father of this writer, attaeks him en the ground of being a minister and e-ditor er The Herald at the same time. I don't think either a very serious crime. Alliance is ge-ttlng to be a mightv Interesting; tewn city birthday ban Mints, stockmen's conventions, fire men's tournaments, new Y. M. 0, A. building, e lty school and court hOUee bond e-le-ctlons. with spring city i lc tlem Just looming oer the- horimi make things inte-re? ting. Kxperlence is often the he-sl tOOCb er but some-times . ...tu I'rocrastlnntlon rreepwitly leads to failure- Oossip has left many a geen name in poor shape. A certain Alliance- man Is u mm leiver of doughnuts. Ills wife that he frequently calls up eive-r 1 1 1 ' plmne and asks fer Just one for sup- pe-r A goeeel wav to resne-e-t some- iwo- bta is not to know them loo well. After the- women se-eure the- bal lot we look te se'e bah! he-ails and whiskered gents disappear fore-ver from political life- BxehanM. There Is a tnnn in Kansas wlu awore in the campaign of ISitti ne. 1 to out his hair until a democratic president was e-leete-d. lie- Is now engaging barbers for a downward re vision of the wool sehedule PresWent ele-ct Wilson will mit an nounce who his cabinet will be. The newspaper men, who are credited with pretty gooil horse sense, as a rule, are convinced thait William J. Hryan will he Secretary of State, A Mitchell calmer, or Pennsylvania. Secretary or Treasury. Congressman Henry, of Texas. Attorney General, and .losephus Daniels, of North Car olina, Postmasster General. Those whe elieln't atte-nd the- nu-e-t Ing of Alliance business men at the court house Monday and Tuesday evenings now wish they had gone, and those- who eliel atti'tid are- glad they were there. It eltes a business OT professional man good to attend a nie'cting ef this kind. Where QOM Hons er public Interest can be tlls- cuased and debated, The other morning at tin- Haptist Sunday school a lady naked a class or small boys if the-y knew what the Missionary Board was. No one knew, siw then said. "Well, thai is a rather hard question. If I should ask you what tbe school board is you all could tell me, could n't youT' One little chap help up his hand. "I know what it Is," he said. "It's the blackboard." YOURS Years for uni formity. Yours for great est leavening power. Yours for never failing results. Yours for purity. Yours for economy. Yours for every thing that goes to make up a strictly nigh grade, ever dependable baking powder. That is Calumet. Try it once and note the im provement in vour bak ing. See how much mora economical ovei the hiuti- priced trust brands, bow muc h better than (he clu ..p and big-can kinds. Calumet is highest in quality - moderate in ci it. Received Highest Awa-ii World' Pure roo.l Expotit too. FAIRVIEW W. C. T. U. NOTES Fail-view W. C. r. C. meets on Suuday. February Ifi. at the home or Mrs. Ilaelle-y There will be an all day MetlBg on (his elate, eombining a social nteetina ami FTenron wlllard me morial day Dinner will be serve-d at noon. At t:M p.m. the regular business meeting will en-cur. be-ing folleiwed by a short program Thiss is not for members only, but all who wish to atte-nd Mill re 1 eive a hearty we-le eiluev Mrs. Herbert Nason. I're-ss Sup! ' - EXAMINATION POSTPONED The civil service examination for e'lerks and earriers I male only), which was to have- been held in Al- liane-e February Nth, has ben post- Big New Stock arriving Come and take your choice of Henney Buggies and . Spring Wagons FARM WAGONS The low down Manure Spreader, the only practicable spreader on the market I. L ACHESON When You Go to the Grocery be Sure and Ask for Gylfe's Butternut Bread Baked in Alliance and Better than Mother Ever Made Manufactured at The ALLIANCE CAFE pom-d to .March Mh, Ihc Her- alel Is ie-euested to e-all attention or young people to the desirability Of the positions teir which these- ex- animations are held. The-re- is pros jieet now that, after doing some sub'' work, cle-rks ami earlie r, vmII be entered al $Mu per year. i:i stead or $600, as heretofore-. Dr. King's Ntw Discovery Sejeithes irritateel throat .:ni lungs. step chronic anil hacking couch, re I levee tUkliiig throat, tastes, nie-e. take- 110 other; otie-e- used, always Heed. Mu it at Fre-el B. Holsten's Ail vt -Feb I II THRESHER CAPTURED lie-urge Tlire che 1 , lie broke jail at tiering se ve ral months ago. while under a sememe of eight years to the penitentiary, has been cap! lit eel at Stillwater, Minnesota. A reward of $5eio had been offered for his arrest. Thrashe r's attorney, who was working for a new trial when he escape d, w as in .Villain c a fe-w weeks ago and secured affidavits troiu local partie-s who haet formerly been at Morrill, where Thresher committed tbe crime of which he was convicted. le quire s liange in climate. Attorney It. F. Oilman made a business trip to llemingrord Monday on I. returning the same afternoon via auto. I I' ftuii e-t...M.I a ,l ' 1 . , t-ai.tim .iitiB'.Cl O I llie I. O. O. F of Nebraska, passed thru Alliance Monday noon on hi way to Chadron. He was met at the de-Kit by a delegatiein of lo al I. O. O. F me rubers. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. W right, of the Spade neigh her hood, were in Alliance the last of ttu wek on land office business. The. 1 were accompanied by Fred IlunsiUser and M McCumber. In th ef the same neighborhood They favored The lUraltl office with a call when here and wire- shown through the' printing plant. Mrs. M K. Ilernhardt, her duugh ter Anna, and son WVbster expee 1 to move to Los Angeles, California, in the eomiikg April The-tr many frlenels will be sorry to learn that they intend to leave Alliance, where they ha te-sided so hng, but the condition of Mrs. Berahardt'a health (V (' Marker, member or the law firm of IJoyd 1- Barker, left for Den ver on Sunday. He has been in town for several days. Distriet :nan:iL'er t. It U'.l.... araad Inland, of the Nehraeka Tvle ' phone- Company, was in our city for 'a short time lust week He left for tit anil Island on Friday and is ex-pee-teel here- again today or touior row on buaineaa connected with the opening of 1 he. new telephone ex- c hange in the II J Kills building Fresh Hroceo atock und eatab ; lished grexery businens for sale j cheap liuiUliiiK for ren. Ownr going to California for health. At- drewi "H" Herald oWlee I 1860-in if