Sallroad. XTctes H. Rebblt and Minn Olson wen inarrUd the fh-st of the week and left for Denver for a short wedding trip Mi Rabbit Is peculiar llur linaton brnkmn ike man Foley has resigned from the srvico and gone smith for UM winter. Frank Ayers, recently h conductor cut of Alliance, writes that he hH gem red a foot position In Iowa Mrs. Ayera left on No. 42 Saturday night to Join her husband. Mr J. R. I'll. ..ii la planning to leave next Saturday for an extended trip to the coast. Alio will spend eorne time In long Batch. Calif, where she has a married daughter. She will rent her house furnished to night Yardninscr Maker and wife. aire. Frank Dunning, who has been visiting at the McCorkle home, left the flnit of the week for her home la Montana. " Engineer Wilson la enjoying the time of hie life wMh a new motor cycle which he recently purchase!. Mr. Wilson so far has not met with ony accidents, but we can not say & much for a passenger engineer who borrowed the machine for a short spin and had to send for Mr. WHson to get him back. o .tohn Conner, son of W. J. Con ners, l at the home of his parents end will probably be here for some time. Mr. Conners Is a machinist ami has been working in Kansas City. He was very sick theje and when able to travel came here. He was brakeman here some years ago wid has many friends who wish him a speedy recovery. Robert Kvans returned Sunday morning from a two weeks' visit with relatives in Lincoln On Ills return he found IiIb wife very sick. Bhe Is some better today. see Fireman Ben Trenkle, who has been in Indiana the past two months. Is expected home soon. Me has fully recovered from his operation Kngitiecr Nlcolai, who Is in the hospital, is still suffering from a bndly sprained back and both ankles Mi Nlcolal says he is trying to ftg ure out some way a man can walk on crutches when he has both ankles sprained. Fireman Harry Townley is having fully his share of trouble. For about two weeks he has been laid up with a very bad cut on his left ankle. On Saturday he underwent an operation for appendicitis. The operation wne performed by Or. single, assisted by Dr. Hershman, and was very suc cessful. Mrs. Townley arrived lust Friday and Is assisting in the care of her husband. Fireman Hoiuun is another railroad man who is In the hospital. He had an operation for appendicitis last week. Mr. Ilonmn is making a rapid recovery. Switchman Callahan and Fireman Trtanber went to Denver last Sun day for a few days. Mr. Callahan has relatives there. Mrs. Kd. Strand, who has been visiting In Iowa and Missouri, is ex pect.'d home I lie last ol lite ck. Mr. Rosenberger has commenced work on an up to-date barn for his father. C K Kosenberger. three and a half miles south of Hcmingford. Thla barn, whkh Is 28 by 40 feet, will rost about fl.OOfl and will be one of the best In the county when com pleted, belnc equipped with modern con ven lencna. WILL PLAY AT SCOTTSBLUFF AT THE CHURCH The bovs' basket ball team of the High school will leave for Hcottsbluff tomorrow (Friday) noon, where they will play the aggregation of that place. A large delegation, consist Ins of about fifty High school stud ents, alumni and others, will accom pany the warriors to witness the battle which will occur in the even ing on the arena there. The A. H. 8. boys were deleNitod at Sidney this year, due to. the fact that this was the first league game of the season for Alliance, but since then have been working hard and have played other games, and will no doubt carry away honors from the Mluffers down the river. The members of the team are: Charles Spacht, guard. Milton Ke-ege.ii, guard. Willie Darnell, center, i.ioyd muy. forward. Clarence Schafer, forward, David Reach and Donald Graham, substitutes. A special car has been arranged for, which will carry the following named A II S rooters: Ralph lyOte pekeh, Merritt Chaffee, Ralph John son. Kddie O'Conner, Norman New berry. l.eo Nicolal, Rest a White, Harry Smith, Henry Smith, Harvey Worley, Irene Rice, Hazel Bennett. Cynthia Davenport, Avis .loder, Bess, Nell Tash. tilen Mounts, Web ster Bernhardt, Anna Bernhardt, Wil liam UMon, Carl Thomas, Beulali Smith. Kuth Rice, Kva Duncan, Prof. Clements, Richard Young, Francis Schafer. Pauline Montgomery, Ruth Montgomery. Paul Thomas, Max Na tion. Miss Isahcllc (labus, and oth ers whose Baffin have not been Be rlin d BAPTIST CHURCH on tbe range Is not a nutritious as It Is following a dry summer, cattle are doing well, wWh indications that they will pull through the winter In Hlendld shape. WHAT A WHOPPER 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. 11:00 a. m. Iree.chlng. 6:30 p.m. B. Y. P. U. 730 p. m. Services. Rev. Geo. A. Witte. Pastor Phone 113 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. Graded ill lo n.. ., , , i Ain.iirt e m ui cu a iruiry oxer " 1,1 iicacning. Chadron at the High school gymnas 0 :10 p.m. Younu people' Bpworth ham last Saturday night. Perhaps -eagtfe meeting. besides being outclassed by the Alli- 7 :t0 p m Preaching tmOeJ team the defeat of the Chad Prayer. Bible study and social . irls was due to ' , over-contii ence on their oart. In a hour, Wednesday evening at 7 : :i0. one-Bldofl game with Crawford thev The doors of this church are open to all people at all services. .A cor dial and home welcome extended to all ro worship with us. if you have no other church home in the city. Olin S. Baker, Pastor Phone 90 A. M. E. CHURCH SAFETY POSTAL CARDS Railroad Men Giving -Much Thought to Preventing Injuries by Accidents 'linlst Frank Bra ken PMkie ill over Sunday visit at BcottShluff. Mr Bracken's mother has been very sick. A brother has r it ly had u sever, p. nstloai iioth Mrs. Bracken and son are very much better. Frank returned to Alliance Tuoday noon. Mrs. Jennie Reed and daughter Ruth returned Saturday from a rerj pleasant visit with relative! in Missouri. Fireman Sit .man has bid in one of the helpers on Mara land hill. Brakeman Sexton returned M on -day from u visit with his family In MoCook, Railroad Wdrkart Mustn't Quarrel With Their Wivev New Haven, Conn., Jan. tl. Em ployes of the New Haven road to day are discussing with mixed emo- ALLIANCE DIVISION IN FRONT Not many years ago carelessness and indifference to accidents wer common among railroads, the Indlf ference seeming to extend to the officials of the roads to a great ex tent. But a transformation ha been taking place. Railroad officials have in recent years encouraged greater care In avoiding accidents. There la probably a double motive back of this: a humane1 consideration. In wishing to provide for the welfare of the employee; and the financial con sldenwMon. in wishing to avoid the heavy damngee required to be paid as a result of accidents. The Herald is indebted to the Al llance division suuerinitt ndent'S of fine for the following information: A novel method is being employed by Burlington officials and employes to lessen the frequency of accidents to men In railroad service. "Safety Postal Cards'' addressed to the sup erlntendent are put at the disposal of the men, who are eiit-ouruged to send in suggestions for making con dltions as safe as possible in yarde shops, etc. It is said that last mouth fifty of those postuls were received on the Alliance division w.hich Is an indication of t lie great amount of In terest being taken in "Safety First Most of these suggestions were vul uable. reuorting conditions which had become dangerous and which It was a simple matter to remedy. It Is evident that the officials can hardly see every obstructc I p-issage way, every piece ot detective ma chlnery. every rotten board in plat forms along hundreds of miles of railwav ; but some employe, some wltere, knows about every such con ditioii and the Safety Postal is foe. id to be a practical means of reporting these dangerous things so that they mav be made safe before someone M hurt. GETS HAND CAUGHT IN PRESS They build houses In Denver with a rush. One day they started put ting up an apartment house on (Men arm street and the next morning they were putting people out of it for being behind In their rent. Ster ling Knterprise. ALLIANCE GIRLS VICTORS Alliance Basket Ball Team Defeats Chadron to Tune of 15 to 10 A. H. S. GIRLS PLAY FAST GAME NORTON'S yds. Taffeta Silk, 27 in. wide, assorted fCkf colors. $1.00 per yd., now on sale at U Special Lot Silk Skirts, colors, for onlv all the best $2.19 NORTON'S Services at the home of Mr. Rich mond on i'latte Aveaue. Sunday school. I p. in. Preaching service at 7::!l p. m. 1 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10:00 a.m. Sabbath School. 11:00 a. m. Public worship. Sub ject, "What Jesus Promised the Children." The children's, choir will sing. All the children of the church are Invited with their parents. :f p.m. Junior and Intermediate C.h 6:30 p. m. Christian Kndeavor. 7:30 p. in. Public worship. Sub ject, "The Silver Lining of the Cloud." Rev. J. B. Brown, Pastor Phone 710 M M AN U EL GERMAN EVAN GELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner Yellowstone Ave. and 7th St. Mr. Man: Before You Build or Repair, Let German services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. Knglish services about every three weeks upon announcement, and even ing services upon announcement. German-English parochial school five days of the week till June. Everybody welcome. Titus Lang, Pastor, 703 Niobrara Ave. Phone 339 EPI8COPAL CHURCH There will be services next Sunday at 1 1 a. m. and 7:.!0 p. in. At St Matthew's church a "Qucs tlon Box"' is in evidence; any mem ber of the congregation is at liberty to put a question in the box. The questions received for expla nation next Sunday night at 7 :0 are "What do you understand by the As tral Body?" "What is your explana tion of the resurrection of the body?" Geo. G. Ware, Missionary Phone 93 U. P. CHURCH scored 42 points, while the Crawford team could pile up only 12; but the girls from up the line soon found that Alliance and Crawford are two different names when It comes to basket ball. In the first half the game was played with dividing lines on the floor, and as the lo al team was un ite customed to playing tiddle-de-winks OB the field, failed to score but one point. Referee Jackson being very generous in calling fouls on the home team gave the visitors five points in this half. Miss Hillon tU credit ed with a pretty basket maoV from the side line, liaxiiri a cleahot for goal. In the second half .Miss Foster 'vna substituted for Miss tiilion on tin li.idron aggregation, and Miss Mai lory for Miss Wright for Alliance These changes caused 110 material difference in the strength on eithe side. As had been previously agreed upon, the pens which were used in the first half were broken open and now the players were given use of the entire floor. I'nder these con ditions Alliance displayed their team work which had been impossible be fore. The score wa soon tied - but not to remain so, for fasl work had Alliance leading in less than a min ute afterward. Helen Hewett made the first field goal for the home team, the other baskets were thrown by Leone Mal lery, Ruth Nation nnd Tliresa O'Don nell. lzetta Renswold and May Na tion did some fine guarding, holding the Chadron forwards ilmvn to two baskets. Prof. Clements deserves credit for holding his own for Alliance in do ing the refereeing stunt in the sec ond half, and also keeping the game progressing. When the whistle was blown announcing the end of the game the score board was marked Alliance 15, Chadron 10. Following ia the lineup: Alliance H. S. Chadron H. 8. right forward Nellie Wright Kdna Scott Leone Mallery left forward Ruth Nation Alma Gillon Fern Foster center - v . Helen Hewett Cynthia Carey second center Thresa O'Donnell Marjory Cost el v right guard May Nation (Capt) Francis Drawling left guard Izetta Renswold Clara Sartor Earnest Rosenberger FIGURK WITH YOU ON ALL KINDS OF Carpentering and Contracting Jobs taken, large or small. Jobbing ;i Specialty. Estimates and Plans Furnished Free. Rates Reasonable. Work Guaranteed. HEMINGFORD, NEBRASKA CHURCH QUESTION BOX As will be seen by the announce- j . I merit In our column of church no 10:00 a m Sundav school. Graded 1 tices, at St. Matthews church a cjuestion r.ox is in eviuence. 1 ne plan is to have any member of the congregation who wislies to do so 'deposit a question in the box on Sun i day, the question lo b answered the following Sunday eV( ning. In place lessons. 11:00 a.m. Broaching. 7:;!0 p.m. Preaching. Prayer meeting, Wednesday even ing, at 7:30. A. L. Godfrey, Pastor Pre ne 458 Miss Delia Watson, who is office girl for The Herald, met with a very painful accident Monday afternoon. While feeding a Job press which was running at a good spee.l the fin gers of her right hand were caught ami hadlv niivclied. Fortunately no linns lb, set of "unwritten laws bones were broken. I tie injure,! just handed around by the officials of hand was dressed by Dr. Hand, who the c mpany making definite sugges- thinks there will be no permanent Hons as to the home life of the men injury to It. in the operating department. 'I lie alariiiliuj number of accidents that have brought the road under federal investigation are attributed by the high officials of the road to negli gence of the employes. The latest suggestlcn is that a names of man's domestic happiness, or unliap plness, affects his vigilance while ou duty. The "unwritten laws" order tbe married men rc.'rain from quar reling with their wives and the bachelor are told to marry and to A COINCIDENCE One day thla week W. S. K wer, proprietor of the Bee Hive store, mentioned to Tlte Herald editor the three ladles from the north part of the county who h; d re- ce.itly traded at bis store. By ref er reuce to our subscription book we found that this paper, in which as our readers know the Bee H'.ve has In 1 n advertlidiig. is going Into the SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Sabbath school at the residence of Mrs. Pilkington every Saturday af ternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. John Pilkington, Supt. ! of the sermon next SiMiday night, the ; following two questions will be die cussed: "What do yo.i understand by the Astral body?" "What is your ex planation of the re-mrreciion of the body?" CHRISTIAN CHURCH Subject . prayer he sure lo marrv wonie 11 of placid an homes of all of these lade 1. .lust easy -going wavs "A man who shuns! a coincidence, of course, bu we be his door behind Inn in anger is in no fit tranie of iniitd to run an en gine, or operate a signal tower," one of the so-called rules says- Lincoln Kietiing News. ENTERPRISING CONTRACTOR Ueve If It were iossibU to keep tab on our advertisers' customers, ve would find a good many such co incidences. "THE SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS" In on a. 111. Bible school 1 1 :0U a. 111. Preaching :46 p. 111. C. E. 7:30 p. m. Preaching. "Hydrophobia in Alliance." l.'iO p. in., Wednesday meeting. Frank Allan Wo'.en, Minister Phone 752 SPECIAL 8ERMON Special sermon at Christian church next Sunday evening -Subject. "Hy drophobia In Alliance." Kvcrybody la invited to attend a " WEATHER REPORT ?OAL COAL 2t C o A L WE HAVE ON HAND AN EXCELLENT QUALITY OF COAL and COKE Phone us your next order and learn what "QUALITY and SERVICE " means. c o A L FOREST LUMBER CO. TELEPHONE 73 BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Last Friday, January 17. VV. F. Knitht reached the three aoore and ten mile stone in life's journey. His trie mis in Alliance and the surround ing count rv planned to give him an agreeable surprise on that clay. Fr.un t.n to el ewes o'clock la the forenoon they arrived, remaining to visit un til afternoon and some till evening. The celebration of this anniversary of his birthday was tinted with a prayer meeting in the everting, which was considered by Mr. Knight and his estimable wife as a fiuing termi nation of the day's enjoy ine-nts. TERMINATES PLEASANT VISIT Last Sunday Mrs. Dunning teiinin aled a four weeks' visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McCorkle, and left on til for her home at liyeham. Mont. Her visit here was enjoyed not only by her relatives but also by a large nuiu ber of other friends, lie fore remov ing from this city she was one of ' mi. in, i s most ucuular voune ladies. port has not been published for some d gjtbOUCfc residing now in anoth- Franccs Howling gave Ills mono , time past. There are parts of the vf 8tat) sttii ila8 u nost (f H:quain Earnest Rotenberaer of Heminflford log entitled The Shepherd of tin year when our reacieis m ouiei tH,., here lo welcome her upon Is an Up-to date Builder KafatBtK Rosenberger of. Hcming ford was in Alliauce on busine!-- last Friday and called at file Herald of fice, subscribing for the paper and ordering an advertisement run in the paper. He is an enterprising young man who is not ashamed of his work and is pleased to have the at tention of tbe publi called to the buildings which he puts up. He be gan business for himself as a con tra tor about two years ago Pre vious to that he worked al his trade In Lincoln and Onirlia, having worked on the Baakera lluild infc in Lincoln aud on the V. O. W. building in Omaha. Lovely Winter in Northwestern Nebraska The Herald's wenkly weatlwr re- PHELAN OPERA HOUSE Thursday, January 30,13 "The Arrival of Kitty" By Norman Lee Swatout The'st' are several reasons why all play goers should sec "HAL JOHNSON" in this play: B. The'ie- is More Up-to-date Comedy P P 3 II C P There are More Ileal Laughs vUdUOC'i There are More Pleasing Situations ' There are More Delightful Surprises Than are Usually found in Comedy Offerings Prices: 75c and $1. Gallery 50c, Children 25c Seats on Sale Tuesday ot Next Week Hills," in the Christian c hurc h base-i Hons of tbe country wish a wee kly Uef r, ,,. ,or ., Vjgn nient Tuesday night to a good audi c ine For an hour and a half Mr. Howling held his audience II bound as he told the wonderful story of The Shepherd of Hie Hills. He, Is a pleasing speaker, haviug a full, modulated voice, iiis control over bis audience is extraordinary. Any town wishing his servie-es need not have any fear that he will not make good. Tom Tuck arrived Tuesday to re main in Alliance. There is not an oilier native of the "Celestial Km plre" who is better known In AIM Jaee or who has more friends here than Tom OLSON RABBIT WEDDING Popular Alliance Young Lady Railread Man Married report or weather eonunions nere. but during the late fall and' early wiuter such reports would have a' sameness that would make tbeiu al most monotonous. We are giad to luform our read ers in eastern Nebraska and In otta-l er statee that this part of the coun Tuesday evening ai me nome in try Is having the finest kind ef win- j p. S. Olson occurred the wedding uf ter weather Tbe winter, according j Miss Sejphia Olson and Mr. Harry to the calendar. Is more than half i Rabbit. It was a cjuiet affair with gone, but we leave had very little only members of the imiiie-dlale rani bad weather. With the exception of ! ily attending. The bride wore white a few dlkuurecablv wlncl.v clays alio a ; mull anil cue grooiu me- i uimhui wedding trip which was postponed guise, Is alone worth the price for until June will extend thru Denver admission. There are ten players in and the Rockies. the company and several musical Miss Olson has been a resident of numbers are rendered during the this city for some years, her parents performance. It is a high class up being old settlers of Box llutte coun to-date company composed cif high ty. Mr. Kabbll has resided In this salaried players, and special scenery city about a year and is employed as is carried for the production There a brakmian on the Burlington rail- Is no cheap, slapstick performance road. They will reside at the Ol- with this company or play. Every son home at 524 Cheyenne Ave. Al- thing is on the high tone order, and llanc e friends extend best wishts to the audience ie keot in an upixwr of the newly wedded couple laughter from start to finish Prices ...Ill 1 r . . win ue i a cems anci i ror reserved ... ,i . , i . i ",, .. t .e , Th Arr Mil AT IflttU " u" """ - ''""- ' ne sail try. Advt- 7 H-lNtM if CHILDREN'S SERVICE The morning service at tbe First K-.ujiniiiii ciiurcn next Su-itlav will The Arrival of Kitty Playgoers will be delighted to learn of the return to Alliance of and , ihut bright coined v drama. "The Ar rival of Kitty," with Hal Johnson taking the oart of Kitty. Thia corn- cold snap when the t Ueruuonieiei went down to 2K .or L'S degree be low, the weather has been lelal for this latitude. Although Hie grase al black Raw, Titus Lang official ed. A wedding dinner was served at the home after the ceremony. The pany played tne paece in vinam m ue ior ine cniidren The subject three Beaeons ago and left a most will be. "What Jesus Promised the ravorable impression upon the large Children." The children's choir will audience present by reason of the sing. All the oil I Id n at the church bright, witty and clean comedy thru- are invited with their parents out the play The impersonation of ; "Kitty" by Mr. Johnson la one of Alias Kdna Benedict, the efficUut the cleveraet pieces of stage work money order and registry clerk ar ever seen and the "cutarette dance" the Alliance uost office i. k.. . , and the "ghost dance" performed by on duty about a week, following htri '"Kitty", who is Mr. Johnson in die , recent illneas. ....