State 11tntorlr1 8oHety cp USEFUL PARCELS POST MAP ON PAGE FIVE. Showing zones from Alliance. SAVE IT Glvea all the news of Bex Butte County and CRy of Alliance. ,'OLUME XX The Alliance Herald ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA I THURSDAY. JANUARY 30. !I3 Largest circulation of any newspaper In West ern Nebraska. NUMBER 8 ALLIANCE GETS THE TOURNAMENT N. S. V. F. A. Honors Alliance and Western Nebraska by High Offices and Tournament. Ridgell Elected President. NEXT CONVENTION AT COLUMBUS By Lloyd C. Thomae North Platte will bo remembered In the hearts of the members of the Nebraska State Volunteer Firemen's Association for a long time to come. The program of entertainment, from Start to finish, was a grand success. Bvery delegate and member of the association seemed to enjoy himself and if he didn't get something good oat of the interesting meetings or the entertainment it was his own fault. It would lake more space than we ' men representing all classes of life pursuits there were present law yers, editors, physicians, merchants, mechanics, clerks and laborers; stal wart young men, middle-aged men, and men whose gray hair and infirm step betokened years of service In the work of fighting the fire fiend. Taken as a whole they formed a Their Causes and Prevention." Me showed how that the safety of many millions of dollars' worth of proter ty reefs upon the volunteer firemen of the state. Mr. Howe, of Fremont, made an address which wu very interesting and which made a deep impression on the delegates. mimical comedy which had a cast of over fifty. After the performance those who danced went to the Lloyd opera house and tripped the fantas tic toe until the wee small houra. One of the most stirring scenes of the convention was the election of Fred Alexander, of Scott sbluff, to the office of treasurer. Mr. Alex ander was nominated by W. S Hid gell, who told of Alexander's excel lent work in reorganizing; the Bcotta bluff firp department, and of the fait that he is a member of the American Hankers' Association. Im mediately after i lie nomination two excellent rag time singers, who had been concealed behind the wings of the stage, stepped to the front and SHng. in company with the audience, " Mexander's Ragtime Hand." They were enthusiastically applauded and encored. Cards had been printed and distributed among the delegates with the words of the aong so that all could sing. Alexander was elect m by a vote of about four to one. Alliance was honortd by the re elertlon of John W. Guthrie to the office of member of th? board of ; AW HI . m w GEO HOWI A CALL TO ALLIANCE CITIZENS Commercial Club Will Meet at Court) nnonoay Evening, February 10th PLAN ON BEING THERE one dclega(e from every town rep . a rccoitnafed fad that pobliclt) Is needed and in order to secure it RIOGELL have at this time to give a full and complete write-up of the convention. I am going to tell of a few of the most important, though. The officers eleited at the conven tion were: W. S. Kidgell. Alliance, president; (ieorge Howe, Fremont, first vice president; H. A. Graff, Seward, second vice president: K. A. MUler, Kearney, stcretary; F. Alex ander, Scottsbluff, Treasurer. .Mem bers of the bound of control elected were , Bay Frost, Stanton, chairman; Jake (lei inn, Seward; John (iuthrie. Alliance; F. II Tobin. Sidney; and E. V. Parkhursl . Lexington. Columbus was chosen as the loea 4ion of tiie next convention, in l!H4. and Alliance was the lucky city to get the tournament this summer. As Will be seen the west i nd of the state was highly honored at this convention. The North Pltte Semi-Weekly Tribune voiced the feelings of the people of North Platte when it said as follows in Its issue of January 24th: "" ;t40 delegates came from nearly one hundred towns of the state, .and were u fine body of bhs iflffl HFff flOHHRI SHHRtf SHHH 9HHB -5?' WKtw , . nnBaT """nTnaPHIBJ UBnnnnnnntnnni nnnnM innF SL3KtBlxtTH''WK The lendinc cltl Xflflii flit A IliuiiKik have deckled that Alliance hntl i,,.,.. a banquet on Friday evenina. Feb ruary 28th . under the aueplces of the Alliance Comniorclul cini, Th. Herald has for some time hon in communication with Wrtinir ka men relative to coming here on ii.i iime ami meeting with the Al liance citizens and visitors from Oth er points In western Nebraska. Th town of Alliance will then celebrate her 26th birthday and It Is up to her citizens to make that banquet an , ariair to be long remembered. The officials of the Commercial Chtb have called a meeting to arrange Tor i this banquet The meeting Is to be held In the court house Monday v enlng, February 10th. Every clti zen should he there. Other Import ant questions will be considered and acted upon. next Monday evening at the dub rooms In the city hall. Interesting speeches will be made by several of the members of the department and refreshments will be served. Every member should be there. An later eating souvenir will be given to all who come. Eight o'clock next M Ou tlay evening Delegates to 31st Annual Convention N. S. V. F. A. at North Platte, in Front of Federal Building. Photo by Brooks Toim' mm BBS. w M tilrtnnnffiBnMe w- Htfft- Jnar nanananW $h- -A v" era H. L. BOY ES representative gathering of the stur dy citizenship of Nebraska; the class of men who have assisted in making Nebraska a great state dot ted thickly with progressive cities and towns. Not only were thoj sturdy men, but they were of a gen erous, jovial disposition; they were men who see the sunny side of life, who enjoy themselves as good (it itns should. To their credit let it be said that there was not one In stance wherein ehey did not confine their actions within the limits of law-abiding cltsetttV" Among the speeches which receiv ed much attention was one by Har ry J. llauser, chief of the Fremont fire department and one of the most popular members of the association. His subji c ( was. "Chemical Kncines and Their Advantages. " He em phasized the important part (.hat a chemical engine occupies in au up-to-date and complete fire figtiting equipment, showing the advantage whicb an engine of UnU nature .has when it is necessary to do quick work and to go beyond the ii mains. The first evening (Tuesday) as spent in listening to an address t wi i. Line by City Attorney Hal II (as of North Platte and a response ty J. C. Cleland. of Fremont. An intt r eating program, under the direct iou of Temporary Chairman Attorney Keefe was much enjoyed. ' 8. liklgell. Mate fire comtni ssioner. made aa iateresting speech. An in teri sting talk was made b.v Chief Handnll of North I'latte After Hie program an ailjourniiient was taken until the next morning and all went to the Lloyd oera house- whe re rt freshments w re servi d. C. A. Kiindall, of Lin.oln, ex-state fire i ominissioner, made a very in teresting speech during one of the sessions. Ilia topic waa, "Flrea Hal EJ control. Mr. Guthrie made a num ber of Important talk. during the convention and took an ac ive pari in the proceedings. A banquet was , rved Thursttay evening at the Masonic hall. I'latt s had been laid for :;.")(. Disni-. t Judge k'irimes acted us toasluiaster, sev eral toasts being proposed and re sponded to. Colonel Win. Coly. better known as "Buffalo Bill" waa the principal speaker and kep! the audience laughing for many minu I Heiii'inv President II. L. Boyes was presented wltb a gold headed caM, the gift of the members of the as sociation. A comniiite was appointed by the President for the purpose of iectM ing publicity for the convention In every newspaper in the state. It resented was made a menibe-r of the committee and instructed to secure a write-up in his home paper. The need of an offitial paper for the as sociation Is recognized by all. The sparring exhibition Thursday evening attracted a big crowd at the Lloyd Opera House, over SOU being present. Arthur llatgis of Lexington and Tom McCarty of Kavenna were the principals. There were two of the preliminaries, the first of which hou' between Kid ami fatamy BraJth In the third round pretty well ilone bat It it lid III the was a six round i.ange of Denver, of South Omaha, jSmith had Laage Up hut he "came FRED ALEXANDER W. S. Kidgell, of Alliauce, jta'e firw coiumissioarj , made several in teresting speeches and look tui ac tive part in Hit work of the conven tion. He is engaged in urgunlziiiK the Nebraska Kire Prevention So clety for the shol children of thi s ate, and Is circulating hiaoibarablp oartte, Wednesday eviir.x u late- uuie h)CT of the delegates atttndid ta" performance of "Loalalaaa Lou" at I he Keith theatre. Tin houne was packed to the limit and a perform anee, seldlIII si-en OUtaUIn of Hie larpaat iittes, was aajoyed. Thlr- ten stirring tnusieal numbers and to scenes furnished Hie has' of a LnK- ' ana last three rounds gjt hip share of the bOBOfBj, The see-ond pi l iuiin iry was a three-round bout between a (ouple of North Platte boys. Brown and Wtstburg, in whicli the best of Hie honors Waal to Brown. -i i, main event between McCarty and Hargis was swift and cX&Uing .r Start to finish but Hargis .as i ! .1. ty outclassed and wrs kno:k- I into "an. land in the fif h rouu '. I round of this con'eat ii irvn7 a auperioni) in ac en e well as In for . b. 'ilnd his b ov He sent Hnrgia to the floor in ;lu second, third and fourth aa well as the final round. In tin- fifth an., last round Hargis was unable r(, pro tect himself and a strong uppereu: to the Jaw put him ut f r fat i a aaairpta eoojr of this issue of the ILrald. t. ther wtth a picture of the deUgairs piinied on finely .ill enderid paper for Iraiiilnx. Li nam Report of Fire Chief for Year 1912 The report of Fire Chief Komlg of Alliance will be of Interest to Her ald readera. It Is aB follows: Active members 75 Number of men uniformed ... none Hook and ladder truck I Hose carts 3 I' eei of htwe owned by city -.Z.ltM Kind of hose used. C 11 L. Number of threads to the Inch on hose coupling, Number of chemical euginrs ..none Actual value- of property belonging to the department S60 Actual value of property used for fighting fires, belonging to the city 4. BOO Fire alarm -Bell, electric whistle. ami telephone. Cost r syieni, u. Approximate anmil Wwi to keoa in repair, $65. , Wflicr wYfc-Htfini Hue,! plea sure for fires," tin pounds. Plant owned by city. Stand pipe--110 feet high 1' feet in diameter. Holds 08,063 gatlons of water. .Stand pipe pressure, 50 pounds. Mains and hydrants Miles of main, 11V. Size of mains, 4. 6 and 8 inches. Nubemr or hydrants, 164. Fires and losses Number of flrea during past year. 2t. Value of buildings owned before the fire, $47,000. Amount of damage to buildings by reason of fire, $27,761. Amount of Insurance carried on buildings, $2S,(M)0 Amount of in - nr. Hue r 1 ejved. $1 7, 652. (III. Amount of damage to personal I property, $6,700. Ame. mt of tnsur :in e carried on persi.nul property, $2(1.000. Amount cf insuran t- re ceived, 16,009, Amount of Insurance tax collected dur'.ng pad yser, $610. Coat of mulntaiuir.g fire d partment for year L-n.'-ig D.cinib !1, 1012, $M.I. Hi spi ct fttl'y suhm! led, P. E ROW tO, Chief Alliance Fire Dept. a to i very delegate at the con i en loa i KtrS i (."t s have will be mailed to any live SOSjSJ ( a' h. was preaeu: Kt vi r:. han L i I BOSS pri ati d and ' !ress fr NOTICE TO ALLIANCE FIREMEN E. A. MILLER a ssaofci r a ill be mi mbers of the lire given to li pari an i; th en JOHN W. CLTHRIE ex i 1 k : ill. V DELEGATES AT ALLIANCE CONVENTION 1911. TOURNAMENT WILL BE HELD HERE THIS YEAR MM: