Machinist Kfnuo'h MorhniAii, who pen tfcft 1 1 l Ul j in NffcrjuflN City, rrturnod to AIIIimm- Ins! Sunday. He ! visited wHh hl monW and hl sl tor Mr. WH1 Crulkihank Arthur Ticket left 'Mlnewlny for , ft abort sit with IiIh parent h in Aurora. U. N. Hoskln- left Tuwwlay for Long Pine, Xrbr., where he will vrtlt, n few dy with relative. Mr. Frank Omnium, whose home t now In Montana, spent the Holi days In Alliance with her jmrenin, Mr. and Mrs. 3, ft Alct'orkle. Mr. Dunn Ins a formerly a H. & Q. conductor out of AIIIaim . MIsb Alma VVeidenhamar, now t the rlerleal force ai the atore house, bi a visitor at aootiBWiirf last Sat urday. V Tlrakeman Merk ho been laying off on account of the seiioim Illness Of his wife. i i A wedding in the near future that , is of grent Intereat to ninny Alliance j people will be MIhs uin s Rowland and Kngineer Jack Phekan. M in . Rowland la a very popular young lady and an enmeat worker Jn the Daughters of Isabella. She haa made her home in Alliance for n number of yewr and has a host of fnenda. Mr. Pholan, who la one o the ilurlington'a beat engineers, nM (Is no IrttiYiilnr-tlon Thmt th.'.ir Journey through life may be without wrecks la the wish of their railroad friends. Mr. and Mra: Rotnlg returned re cently from a abort vinrt in Chadron. Mr. and Mra. Oeorge Davis and children came in Saturday nnui from (forelock, vrbere tbey had bead to spend Christmas and attend tha wedding of Mra. Davia' alater. . . Trainmaater J. P. Dailey of the south line arrived in Alliance Tus day noon. He brought his little girl who has been havhm aerloua trou ble with her throat She waa taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, where Dr. Slagle, who la a throat specialist, performed a successful operation. Kngineer Oeorge Hell la Improv ing alowly hut aurely from hia re MM operation for appendlcltla. a a a On Monday Mrs. II. Ponath had an operation performed onher throiU She has been t maided with tonstllt la. Dr. Slagle performed the opera tion. Mra. Ponath la improving but still haa a very aore throat. Itrakeman Taylor, who haa been visiting his ranch near Bingham, has returned to his duties on the road Mrs. 0. N. Hoaklna is enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs, Thos. Carr, of Staplehurat, Nebr. She will remain until Saturday. Dan Crllley, who haa been visiting hia aunt Mrs. Mornn during the Hol Idaya, returned to Livlngwton, Mont., where he la employed in the train service on the N. P. Trainmaater D. J. Nelson went to Bdgemont Tuesday on company buai nens. Brakeman Callahan, who haa been switching; in the Kdpemont yarda. haa returned to Alliance and ia awitching with the night force here. John lyeidtke was a weat bound pnaaenger Tuesday. Mr. Keidtke haa a brother living near Billings on an irrigated farm. Conductor IS O'Conner ot the east end local made a trip on pasaenger th I a week. v . Itrakeman Frank Vaughn' of the east end has gone on passenger for the winter. He i. on No. 41-42. He will not move hia family from Ra venna. Kctiert Kvans haa taken a ten daya' layoff and will spend the time In Mncoln and other eastern pointa. Brakeman Ray Mark la laying off He will visit his parents In Fort ! Morgan. Brakemnn Wlllcott haa resigned from the aervlce. With his family he haa moved to Colorado. Mra. J. G. Beck and son Uw rence who have been visiting In Io wa came home last Saturday noon. lOnglneer (J. M. Bell, who was op erated on for append ic I tia some days ago at St. Joseph Hospital. Is get ting along very well at this time. He 1 will be unable to work for a long time, however. A change in Pullman car service has been Inaugurated at Alliance. The ohange took place on the 6th. The sleeper Irom Denver haa been running through to BtlHngw and the sleeper from Omaha haa been stop ping at Alliance. This order ia re versed, the Omaha sleeper now going to Millings and the Denver sleeper stopping here. M t F. A. Torrey, general superintend ent of motive power of the Burling ton, was In Alliance on an Inspec tion trip last Saturday. From Alli ance he went west. RETURNS TO ALLIANCE Sooner or later they come back to Alliance. Mr. and Mra. Dick O'Bantion and family arrived last j Saturday morning on their return from Washington, after a few years' abaence, and will make thla city thei I home again. Mr. O'Bannon will go ; into the fruit hik! produce business jbere as a partner of his brother, Os car O'Bannon. Why I Buy at Home We trust that the following reas ons, "Why 1 buy at home," will con vince you that It Is to our mutual Interest aa well aa your own to buy at home: I buy at home because my Inter ests are here. Because 1 want to see the goods. Because I sell what I produce here at home. Mecauae I want to get what I pay Tor. Because the man I purchase from pays hia part of the city and county taxes. 'Because the community that ia good enough for me to live In is good enough to buy in. Because I believe in transacting businesa with friends. Because the man I buy from standa bad of his goods. Because every dollar spent at home stays at home, and works for the de velopment of our city. Because the man I buy from helps support my school, my church, my lodge and my home. And here is where I live and here la where I buy. 1 wish my many customers and a. few who are not a very prosperous New Year. My business during the past year has grown far beyond my expecta tion, which la due to nothing more or less than the superior quality of my goods. CLEARANCE SALE ON Regular $15 to HI suits and coats, $7.50 to $15 Millinery, $7.50 hats for $3.25; $5 hats for $2.60 Ladies' Blue Serge Suits $20 to $25 suits for $14.50. Kffel brand 26c ladies' hose, 18 Lad lea' Serge. Dresses. !-:: off. SCORE GOOD HIT Alliance Vaudeville Troupe Play at gT pV 1 a a Brldaeport and Scottsbluff. Scoe: L O yOU ted, Ml. uooel Receptions at Both Towns. Will Make Other Western Towns i Russell. Butler ft Russell, of Alli ance, returned Wednesday noon .from the North Platte valley wherr they played at Bridgepor: tw nights, and at Scottsbluff. They iwere very well pleased with the re cojrtion accorded them at both points nnd stated that they had never flayed at a finer picture house than the one at Bridgeport, and compli mented the management there very highly on their management. Arm bitB & Willis are the managers. Sep arate acts and features were given each evening and a big crowd at tended. At Scottabluff the extremely cold weather, coupled with Reader, that your abili ties ate coining all they are worth? 4 Why not do a little prospecting with a "Situation Wanted" ad ? JThe possibilities are worth the small expense. Harper's Ladies' Toggery is turned to the"Classi- Need a little cash to mcG that proposition? ij A want ad may find !l 5 fellcv who has idle be J:A to invest. y It's worth trying. ! 1 . Peanut brittle, peanut bar, cream taffy, almond bar, walnut bar, etc., delicious home -made candies at Mrea nan's. Corner Drug Store. Advertisement- 5-H-1776 Keystone Restaurant Open under new management, i Good meals for 25 cents. Shirt or dera. Service MrM-dnsa. AVe ex tend a cordial invitation to the pub lic to call on us when hungry. FRANK It. THOMAS, Proprietor u i ssor to K. 1!. Diamer. Advertisement 5ttl 770 Fineat and pureat home-made can- inadenuate i dies at Brennan's. heating facilities in the opera house,' Advertisement 5-1 1-1 776 caused a rather small attendance. Miss Butler had a number of encores NEEDED WATCH REPAIRED on her songB, and Clarice Russell, 1n her pianologue number. "Beans". Bates Copeland Haa Tickilah Job" made a big hit. Done on Fne GoJ Wjltch Mr. Russell went to Crawford and other Northwestern points Wednes . The Herald scribe settled himself day to book a number of the towns down nicely and comfortably in. along that road. He is very well, Bates Copland's chair at Mounts' fpleased with the success of the new Jiarber Shop and prepared himself Venture. for a nice 1ttle 8nooze wnjie Bates " l rubbed the down off his chin, when Fred Mollring went to Omaha and Bates interrupted him rudely by aay Lincoln Wednesday noon on insur -, , ing, "The boys are making a lot of am. business. He will be gonejjun of because 1 took my watch tevral daya. up flames to get it fixed when i i refused to run the other day." "Wh. ! should they make fun of you for Waa that," Inquired. "Why, ; found a flea in the works," said MTf r? I 1 Bates, "and they're making lots j) Lver notice now orten i fun over it - "um mm it have 11 gotten inside the watch," said we, d UlSCdiaea neWSpaper . "somebody must have played a trick on you and put it there? Oh, no, said Hates, "no one did that " "Well, 6 1 A 1 M -v liovv could it have gotten In?" we CO MAUVertlSing pager j next inquired. All unprepared we 1 waited for the answer, which came auS are among j with startling clearness, beard all over tne shop, in Mates melodious tones, "It got in between the ticks" and we, stunned to think that we hail bitten, good and hard, lapsed Into merciful uu.'onaciousnesa, from which we were aroused with difficulty. q Want ad the most thoroughly used columns of the daily press. You can scarcely fail of results when you use a classified ad. llf you examine my pianos before purchasing, you will never regret it. You may regret it if you do not. I you want the best instrument at a reasonable price, I have what you want. MRS. IDA M. ROSS. Advert isemetit .".-L't-1 77.'! THE FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUSE THE FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUSE THE FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUSE THE FAMOUS CLOTHINC HOUSE THE FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUSE THE FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUSE GONE TO NEW YORK THE CHICAGO AND BOSTON TO BUY THE BIG SPRING STOCK FOR FAMOUS CLOTHING HOU S Our orders are to clean out all winter o;oods before the Boss gets back, so here goes for the TH ANNUAL FALL AND WINTER CLEARANCE SALE Men's Heavy Fleece-Lined Shirt ancj Drawers, iq You never had a beiler chapce to receive the value Haven't Idrjof th- boys. Too many boys' g ikm the 65c kind, now .. v- of your money than we're . tleece-lined UNDERWEAR on hand, so I M . giving you now: we're clear- w w mk make the price to clear at Clearing llt aw Weight All-Wool (white) Hart Schatfner & Marx Suits VL 1 I I I Z . . . v . , " " T Union Suits, rroular , So value, rii.hed (O Crt that raiil from $25.00 to IU fl ovs WOOL Alh 1 S. allsiesaml real yQ or flat weave, now f A. W Suit; i$o.oa All sizes and JJ va""'s at " stvlt's' at ' Bin s' SHOES. Made of 00 to . 2. $ I.S0 Wright'" Heavy Fleeced-Lined Shirts and 6Qf ZTTZmZTZTTTTZ o 11 Calf. ligiAu stitch so the) if to 1: $175 1) the ,.5 kind, now OVC OVERCOATS olVO can't rip. ,!, : $2,Q0 We're clearing lO, pain Corduroy Pant, t I Aft Convertible collars. 52 inches longf, t g Ci P Mm's and Hoys' Black and Tan Hi Cut I A fff the 12.50 rade, sies ;S lo v at H 1 ,,l;,i and fancy wea s l he rany SkVf si s, , ,,i 1 1 """""""""""" " T""" ud n price from $ia. 4o to 1 18.00. All We have- s7 ,.airs ot pants m worsteds to dr. jqc sizes, now Here's 5ome money bavers for V ou 1 he 're the $1.50 kind, but yOU can buy em not v mmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, . 1 Mens Lined Muleskln Mitt 25 k . . c ., Here's an opportuiut) loi thriity T OP Mimi's Wi.u! Mow, -J pair for 25'- nere S ine nap I buvers. VWn- . l- .irin- 127 Suits LJ Vl Mens Lin.-,l Calf Skin Mitts 39. Qearinir 03 pieces ot all-wool salmon color SfA that sold tor $ 1 50 to 1 1 S.00 lor Jl (jtl Mens Kur Lined Mat I'ap.s. all s..p 69- Shirts and Drawers, regular sellers al 1.50. 1MC We've ,ot all ses amUtvle. V'V WoowestS jjft dl sizes, now Come in and try them on. MiK Li,,,-ol X.-kwear at 19- The Famous Clothing House HelD us to make this the huroeU ,r.n,, V.le 1C Ci 1 1 1 U U W iJLI I If i llljt CliltC it iHld SO V'i PERCY COGSWELL. MANAGER. ASSISTED BY H. E. BETEBEIMNER AND BUD RUMER has ever had weMI appre- vou