Phone Your Coal and Wood Orders TO No. 22 Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. 1 Tom Stalos' Store .13 BOX BUTTE AVE. Is a good place to buy Groceries, Flour, Canned Goods, Fruits, Vegetables, etc. We sell the celebrated Loup City Flour. We have a big line of Workingmen's Pants and Overalls; also Shoes for Men and Women. Gloves, Hats, Caps, etc. Groceries delivered promptly to any part of the citv. PHONE 210 i i '.7 St SCISSORS AND W V.tit Hunt Kxpress, .Inn. 1": En- glneer Ntrolal. wtitle climbing into his engine Monday, sipped and fell Into the turntable pit unci was car ried out on a stretcher. He Is a very sore man at present. Custer County Chief, .Jan. 17: Har ry Townley. son-in-law of Mr. anl .1. H. Benjamin, who is fireman on the Hurllngton, was seriously In jured at Marsland abont a week HO It seems that during a destructive fire at that place, which burned I large hotel and a number of business houses to the ground, he was help ing to save the building's and was accidentally struck by an ax. The blow cut through the shoe on Town ley's left foot nearly severing the ankle bone. He was taken to Alli ance and it was feared for a while that his foot would have to be am putated, hater reports state that his foot will be saved but he will be laid up for some time. .Mrs. Town ley, who was visiting in Broken Bow, went to Alliance to be with hlni on Wednesday. , Chadron Chronicle, Jan. 10: We are In receipt of the Mad news stat ing that Hev. Julian who is well known to all our people is in a hos pital for treatment at Omiha and I. is condition is very critical. .Marsland Tribune, Jan. 17: A. H. McLaughlin went, to Allinn.e Friday on a combined business and pleasure trip. While there he was the guest of his friend Smith P. Tattle. It goes without saying that two "old soldier boys" enjoyed the renewing of bloody days during the visit. Mc. returned home Sunday. Miss Franci s McGlnnis made her us ual visit with friends and relatives last Saturday and Sunday. Her par ents and brother who recently came to Alliance from .Missouri will make their home in ('liadrcn in the near future. Her brother was a visitor here stopping at the Richey hotel the night It burned. He says Marsland gave him a very warm reception. vjbk Fuel & Feed Sk NATIVE CATTLE MARKET LETTER BUY A Gem Desk Calendar for use on your desk during the year 1913 The handiest appliance you can get for keeping memorandum. Price with Stand, $1.00 The Herald Publishing Co. $53,000.00 BEING GIVEN AWAY to those who art as thr local ivpivsentiitivos of Everybody's Hagazineaml The Delineator all in addition to liberal commission. I. i t us show you how you car. Secure a Share j simply by forwarding the subscriptions of your friends and neitghliors and collecting the renewals of our present sub Hcribers. Try for THIS month's prizes. There are lots of prizes that can be won only by persons living in towns same size as your own. Write at once to the BUTTERICK PUBLISHING COMPANY butttrltk Building, JVru York City Chicago, 111.. January 22. The lo cal run Monday was 29,000 and at the six leading western points 56,000. The supply wag too large for the good of the market. Beef steers here void at prices steady 10 !0c lower. The market was a long-drawn-out affair because of the strangling in of trains. Top beeves made $!L5t) for 19 head or 1,646 lbs. average. There was a marked scarc ity ol choice offerings and a bi pre ponderance of plain, medium snd roughish kinds. .Most trading was at SS.50 down to $7.50, with quite a showing at $7.60 to $s.oo. Tuesday local run tt cattle was s.inn and the six western markets Bd h total of :17,000. Beef steers met slow sale here from the outset and prices were steady to 10c lower, ol r rings of value around $S.25 up, bhov,'nv the loss. Best beeves available number d :ht head, averag ed 1,591 lbs. and sold at $8.85. Among our h:i!cs were branded west ern Shorthorns fn in Kansas at $8.76. They includ d 41! head of 1,461 lbs. average for Springer & Johnson and 19 head of 1 ,.156 lbB. average ror G. Q, Springer. The local Wednesday supply was 1S.000. The six western markets had a total of .!5,000. Kverything was against the selling interests here. The run was above all expec tations, trains straggled in all day long, out let through eastern shipping chan nels was very narrow and local dress ed beer men did practically nothing until right near the noon hour. When a trading h.i-is was established it waa a 10 to 15c lower deal. B si beeves available sold at $9.15 for 20 head of 1,421 lbs. average. Sales wc.iv largely a) $7.50 to $8.50. Coarse medium and heavy weight steers were mean sale from start to finish, and there were not a few loads of such offerings that were still unsold at tli eelose of the day's session. Suppllies or cattle here today Wrt 6,000 and the six western points had a total or 19,000. While the local 1 nide in be. r steers was slow , prices were held steady with the previous! day's decline. There is nothing in pr. sent nor near future market condition. to warrant holding t:t k cattle that are in good flesh condition. Their place is on the market. Keeping tin m In thl reed lot with the express pur- ! pose or striking higher markets Is attended with more or less danger. However, we advocate the. retaining of good quality kinds that need M to 90 days longer feeding to put them In goad flesh condition. They should u-nll tin their keen lleef trades of ows and heifers showed a price lc-s or 25 to 50c rrom last week's elo- with most sales at $5.15 to $6.75. Stockers and N-e lers continued in gocd demand, but went 26c lwer than the finish of last week. Bulk of trading was at $6.00 to $7 25. ( LAY. ROBINSON ft CO. Mi.- Maud Morritt made final proor last Saturday on her claim, located near the Morrttt post office. Her witnesses were Karl Douglas and Bud Hulstod of Orlando. W. R. DRAKE'S City Meat Market People of Alliance know the kind of Meats sold and service given by W. R. Drake when running a meat market before. With better facilities and bet ter location, he can satisfy all old customers and any number of new customers that may favor him with their trade. A Full Line Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Poultry,etc. On the corner. Box Butte avenue and Fourth street PHONE 40 $5 Brings Oliver Typewriter Send r for the OHv The newest Model No. charge for Printyp-'- For the price of a Greatest Typewriter, cents a day. This irresistible "$1 era of universal typewi over primitive pen and chine that introduced v or Typewriter the machine will come a llying. " the regular $100 machine with no extra good fountain pen you secure the World's You can pay the ha lance at the rate of 17 offer'' is sweeping everything before it. The iting is coming. The triumph of the typewriter ink has been brought about by the same ma is'ble writing. TTje. OLIVET Typewriter This is the typewriter whose high efficiency has made It the choice of the greatest firms and corporations. It Is the simplest of all standard type writers, yet the swiftest and by far the most versatile. The moving parts work freely in a solid metal framework, making the machine so strong that the hardest usage has no errect upon it. NO. EXTRA CHARGE FOR "PRINTYRE" Most people prerer to have the machine equipped to write in Printype. This beautiful type is obtainable only on the Oliver Typewriter. It is the greatest style improvement ever evolved for typewriters -the most easily read type in existence the type which conforms to that in uni versal use on the world's printing presses! I WIN SUCCESS WITH THE OLIVER The Oliver Typewriter aids success-seekers in a multitude of ways. The real-life stories of achievement that center around it would fill volumes. No matter what your work may be in office, store, Bhop or home the Oliver Typewriter will prove itself a great convenience and an actual money It stands for order and system and success. It Ls the visible evidence of progressiveness of its owner. Young people with brains, ambition and Ol iver Typewriters are succeeding everywhere. Lan you afrord to let $5 'stand between you and success? Send for Special Circular and Art Catalog Full details regarding the Oliver Kasy-Purchase Plan, beautiful catalog and a specimen letter written in Printype will be sent you on request. Let this $5 offer awaken you to your need or The Oliver Typewriter and the ease with which you may own it. Remember $5 only and on comes The Oliver Type-maker. Sals DM'tRiMt THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 1905 Farnam St.. Omaha, Nebt State of Ohio, city of Toledo, Lu cas county, 88. Frank J. Cheney mak s oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney ft Co., doing business la the. city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONK HUNDRED DOLLARS ror each and every case or Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURR FRANK I CHBNJBY. Sworn to before me and subscrlb : ed In my presence, this tth day of i December, A. D 1m; (Seal! A. W, CLKASON, Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern I ally and acts directly upon the blood j and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. OIKNKY ft CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con ; btipatiou. Advt. Jan. -' :!(, Sept 4-25 Alliance Cleaning Works The place to bring your clothes f o r f i r st -c 1 ass c 1 ea n i n g a n d p r ess i ng We make a specialty of night work All goods called for and delivered Phone 58 403j Box Butte Ave. Alliance a Good Town Alliance Is a mighty good town, worthy of the best of everything. That's why we have Joined the Amer ican Drug and Press Association and offer to our people the Meritol line of preparations, made by the Associ ation and iold ouly through its in. in bers. There Is nothing -like thoae goods, guaranteed In every way. without an equal, made by experts. We want Alliance people to have the best there is. k we offer o this line Ask to see Meritol goods. F J BKKNNAN Advertisement Jan :.':' C. M. Kelley and D. K S;an:o:: are now proprietors of the Alliance Cleaning Works. Mr. Keeley rs- ; signed his position with the railroad I to take up this work again. Mr. Stanton returned the first of the week from Fremont, where he went on business and to visit his par ent , I 1 ! In answering advertisements please mention this paper. Dray phont 1 DYE & OWENS Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Residence phone $36 and Blue MMMnf .- MM