The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 06, 1913, Image 4

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Published every Thursday by
Lloyd C. Thomas.
John W.
E. C. Drake.
Vice President
Entered at the post office at Alliance,
trough the mail as seconds la as matter.
Nebraska, for transmission
Subm rlptlon price. $1.50 pr year in ttllMl
The circulation of this newspaper Ik guaranteed to
ta weatcm Nebraska. Advertising rates on application
be the largest
Sample copies
Here In n quip from the Country
( ntleiinm: "Ikies a hay stack burn
up or down? It doe lint a defeat
ins aoclcty can get two hours of fun
out of proving It doesn't "
from a
Here I a auggestion to marriage
ahle ladies who railed to Improve
leap year: An exchange telle of a
girl who aent her steady a pair of
socks for a preaont with a card at
tn lied on which was written. "For
cold feet". The day was stain act.
You are missing a rate treat if you
are not reading the Lift of Wood
row Wllaon. which la belli published
as a aerial in The Herald Phe first
chapter wk published in' the Issue
of January 2lrd. If you have not
commenced rending It, you will do
to look up the last two issues
of the paper and commence reading
It from the first. It makes splendid
IN Ml tag for the boya and girls.
thai an
t ays I hat are dark anil
h :t are vain the heathen
, peculiar." Hut for trickH
oily refer ua to the ' pussy
foot" poll.iclan who does nothing
during t!i campaign for the success
of the pally I nominees, but after
election put in all his time for
months trying to secure endorse
ments which ought to go to persona
who worked during the campaign for
the sueceaa of the patty nominees.
W. H. BttaroBI la
aevere attack of la
Mrs. L. II. Highland ia confined to
her home with a very aevere case
of neuralgia
K. K. belter, of the Alliance Fruit
i Company, and wile made a trip to
i llemlngford last week.
Ray Qladson. a Burllnnton brake
ttafl who waa transferred to Sterling,
Colo., was In Alliance Monday.
Mr Drake, formerly landlord of
', the Drake hotel, la again in our
; midst, and will remain indefinitely.
i Mrs. J. H. Carroll waa called to
j Twin Porks, Montana, by telegram
. Friday morning. Her daughter I
very sick.
Alias Minu Lougeny, who has been
vialtlng for some time at the High
; land home, will leave for Denver
, Friday.
The Chadron Chronicle and The
Crawford Tribune were designated
by the county commissioners of
Dawes county as the official publi
cations for this year. Kvldently the
commlaisionern of that couniiy be
lieve thai the law requiring them to
have certain notices published was
designed to give publicity to those
notices. The Chronicle und The
Tribune are two of the moat newsy
local papers that come to The Her
ald office, and no doubt have a cir
culation thaH covers every pari of
I .' i i s cotinly
Marcus Franklc
KamouR, expects
proprietor of
to return to
hia eastern trip this com
By recognizing the newspaper fra
ternity of the atate In choosing tip
potnttca to office unu r iiis admin
Nitration, Qoveraor Moretoead lias
stirred up a little fun among the
boys, as well as increase the volume
of their gotid will towards himself
The Oxford Standard bad the follow
Ing to say in regard to age of tho
governor's appointments: "Tuesday
Governor Morehead appointed Fred
C. Ay res, editor of the Holbrook Ob
server, deputy state oil Inspector for
the Fifth district The only thing
we are afraid of Is, that In a mo
ment of abseii 1 mi ndei'n c ss Fred
might Imagine he was writing edit
orials for the Observer and give us
wind in our gasoline laatead of wat
er, in which case we'll have te
train our engine all over again. How
ever, laying all jokes aside, Bro.
Ayree ia entitled to a :,i -e at the
pie counter, and the standard la
more than plc-ied to chronicle his
success. "
Last week I "a. Hera i1 published
an article i vnbuted by Rider
Frank A. W ne 1. pr xr of the
Christian (hit a at Alliance, on the
ance from
ing week.
Judge J. II. Wooley, of Grand Is
land, waa In tho city Wednesday on
legal business. He went to Broken
How today.
The Misses Willow anil Katherine
Hi ekert of Deadv oud, S. D., are
visiting at the home of their sister
Mrs. Harry Bowman.
Mrs. Horace Bogue left for New
York City last night to Join Mr.
Hogue who ia In that city purchas
ing slimmer gooda.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wilson re
turned home last Friday from Bel
vldere where they have been visit
irrg relative.
Two of Mrs. J. F. Richards' child
Pan, who are eitk with scarlet fe
ver, are much improved, having
been mar death's door at one time.
A. J. Pickett has resigned from
the aerviee of the Burlington and
is preparing to move to Arcadia, Ne
braska, to make his future home.
Mra. C. K. Wykofr and daughter
Helea arrived Sunday from Coun
cil Bluffs for a visit with her moth
er, Mrs. C. F. Kroll, and sifters.
Mrs. J. f. Rleharde and Mrs. K.
W. Kay.
S'e. -ling
.loins, a
dlvislou of
fireman on the
the Burlington
brought to the hoapltal ret I I
with a badly crushed foot. !!
I abject ,
or of a'
rejects o
Will Into
ol our rc .
ly pleas i
Xo;1 sever:
len on
termed a
written In
loyal to he
juid teaohlsji,
By ot oplni p
ithr churcl'i it
Avd not ien'.i
lures of the I
el with, bein;
wo: ds ) thit
our pose fcr
..i bellltes". The Her
it i-i tm t s Corn pas
-.-lies and others on
" i? Interaat, or that
a considerable poition
re. We were purtk-u'ar-i
Ir. Woten'a article
.tsjas. Although v rit
,b!c t that might be
1913 FEBRUARY 1915
rsTMTT i w i t i fHHI
HTTl 1 111
r23 456 T
0 10110131413
who had discovered them in n hay
stack while loading hay to feed to
stock Hp Immediately brought them
to town and restored them to the
cwncrs. who are now offering a re
ward Of 'en dollars for Information
Which will had lo the arrest and
COBVltton of the offenders
where they apent several weeks
very pleasantly visiting relatives.
Dr. ! W. Curtis is confined to his
bed with la grippe.
Roy Burns, son of Prof. Burns,
badly injured hia left hand yesterday
while playing with a revolver, the
gun being accidentally discharged.
1 1 a
Committee Visits Bishop
Bishop Duffy, Now at Cheyenne,
Gives Serious Consideration
to Invitation
Miss Mary Regan will go to Chi
cago Within a very few days to pur
chase a fine, new line of goods for
her ladies furnishing atore. 8he will
be gone probably two weeks and will
select a very fine line of spriim
goods, which will be placed
at her store In the Phelan
House Block.
on sale
)pi ra
Aiii Swum.
il question. .
ndly spirit.
i church. Its
bj ahowed a
I iwards m pdM ra of
that la commendable.
;i:noiig the good fea
. Vie was its b-vvlty.
l ii-es Vera dispclis
,ndci I Into few
article served the
hi h i' was intended
better than Hit Jh it had ocoupiou
several times tho spate.
During ihe little gMlfa than four
regie iaai the preaeal editor of ne
Herald has a ted in that capacity
tiie pai i r has maintained a firm
atand f..r Mi Mnnrlplea of progress
ive d'.iu. raij and 1ns supported
the i i oiidater of the democratic
party with actively an exception;
but to the few back number politic
inns who aro tryiug to make it ap
, tr thai a pledge to support the
candidates of the party, regardleaa
of their fltnwas for Offl e or Hi"
methods by which nomination may
be aecured. is necetisar In order to
ae-ure preferment In the matter of
appointment to office under the in--omlng
democratic adminiai ration',
we wish to say there's nothing stir
ring here. Do you uet us? In other
words, office or no office fo.- I his
-editor. The Alliance Herald will con
tinue to support the party und its
oaudidatts that stand for the rights
if the common people. We have
ihe people with u. UatH recently
a man In this corner of Nebraska
w I wlabed to secure an appointive
c ce neded the assistance of the
p tlciaus. but "thinga have hanged
bine. Willie died". We have ihe
.good will of the rank and file, which
we- prefer to the endorsement of
aOA-hinc olit iciaus, secured at the
expense of b Having the people.
bad 'tton his right fot caught b
t ' ii thg nxiiie -ind tender.
Aady .1. KJeldgaard, who formerly
W9M employed in Alliance, was in the
c'ty visiting friends yesterday nnd
oday. He left this noon for his
home in Omaha. He will attend thg
Babeock I'harniacy Institute in Out i
h.i the balance of the winter.
Gaines Chapman, who has been
Uitinn at Webster Spriugs. West
Virginia, has returiie-d to his home
tit Mallnda. He arrived Sunday of
last week anil has been visiting since
wnii . K. Bandy. Mr Chapman may
make his home in Alliance soon, mov
ing from Malinda.
Switchman Urowt-rs injurtd his
foot Monday while working in the
railroad yards. He is laid up at
present .
John Kaieet, foruurly cf the Her-
aM force, Who has been employed
lately on the lleminufcrd Journal
has returned to Alliance.
('has. Caldwell, of Lincoln, slate
agent for the Liverpool, London &
Globe Fire Insurance Company, was
in the city yesterday eonferring with
Gray & Guthrie, local agents.
L C. Stire, or Denver, district a,
gent for the slates of Colorado
Wwimiuu aid Nebraska, for thi
I'eiiiisvh ania Fire Insurance Com
Beautiful Social Affair
Number of Ladies Enjoy Hos
pitality of Miss Virginia
1 1:00
in. Sunday school,
in. Preaching.
p.m. B. Y. P. C.
p. m. Services.
pany, waa in the city yesterday.
W C Mouuls, who has been on a
visit witli relatives lo Wichita. Kails,
and nearby points, has returned.
His son. whom he took along. took
sick, necefeitnting a hurried return.
Mavor W. O. Barnes and Mrs.
Barnes have returned from their re
cent hurried trip to San Diego, Cal
ifornia, whence they Journeyed o
be with Mrs Barnes mother. who
hm very ill but who is now recover
ing. Marshal Cy luting is conflued to
his home by sicknevs and unable to
be on duty.
Mrs. Zercher, of Crawford, la in
ihe c4ty. a patient of Dr Slagle, for
week's treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. A Wayne Wllsou
and children returned last Kriduy
no ruins from Tlia-r county, Nebr.,
Upon receipt of informal ion that
RaV. James A. Duffy of Cheyenne.
Wyoming, had been chosen Blthop
of the new Dloceae of Kearney. Ne
braska, telegrams of congratulations
were sent him by Alliance Council
No. !;: of the Knights of Columbus.
St. Agnes Court of the Daughters
of Isabella, and fifteen of the pnmi
Inent members of the Holy Ros
ary church. A petitition was circu
lated among the business men o f
Alliance, irrespective of religious h
lief, asking FT. Duffy to visit our
city with a possible view of making
his residence here. It was realized
that the See of the diocese was
fixed at Kearney, but as Alliance
ha-s the largest church in the new
diocese, the only sisters' Academy
and the only sisters' hospitnl in the
onflnes of the new bishopric. and
commodious dwelling, also other
hurch property, as well also, being
. m ,1.
more convenient lor over i o-i u u us
of the priests resident in the dio-
cae. these things might prove of
sufficient weight to induce the new-
shop to get permission to live In
Alliance and ultimately nave the
seat of the new diocese changed
from Kearney to Alliance.
The petition was gwdly sinned by
every business alio proicssiomu man
in Alliance, and a committee con
sist tng of C. A. Newberry, our larg
est merchant, R. M Hampton, vice
president of the First National bank
and .1. W. Guthrie of the firm or
ray & Guthrie was chosen to go
to Cheyenne und present tin peti
tion, the Sisters el St. Agnes A-
cademy and St. Joseph hospital a0
suit their meetings ami p-ti'ion
with the eeoimittee; and they made
covers tor me pennons nun wen-
most beautiful and in fact works ot
art. The KaiChta of Columbus, the
Daoghtera of Isabella, the Holy
Name Society, ihe 1 oung Ladles so
ciety and the Altar Society ea-n
wrote separate requests thru their
respective officers and the commit
tee weni to I li"yc tine and mei rr.
Duffy Sunday morning. return ng
Monday. We understand that they
were received moat kindly and cor
dially by Fr. Duffy who told I hem
that he was highly pleased with the
spirit shown nnd promised to visit
our city at an early date after his
consecration. He said that it was
not in hU power to change the of
ficial residence without the consent
of hia superious. 1 hat ne nan
heard much of the push and activ
ity of th business men of Alliance
and wa s trprlsed to learn that the
Academy I ad so many pupils and
that we h id ao many flourishing m
cletiea In the parish and was very
favorably Impressed with It3 many
advanti -. He said it would ttuxe
some lime to make the change,
even if deemed advisable, as mai-
iers of this kind had to go uirii a
certain courae and were given m st
careful consid- ration before any ac
tion was taken. He evpreeaed his
hearty thanks to tho numbers of
the committee and asked them to
extend them to all those who htid
joined in the different petitions.
The committee- report that they were
greatly Ivpreeeed with Fr. Duffy's
indiv leluality and believe ne win
prove to be the right mun in the
right place, especially if that place
is ta be Alliance. He is the young
est bishop in America and looks it.
but any one oOBatBg n ont ict with
him will readily see why he was
chosen. He has a moat pleasing
p. rsonality. is a man of dynamic
force, active, energitic, in fact, a
genuine wtstirner. He certainly
will be a great addition to western
Nebraska, and we predict that the
new diocese will make tremendous
strides under his leadership. and
are orav that Almighty God may
give him many years lis the Chief
Shepherd of the fl ck bringing them
io Him Mav be b" given health
and strength to do the work of the
Lord for the sal van on of souls and
when finally called to give an ac
count of his steward hip may he
hear the blessed won "Hater thou
into the t ew aid of et iraal life aad
unending happiness. "
Rev. Geo. A. Witte. Pastor
Phone 113
10: On a. ni.
Bible Classes
1 1 : M a. m.
Sunday School. Graded
0.30 p.m. Young people's EpwortL
League meeting.
T::i0 p. m. Preaching.
Prayer, Bible study and social
hour. Wednesday evening at :'i0.
The doors of this church are open
to all people at all services. iA cor
dial and home welcome extended to
all to worship with us. If you have
no other church home in the city.
Olin S. Baker. Pastor
Phone 90
Services at the heme of Miss Rich
mond OU Platte Avenue.
Sunday srhool, L' p. m. every Sun
day. Preaching service at 7: SO p. m. ev
ery alternate Sunday.
Mrs. P. M. Maxfitld. Pastor
m m m
10:00 a.m. Sabbath School.
11:00 a. in. Public worship,
a p.m. Junior and Intermediate C.K
G:;0 p. m. Christian Cndeavor
Special young people's service led by
Miss Kthel James.
7::;o p. ni. Public worship.
Rev. J. B. Brown. Pastor
Phone 710
Corner Yellowstone Ave. and 7th St.
German services every Sunday at
10:30 a. in.
There will be Hnglish service- a:
10:30 a. in. next Sunday.
Kng'ish services about every three
weeks upon announcement, and even
ing services upon announcement.
German-English parochial school
five days of the week till June.
Everybody welcome.
Titus Lang, Pastor, 703 Niobrara Ave.
Phone 339
On Tuesday evening, at he beau
t i f ii I home of Miss Virginia Broome
about thirty five ladles were Miter
taincd at a five o'clock dinner.
I'lacea were laid at ight tables. A
unique manner in plauflC the gues s
was used by Miss itro tin . A bo
quet of flowers was plat ad on each
table, no two bofiu.' a being the same
flower. Cards representing the dif
ferent flowers were drawn from a
dish, and places were taken at the
tablpe whose flower correspond: il to
that drawn. After the dinner the
ladies at the tables rnit f0 the bo
qucta, the on - cut ting; the highest
card at each table winning thai bo
quet. Follov. ii.g is a list of the dif
ferent Mow era: Violets, red, white
and pink lrnations, red anil pink
roses, yellow tulips and sweet peas.
Being Shrove Tuesday, pancakes
constituted the first cburse. Which
was followed by several other good
courses. Miss Margaret Harris gad
Miss Hannah Cotant assisted in
servinj;. During the evening music
was furnished by an orchestra con
sisting of Miss Hattie Renswold,
Mcaara. Paul Thomas, 8, R. Clem
en- and Carl Thomas. Miss Broom
rendered vocal selections which dis
p! iye:d her beaattfal aad w-ell trnlne !
Tin ladies speak hinhly of their
t harming hostess nnd the manner in
which thev Were entertained, having
spent a very enjoyable evening.
These present were Mesdanics Ellis.
Marvla, Mitchell, Qantg, Wood. Peek-
enpauh, Brazelton, Ware, Harris.
McCtuer. Hall, Tally, Rarcroft, Co
tant, Nelson, Stebbins. Di tiruler. Nel
son, Zed titer. Oilman, Andrews, Les
ter, Schloupe, Westover, Williams,
laneoa. Wikcr, Rowan. Broome, and
MUaea Angela Ware. Emily Skiles,
Josephine Ware, Qrace Cotant, Mar
garet Lester.
ger of Jupiter, David Beach. Maid
ens: Basel Bennett. Myldred Caas
bell, Cynthia Davenport. Marian
Grebe, Janet Grassman, Alforetta
Lainon. Altfl Phillips. Irene Rice. No
bles: archlhaM Blackwood, Clifford
Bloom field, Michael Nolan. Paul
Thomas, Max Wilcox.
d I
There will be a Valentine social
In the church at Reno. Wednesday
evening;, Feb. 12th. Ovatera will be
served and a good time is expected.
All are cordially Invited to attend.
The proceeds will go to the church.
U.S. Land Office Notes
Interesting News of Alliance
Land Office
members of the
Society or Un
church will givi
on the evening
Christian Bn
First Presby
j a Valentine
of Fi.brua.ry
of the C. K.
Uth tor the members
and the young people of the ohur- h.
Blahoratg preparations are being
made and a uood time is premised.
An oyster supper, with all the trim
mings, will be served. Interi sting
games will be played The location
of the party will be announced later.
There will be services next Su.iday
at 1 1 a. in. and 7: JO p. m.
At Si. Matthew's church a "Ques
tion Box" is In evidence; any mem
ber of the congregation is at liberty
to put a question in the box.
Subjects next Sunday from Ques
tion Box: "Do you believe in the
power of suggestion?" "Is your
church the mother chinch?"
Geo. G. Ware, Missionary
Phone 93
e e e
10:0( a.
Lessons. '
11:0" a 111
7: oil p.m.
lug, at
ni. Sunday school, Graded
Latin Club Play Success
Students of High School Give Excel
lent Entertainment Last
meeting, eiine-suav
L. Godfrey. Pastor
Phone 458
Thieves Steal Records
Burglars Enter Office of Forest Lum
ber Company. Records Found
in Hay Stack by Farmer
Hurglara or aneuk Ihievea entered
the office of the Forest Lumber Com
iimiiv in Alliance recently and se.-ured
n number of valuable records The
tgga the! entered is not known and
the actual loss wu not discovered
until a number of old records which
coutaiuid valuable data and informa
Hon were brought In b a farmer
10: UO a. in. Bible school.
11:00 a. m. Preaching. subject,
What and Where Is Heaven?"
6:45 p. m. C. K.
7:30 p. in. Preaching. Subject,
I'Jesus and His Saving rower.
; :'.u p. m , weaaeeaay, prayer
Frank Allan Woten, Minister
Phone 752
: Sabbath school at the residence
Irs. Pilkingtou every Saturday
ternoon at o ciock
Mrs. John Pllkington
The Herald Publishing Company
nus print d thla wart Si fee copy
luhiofl Mux Butte county maps for
distribution. These maps are printed
on heavy ledger paper which
stand a great deal of rough
n.i liHiidlint! without tearing
maps will be for sale at The Herald
'office. One will be given free to
every uew subscriber or renewal who
asks ror it during the next ninety
"Dido, thg Phoenician Queen," pre
sented by the Latin Club of the Al
liance High s.hool last Friday night,
contained some cf the be'at talent it
er given in a play by the young peo
ple of Alliance Some very good and
hard work was done In preparing
the scenery for this play, all of the
beautiful effects of the ancient tem
ples ami gardens being displayed.
The costumes were imported for this
piece, and added greatly to the
beauty of the play. Mrs. Uowan
and Miss Sherdenian deserve credit
for coaching and preparing the play
ers who made a soccesa of the per
formaaoe. In the first scene Aeneas and his
band were cast upon the Partbagln
ian shores and arriving at the Tem
ple of Jupiter are ureeted by Dido,
the uueen. Miss Angela Ware, who
I distinguished bcvacll in playing the
part of Dido, gave a very good im
pression to tile audience from the
first word spoken until the final
scene. In the banquet scene Miss
Ware displayed her beautiful voice
in a song to the gods. In the last
act. a scene in Dido's chamber, her
pleadings with Aeneas were indeed
wonderful. In the dramatic scene
where Ditlo took her life, the nerves
or the audience were kept at a high
banalon hy the presentation or this
heavy part by Miss Ware.
Lloyd Tully playing the leading
part or Aeneas was very well taken i
hecaaae of his good voice and the
princely manner in which he present-j
eel this character.
Bernard Hoist n, in the role of
larbas, showed very good acting and
tm excellent voice, and his denunci-
at ion or DUlo in act uir. e waa a
reature of the pluy.
Little Howard Cogswell, as Cupid,
scored ti great hit in his appearance
In scene two of the Brat act.
The entire cast did Justice to
their part and showed that they
had none through hard practice to 010841
give the productiou. Following are
the names of those takiug pari in
the play:
Aeneas, prlu e of Troy, Lh.yd Tully.
Aohaiis, in. ud of Aent as. Merritt
Cbaftee. Illoneus, a Trojan noble.
will i Ralph Johnson Dido, queen of i .n
usrttte j thage. Angela Ware Aiwia, sister
The ' of Dido. Jntla Frankle Baree, nurse
of Dido, Avis Joder. laroas, a Moor-i-.ll
pillwe, I lei nurd Holsteli Venus,
goddf!- of love. Hattte Renswold.
Cuptd. son of Ycuua. god vT love.
llow.Sld Cogswell Mercury, tllessen
A change in the payment of water
righi and maintenance charges oil
rederal irrigation projects has be?n
made by special order or Secretary
of the Interior. Heretorore pay
mi nts of this kind have been made
to the land ofrices but the new or
der requires thai these funds be
paid to the Fiscal agents who are
located at the project engineers' of
flees at some point in the project
itself. In this case it will mean that
payments will be made to the Fiscal
Agent at Mitchell, where the Project
Engineer Ol the North Platte project
is located.
It ha been' customary for receiv
ers at the Baited States land Office
to carry a large balance for check
ing purposes. This is now discount,
ued and all deposits made by re
celvers are to the credit of the Unit
ed States treasury. Vouchers or
checks drawn by the receiver will be
cashed at the hank the same aa
heretofore but will be sent by the
bank to Washington ror payment by
t tie treasury.
Alliance, Nebr., Fh. 1. llll.
The Alliance Herald:
We are directed by a letter Xioiu
the honorable commissioner of the
General land effice, under date of
Jan. .il, t'.H.;, to furnish intormaition
relative lo the restoration to the
Public Domain to local n -wspapers
as a matter of newa without expense
to the government, of the foltowiag
lists of lands:
- SW'iNK', Sec. I'll,
53 W.
IaA I, Sec. tB, T. L'2
All of See-. Il, T. II
57 W.
Such of said tracts as have
been formerly restored and are
otherwise withdrawn, reeerved.
appropriated or covered by existing
entry will be subject to Mttlemeai
under the public land Iiiwb of the
United Slates on and after Mar -h
L'4, 1918, at 9 a. in. and wUI be sub
ject to entry, filing or selection Ap
I rll 2, 191.!, at 9 a. in. at the 1'niteet
' States land officiant Alliance, Nebr
Warning is expressly given that
no person will be permitted to gain
or exercise any right whatever un
der any si ilenu nt or occupation be
gun after withdrawal of land from
Settlement and entry and prior to
March 2t, 113. aii such aotttamaat
and occupation are forbidden.
Persons holding valid subsisting
; settlement rlvhts initiated prior to
, withdrawal of land, and who haw
j maintained their settleim at on the
J lands, will be allowed preference
fit hi to make entry of he lands set
tied upon In accordan.-e with exist
ing law and ion.
!! X.. K.
, R.
K AndemoB, Broad
Part of et-:t!ens 2ff
: 0151110. lirtl e
i water, Hi br
j ami 27 2it .",11.
I AligU, Knietl K. Walls. Agate,
braska Part or sec. JI-2K-5B.
1 0151112. Thomas P Diwibv; Wayaide.
Nebr. Part or sec. 114141.
01M13. Jacob fihlmeh, Mandaad, .e
i braska Part of ec. 30-1841.
: 015619. Maude Donovan, Alliance.
Nebr. All of sec. l-2;.-5l.
01562(1. Willard O. Golden. Unco,
Nebr. Part or sections 22, 27. 28
and :'.4-21-tr..
015621. Jame-s It. Morris. l.Uco. Ne
braska. Part ol se,tions in, 29, ::i-21-47.
015622. Alva It. Haislup, Cnadron,
Nebr. All of sec. 2i:!l-55.
Applications for Final Proofs
010109. William F Fitzgerald. Mon -rose,
Ne br. Part or section lb-
gad I ."-:'. t-55.
Frank Hirinan. Seottshlurf.
Part of sec. 29-2 J-64.
(Meat B. Leonard, Sott
Nebr. Part or sec. 2'.-2.!-5.
Oaarge W While. Harrison.
Part of eec. 2-29-57.
Kdmund Slattery, Ardinore.
Dak t'art of sections IK, 19
Hi br
0I12KO Kmil F. Anderson. Binghtim.
Nebr Pari of seiticns I'M and "!
01 1.!52. Dav's 8. Atwtll. Aicra. Ne
braska. Part of sections 21-22 hi
014156. Samuel K. Smith. MoffitJ.
Nebr. Part of sections 8 and 17-21-46.