Classified Adertisements The following "Want Ad." are unaer appropriate headings an vvirnience o reader. ..on hates One cent per wwv, u cai.n innnion. ino ad received for Ims than ten cents per inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per "' oacn insertion, out no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. Ir answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. A classified advertisement will in troduce to each other the next buy er end the next seller of property In this town. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIFS W. E. ABSTRACTERS REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract books In Box Butte county. Office In McCorkle Building. 10-tf-570 TO RENT FOR SALE OR RENT. Seven room house. Good outbuildings. Barn for four boraee. House for automo bile. J. B. DENTON. Advertisement -5tf 1772 FOR RENT. Nicely furnished steam heated rooms. Rent reasona ble. Address "M", Herald office. 1051-51-tf FOR RENT Office or living rooms. First Nafl Bank Building. 17tfll86 BARN FOR RENT. .lim Kice place. Inquire of John (Irahani, Low rv & Henry Garage. 1844-9-tf MISCELLANEOUS Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright, Phone 71. tf All kinds of feed, in any quantity desired, at E. L Gregg & Sou's. Phone 156. ?9-tM.: 12 Money to loan on real estate. F. i Reddish. 3tf Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and posts. I'honc 71. tf Coal office tit Rowan's feed store. ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf Re- LOST. Wide gold bracelet turn to Alliance Grocery. MISS HOLLOW AY lT95-6-tf , i e i PAINE FISHBURN GRANITE CO. Grand Island, Nebr. fVlake the best monuments and will save you money. Call on AL. WIK ER, local salesman of Alliance, or send to Grand Island for price list. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS See E. C. Whisman for lowest rices on painting, paper hanging and kalsomining. THREE .MILK COWS for sale. Phone Blue 485. (48-tft 85 Missouri sorghum cents per gallon, at RODGER'S. COAL AND LUMBER Buy your coal and lumber from tins company. Quick deliveries and full weight on every load of coal dikkks Lumber .v coal do, Phone 22 i ;7;t-5tf I The producer and the consumer hold daily heart to heart talks through these columns. 1$ There is no fictitious value as an obstacle to a business transaction through the want ads. qYou cannot afford to miss the chances thrown at your feet on this page, Mr. Careful Buyer. o vou want to Buy a dog? Rent a house? Find a ring? Sell a boat? Trade horses? Hire a cook? Secure a position? I If your wnt is worth Wanting, iL is worth spending a tew cents m these columns. FOR SALE Four room fritt:iie well built and in mod condition In quire at 4 1 ', Sweetwater Ave. R. C YOUNG Advt - St fl S 1 7 FOUND Lady's nurse eontaintna list of names and money. al at Herald office. Advt -X-Ut-1825 WANTED TO THADK Hastern Nebraska land for a ranch In central or western Nebraska. State what you have in your first letter. J. D. RAITT. North Bend Nebr 1804 7-4t Highest price paid for Hides and Furs. Oscar O ' Bannon, Alliance, Phone 9, Rowan's Corner. 1761-3-tf NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Notice is hereby Riven that I will not hereafter be responsible for anv debts contracted by my wife, Mrs. Ina E. Fogle. Hated at Alliance. Nebr.. Jan 2S. v. .1. POOLE. Advertisement -S-StMSle1 ADVERTISING RATES 'Live and Let Live" Prices. Lower in Proportion to Circulation than Rates of Most Newspapers EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 1912 Display Advertising First insertion, per inch, column measure $ .1.1 Subsequent insertion. without change, per column inch .. llt Extra Charge for preferred position and for lirjt insertion of advertise ments containing difficult composi tioit. Reading Notices and Want Ads Eight point Roman (common read ing! type, five cents per line each insertion. No reading notice count ed less than two lines. Black face type, 10 or II' point, ten cents per Hne each insertion. Each in or 12 point head line count ed as two lines; IS point head lin counted as three lines. Surprise Your Friends For four weeks regularly use Dr. Kings New Life Bills. They stimu late the liver, Improve digestion, re move blood impurities, pimples and eruptions disappear from your fa e and body and you feel better. I! gin at once. Buy at Fred E. Hoi sten's. Ad' I Fell ii-27 i - STALLION FOR SALE 7-N Shire. Weighs 14M pnin'.s. Sit F. B. Thiuias at Keystone Res taurant, itui-y-u Key stone Res taurant is tlie place. Meals 25 cents. Thick en dinner on Sunday. Short ord. a specialty. K. u. Thomas, Proprietor. s:;o !i-tf SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARM'. S AND SPRING WAGON FOR BALK One set of double harness, f'r.t class condition; one single lutm:ie, fair condition; oue good spring is on. Will sell cheap If taken at once. Inquire at Alliance Clean in Works. Phone 5S. C AL KKELEY Advertisement tf 1780 Curtis Best and Goeich's Best flour at E. I. Gregg c Son's. Every sack guaranteed. Phone 155. Sfr-tl-lM I Don't Overlook thai suaecripoer.. If yea are la arrears reajeaieer tket we cea altars find feed eae for the MONEY HEMINGFORD Interesting, Snnppv es of Our SiMer ( its By Special Correspondent W. C lleetan, attorney at Mullen, Nebr., but formerly an employe of the Burlington, dropped elf No. 44 to pay his respects to the local agent. Miss Ella Brown departed Tin sday for a brief visit with her mother, at Alliance. The proposed railroad from Hein ingford to Sioux county, near ("anion or Curly, which has been such a source of enthusiastic- conversation for the past week or ten days, has reached the singe where pinna are !eing made for several mass meet ings of citizens at the other end of the line, to be held soon. This we understand is to get the proposition into tangible foim. as the interest Is now so great thai it only awaits sys tematic planning to bring results It, L. Hawkins, of Canton, was a city visitor Tuesday and Wednesday, on his way to Ills home on the Northwestern, where he will visit his parents. The ghost of Yorrick, or Yorriek's ghost, had to take a temporary set back in favor of our own product in Sand canon nortlt of town. While we have received many evidences of its autlienieity there are those who have the temerity to assure us that it diil not belong to the spiritual world at all. In fact, they go on to eay that they have located the two steel traps that Bill Delsiug lost, fastened to the off hind leg of a handicapped coyote and this they say was our ghostly neighbor. Of course, we are slow to believe ?his, because a nice healthy ghost In a community creates considerable interest, not to say excitement, and when they en deavor to cltieli the argument by saying the canny light that fM vis ible was produced by the morn's re flection on the animal's eyes (and, as we have no record of anybody seeing it but on moonlight nights , and further, as the rattling of the chains can be explained throu.i the presence of Bill's trap. It tints us in a bad fix, for we slill want our ghost. Mrs. lohti Kovarnik. who was vis iting in Alliance, returned home on No. 4;! Sunday. Mrs. Jim Holliurake returned on A i Sunday from a visit in the east ern part of -the state. The first real snow storm of the winter occurred Tuesday and that nisht, leaving behind a mantle of wit teness. together with some frig idity, that reminds us of the good old fashioned winters of long ago. Operator A. L. I'owell was an Bdgemont, S. p., visitor Saturday, win re he participated in Hie regular .lie ling of the Order of Railroad t i graphers, which sraj held at teal point. He repuris one of the best met-. ings on record, both in the number in attendance and enthusiasm. .Limes lilundell, who unfortunately had his leg broken several months ago, Is able to get around again. He was a recent visitor to the city and while crutches are not becoming to him we are, nevertheless, glad to know he is able to get about, even with that handicap. Dr. W. M. Lee, of Alliance, made a flying automobile trip to the city Sunday to inspect a ear of cattle for H. Goding, who shipped them to Custer, S. D. C. E. Wiltsey recently returned from Waukewha, Wis., with two cars of Guernsey cattle, having purchased them in tltat vicinity. It Is the pur pose of those Interested in the lo cal creamery at this point to do ev erything possible to stimulate the milk and cream production this year, and the purchase of the Guernseys is the first and most eff 'five move in this direction. Mrs. Frank Hoagland is reported quite siick. John W. Thomas, of the counly sea, was a visitor in our midst Sun day and Monday, leaving for Craw ford on the latter date. Head in at the llll'lillgtOII Hotel When you come to Alliance This is hotel headquarters Across from the Depot tJNot a home in this city but has its quota of discarded furniture, rugs, stoves perhaps, a wheel barrow maybe. JjA few cents for a want ad and some one who needs the very article that lies rotting in your garret will call and pay you for it. I You are cjtter off new ovner is pleased and the article itself is contributing ?d the re duction of the high cost or living. L. W. BOWMAN , Physician and Surgeon Office in First National Bunk Bldg. I'hones: Office, 362; residence, 16. Prescriptions to drug store or medi cities furnished from office, if pre ferred. f.u-tf-ltios Advertisement VICTIM OF SCARLET FEVER AND DIPHTHERIA . : The home of Mrs. J. F. Richards was saddened last Friduy when lit tie Bernlta, the twin sister of Wa uetia Wykoff, was called from this earth. Age, 4 years, !e months at: J 10 days. The little one was taken - re v ill and became unconscious fr; 'ii the start. Later diphtheria to '.. 1: .Id, and this was more UUM slu r.uld endure. V rnitu was a bright and loving eliild, and was loved by all. This was indeed a sad Iocs to the moth er and family, and being under absent, a large number of floral of feriugs were sent. Also, sym pathy was shown by a number of dt i ds of kindness done, lienita is not dead, but sleeping, Safe in the arms of Jesus' keep ing: Calling friends and mamma dear. Not to weep, sheis uniting here. God is allitiK. one by one. Ilia will, net ours, will be done. CARD OF THANKS To the friends, members of the Christian church, the I. O. O. F lodge and Royal Neighbors who so kindly sent flowers to lighten my sorrow in the loss of my darling baby. Mrs. J. K RICHARDS and family. PIANOS ri'NED. )rgun and stringed instruments repaired l.e.n,- or phone orders to Atlas ill. tel this week. H. A. WARD. t-HMSM Come to a nice, comfortable, quiet hotel EUROPEAN PLAN : : CAFE IN : : CONNECTION riodern in every way Across from depot Rates 50c 75c $1.00 m Alii Al on Mr H ig, loading Inspector of linm;e, as In the Black Hills company business last Week Fireman Ambrose, who has been on No. 141441 on the high line, has returned to Alliance. After a two months' visit In Kan sas Engineer and Mrs Bishop re turned to Alliance Sunday. Entineer II iron t! t id wood Is taking a lay orf. He Is being re lleved by Engineer Rediern. Mrakeninn lllckey of the east end L braking on passenger Prnkeinun Theodore Is laying off Janus P Rowe of Chadroti innisposeil Saturday. He was W 1 1 s well enre of by his friend Frank en Joy - Kent Broken A. II. (Van. the R '. II. II. DR. F. W. BOLAND First Door South of Post office Hemingford, Nebr. taken llice Brakeman Fred Vaughn is ing a ten days' lay off lie last Sunday with relatives In Iluvx Switchman Callahan went over to Sterling Saturday, where he will work as brakeman until business picks up on the main line. Mr. Regan of the assistant super intendentent's office at Dead wood was transferred to the superintend ent's office at Sterling Feb. 'at. Engineer and Mra. II. J. Deitllen will leave in a few days for an ex tensive trip through the south. Thev may purchase Florida land. " Second Trick Dispatcher Swent of tlie Dead wood office left for S,n Francisco February 1st. He was re lieved hy Dispatcher Bfederiinm fireman c c. McMillan, who is working on Crawford hill, was down for two days the last of the week, visiting with friends. Fireman Charlev I ' til 1 1 r Hot Springs has bid In the passenger run between I teadwood and EdiM-nimn Fireman Howard lias taken the I: ,1,1 Mt. run. The first of I lie wei k fM nn. from Sterling, for firemen Kl Joe Price. Charlev KIiik and Nieohil were sent over to help out for a short time. general manager of K- W WHS ciiIImH tr. Chicago last week on empany bus- Ineas. He returned Sunday. Mr Crary's offic e is in Rapid CHj l iieiuan Harry Townley was down town on crutches Monday lie ex pects to go to Mareiaad for a few lavs and from there to the home of his pareivts in Kansas Night Yard .Master Maker and wife have rented the .loder bungalow on Laramie ,Ave This Is the he iv, ( upled by H. H. Giles before his re inovul to Headword. C. H. Mackey, second trick dis patch r on tlie east end, bu h en transferred to Deadwood. Mr and Mrs. Mackey left Monday morning for their new home. Superintendent and Mrs. K. E. Young went to Cheyenne last Satur day on company business. Private Se;relin Harry (Jantz went over Monday to join Mr. Young and party. Mrs. Ray Hoag, wife of Brakeman Hoag. Is now t-onfimd to the St. Joseph Hospital. On last Monf! iv Mrs. Hoag underwent an operation for appendicitis. Sh is rapidly r covering Division Supt rintendent Weiden tiatner and Trainmaster I). J. Nelscti were in Lini iln last wek visiting the legislature. Supt. We!lenhamer returned home Monday Mr N. l son sioppen over tn Kavenna for a few days. Miss Hazel Putnam of Pridvenor, is here with her mother ai I ecusln.l both of whom were opt i ited tin at. ht. Joseph Hospital last Monday. l':i der the efficient care of the Sistcts they are recovering nl:ely. 114m Haiti will rtiurn home Sa urt'av. Percy Rolfstr:m. c hief i-Urk in the maxter mechanic's offU-e, was uble to be on the street Monday. Mr. Rolfstrom re.ently underwent an op- eration ten appendicitis ; t the St. Josepli llospltul. Dr. Slagle, assist ed by Dr. Hershmun, performed the operation. Dan Crilley writes from Living ston, Mont., that he was married to one of Livingston's most popular young ladies, Saturday, Feb. I, Mr. and Mrs. Crilley are expected In Alliance soon. After a few days' visit with Mrs. Nellie Moran they will leave for a month's trip to Flor ida. Danny has many friend-; here who are pleased to wish him and bis wife a long and happy life. Alliance friends of Mr. Claude Constable have received : arda an nount ing his marriage, Jan. 0, to Miss Chtia Arbuckle of Twin Falls. Idaho The wedding look plat c at Twin Falls. They are at home to their friends In At wood, Kansas. Mr. Countable was formerly a mem her of the clerical force in the mattter me chanics office. He is now the coun ty surveyor in his home county. Mr aud Mrs. Ilelpbringer. who have beeu making their home Iq leadwood, have returned to Alli ance. They own a fine modern home on Big Horn Ave. Mr. Helpbringer wiH take hi old pkue as second trick dispatcher. He is a great fav orite in the office and Is espwially well liked by the men on the road, lit has tlie uiii ol handling men in a manner pleasing to botli the men and the company. The remark la often heard. "We alwnvs get along tine when 'Help ' Kts on." NOTICE To Mary Catherine Fearing, and Meade F. Fearing her husband, Margaret M Rooney anil Michael iiooney tier husband, Dirius Oootl win. Mary (1 Kenton, and William F Fen ton he r husband. Jesse Ly dy and MaJQla Lydy his wife. Frank Lydy and Bessie Lydy his wife, Leonard (loodwln, William Good win, William R Artnington and Jane Artnington his wife, whoee true Christian name is unknown, non-resident defendants: You and Met of you are hereby notified that on the 6th day of Keb ruary fl the undersigned Armllda M Cavon. as plaint irr. rip,i her ne iliion In the District Court In and Tor Box Butte county. Nebraska, against you and each or you Im l'l"ded with John H Langford H man E. Langford. Lucille M. New comb, James A. Langford and Mary I angford his wife, and William C. Carta, as defendants, the object and prayer of which petition ie to par- tkai the south half of the northeast nuartef and the south half of the northwest quarter of section twelve (12) in township twenty-five (26) north, range fifty throe (6.1). weat or the Sixth Principal Meridian In BfOOJi county. Nebraaka. and lots six (Hi and seven (7) and the east half of the southwest quarter of sectlt;i) twentv ulv i ifii i t i.i.. - - ' ' - lie twenty five (25). north, range fifty two (62) west of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Box Butte count v Ne braska, and that by a decree of the Court the Interests of the respective parties, as heirs at-law of John Lang lord, deceased, and of Mnrv E, Iang rord, de. eased, be established and t-et forth in severalty If the same 'an be done without manifest Injurv and that partition of said Innd and premises be made, ami that from the share and interest of the de fendant James A. Langford there bs n ducted and divided amongst the 'ilie-rs entitled thereto the moneys due from him for rents of the said real estate amounting to $160 and for permanent Improvements vli feaora, removed by him to the value ol lloo and for such other proceed ings as are authorised by law In that behnlf. You are further notified that you are required to file your answer to said petition in the office of the t lerk of said Court on or lefore the i4th day of March li;i, or said pe tition will he taken as confessed by .'.ou and each of you II M 1 1 J ) M CAVBN, I'laiatiff By J. K. PORTER, Her Attorney. P'7-9-4t Notice for Service by Publication Krank Red nn;l Louisa M. Rted, his wife, defendants, will take m tire thnt on the th dav of F, bi uary, PILL Henry (lake, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the District Court of Box Butte . ::unty, Nebras ka, against said ilef )laati, toe tb Jert and prayer cf wh! Ii ar rc qulo: the title In the pla'ntlff c cn the north half of the nr:hc; t qoariar of section 2.! and n r h half ct ,h northwest quarter n s (. j n townbhip 2S north e i ranee ",o w. st or the 6th principal in irldlgg In Mi v Butle county, Nebrar!(ii. .'iid t: ex clude h and all t:' s.i I ' ad mits from any intt rest then it, Ycu are iiquln I to nnrw r 3afd petition on or befcre the d:y I Mai.h, Ifili. Dated Feb. , 1013 HENRY V UCB, t!alattff. ' 'i-9-lt Avoid Risk Withcit HM ! Avoid rlfkHtrJ what may result ire in a neglected oough by using Rtx.iii Cherry I'aik C( ;h iyrup for 111 r.Ikf.. Yo i risk notl'inn whatever v.L.:i ycu try It, because we fell each ami every bottle with the oositive guarantee thif t v!!l -:.e relief, or mcucy b: ,:. Can anything be more fair than this? Can you aHord to experiment with other re nied les most cr which are not Kuaran teed In view of this honest offe r? When we say that IL-xall Cherry Lark Cough Syrup is In our opinion the btst on the market for all kinds o.' coughs, we any it because we do know that it Is made of the purest imrredie-nls obtainable, and that It contains remedial agents that in the opinion or medical experts are the most effe tlve for the relief of coughs and the irritatino and .anam ination of the bronchial tubes. Children like Rexall Cherry Bark Ccugii Syrup because it Is oleasant to lake. Remember that we guaran tee it to satisfy you. or money back. Prices, 2.1 casts, 60 cents and $1.00. Sold In this community only at our Store- tk Rexall Store F. E Hoi sten. 1842-9Jt The "Know Omaha" campaign, whi. li ted much favorable com ment (or Nebraska and Omaha last year will be revived again this year. It is planned to go a step further this year and organize a KNOW NE BRASKA campaign. Co-operation of State organizations will be asked by tn Buroau of Publicity of Omaha to the end that Nebraskans will be better ai'quaiute'd with their state. High schools of New York, which are teaching Nebraska to the stud ents there, are loud in their praise of the state. Manager Parriah of the Bureau of Publicity of Omaha has m.i .... I num. runs letters from the principal of the New York aekaaia. requesting further informa tion about the state. Don't overlook the value of the want ads on page 5.