PHELAIN ORERA HOUSE - UEDINESDAY, FEB. 19 DIRECT FROM TABOR GRAND, DENVER A. G. DELA MATER OFFERS GEO. BARR McCUTCH EOIS'S Beverly of Graustark READ THE BOOK THEN SEE THE PLAY GORGEOUS COSTUMES. METROPOLITAN CAST COAL WE HAVE ON HAND AN KXCELLENT QUALITY OF COAL and COKE Phone us your next order and learn what "QUALITY and SERVICE " means. FOREST LUMBER CO. TELEPHONE 73 Alliance boys played tbe floor well, breaking up I lie team work of the BcotUMttff players with little cllffl cnlty. The final score of the teams was Alliance 25, Scottsbluff 8. Following is the lineup: Alliance Scottsbluff right forward Bench Tlllley Darnell Bp in loft forward center light guard left guard Jackson Plea it Hoach Wcatervelt BRIDGEPORT TO HAVE ANOTHER NEWSPAPER Northport Herald Will Move River and Change Name Bridgeport Herald Across to Iowa. His sine is "Fowler Beau mont" and his dam "l-essie 2nd". His number ia J8t,0S7 and he coat Mr. Baumgardner $500 plus the freight. .Mr. Baumgardner is raising a fine quality of thoroughbred stock and is making good money in that business. He has made a fine addi tion to his herd. WILL FILL LONG FELT WANT Send .a quarter today to The Lin coln Daily News and they will mail jou the paper through the legislat ive session. Tbia is half price. Hon. C. D. Casper, editor and publisher of The Northport Herald, announces in his paper that it will be moved across the North Platte river March 1 st and the name chung d to The Bridgeport Herald. When trie editor of The Alliance Herald, assisted by Mr. Casper, started The Northport Herald about a year ago. many Bridgeport people urged that it be established at that place, but It was thought best for several rea sons' to begin publication at North port. There is at Bridgeport, as in many other county seat towns, a coterie of politicians, otherwise spoken of sometimes as a clique, who have an undue influen e in public affairs, not because their number is large, bin because of machine methods. The rank and file of the people, who are opposed to the rule of self appointed bosses, are often unable to throw it oif on account of leadership, nl though they are in the majority. Just as naturally as "birds of a feather flock together" do stanilpat politic lent of both republic Sh and democrat ic parties cooperate. Mr. Casper is an old time demo cratic editor of the progressive sort ince lie assumed entire charge of The Northport Herald he bai been importuned by many of the best pen pie of Bridgeport lo come over to their ton. While regretting to see Northport deprived of its paper we are pleased to knou t.bat Prtdxeport will have cue edited by the vctier Mlile (' 1). Casper. late the good people of the named town on the acquisition newspaper that will jstaad for eency and democracy".. Following is the Noi l b pol l nl.l'a announcement of removal chane? Of name: "Wlch the week of Friday. Febru ary 28, The Herald will have been published 5:1 issues and remained the year, according to tin am eeiu. in whi'h John W. Thomas, the found er, made with the people here. At ter that date the paper will be pub lished in Bridgeport, as The Bridge port HeraW, if no preventing pmvi dence. We are satisfied that North port has a brilliant future, but so far in the future that the present generation VXU all be dead beore those hopes are realized. It U now thjee years obi has twelve residence houses and twenty adult population. It has one general store and a lum ber yard, both run by honorable peO ple, but not sufficient in number to support a paper For reason sj their own the people on the uorth lde ae hostile to Norlliport. and while they have all See n ieiidly to The Herald thty prefer to get their in. nl ob the other xide. While it is only a mile irom here to the court bouse, K is really farther away than Omaha. While we have received many compJiments tbe past year, ierv few of our onteuiloraries have realized the difficulties with we have contended In making this ihaiiy.e we feel that our faithfuliuss the past year justifies us In asking lor the continual good will and con fidence of those who have read the paper Hie past ten months." ALLIANCE 25, SCOTTSBLUFF 8 Alliance Boys Win Basket Ball Game at Scottsbluff Friday Night CAR OF ROOTERS ATTEND GAME of a "de Her and Willi the help of the carload Ol Tocters that went with them, the A. H. S. baskei ball team won I grand victory over the Scottsbluff boys at Scottsbluff last Friday night. The Scottsbluff bunch of rooters was outnumbered and out rooted by the I ople who went down to attend the game from this city, who with horns, footers. whistles, bells, electric screechi-rs, and lots of wind in their lungs, proved to the inhabitants of Scottsbluff that Alliance was there with the goods. Following are the names of those who weni down in t lie special car: Charles Lamon, Mil ton Keegan, David Beach, Willie Dar nell, Jessie Simpson. Harold Brennaman, William Lamon, Sanford K. Clements, Michael Nolan. Bernhardt, May Naiion, Joe er, Pauline Montgomery. Dickinson, (lien Mounts, Mounts, Eva Duncan. Nell Ruth Bice, Irene Rice, Mrs. Keegan Wright A reoeptkui was tendered the Al liance delegation after the name, at the residence of Doctor I'lehn. Music was furnished by an orchestra and refreshments were served. The Al liance visitors are grateful to the residents of Scottsbluff who so ex cellently entertained them while in that city HARPER TO CHICAGO W. H. Harper, of Harper's ladies' Toggery, will leave for Chicago on Saturday to purchase a large stock of spring goods. Mr. Harper states that his business for tbe year 1912 was ery satisfactory and that he expects a very prosperous year dur ing IMS, He will be gone for a couple of week, visiting several im portant eastern buying centers on the trip LEGAL NOTICE Notice for Election for Bonds Court House Webster Keiukov I ii bna Lepra Tash. k t; PURCHASES REGISTERED BULL Lam;, . liaperone. Lawrence Beck, Leo Nicolai. N. rinan Newberry, Cyn this Davenport, Hazel Ueiineit, Don aid Oreiuun, Crenels Belief er, Bddle O'Conner, Clarence Scbafsr, Richard Young, tleorge llueeliseiistein . Ralph Johnson. il'l Thomas. Merrill Chat fee. Rests White. Guy Smith, Chan. Bpnctt. Ld Hnston, James WURssns, Lloyd Tulle?, Ruta Mantejoeasry, Bur ton Rowland. Beulaa Smith, Avis .lodtr, Anna Bernhardt,- Claude Ren neau, Jay Vance. Harvey Worley, Henry Sin i i h and Harry Smith were also in attendance at ike game, go ing down in as automobile. i pon their -arrival at the Bluffs the Alliance delegation were es-ort-ed to the High school and were giv en a warm reception by the pupils who were waiting there. A little doubt was expressed be fore the game as to the outcome, but soon after the start it was t-lear-Iv seen that the Alliance boys out classed their opponents. The first basket was thrown by Beach, but was discredited by Referee Fran itadg- lejr. Although a new man on :he team. Beach played a star name, that would have done credit to a veteran. He made several good plays, and was credited with four points in the first hnlf. Darnell. ceii ter, played an excellent game and made a total of ten points in the first half He was able to keep his which i opponent, ttoaeh. tri m scoring I has kel during the entire game nit good team work of Tully ami hb passim; were features of the :aiii( and helped the Alliane boys to pile u;, scores. The Alliance end of rt atl r pari i f remained In lilt for any length Notice is hereby given to the qual ified voters of Box Butte county, Ne braska, that upon the written request of at least one-fourth of the legal voters of said county, an election will be held at the regular polling plaees in each .precinct of said coun ty, on Tuesday the lKth day of Feb ruary, 19L1, from the hour of eight la. m. to the hour of six p. in. of said day for the purpose of voting -4 upon the follow ing proposition, to- wit: Shall the County Commissioners of Box Butte oeunty, Nebraska, is sue tbe bonds of said county, in the sum of Sixty Five Thousand (65,000; Dollars, -of the following denomina tions, viz: Sixty Five bonds of One Thousand Dollars each to run for a period of twenty years from the date of issuance of said bond, bear ing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum. Interest payable semi-annually, said interest and prin cipal payable at the fiscal agency of the state of Nebraska, In New York city, stale of New Turk, said bond issue to be known as "Court House Bond Issue"; said Ihiis to be issu ed for the following purpose, to-wit: For the erection and construction of a Fireproof Court House, for tbe use of said county, to be ere lied and construct l on lots 21 and 23 in County Addition to the city of Alliance, Box Untie couniy, Nebras ka, according to the recorded plat thereof; and shall said County Coin UlSSiooefS be empowered to make an annual levy for a sufficient amount to pay the interest on said Court House bonds la tbe sum of Sixty Five Thousand (tia.tMUUtn Dol lars; and shall said commissioners be empowered to make an annual levy to create a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of suid Sixty Five Thousand t $65,000.00) Dollars, Court House Bond Issue? By order of the County Coiumis- of Box Itutte county, Nebras- si oners ka Attest. 11M-4 7t J. M. WANEK, Chairman It. B. 1 1 A ItOH AVES, Clerk ALLIANCE CITY SCHOOLS (Concluded from last week i The following grade pupils not men Honed last week were excused from taking the seem! nation this setnae ter: Sixth Grade Nellie Buuer, LaVaughn Brown. Jul ia Collins, Helen Deitlien, Eddie Kreshla. Bertha C.nrrett. Lloyd Hale, Walter Williams, Myrtle Reeves. Le na ITelss, Alta Dye, Sam Criiham. Wade Ornnsmnn. Helen Hughes. Beatrice Pate. Chloe Richards. Char lie Safford, Irace Spacht, Laura Weaver, Mary Wykoff. Bessie Youn- kin. Fifth Grade Clarence Morrison, Dennis Ryan, Harold Oavln, Curtis Gordon, Glenn Joder, Victor Martin, Ray Edwards, tirade Cave, Veltna Martin. Helen Woods, Agnes Darvean, Kenneth N lon, Ruth Hawes, Abraham Bar ger, Bernlce .leffers, (lenge Vander voOft, Delia PreetS, Katherlne Mar ia v, Kva Simpson, Rosla Summers, WlUhVm LOger, Helen Brown, Clara Brown, Goldie Leith. Alice Campbell, Bruce Campbell ' Fourth Grade PrSncei Whaley, George AloCool, Clara Cure', William Williams, Del bert Monieon, Frank Hut hburn, Ma bel Rockey, Leonard Fate. Chester llagnn. Robert Blckuell, John Shreln er, Helen Anderson, Eva Brown, 1 ,11 lie Simpson, Kllznheth Wilson, Marie Rotter. Edna Fllnn Third Grade Mariellen Biegle, Cleo Laurance, Harold Beans, Ray Smith, Arthur Whetstone, Ruth Mncy. Leoia Beck er, Charlotte Roberts, Eunice Youn kin. Anna Pauley. lois Boyer, l'eaii Camnbell. Mabel Garrett. Dorothy: Hampton. I.e. St num. Cecil Wilson. Ruth Stanton. Joan Roser, Geraldlno Wilson, Raymond Lswis, Names of students who have been neither absent nor tardy during ih semester ending January 17th, 118 ! High School Clarence Rotin. Kverett O'Keefe, Johns iMiiiiips. Quy smith. Riiph Smith, lra Wright, Jennie B! n t Bowman. Hannah Coir i.: Kdna Donovan, Janet Giassinaii, Marian Grebe, Marian Mote, Florence Whal ey, Mildrnl Zuru, David Reach, Kit ing Bennett. Carl Blckuell. Donald ( '. i n 1 1 a 111 James Graham, Charles Hannah, Ralph Johnson, Jay mi . t- . I , .... rine. diaries spacni, rim vrj lev. Mae Brandt. Helen tells Hughes, Lottie .1 t. Veils Uhoes Look Over His Line Hanan, Edwin Burr, E. P. Reed, and Sherwood Ladles' line Is the finest line shown west of Chicago by any retail dealer. Look Them Over Art Baumgai doer to His High Adds Fine Animal Grade Heid hi: II was ktpt at th the field duritiK Me ttle name and nevi . S o; tsbluff territory of lime. Ke r: n and Jiinics Keagins nnrcbasi d laai wetk, a-t the Denver Sioek Show, a thorosghhrsd Hereford two year old bull, for Art Baumgardner, who Is in t i.e stock raising buaiuess near MR nnce. The hull arrived in alliance and was taken to the ranch Monday morning. The hull Is pained "Kin Beau mont' . He was born on Sluy 18, lilll; weighs 1 pounds and was raised by J. B. Dowel I, of Bedford. Spacht as guards did some fine work in holding their men down to thre field goals during the -;a'ne, Ja-k-son scoring a bethel from Spacht in i he first half, and I'lehn s oring two from Keegan in the last few minutes of Hie game At tin end f the first twenty ntlnntes the score stood 15 to in Alliance's favor. The seienil half started, cjt with i he fast play on the part of the A II S. boys that was exhibited in let firsl part of the game. Heaeh. fur ward, and Keegan, guard, each s-or ing a basket, and Spacht, guard, su reeding ill dropping in three. The LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF H BARING ON FKTI T10N FOR DISTRIBUTION OK RBftlDUB OF KSTATK state of Nebraska i t as. Bos Itutte County i To all persons Interested in int estate of Margaret J. Harold, 'De ceased : NoiUe is In rcby given that Roberi O. Reddish, administrator de bonis uon of said estate, lias .filed his pe tition in said court, the object and prayer of which are that a decree cf distribution may be made of the reMiliie of said estate now in his SOSaf Sllsn to the parties sat Hied by law to receive the same You are hereby not i lied that said petition Will be hi aid by the county judge at the county court room in the city of Alliance, in said ..un'. on the 1st day of February, l!13, at In o'clock a. in. It is erdersd that a copy of Igtls noli- e be published once each Week for two successive weeks iu the VI Dance Herald, a newspaper primed and published in said county. Dated this StMl day of Januan, 113- ROBERT o RBDDiRH L A BERRY, County Judge. (SEAL) 1 St l4 Moll-Wor- llewett, Ks- Owens, Mary I'atteiHon. Alta runups, neuiaii Reeves, Izetta Rensvold, Ruth Stui g4 on, Birdene Woods, Arc hie Black uivut Jennie Boon. Julia Frankle, Mattie ; Fred Madge May Nation, Helen I'utman Workman. Claude ftpansu, Sweenev. Devona Di kinsou Graham, Madge Fhilltis. Eighth Grade Jay Boycr, Marvin Dickinson. Del In Holsten, Eleauor Harris, Helen Rice. Edith Vanderwark, Vismi Wat tvene, Ralph Wattyene, Dorothy Btck ; noil, Hazel Stuckey, Otto Snyder. Seventh Grade Homer Barnes, John Batter, Mar- ths Hawkins. Myrtle Hawkins. Esther Nation, Nell Fhilllps, Olah hinitn, Lucille FaWCett, Katie Graham, Ralph Joder, Wilms Mote, Ethel Nation. Ileillah Reddish, James Sanders, I Snyder, George Wykoff. Edward Venders. Sixth Grade I-: iward Curtis, Alta Dye, Sam Gru ham, Helen Hughes, Marie Kibble. I,, .is Mote. Beatrice Pate, Marie Kathburn. Chloe Richards, Grace Spacht, Laura Weaver, Bessie Youn kin, Earl Barnes, LaVaughn Brown. Julia Collins, Bertha C.anei. I.loyd Hale. Gladys Hier. Myrtle Reeves Fifth Grade Rosla Summers, John Douavan. i Ruth Hawes, Henry Law rein e,.scnu -hi- GUman. Ivan Acheson. Howard lattspieeh, Lyndell Lewis. hrancisi Brennan, Glenn Joder, Grace Cuve, Gordon Curtis, Harold Gavin. Ray Edwards, Harold Graham. VeUna Mai. tin. Fourth Grade Clara Garret. George MoCooi, Frank Ratbburn, John Oauuu, Leon aid Pate, William Williams, Ors Bagley, Chester llagan, Elmo Calder, ; Francis Whuley, Cecil Ileal. Marjor le Grebe. Ruby Campbell. Helen An- derson. Robert Blckuell. William ('nutans. Virgil Sly Third Grade Ray Smith. Anna Faulty, Eunice Youn Ink, Eva Beal, Pearl Campbell, Mabel Garret, Dorothy Hampton, Lloyd Lee, Lee Strong. Bruce Sum no re, Second Bather Bacon, Frank Campbell. I Fallor. Lyle Mote Esther Boone. Eylin lie l.awrence, Alfred First Grade Miriam Harrie, Gladys Gay. Gueu dolen Sunders, 1 .ilia CiahSJtt, Ellon Ozmond, Floyd Irwin, William Bi k ntil. Pearl Bacon, Parker Davis. State of Ohio, eltj Of Toledo. Lu cas county, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be is senior partner of the firm of F J. Cheney A- Co.. doing busines-s in the city of Toledo, eounty and Mate aforesaid, anal that said firm will pay ths sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case o; Catarrh that cannot be cured by Monarch No. 1 Dip 1 to 75 Cures Scabs, Chases Flies, Sure Death to Lice Certificate of Government Approval on every can THE BEST FOR Sheep, Cattle, Horses, Poultry and Hogs USE IT NOW Guaranteed by Not Chemical Concent, Lincoln, Nebr. sow by j. r. ACHESON FRESH FISH Any Kind of Fish You Want, Every Day in the Week OBANNON BROS. Exmit sin. d. Prcduce Store ROWANS CORNER PHONE 9 Grade Henry R a Simpson. hier, Alice Muster Zchrung. Hazelton. Nil-llulme. Mr. Man: Bef7Y-Build or Repair, Let Earnest Rosenberger FIGURE WITH YOU o ALL KINDS OF Carpentering and Contracting Jobs taken, lare r sinal!. jobbing .1 Specialty. Estimates and Plans Furnished Free. Rates Reasonable. Work Guaranteed, EM INC, FORD, NEBRASKA the use of HALL'S CATAHKH CI'KK end acU ilirectly upon the blood KHAN'K I t'HKXKY and inuctms tturfaces of the gystetu. '(iin to before .in .1 ml subscrib Seud for ten' i mo n late, free. F. J. ed in my preeewe, this tth day of CIIKNKY v CO.. I'oletki. O. I let ember. A. L. WH6. Sold by all drugglsta. 75c. (anal) A. Y 0I.BA8QN. Take Halls Family I'UU for con- Notsry Public. Mipatiuu. Hall s Catarrh Cure is lakeu iuttm- Adii. Juu ii-W, Sept 4 35