Phone Your Coal and Wood Orders No. 22 Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. Tom StaIos' ' Store 113 BOX BUTTE AVE. Is a tfootl place to buy Groceries, Flour, Canned Goods, Fruits, Vegetables, etc. We sell the celebrated Loup City Flour. We have a big line of Workingmen's Pants and Overalls; also Shoes for Men and Women. Gloves, Hats, Caps, etc. Groceries delivered promptly to any part of the city. PHONE 210 ,v 1 HERBERT NELSON HERE jo Fuel & Feed BUY A Gem Desk Calendar for use on your desk during the year 1913 The handiest appliance you can get for keeping memorandum. Price with Stand, $1.00 The Herald Publishing Co. Herbert Nelson, formerly a popu lar Alliance boy, who is now booked by tho ilritt Lyceum Htirenu, of Lin coln, wna In Alliance with bis com- pnny Monday. From here they were going to Livingston, Montnnn. for Hie first number of n new contract. Her bert ha Just finished n twelve week' contract with the Hrltt Htir- enu, in which he til very success ful. State of Ohio, city of Toledo, Lu cas county, ss. Frank J. Cheney make oath that he l senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In the city of Toledo, county and r.tate aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONK IICNDIIK!) 1'OLLAIIS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATAHKH CURB FRANK I CHBNEY. Sworn to before me and subscrib ed in my prwMIKO, this titli day of December, A. I). 1886 (8eal) A. V. (ILFjASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Intern ally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. ; Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHBNEY & co.. Toledo, 0. Sold by all druggists, 76c. Take Hall s Family Pills for con stipation. AdvL Jan. 2 .".0, Sept 4-25 NEW INTERESTING FEATURE The Herald will shortly begin pub lishing n series of Interesting and laughable cartoons by a well known eastern newspaper cartoonist. This Bervice Is exclusive awl will be very interesting. Alliance a Good Town Alliance is a mighty good town, worthy of the beet of everything. That's why we have joined Hie Ann i lean Drug and Press Association and offer to our people the Meritol line of preparations, made by the Associ ation and sold only t h rough its mi tu bers. There Is nothing like tbOM goods, guaranteed In every wav. without an equal, made by experts. We want Alliance people to have the best there is, so we offer vou ibis line. Ask to see Meritol goods. F. .1. HRKNN A N. dvert is"ti)ent .lan 2-:!0 MET FORMER ALLI ANCEITES Miss Delia M. Reed, who arrived Sunday of last week on her return from Idaho, reports that she had a' most enjoyable visit with Ik r par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Heed, at Weiser, and with her brother, Clap ton C. Reed, at Nam pa. She also met a number of other people who went to Idaho from Hox liutte coun ty. Mr. and Mrs. S. M Llbby have an irrigated farm at Weiser and MM doing nicely. Mi and Mis. O l Fosket, formerly or lleminm'ord, have a farm on Snake river near Weiser and are well satisfied. Mr. and Mrs. Mcit King, who left Alli an. e some four years ago, reside at -N'ampa. Idaho. He is a railroad eon dm tin running from Nampa to Hunt ington, OreKon. IferltOl Hair Tonic keeps the scalp in a healthy condition, pre vents the hair from falling out, re stores it to Its natural color and if used regularly keeps the hair soft and fluffy. F. .1 HRKNN AN Ad ert isenieiit .Ian 1-39 WEEK OF PRAYER The annual week of prayer WHM ili.-i ni'il five nights In Alliance by union meetings, of five churches, the pastor of each church preaching on the night that the meeting was held in his church. The nieeling Monday i! '.nhi was at the I' P. church, Re. Cuittrey preaching; Tuesday niglii :rt the Christian cln r. h, Rev, Woten preaching; Wednesday night at the liaptist church, Rev. " :; Thurs day at the First Presbyterian. He BrOWB i Friday night at Hie M. K , Rev. Maker. OMAHA GRAIN RECEIPTS EXCEED FORMER W. R. DRAKE'S City Meat Market People of Alliance know the kind of Meats sold and service given by W. R. Drake when running a meat market before. With better facilities and bet ter location, he can satisfy all old customers and any number of new customers that may favor him with their trade. A Full Line Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Poultry, etc. On the corner, Box Butte avenue and Fourth street PHONE 40 5 Brings Oliver Typewriter Send Ifi for the Olivet- Typewriter the machine will come a-Hying. The newest Model No. 5 the regular $100 machine with no extra charge for Printype. For the price of a tfood fountain pen you secure the World's Greatest Typewriter. S'ou can pay the balance at the rate of 17 cents a day. This irresistible offer" is weeping everything before it. The era of universal typewriting is coming. The triumph of the typew riter over primitive pen and inU has been brought about by the same ma chine that introduced visible writing. TBe. OLIVER Typewriter This is the typewriter whose high efficiency has made It the choice of tho greatest firms and corporations. It is the simplest of all standard type writers, yet the swiftest and by far the 111. st versatile. The moving parts work freely in solid metal framework, making the machine so strong that the hardest usage has no effect upon it. NO, EXTRA CHARGE FOR "PRINTYPE" Most people prefer to have the machine equipped 'o write in I'rintype. This beautiful type is obtainable only on the Oliver Typewriter. It is the greatest style improvement ever evolved for typewriters the most easily read type in existence the type which conforms to that In uni versal use on the world's printing pretMt! ! WIN SUCCESS WITH THE OLIVER The Oliver Typewriter aids success-seekers in a multitude of ways. The real-life stories of achievement that center wound it would fill volumes. No matter what your work may be--in office, store, shop or home the Oliver Typewriter will prove itself a great convenience and an actual money It stands for order and system and success. It is the visible evidence of progressiveness of its owner. Young people with brains, ambition and Ol iver typewriters are succeeding everywhere. (an you afford to let $5 stand between you and su cess? Send for Special Circular and Art Catalog Full details regarding the Oliver Kasy-I'urchase I'lan, beautiful catalog and a specimen letter written in I'rintype will be sent you on request. Let this $5 offer awaken you to your need of The Oliver Typewriter anil the ease with which you may own it. Remember $5 only and on comes The Oliver Type maker. Salts Department THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY. 1905 Farnam St.. Omaha. Ntar. YEARS $53,000.00 BEING GIVEN AWAY to those who act as the loeal ivpresetitati ves of Everybody's Hagazineaml The Delineator 1 all in addition to liberal commission, show you how you can Secure a Share 1.. t simply by forwarding the subscriptions of your friends and ! neighbors and collecting the renewals of our present sub I Rcrlbera. Try for THIS month's prizes. There are lots of prizes that can Im won only by ersons living in towns same si.e as your own. Write at once to the BUTTE RICK PUBLISHING COMPANY HutterUk flutjg. New York City Omaha, Neb.. Jan. 16. That the tanners had a prosperous year is in- i dlcated by the grain receipts. Dur ing 1012. 6 1.5:14. SOU bushels of all! kinds of grain were consigned to the' Omaha market, ,(Mmj.oimi bushels! more than in till, Corn was the leader with JJM,eM bushels; wheat,! 12,2H7,(HKI, was second; and oats. '., 106,000, third. Of the receipts. 42. ::.:.:: bushels were shipped from Oinaha to other territory. 1914 CALENDARS NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS My attention has been called to iWawi MM where tenants are al lowing large piles of hay to be stack- 1 on their premises, uncovered. This Is contrary to the city ordin ance which makes it unlawful for ; any person to stack or pile h.iy Of (straw at any place in the city ex Icept it be thoroughly enclosed in a barn or shed with a good board or 1 shinule rnof 1 ilia! ill the I i good . ituens will live up to this law and thus save the city time, ex pense and perhaps avoiding a 0tV : flagralioii. T K. HOM1U, Kire Chief. Alliance Cleaning Works The place to briny; your clothes For first-class cleaning and pressing We make a specialty of night work All goods called for and delivered Phone 58 4034 Box Butte Ave. We wish to notify the business i men of Alliati'-e and neighboring! towns that we will have- a maguifi ; Mat line of Art CaK-nlar for 19 14,4 FORMER BANKER HERE II W. Axtell. who is now engagvd and request them to give us an op in the contracting business at Cold port unity to show our samples ami en. Colorado, and who was foriuerh quote prices before they give Hr.-irjin 'he banking business at Alliance, ordete to traveling salesmen. We are working to build up Alliance anil northwest Nebraska, ami constantly advocate giviisg home dealers firs' cltance. All we ask is that business mn of this section re iprocate to the extent of giving us an opportun ity to compete with the agents who are not Interested in this country. having a bank where the lludwelser saloon is uow located, stopped oer in Alliance Friday for a short visit with friends here, lie" was a pros pective bidder on the new court house. George Darting made Homier Saturday. trip v 11 w vmM-mimxw vjh mmt mm wimmm i h - 4ttBUHHHt?""i Dray phone 1 DYE & OWENS Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly ft . and transfer work solicited. Residence phone 636 and Blue 574