Classified Adertisements The following "Want Ads" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience o readers. CASH RATES One cent per wo.d each insertion. No ad received for less than ten cents per inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per word each insertion, but no advertla 4ng account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week, lack face double rate. Ir answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. A classified advertisement will In troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property In this town. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE , GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES ABSTRACTERS f. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract books in Box Butte couuty. Office In McCorkle Building. 10-tf-570 TO RENT KOR SALE OR RENT. -Seven room house. Good outbuildings. Barn tor four horse. House for automo bile. J. B. DENTON. Advertisement 5tf 1772 FOR RENT. Nicely furnished steam heated rooms. Rent reasona ble. Address "M", Herald off ire. 1651-51-tf FOR RENT. Office or living rooms. First Nat'l Bank Building. 17tfll86 MISCELLANEOUS Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright. Phone 71. tf AH kinds of feed, in any quantity desired, at E. L Qretf Son s. Phone IBS 29 tf-1 3 42 Money to loan on real estate. F. K. Reddish. 3tf Rowan & Wright, opal, wood and posts Phone 71. tf Coal office at Rowan s feed store. ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf LOST. Wide gold bracelet. Ke tum io Alliance Grocery. MISS HOLLOWAY. i7f5-:-tr PAINE FtSHBURN GRANITE CO. Grand Island. Nebr. Make the best monuments and will aave you money. Call on AL. WIK ER, local salesman of Alliance, or aend to Grand Island for price list. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS See E. C. Whismati for lowest trices on painting, paper hanging and kalsomining. THREE milk Phone Blue 485 4S-tf TOWS for sale. Missouri sorghum 85 cents per gallon, at RODGER'S. Curtis Best and Gooch's Best flour at E. I. Ciregg c SouV Lvery sack .guaranteed. Phone 155. 29-11-1342 COAL AND LUMBER Buy your coal and lumber from this company. Quick deliveries and full weight on every load of coal. DIKRK8 LUMBER & coal 00. Pltone 22 l"!t-5tf SINGLE AND DOUBLE H'AKNKSS AND PRING. WACON KOK BALE CJYou need not be an "ad writer" to use these columns. State your wants simply, and above all truthfully. Or telephone this office and the clerk will write your ad. IJWant ads are the biggest little investments you can make. One set of double harness, first class condition; one single harness, fair condition; one nood spring wat on Will sell cheap if taken at once Inquire at Alliance Cleaning Works. Phone 5f. C. at, KKEI.EV. Advertisement 5M 1780 L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon Office in First National Bank Bid Phones: Office. .162; residence. 16. Prescriptions to drug store or medi cines furnished from office. If pre ferred. 50 tf-160.S Advertisement FOR BALE. S C. Btfl Orpinitton cockrels Ijirge. heavy honed, fine markings. Prize-winning strain. 92 and $.! each. Phone on 21. MRS. .1 KEEQAiN. 7-2t-1802 WANTED TO TKMDK. Batter Nebraska land for a ranch in central of west. tii Nebraska. Slate what you have in your first letter. J. D. RAITT. North Bend. N. bi 1804-7-4t Highest price paid for Hides and Furs. Oscar O ' Bannon, Alliance, Phone 9, Rowan's Corner. I75i-:i-tf LEGAL NOTICE Notice for Election for Court Mouse Bonds Notice Is hereby given to the qual ified voters or Box Butte county, Ne braska, that upon the written request of at least one fourth of the 10 voters of said county, an election will be held at the regular polling places in each precinct of said coun ty, on Tuesday the 1Mb day of Feb ruary, 1913, from the hour of eight ja. m. to the hour of six p. in of said day for the purpose of votinc upon the following proposition, to wit: Shall the County Commissioners of Box Butte county, Nebraska, is sue the bonds of said county, in the sum of Sixty Five Thousand (f 5,900) Dollars, of the following; denomina tions, viz: Sixty Fixe bonds of One Thousand Dollars each to run far a period of twenty years from . the date of issuance of said bond, be . iug interest at the rate of five par cent per annum, interest payable semi-annually, said interest and prin cipal payable at the fiscal agency pf the state of Nebraska, in New fori! city, state of New York, said I) e! issue to be known as "Court Hsuss Bond Issue"; said bonds to be - i ed for the following purpose, to-wit: Kor the erection and construction of a Fireproof Court Iljuse, for the use of said county, to be ere "ted and COBXt ruCted on lots 22 and 23 in County Addition to the city of Alliance. Box Butte county, Nebras ka, according to t lie recorded plat thereof; and shall said County Com missicners be empowered to make an annual levy for a sufficient amount to pay the Interest on said Court House bonds in the sum of Sixty Five Thousand (ti5.000.0ii) Dol lars; and shall said commissioners be empowered to make an annual levy to create ii sinking fund for the payment of the principal of said Sixty Five Thousand ( I'la.ouo.OO) Dollars. Court House Bond issi: ? By order of t he County Commis sioners of Box Butte county. Nebras ka. J. M. WANKK. Chairman Attest: II. S HARORAVE8, Clerk 191-471 LEGAL NOTIGE NOTICE OF HKAKIMJ ON PETI TION FOR DISTRIBUTION OF RJKIDUH Of ESTATE, State of Nebraska I )s.i. Box Butte County To all persons Interested in estate of Margaret J. Harold, ceased: Notice is tU reby given that Robert O. Reddish, administrator de bonis non of said estate, has filed his pe tition in said court, the object and prayer of which are that a deer. of distributicn may be made of the residue of said estate now In his possession to the parties entitled by law to receive the an You are hereby notified that said petition will be heard by the eounty Judge, at the eounty court rootq in the city of Alliance, in sai-d count . on the 1st da of Febru.u. 1913, .it 10 o'clock a. in. It is ordered that a copy of this uotiee be published once each week for two successive weeks in the l liatice Herald, a newspaper printed and published in said county Dated this 22nd day of January, IIS. ROBERT O. REDDISH. L. A IIHRRY. County Judge. (SEAL) 7-2t i:i oooooooooooooooo o FAIRVIEW o oooioo 0000 ooo ooo Albert Hoffer from Ellsworth has been visiting the Rrost's Hie pnat week. Of Mr. and Mrs Win. Aspden return ed last Monday from a week's vlilt with the Chas. Stevens family at Bridgeport. Mrs. Fred NMMMA, who was serious ly HI at the home of her brother. Brown Griffith) returned to her home last Monday. We w.lll all be pleased when our minister returns from his trip to Florida, and preaching service will again be resumed at Falrview. We are glad to learn that Mrs. Finest Purlnton Is improving after a long and severe attack of appendi citis. She Is at the home of her father, Wm. Rust, Sr Mr. and Mrs W. I Lornnce took upper witii Herbert Nnoon'a Sunday night . Jesse Chilsou returned a few days ago from a four weeks' stay In Sioux City, Iowa, whree he accom panied his aunt Mrs. Fuller on her return to Massachusetts, after a pleasant visit with relatives and friends at this place. t Skating on the lake is the princi pal diversion for both old and young this winter. Clyde Sells from eastern Nebraska Is at the home of Wm. Rust, Jr., for a few weeks. He is spending the time breaking his horses in readi ness for sale. We are pleased to learn that Myrle Davis who recently went to the M. E. hospital In Omaha is im proving. sea Watch for the date of the free oyster supper. Ask the tln-canners who the Joke is on. Sam Trenkle. Tom and Ray Asp den went to KHsworth Wednesday of ! this week to atti nd a dance at the home of Ferd Trenkle. Mr. and Mrs. Kb. Garrett and child I ren of Big Creek, Nebr.. were vis itors liist week at Ed Curry's. i Mrs. Geo. West, who recently I broke her arm while tit t he lake ' with a skating party, is still unable , to use the Injured member. loooooooooooooooo o AFTON o oooooooooooooooo i TO EXPLORE ARKANSAS the De- "71 Remember 11 n That pfgff added tab- I) scribe hep, to nuke tkia W j paper better tor everybody W J Say, did you ever see such windy weather? Mrs. Nettie Westley returned to her home in the sand hills after vis iting with friends in this neighbor hcod the past two weeks R. K. Reddish is some better at this writing but is still very weak. Guy Worley's baby boy was on the sick list last week. Dr. Single was (tilled. G. G. Clark and family and our teacher. Miss Johnson, were t ailing on Charley ami Lille Coker Sunday in the sand hills and report a fine time. J. C. Hawkins and the missus were visiting at the home of Uncle Cal i ndei wood Sunday, Bonnie Hag-amaii and titter Miss Dollie and Miss Mable Carey and lora Coker and brother Elden wire callers at the Derby home Sunday. 0 J. C. Hawkins and wife stayed at R. It. Reddish Monday night to help wait on Mr. ReddiKh. Mrs. John Kngieliorn is reported as feeling some better. oooooooooooooooo o LAKESIDE o oooooooooooooooo Miss Hazel Hunsaker spent the weak end with friends and relatives in Alliance. . Mrs. Ktudall and her sun, mother UKl brother Of Mrs. John hundsford. arrived Friday noon for a short vis It. Mr. Kendall conducted preaching service Sunday night, the first ve have had for some time Tile International automobile re- ! pa r man spent several days in town lasi a -ek, fixing up numerous auto- in. bill I and gasoline engines. . . i Charles Tully w looking after liusiiiess interests in tins vicinity last week. a m e Willis Crowtlier. George Hunsaker and Dan Thompson were Alliance visitors Saturday and Sunda). There stems to be an epidemic of li grippe going through the Lake side schools Just now. No serious illness is reported, however. Mr. Man ; . cf the Lakeside VI er eantlle On . retorted from a then biiiiuess trip Sum'ay noon. Charley Rose was reported ill with pneumonia fever, but it able to be around again now Jul.- Saiidoz. an old settler frooi north of town, went to Lincoln oil No. 44 Suiitttt) to see tlx Mat, auth orities about culling tiie railroad throe? It Irani O Veill to alliance. In answering advertisement please mention this paper. A. C. Johnson, Well Known in West ern Nebraska, Will Prospect for Location in Ar kansas WfLL VISIT MISSOURI FIRST Mr. and Mrs. A C. Johnson leave Alliance today for the south. riiv go first to Springfield. Mlaanurl. where they wlfl stop two or three daw. and then go to Marshfleld. t'.,r a few weeks' visit with relatives .After completing their visit In Missouri, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will go to Belleville. Arkansas, from which place Mr. Johnson will ex plore the western part of that state In his younger days he raised Bbfl very successfully on mast in Indiana ami will try to find a location in the) south weal where he can again en-1 gage in tliat line of work The Herald will keep Mr. and i Mrs. Johnson posted on western Ne braska news, and he will write the Phper the result, of his Inventlga- j Hons, which we shall be pleased to publish for the benefit of many readers who may be Interested. Oscar Brnman of Alliance wns at .Ma island at the time of the fire last week and did some good hi helping to get t he peOpie out of the hotel af ter the fire was discovered. One man at least would have pertohed in the flames had It not been for the persistent efforts made to get him out. Talk about a person sleeping like a log, this man was gotten out of bed once, but still was not awake and crawled back In again. The in xt time they went after him thej v dke him up and he escaped In his night ciothi s Opportunity stares up at you from this page, fit may be a better position just the cot tage you want to rent a chance to own a house on easy terms a new cook an ambi tious employe what not? Want ads bristle with the intimacies of the work-a-day world. You can ill afford to over look them with your daily reading. Matinee aPil BH Biscuit r&r I I BiscuitsH I are ail good The Sunshine Matinee fl I Biscuit is a dandy little dainty slightly I sweet good and crisp. 1 I Will you try Sunshine Biscuits now i as our guest? If so, Mmmk coufcR I mail the coupon and Lo..wii.. suuit c.., j receive your FREE , n. I "Surprise Box" of Pl i-nd m my PREE "arv 1 Boa " of assorted Sunshine Biscuioa U six assorted varieties 9 OnCC Name I loosE-Wkus I Biscuit (ompan y B Orocsr's Name t H Baker of Suruhin BUcmU Begins This Week Life of Woodrow Wilson IT'S ON PAGE TWO Keystone Restaurant Open under new management . Ucod meals for 'lh cents. Short or ders Service first-class. We ex tend a cordial invitation to the pub lic to call on us when hungry. FRANK B. THOMAS. Proprietor. Successor to V. I!. IHsiuer Advertisement StflTTn IWe do not claim that the mere use of want ads will piuduce prospenty. IBut it seems mc: than a coincidence tl : most prosperous pscptj are quick to recon. the value ol c!as;i:.' .i advertising. flLet us srpply yen : wants through this pd . l A PREMIUM YOU NEED Everyone needs one of the new parcel post maps showing the units and zones. With every new paid-in-advance renewal subscription to The Al liance Herald we will give for 25 cents extra a splendid PARCEL POST MAP We guarantee these maps to show ihe correct official Postal Zones and Units. Complete tables of Oata as to Rates, way of mailing packages, etc., shown on each map. No home and no business office is complete without this splendid Parcel Post Guide. The Parcel Post has come ta stay. If you want the best paper in Western Nebraska and the best Parcel Post map and Guide in the field, here is your opportunity. Send or bring money or check for 31.75 to THE ALLIANCE HERALD ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA