fMMc 1U rtottc- oH (v CP Gives alt the newt of Vox Butte County and City of Alliance. The Alliance Herald 4 VOLUME XX ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NESRASK A THURSDAY. JANUARY 23. 1HI3 Largest circulation of any newspaper In West ern Nebraska. NUMBER 7 CONVENTION MEETS Alliance Firemen, Accompanied by Visi tors, Attend Annual Convention at North Platte. Biggest Ever, Weather Ideal Mrs L. K. Cox, expe. ts hospital the has been in (1M.VR. Cox. wife of Blacksmith to be able to leave- the last of the week. She the hospital about ten BY LLOYD C. THOMAS Qvery Alliance citizen take pride In her fire department. The reason for this is that It is their duty and their business to protect the lives ; nd property of our people. The nupport given to partinenl by the Is largely responsible for the excel lent standing of the department in the State Association. This article la written from North Platte at four o'clock Tuesday afternoon. We write it fully because we believe that you. the readers of The Herald and the members who had to stay at home, wish to know what your representa tives do. I am going back to I a si Friday night and tell you first of the athletic entertainment, pulled off by the special committee, composed of Pilkington, Hand, Atwell, Iarge and Rebester, and other willing ones who helped to make H a success. It takes money to go on a trip of this kind, so the boys arranged some thing that had never been attempt ed before in Alliance. It was a com bination of boxing bouts, wrestling matches and difficult and dangerous ; thletic stunts. The house was packed and the en tertainment started at 8: .10 o'clock. The program ran as follows: 16 man hand stand. 2 man pyramid. Boxing bout between Hart and Zedtker of three rounds. Welterweights. Hand springs from stand, Snyder Pox. Zediker. Hall and La was the stand. Wrestling match between Hall Fox. ('hair dive. Very dangerous, i-iirge. Nation and Snyder. Iloxine bout between Roland Schafer. Made a big hit. High kicking by Nation and Large. Wrestling match between Monier and Peterson. -Strenuous and made a big hit. Hoxing bout between Large and I'ilkington. Barrel Jumping by Nation. This was not finished on account of the 'art that he was overworked in the earlier pait of program. Boxing bout between Johnson and Klassin. Comical at times but a contest that caused intense inU-r.-M A boxing contest by Pilkington and Large, as well as a number of ath letic stunts by other members, fur nished interesting amusement. The delegates and visiting delegates then went to the private car. A merrier, happier and better man nered bunch of live fellows was nev er thrown together than we have this excellent de- ! here. Every one of them is an A people of Alliance Number-One fellow, with the beat of habits and the manners of a gentle mam. Our happy family consists of Pilkington, Spar lit, Romig, Reiser, Snyder, Ridgell, Guthrie, ljalng, Has kins and your scribe from Alliance. Alexander, Rodgers, Wagner, Bohn ert, Carlisle, Scofleld, Rhodes and Vanderburg from Scottsbluff; Ed wards and Ewing from Mitchell; Mote, White, York and Gray from Chadron. Barnum from Rushvllle; El liott, Ralney and Bergman from Crawford. Everybody bad a good sleep after leaving Alliance at two o'clock last night, until arrival at North Platte at 8:46 this morning. We were met by the famous North Platte band this morning and were escorted by the North Platte delega tion to headquarters, where we reg istered and received our tickets and badge. This afternoon we (1 mean the 260 delegates who are here) were taken out to the famous home of Buffalo Bill (Colonel Cody) about two mile from town. He calls the ranch, which contains U.iiOO tteras of Irrlgn! ed land, "Scout's Rest Ranch". It is wonderful. We were also shown over the town. An auto load of "we-uns", con- Istlng of lllklngton, Romig, Spacht and your scribe, was taken by C. F. Temple, who Is a leading member of the North Platte department and at whose offices we register, was taken to see the State Experimental farm three miles from town, across the ! South Platte river We enjoyed this trip immensely. Alliance and Box ! Butte county would certainly be ben i etitted if we had a farm of this kind. I it contains six sections. We were ! shown hundreds of head of cattle, j hogs and horses, all being fed scien tifically and in different ways to de ! t ermine the value of certain kinds of feed. The federal building at North Platte, which cost 1 00,000, interests us Immensely. If North Platte, which fireuiens convention aal two Klassin. with his good reputation and , is very similar to Alliance, can have fine work, was cheered time and a building of this kind, why cannot again. Johnson brought the house to 'Alliance have the same? Hs feet many times by his fast and Alliance has been signally honored clever boxing. He has been through j by the appoint incut of Chief Romig many bouts and when a soldier at to the position of state deputy fire Fort I). A. Russell at Cheyenne had j commissioner by Judge Ridgell. who a big reputation. He made a very j has received the appointment 'jf fire .lean record as a soldier during his J commissioner and who Is with us army term, never chewing tobacco, here. smoking or drinking. loo more delegates arc expected. The department cleared a profit of i This will be the biggest convention 7:s .25 on the evening entertain j ever. The weather Is ideal. The ment and desires to thank the peo-j clean, inter sting and varied forms Miss Mary Regan Is able to at- 'eml to business as manager at the Stuckey store, after an Illness of several weeks. which will be given by the 1 -a 1 1 n Olub of the High school. Friday ev ening. January :ilst H. 8. Morris of Bitot, Wis . who lias been visiting his brother, A. S. Morris, has terminated his stay in Alliance and gone to the coast. mm Charley Snow was in from the ranch a couple of days this week, on who and By and Uncle Thomas Strupper, who is a veteran of the Civil war and resides at the National soldiers' home at Hot Springs, 8. '!., visited with Alli ance friends Tuesday and Wedncs day of this week. a A. K. Wilson Informs The Herald that the suit which has been pend ing in the supreme court, involving the title to his fine farm west of Alliance, has been decided in his favor, so that he now has not only one of the best farms in the county, but as good a title to M as any man could want. Chas. Wr. Ixxkwood, one of the leading business men of Hemlngford, was in Alliance on business a short while Tuesday. Mrs. A. S. Enyeart and Mrs. Luke Phillips of Hemingford were shopping In Alliance last Friday. v i i James Whitaker of Canton, and James Lovell, J. B. Scan Ion and C. 11 Henderson of Curley composed I party of Sioux county homesteaders who made finml proof on their claims before the U. 8. land office at Alliance- on Tuesday. The Alliance Cleaning Works Is standing up for Alliance by securing business from neighboring towns. C. M. Keeley makes a trip each week to Mainland to take aiders for and deliver work. Miss Edna Duncan departed last week for Gymou. Oklahoma, where she will visit with friends for a IV -weeks. business or, Mrs. and visiting A. D. Snow. with his moth- Mel vln Hale Is expecting his moth er, Mrs. Laura B. Hale, of Sioux City, to arrive tomorrow for a visit with him. Mrs. Hale Is a pnnninein W. C. T. V. organizer In the slate of Iowa, and will no doubt, be a source of inspiration to that society while in this city. MrB. F. W. Iester rcr-ied a t(4e gram this morning from her husband at Seneca asking her to come there and spend three or four days with him. He is buying horses there and expects to remain till he secures a couple of car loads. MrB. Uwter left on 44, accompanied by her grandson Clifford. m w m Rev. C. H. Burleigh, pastor of the M. E. church at Marsland, formerly editor of the Hemingford Journal passed through AlJIance on 44 today with his wife, who Is in very poor health. Three weeks ago last Satur day night Mrs. Burleigh had a par tial stroke of paralysis which came near being fatal. She has partly re covered but is still very feeble. Mr. Burleigh was taking her to lakeside HERALD TO THE FRONT Coming Into Its Own After Facing Bitter Opposition and Unjust Discrimination. This Paper Has Many Friends agement never was large but their position was such that, with the com bination that was formed, their oppos ition seriously afferted the business. In fact, to be frank, they nearly ac complished their purpose of driving the paper out of business or com pelling It to change hands. BUT THE TIDE HAS TURNED to be while. with relatives there for n ANNUAL REPORT Of FIRE COMMISSIONER The writer is beginning his fifth year as editor of The Alliance Her akl. It has been our endeavor to give the people of Alliance and sur rounding territory a clean, lo'iil newspaper, distinctly progressive in politics, and without sectarian prej udice In matters pertaining to mor als. Durlna the nasi four year the laper has, with one exception, sup- The Herald Is not for sale and it ported the democratic nominees for I not expected that any change will state, national and congressional of be made ki editor soon It is plnn- flcea. On account of The Herald's nod now for the editor to OOCOp the aggressive progresslvelsm under its position for four years longer at present editorship, It soon eticoun- least. tered Intense opposition from a m- Things are coming our way. With binatlon of standpat republicans and in the last few month the Alliance reactionary democrats. Had we city council voted to make The Her- becn trying to find a town of the aid an official paper again. As will same size In Nebraska where a ;be Seen by the minutes of the coun- srtronger combination of this kind 'y commissioner' proceedings in this, could be forme than In Alliance, we Issue, this paper again becomes one probably could not have found It. of the official papers of the county. Judging from the experience of after being deprived of the privilege . . . 0 4 . 1 1 men who had encountered t tie same lor some ihiib. as win u seen oy kind of opposition on a larger scale-. notice in this issue, this paper will men such as W. J. Bryan, Woodrow be given a share In the final proof Wilson, Robert M. . Follette, we notices whkh are published In Alli knew that we would come out vie- ance during the balance of the prea torlous if we could atand the strain ent register's Incumbency. After till the tide turned. But to stand that well, we will see about that the strain, that was the rub. The later. Under the bitter and persrst general public honor those who ent work of those who were trying stand unflinchingly for the rights of to crush The Herald, the subacrlp the common people, but popular re- j Hon list slumped, but it has been sponse Is often slower In coming coming up nlceliy for some tbne. than the opposition of those whojljiM. month the net Increase In the stand Tor special privileges. The number of subscribers waa, we think number of those who have fought I without counting, about ten per The Herald under the present man- cent. Retiring Chief sloner of pie of Alliance who and nobly assisted by so generously their presence. Monday Monday noon delegates began ar riving from Scottsbluff, Mitchell. Chadron. Rushvllle and Crawford, i They were met at the trains by a i delegation of Alliance firemen who j escorted them to the special car which had been reserved, where they deposited their grips and val- ises. They were then taken to the de part men i headquarter in Hie city lull, The Alliance Fire Departme nt was given an opportunity at noon to show their work by a fire call. A coal and storage shed on the Horace ; Bogue residenc e property at H06 ' Cheyenne avenue, in which was mut ed thirty gallons of gasoline, caught fire from hot ashes. The depart men i was compelled to run for eleven bio. ks with tin heavy hose and lad dr trucks. In spite of the fact that there was imminent danger of an explosion from the gasoline. Fire Chief Komlg personally stood at the head of his men and directed their work. In a fe m minutes after th department arrived the fire was ex tinguished and part of the shed sav ed. Mr. Bogue carried insurance amounting to $X5 on the' building. The visiting delegates were enter tained at a snicker and banquet Mon day evening at headquarters. The members of the department who gave the athletic entertainment were also honored guests. Music M kindly furnished by the Alliance brass band, who have the (hanks of the department for their services. At 10 p in. the banquet was given, af ter which interesting speeches were made by Guthrie, chairman, Chief Romig. who gave the address of wel . ome. President Spacht. Messrs. "jdng, Hand. Ridgell and Supctse. Among the visitors who spoke were Mayor Alexander of Scottsbluff, who responded to the address of welcome, Messrs Baskins and Scofleld. Ewing of Mitchell, Mole of Chadron, White of Chadron. and Barnum of Huh villa of entertainment furnished by the North I'latte department is receiv ing a great deal of commendation. This c i en lug at 7:30 the convention will be called to order and the first session held. ALLIANCE WOMAN'S CLUB C. M. Carey of Lakeside came to Alliance on 411 Friday on business, re turning home the next day on 44. lie informed The Herald dint he re c ently took the contract to bore ten wells and put up ten windmills for ('(arley Tnlley on the U Cross ranch, forty-five miles northeast of Klls woi th. T. H. Hlllts of Pacific Junction, Iowa, who attended the wedding Of his daughter Pearl in Atliance lasi week, called at The Herald office be fore leaving for home last Friday and ordered his native placed on the subscription list for .he paper the coming year. Miss Klva Hillis re mained in Alliance for a visit with friends till ill's week A regular meeting of the P. K. 0. in. t Monday afternoon with Mrs. F. A. Hlvely. The regular Bayvie-w magazine lesson was taken up, af- Deputy Fire Commis Nebraska Issues Annual Report for 1913 WILL HAVE ABLE SUCCESSOR One or the last official acts of Hon. C. A. Randall, chief deputy fire c oin misfioner of Nebraska nuclei die Aldric h admlnistrnti n, was to it- MM the fourth anuual report of the of fice, it contains a large amount of interesting ami valuable Information, but some of the da a Is Incomplete. In the list or fires, by towns, from Dec. It. 1H. to Dec. M, 1812. Alli ance is omitted, although we had quite a number or riies during that time. Omaha had the largest num ber, "iii"; Lincoln comes second with 134; and South Omaha imi.l With M ter which a luncheou was meeting ot P :!, entertained lovely three course served. The next K. O. will be on Feb. by Miss Grace Klckell the home or Mrs. Gene Hall. Mrs K W. Harris served a dainty Inucli Wednesday afternoon to a number of friends calling on Mrs ('. McVickers and Mrs K. Sharp Lincoln, sisters of K. W. Harris H. of Interesting Program Which Well Rendered Last Friday Was The literary department cr t-ie Woman's Club met last Friday after noon with Mrs. Fred Campbell. Mrs. W. W. Johnson hud charge or the program. The topic- or the af.niiooii was The Passion Play. Many (.er H1I features we're given during the afternoon. Mrs. Johnson sang a Uo from the Passion Play text, Miss Beulsk Smith gitvu the lnstrume:. al s. lo ' The Lio t Hope." Mrs. Rowan and Mrs. Johnscu sang "Hie Uirelel" in German, and MU Sherderman recited the "Karl Koenig" in :he Gt i man. The DtttPh lun: h was served In the original Dutch style w'th red table linen and o'her Du: h chera. teristlca. Dutch maidens In their freaks and aprons served the nuests with the dutch lunc h - What nefc r grows old". Miniature w'ndmllU anc' the Dutch tulip were- the de oratU is rr the day. Pile next HHetillg of the club will be by the II c rary department. -Famous Women iu History" being die subject, meeting 'H1 Mrs. James Hutu- avenue, nen Mis. Highland Is program. of the I Marlha Mrs. Percy Cogswell, assisted by Miss Julia Frankie. gave a delightful dinner party lawt Thursday evening in honor of Miss Matilda Frankie. A course dinner was served, with a birthday cake holding the place of honor. A uuessiUK contest was one features of the evening. Miss Hawkins was awarded die prize for the best poetry. Those present were Martha Hawkins, Mar garet Harris, Mabel and Janet Guess man. Hannah Cotant, Mabel Weiden hamer. Hannah Keane, Helen Rice, Delia Holsten. Katie Kelser, Katie Graham, Matilda and Julia Frankie. mm Invitation are Issued for canU Sal ill lay afternoon at Ml. N. G. Nelsen's he me. ELABORATE DINNER AND PARTY Mis. F. vV. Lester and Mrs. Claude Lester Entertain at Their Home on Toluca Ave. On Tuesday evening the beautiful Lester home on Toluca avenue was the- scene of one of the largest and most elaborate dinner and card par ties ever given in Alliance. The In vitations rend: "Mrs. V. W. lesler and Mrs. C. L. Lester at home Tues day. January twenty-first, nineteen hundred and thlrte.n. Dinner 6:J0 o'clock. Cards. R. 8. V. P." The parlors and tables were dee--orated with white carnations and rerns. The tables were resplendan! with cut glass, china, and embioider t linen The rive course dinner was perfect In every detail and re riec led great c redit on the Ltf ladles, under whose supervision M had been prepared. Misses Minell Highland. Hazel Bennett, Leone Mattery and Delia Mallery assisted in serving. All were lieaur.rully Kownt-d In white and added ve.ry much to the pleasure ol the even ing. Dinner was followed by cards. Tin EMM 500 was played and punches were counted. Mrs. Grace ReODC i. nd Mrs l N. H skins were high On HrH cut both ladles cut kings On second cut Mrs. Kennedy won i Her prize was a handsnne dish el Ki. nier ware. The free tor ajl prize was won by Mrs. H. H. Giles. This prize was a bon bon diii of Vat) ttan ware. guests were MIbs inn Mesdames J. R SPECIAL NOTICE TO HOMESTEADERS Register of U. S. Land Offic Will. Send Final Proof Notices to The Herald when Requested WE WILL MAKE OUT PAPERS it has been so long since a final proor notice was published in The Herald that U seem like a dream to know that the paper Is about to come Into Its own In this matter, aa well a in other things. Judge W. W. Wood, register of the United Slates land office at Alliance, called at our office yesterday and Informed us that he had decided to permit homesteaders to choose the paper i In which .their final proof notices will be pjbllsh'Hl. in cases where there are two papers published in the town I to whi:h their final preor notice go. This will be pleasing new to the friend of The Herald who expect to nuke final proof. The church Aid Society of the met Wednesday Methodist afternovm HON. W. S. RIDGELL Chief Deputy Fire Commissioner Nebraska of with Mrs. C. D. Hall. Lun. li s. red A missionary program given for the afternoon's work. The round table circle of Christian church will entertain different aid so-.-ietle-e of t!ie was was the the Hunter, on BOX Friday arterncon. In c harge of die CONWAY COVALT WEDDING Leo Conway, living about ihlrty-flve iiil.s southeast of AlltaaVca. and iiss Kama Cptralt, who lives in the vicinity of Pieman, were married in this ily Saturday evening at 6:30, at the residence of Rev. Wolen. win performed lbs ceremony. Mi Covalt la well known here and afl friend are extending congratulations. churches basement The W arternoon 1'itli and next Wednesday or the Christian Alliance iu the hutch. C. T. U. with Mrs. La ramie is meeting thii Geo. Fernald on The to. il (lumber of Qr4 ie,i r'cl in the slate 'or that lime-, a little le 4 than a year, is I ..'.: A r-iudy or the causes or dees will ka about as profitable as any part oi l Sparks from chinine-vs in number with 2 See' I ih is attributed to I 7:; Dele, live dues with T, Matches and credited with the rourth The lnvlte-d lieliwood anel Win. Mitchell II. H Giles C H. Tulley l! U e- Wileox Claude Vaughn limy Gauu Bad wick r. J. Ray cro V D Butler A. V. Gavin Percy Cogswell V W Norton M 10. JohlU Jii C. N. Hopkins Oral " Renin dy F. E. Holsten W. D Ruiner Jas. Feagins F. M. Bro MM Phclan Jerry Rowan H. K. Marvin, C. F Hamilton W. W. Wood H. H. Pell wood Pec kenpaugh F A Hlvely Chase Feaglus K. C McCleur We-idenhaiuer M. K Grbe ('. A. Bennett Stebbius Dr. l-e'e K. Ik'brulcr It. J. Nelnon James Gaddis R K. Knight MoDomM Request to Herald Reader We wish to rexjuest Herald read ers in the aouih part of Box Butte and Sheridan counties and the north part of Me rrlll an i Garden co mties to call the at lent Inn of their neigh bors to thii matter. Persons i io desire to make final proof are re quested to (jail ai our off; -. their, papers made out. 1'iake them out carefully rectly free it charge The t.ds paper was at one time glove up to i . did d Mrs KariieiM l.aliib of KdgeinolH. S D , was visiting her later Mrs. A. P. Brown the past week Many interested In home luleuta are patiently looking forward to die play "Dido, die Phoenecian Queen," the re joi t comes first ci.l laigesi in e adiary, re mes third . liihlren are largest number. . Gasoline coming dfih crowds do matches and children. Im'iiik with !S fires. Mr. Randall was an energetic offi cial and did much k-xkI work His sue at WOT, Judge W. S Ridgell or Al liance, is a until well uualiried for die work or chier deputy Bra com niisslener aad we exptct to see him make a record fully as good as thai of M prede e'soi . and probably Mra affective iu the prevendm of fires. The Herald is at his service In heloina to give publicity to any matters that he may wish to put lore- I lie people of the slate COMMERCIAL CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS he- Meet, ncj of Alliance Commeicial Club Held at Burlington Hotel Last Evening OTHER BUSINESS TRANSACTED A cial the meeting or the Alllalli e Comm. r Club waa held last evening at Burlington Hotel, iucluding a banquet Business of imnortance was transacted. The matter of providing for the annual stockoieu's convention and to have We will ali.l cor I ' r of a home- tender In western Ni bras kn end lat er publishtd a payer In which many rinal procf noiices were published. We shall be plened to give home s me vis the benefit of our experi ence in any way possible, and shall consider otirselves well repaid by be ing permitted to publish their final proof not'. s. : 1 1 ' the state firemen's tournament wat taken up As there is yet no defi nite information in regard to dates, arrangements could not be complet ed, but It was the concensus of opin ion that the two should be held la conjunction the latter part of June ir possible. Officer were elected as follow: A. I) Rodders, pres.; W W. Norton, vkc pres.; Geo W. Duncan, treas.; Bruce Mallery and W. R. Harper, members of the board of directors to act with alove named offlcera. The secretary will be elected by the board of directors at a meeting which is being held this af:eruooti 8. K. WarrUk was la Alliance to day forenoon on his way home to Scottsblud from the east. HJ bus iness iuteres( and many friend oc cupy his time e:oupleiely when la his city, but he is never Iu too much of a hurry for a handshake and cor dial greetings. "Life of Woodrow Wilson" begin ning this week on page two.