0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o o Mrs. Arthur her mothpr at Three of W are very wick Little Oeorge sick in school aT bom. Cal nnd Walter! at the homo of Clyde Cofcer h the WAstley home I Mrs. Vic Covalt a badly burned ooooooo ooooooooooooooooo IN o o CLEM AN o Looooooo oooooooooooooooo hand! J. W. Dennis boar this week. is Is vsltlnn Itirtfc lice's children throats, wits taken to be titkcii i are visiting sit. visitine at week. -ttffi l inn from feOH two rin The weather Is fine, but there lire lots of slrk folks everywhere Charley Hart's brother Is hrre M a vrslt. Mrs. Arthur Keaain reiurned home from fhclmn last Sunday. Mrs. Q, W. K'.llott and children and K. V. West ley anil family look ilin- ner with Mrs. West ley Sunday. H. Bagamlller went to Alllun e on .Monthly. It. W. West ley went tO Bl'M(WpOf1 Tu'-wdi-y, returning W'ednt sday . Mrs. Horn' ha Klliott drove to, Hrond water Wcdnesdii -I I list. sick llroutl- R. W. Weetley bufehewl a ftm hog that dressed about tb,i. inm dred and fifty ppunds Mrs. Squib has be with pneumonia. G. W. Elliott Is wor water at present. Mr. Blllie Archer Elliott were calling last Wednesday. Mrs. R. W. WeaUey an tie WeetJey spent the da Elliott Thursday. IT PAYS TO Dennis is on tin sick Mrs. Kcagin went to Alliance W't l ' nesday. Mrs. Charles Klsuss sta in : with the children while she was ab ! sent. -I- Mr. Shoemaker from the south ta ble was calling In the sand hills this week. Walter Tice and family are mov ing to Kansas. They loaded their car this week. We wish th"in suc cess in their new home. Net- ith Mrs ADVERTISE ! No Need to Stop Work When the doctor orders you to stop work it staggers you. I can't , you say. You know you are weak, run down and failing in health day by day, but you must work as long as you can stand. What, you need is Electric Bitters to give tone, strength and vigor to your system, to prevent break down and build you up. Don't be weak, sickly or ailing when Electric Bitters will benefit you from the first dose. Thousands bless them for their glorious health and strength. Try them. Every bot tle Is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 60c at Fred E. Holsten's. Advt Feb 6-27 In answering advertisements please mention this paper. TOU Yours for uni form it v. Yours for great est leave n i 8 g power. Your for ne-cr failing result .. Yours for purity. Yours for eccnorry Your for evri'- thiDK that v" to make up a strictly hijjh grade, ever dapendable baking powder. That is Calumet. Try it once and note the im provement in your bak ing. See how much more economical ovet the Inen- prir-d trust brands, how Bits li hotter tlian the cheap aud : an kinds. Calumet is highest in q-j.-X'.y moderate in cust. Received Highest A w World's Pure Food Exposi: ion. MALARIA headache, biliousness, in digestion, rheumatism, pimples, blotches, yellow complexion, etc., are all signs of poisons in your blood. These poisons should be driven out, or serious illness may result. To get rid of them, use EW Bedford's Black-Draught' the old, reliable, purely vegetable, liver medicine. Mrs. J. H. Easier, of Spartanburg, S. C, says: "I had sick headache, for years. I felt bad most of the time, I tried Thed ford's Black-Draught, and now I feel better than when I was 16 years old.' Your druggist sells it, in 25 cent packages. Insist on Thedford's 'HHBaWMiBIMBllBBIWsfc' g WILLIAVl MITCHELL aTTOHNiV aT LS.W. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA BURTON & WESTOVER Attorney at Law LAND ATTORNEYS Office First National Bank Bldg ALLIANCE, NEB l-'hone t8o. Photo lv Evans SCOTTSBLUFF SUGAR FACTORY Kindness of Star-Herald H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, A LI.IANC'IC, NEB, F. M. BROOME I.ANP ATTOH?tF. iw.i t exports no MPscelTej tr,8, I,nndn8lj (u trantaa for prompt and eWiient ssrvHl Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA BRUCE W ILCOX I awyer and Land Attorney Pruotltltmer in cItII courts since iflti sad ReglaUir U. 8. Land iflVe from IMS to 1M InformkUon by msil a Hpnoialty. orrios in i.ANnorrics builoiso ALUAKCB M HH.4SKA. COUNCIL HAS A LIVELY MEETING Exciting Times at Meeting Tuesday Night. Shows to be Voted on. Sunday Picture DR. li. H. BELLWOOD, Surgeon C B. A Q. Ry. Office Over Holsten's Drug Store toy Phone 87 Might Phone 86 OBIS i OPJ'FRNULL Rrn Pbooe JO r '. PKT&JUUMt aos LARGE CROWD IN ATTENDANCE I'andemoniura rrlKnetl for u short time at the city council meetlnj? Tuesday nlRht in the city ball when Frank Wolverton, after describing n moving picture which had been shown on the screen at the Empress, strode forward with clenched fist and blazing eyes and asked the mayor whether .r not the wouh n and young people of Alliance were to be allow ed to say if they desired to allow the shows to remain open Sunilay evt nings or not. It was a stormy session all the way through. A large crowd attended with those who are working for the Sunday closir. of picture shows, and a number were there for Caulder and I u limine, owners of the Kmpress and the Crystal. All of the couneilmcn. Snyder. .Moll ting. Sterns and Vauphan, and the mayor, were present. J He reports ot the city officers, together with the i t port of the light and water dt part-! along ment, were received. They are pub lished herewith. Movid by Ster&B, seconded b Sttydar, thai the reports be accepted. Carried. I'. E. UomiK, chief of the lire de parlment, reported that the sa-eets and alleys of the city, especially In the business portion of to.vn, were In a dangerous condition and that rah bish and trash were plied aTalnel buildings and fenees and that ItOJ ashes were thrown out wlthcut re gard to safety. He stated thai two fire alarms the past month were due to hot ashes and that there was nt ed of an ordinance prohibiting this. The mayor referred him to the ordinal) e giving the fire chief pc'wer to an force the cleaning up of all dinger oub places. Mr. llomlg stated that an ordinance should be passed requir in:; ( ,ins to be furnished as recep tacle for ashes, etc. The mayor ad vised Mr. Ronilg to make an example of the first tenant or property own er who refused to comply with hisi Intention to open his shows on Sun days, he would have refused to issiu the licenses until the council had Investigated the matter. 4. Mr. Dubuque startod running the shows on Sunday without the con sent of the council, mayor or mr shal. The licenses were granted on Sept. 4th, and the - shows opened Sundays on or about Nov. 18th, 1H12. In view of the above facts and be lieving It to be for the best interest of the children and young people and 'being the wish of the larger per ceret of the citizens of tihe town, we beg to recommend that the mayor and city council take such steps as are necessary for the Sunday closing of all picture shows and ttlmllar amusements with the least possible delay. W'e call your attention to a iicwh lien or clipping from the Omaha Hee, showing what has been done this line at Fremont, Nebr. : Fremont Puts Ban on Sunday Picture Shows Fremont. Neb., Jan. 29 - The city council last night passed a resolu tion which, City Attorney C. K. Ab bott snjrt, puts a pirnnaneivt ban on Sunday moving picture whows. The resolution, which was parsed ! 'iiiinomly, approved the city at ; y's action In urresting C. K. ! opening on Sunday. Mr. Cuulder I then addressed the council, and made a speech in which he stated that under the constitution of the United States we are all free American cit izens, that they were Injuring no one by running Sunday shows and that they should be permitted o continue. Councilman Sterns then brnimtit iin ! the matter of running nlctures unfit to be seen at the locall shows. He stated that the pictures or the James boys recently shown were refused In Denver. Rev. Drown then stated that Messrs. Dubuque and Caulder called on him before they opened the Sunday sIiowb and that he told them he would oppose them if they open eel. Itev. Ilrowii stated that, pictures hud been shown within the last month that were not fit to be Keen. At this point a number present jump ed to their feet and asked for the floor Rev. Drown held the floor and on request of the mnyor called on I rank Wolverton, who told of several pictures which he had seen, one of them being a picture which would in clined the "hootch ie-eoote-hle" dunce. Mayor Dames stated that he was at the show and saw this picture. Itev. Drown stated that Mr. Dubuque ad mltted at the conference that he did not know what pictures he would snow until a uay or so before tin Baa. Pnona Drs. Copper noil & Peter OSTEOPATHS Rooms 7, 8 and 9, R timer Block Phone 43 QEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN iMi SI IOROH Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat H. A. C0P5EY Pb valets a a ad Snrceon office Pboite S60 Mas, Phone 343 Calls answerrd promptly day and night from offllcs. Oflcea. Alliance National Baaa Knlldln orer the Post Office. J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, ALLIANCE, NEBUASKA Pan ic- out of town ahoald write, u I M out mneh or the lime. Charge will not M oeedBft.00 and expense per day. Or. Oliver McEuen Physician and Surgeon HCMINGFORD. NEBR. SPECIALTIES: Diseases of Women sad Children and Genito Urinary Organ AN calls inswtrtd ffstatf; jr ar Dunbar and ft-'A- Livingston for op- gentlnK tnem all(1 aR,,UKh lno81 rat.,, their moving pic ure house f we,.(, (.,.(SH last S r- lay. The council agreed to i meet In a special session Saturday night to (.ass an ordinance prohibit iug moving pictures or other theat rics) perfoftixanot I on Sunday. Respectfully, K. J. STKKXS, Committee appointed by Mayor." flic report was signed by Council insfc Sterns only, he stating that unciln.,in Snyder, the other mem- occaslonally g I one of this kind. Mayer Darnes stated that a picture of the kind descrlbxl was n t fit to be shown. A number of tbose pres : cnt then talked and tension was at a high point for some time. Mayor Darnes then said thit UtO t.i-Uter should be settled. Motion of Conn cllman Snyd ; that :h matter or "Irslng Sunday shows be loft to u vote of the peanle on April 7. 1913, b r cf the committee, had been pre iv"ii:d frets being present at the ( i ii ti react on accouni of siekueti. I Conncilman Snyder was asked wheth- !er or not h: wished to sij'ti ih re- ptirt. lie stated that, in his opinion, the tettllttf of the natter t-lieuld be ! Uft to a rote of the ettlisna at an car. in orders. The chief stated that he would start on Monday notifying all who are disob ying the to and that an example would be made :f the first who ratted to ccmply. Mr. Romig tendered the mayor and council a vote of thanks for the ap nrenriatfon of 7S made for the de partment to help pay the expense of ,., , t ion and that hi did not the delegate in going to North : sKn the report as given Platte. He abW told Of the need oft .. -p. Uutm read a clipping from a chemical engine for Alliance and tle Lincoln Slate Journal regarding how the fact was .nphasized at (ne closing of Sunday picture shews North I'latte that a chemical uugine j Frrmor.t. Attorr.?y Doyd stated 'Mr In a ity cf this size would reduce tnlU there is no state now in iiirance .ales not u-ss man i. p i UA moving picture shews day. The Fremont ease r lined It was stall d tin' after ,,,,,,, f Fremont was ill afJMfca W 12 or 16 GAUGE illCl Til il Repeating Shotgi Made I am Otii by tU dtprtdaUIity. I he MM top and uci etrrhno fcn-p givi and f UR wdVr away from your evaat haLp quick, efecuvc repeat fiSoU Rain, ileet. mow and fore tart maw can t pet into the action The (hiawm it ilraac. umpie. wr-ar reauttng The double eitracton pull any stx-H uuiantlv ; two apecial aafety oevx prevent accidental oWharie while action ii unlocked, and an automatic recoil block mfc hang ores ha tm learn. AH Marlina air itfoitgly made, nnely balanced, accurate JmVd hitting gunt, and are the qatckeM and eaaeat 10 take dlawa and clean. Illustrauoo thowi Model 24 grade "A" 1 2 gauge ; it hai all the feature thai aiake toe a perfect guau Saae tare. tap Msssft od-y Ur our 136 'tie fflarit irearrus Co ptc catalog eascrSMaf tac lull larfn uac. 44 Willow Street Now It pay to reload your shell t Vnur r-mplv (red hdt ar t'' xpenalS part at factory ammunition. Tin y'-v slions "d Bool as m-w, and it" easy to rrloadt Mir.lv di-rap nrl re-cup t.lu-11. incrt powder, crimp hctl on to bullet. Ynu riload 1( .St-tO S. R. cartridges (buying bulUi in !S hnnf st tn,al vn..w,. TTr raktinv bull. Is VOtlrself SKc.t In W fa lurv cartridges cost $2.54. Fraa Ideal Hand Book tells all about rrloadinc alt , rifle, pistol nd slioteun ammunition : lu ii 01 vanianie iniorinaiiuu, frrr for 8 stamps postage. The Martin Fir. inns Co.. 2 Willow St., New Haven. CTB, Phone Your Coal and Wood Orders TO No. 22 Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. rth I'latte that a chemical a city of this size would uratiee rates uot less than cent. He sttited that (Inu 1 11 had uurehas.d an auto chemi -al enRine ce titiK $i,!"U within oil J week tli ooaventroa. City ttorney Itayd stated that conrilain's hail come to him regardin; straw and li ty ly In? c: aad not iir jtt-. tcd. Pictjrc Show Question The mayor then called ft r the r. port of the special committee ap pointed to meet with representatives I the picture shows and the , .1 ipe 4 1 to confer on the question o! Ijii '.ay eloeiM of picture shows. I'hV ;icrt was as follows: 'IViion For and Aetata el Sunday Q 1- cf .MovIiik I'' ture Shows I . the Honorable Mayor and Cttf Capacil i We your committee to whom wjb r ferred the above petitions be; leave to itthntt the foltowtac nport. Called and held mee ii g on Jan : in City Hail, those present being .Mr. l.inn. Itev. Itrowu. represcutinK the 1 petition for Sunday elositiK. Mr lu I b-ique, tinaiiif-t fts!n. City Clerk I Knierick, Attamey Hyd, founcliinen VauKhHU and Sttrns An attempt M made to have the two parties i -t on running the shows at cer tain hears on Sundays but neither 'ii - favored th's plan. A thorough li: ttion for fully two hour failed 1 10 produce an agrei ment but br.iut;hi OIt the following points: i Thai the xrantitiK of the licens es does .not eonstitutt a ontrart and tha4 the mayor and -lty coun -ll have 1 In power to enforce the closing of the shows or to permit them to run. 1'. .Mr. bubuiiie admit ltd that It .tas his Intention to run on Sundays a the time he applied for the II t e 11 sea. I, The city cWrk staled that bad he known at the time he buttle! the lleeaeea that It was Mr. Dubuque'.- closing shows on Sunday the matter was now being in the state courts, that the picture shew managers there had closed the Sunday shows pending the decision of the case. Kd. Shields talked in favor of the Sunday show, stuting that be had at tended them and found nothlim - h jectionuble and that he btllevnl tin mutter should be put before tin peo ple for their action. He stated that n. wspaptr reports are generally tin ier, able and could Dit be dep-nded upon, referring to the Pre MOO I case. Mr. i.jnn Hated that the question as to whether or not the Sunday sfW8 wen detrimei al had thorouichlv threshed out at a meeting and at th conference, thai Hip mayor stated no further expres blons were wanted in the foi 111 of petitions, that the matter bad ih layed too long and should be set tled at once. He stated that In iw-llc Kourolie. 8 D.. Mr. Dubuque was Involvetl In the same kind of a miitroverav and that he nrotuised to was voted OB. On roll call Snyder voted yes, MottriBg ft I, Sterns, no, Couni iiman Vaasbaa refafesid to rote and stated thai hf did nof believe In attacklaa one man or buslues but that If the question or closlu all Sunda aniiis. inent.s was taken up he would vor 00 fhat .Mr. I.unn then asked that the pi ition present ed at n former maaUari bi acted up on. Mayor I'.artit s stated that the I matter v. -s settled. R.v. Qodfrey a-xcj v,nr:::rr tr nat n pr-mlro had been mude at a former :nretir that ine p ition would Oe act. il upon Dubuque then stated that the matter was si tiled and that until the question wns settled at the election he would not open Sundny evening until 0:11 Itall hoar uf'er !r.;i .h-cloned. and that 1 Coun; ;ii,:n:i rr.ia ,h:n asksd thai ton".. it :ut,his resort be ronsldereil. M.vor Karnes etatcd that inasmuch aa it was no; signed by both members of the committee it would not be a -ted upon but thai it would be placed on the niinuits of the meeting. The question was then asked whether Councilman Vaughan had voted n the motion of Councilman Snyder. The clerk stated that his record did not bIiow c-learl and usk ed that ano'her vote be taken Councilman Vaughan again explained his vote, stating that he did not be lieve in closing one form of amuse- in nt an I all . wing others to remain prohibit- on Sun was dls the city favor of HARRY P. COURSE! Live Stock ami Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASON' r.I F Phone 64 ALLIANCE. NEBP 1I. I), is. i vi ,KN DENTIST. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, PHONE 167 Alliance. Nebraska G-so. O-. GrSLcLsToy Licensed Embalmer Dav 40S rho ( Nights 10 oe' n 1 open. The motion was agaiu read former ; uni , ,,1, rail oid.-r. i I I. wua Snydtr. yes; Moll ring. t; Sterns, no; Vaughan. 110. This left a lie. which was decided by Mavor Ilarnei. been i who voted yt 1. This settled Ihe question and other matters were taken up. Hauling Hose Carts I-lie Chief Kolllig asked w hat clove within a certain tune but out and l.n before thut time expired. Mr Dubuque denied and stated that he ran his show tight months arter the njaeattoB had been taken up. Councilman Vaughan asked that an ordinance be drawn prohibiting Sun day shows lu order that a vole might he taken on it to settle the question. The mayor, in speaking of the fact that Dubuque secured a license with out the subjtct of Sunday shows he tj( mentlont l MM that he had slip ned one over on the council. Mr Dubuque statui that he had talked " with several of the ministers before sold ' should he paid 10 teamsters for haul had ! iug hose carts Hnd the hook and lad thls'der trutk to and from fires It was decided that I2.IMI per haul would be paid This includes both to anil from fires. It was decided to pay $1.00 per man for reeling hose, not more than three men to be paid for th two carts. . City Scales Tie- question of the 1 It y scales and official weighmasier was brought up. it was showu Itsstt an Official iity scale was needed, and thai an of- (Continucd cn next pagai Or. JAS. P. HAXFIELO Dentist OVER BRENNAN'S DRUG STORI All Electrical Equipment Gas Administered Evenings by Appointment PHONE 525 RED Let the Gold Dust Twins Shine Your Shoes Palace Shining Parlor, 206 Box Butt G. J. (IKIIS. Prop. r "M M i i i ; 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HdhJ Office id t J. KENNEDY DENTIST Alliance National Bank Over Postotfice. 'Phoue 3gi. Blk i L. M. Scott, Auctioneer Lakeside, Nebraska Will cry your salts anywhere, y.i e roe or K-a dates at the Alliance lit-raid. Old papers at The Herald office I ceuts per buueb. $$ GET WISE ADVERTISE It