The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 09, 1913, Image 6

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    Phone Your
oal and Wood Orders
No. 22
Dierks Lumber & Coal Co.
Beautiful Ue Made of Rudyard Kip
ling' Impressive Line Writ
ten as a Tribute to
Tom Stalos'
Is a good place to buy Groceries, Flour,
Canned Goods, Fruits, Vegetables, etc. We
sell the celebrated Loup City Flour.
We have a big line of Workingmen's
I'ants and Overalls; also Shoes for Men and
Women. Gloves, Hats, Caps, etc.
Groceries delivered promptly to any part
of the citv.
phone 210
IjjFuel&Feed i
HWf J. VciiHjhan m$m
jjlllffltoLw 213 Box Butte Ave.
Gem Desk Calendar
for use on your desk during the
year 1913
The handiest appliance you can get for
keeping memorandum.
Price with Stand, $1.00
The Herald Publishing Co.
Of all the beautiful New Yeur's
souvenir that we have seen, one of
the finest consisted of cards which
Supt. V. K. Pnte had printed during
the holidays. Not only were the
ards, whkh were printed In three
color of Ink, preXty typographically.
but the sentiment contained In Rud
yard Kipling's three verse waa
beautiful ami should touch the heart
of every mother' son and daughter
who reads them. Here they Rre:
If I were hanged on the highest hill,
I know whose love would follow in 1
still :
Mother o' Mine.
If I were drowned In the deepest ;
1 know whose tear would come
down to me:
Mother o' Mine.
Jf I were damned of body and soul.
1 know whose prayer would make-
me whole:
Mother & Mine.
We have another beautiful tribute
to mother love, in proe, handed us
Ihis week by one of Alliance's rail
road boys who has a mother to
whom he remembers to write occas
ionally. In handing us the following
newspaper clipping the young man
remarked that tt had caused him to
write to his mother and he wished
we would print it in The Herald and
triereby probably influence other men
to write to their mothers:
"1 saw a white haired mother in
Israel go into the post office the
other day and ask for her mall
There was a tremor of expectancy
in her voice. Nothing for her. She
turned away rather slowly and sad
ly wended her way home. 'I fctieM
Willie is too busy to write.' She
went again and again for two weeks
before the letter came. When it
viii1: handed licr the fiuled eyes
sparkled and jo'y lit up the reire
w.i.n face as she tore open the let
ter it was a brief one hut told
what she wanted to know. Willie
fll well and getting along all right.
Tl.cre was happiness in innther's
heart that day and she hummed an
oid song Of her girlhood days a
flu.' went about her humble home
Willie can find only time imuiMi to
write about once in two months, Itut
!,e had plenty of it In which, to
write three or four girls several
timet week. K mother is so hap
py over receiving a few brief lines
every twe) months how would it be
if Willie could find time to vri.
her a long letter about once i
RKMtll and occasionally smd iier a
fev liewers or tome keep-sake? Wil
lie doesn't mean it, hut he is care
less. So are many of the boys
when toother i the Issue.
State cf Ohio, city of Toledo. Lu
cas county, ss.
Frank .1 Cheney makes oath that
he Is ton tor partner of the firm of
K. J. Cheney & Co.. doing business
in the city of Toledo, OOttD y mil
state (foresaid, and thai said firm
will pay the turn of ONH HUNDRED
I'Oi.ijAHS for each ami every ease
Of Caiarrh that cannot be cured l
the use of halls CATARRH CITRK
Sworn to before me and subscrib
ed in my presence, this tth day or
December. A. I. ixxt;.
(Stall A. W CLKASON.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern
oily and onto directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the iysteta.
BeneT for testimonials, free. F J.
CHBNBY K CO., Toledo. O.
Sold by all druggists, 7Rc.
Take Hall's Family Fills for con
st i pa Hon.
AVt. Jan 8-Oe, Sept 4-25
Meat Market
People of Alliance know the kind of Meats sold
and service given by W. R. Drake when running a
meat market before. With better facilities and bet
ter location, he can satisfy all old customers and
any number of new customers that may favor him
with their trade.
A Full Line Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Poultry, etc.
On the corner, Box Butte avenue and Fourth street
Brings Oliver Typewriter
Send $5 for the Oliver Typewriter- -the machine will come a-flying.
The newest Model -No. B the regular $100 machine with no extra
charge tor Prlntype.
For the price of a good fountain pen you secure the World's
Greateal "Typewriter. You can pay the balance at the rate of 17
ccuts n day.
This irresistible "$5 offer" is sweeping everything before it. The
era of universal typewriting is coming. The triumph of the typewriter
over primitive pen and ink has leen brought about by the same ma
chine that introduced visible writing.
This is the typewriter whose high efficiency has made it the choice of
the greatest firms and corporations. It is Hie simplest of all standard type
writers, yet tbs swiftest and hy far the most versatile. The moving parts
work freely in a solid metal framework, making the machine so strong that the
hardest usage has no effect upon it.
Most people prefer to have the machine equipped to write in 1 i-in t .
This beautiful type is obtainable onlv on the Oliver Typewriter.
It is the greatest style improvement ever evolved for typewriters the
most easily read type in existence the type which conforms to that in uni
versal use on the world's printing presses! !
The Oliver Typewriter aids success-seekers in a multitude of ways.
The real-life stories of achievement that center around it would fill volumes.
No nntter what your work may be -in office, store, shop or home the
Oliver Typewriter will prove itself a great, convenience and an actual money
It stands for order and system and success. It is the visible evidence
of progtvssiveness of its owner. Young people with brains, ambition and Ol
ivet typewriters are succeeding everywhere. (an
you afford to let $a stand between you and su'eess?
Send for Special Circular and Art Catalog
Full details regarding the Oliver Kasy-Purchase
Plan, beautiful catalog and a specimen letter written
in Priniype will be sent you on request.
Let tiiis $5 offer awaken you to your need of The
Oliver Typewriter and the ease with which you may
own it.
Ilemeniber $.r only and on conies The Oliver Type
Sales Department THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY. 1905 fatnam St.. Omaha Nttr.
to those who act as the local representatives of
Everybody's Hagazineaiul The Delineator
nil in addition to liberal commissions Let
us show you how you can
Secure a Share
simply by forwarding the subscriptions of your friends and
Deighbors and collecting the renewals of our present sub
SCrlbelna. Try for TH IS month's prices. There are lots of that can be won only by UWMNM living in towns
same size as your own. Write at once to the.
BmtttrUk itulidinu New York City
As will be seen by the advertising
columns of this ISSIM of The Her
aid, the Keystone rtstaurunt is open'
for business again. On Tuesday
Flank II. Thomas closed a deal syltta
li. Dismer whereby he pur biased
the fixtures and leaned the buili
ing. He at once began work to ei
things in shipshape to open BOt later
than t-'rlday morning. The new
proprietor Informs us that he In
tends to run the rt-staurant in bel
ter siyie than the ordinary popular
pricd restaurant, in which event
we bespeak for him a liberal pat
Prof, and Mrs. ('.has W. Philpott
of Cbudroii passed through Allian e
Saturday on their return from a
visit at the home of his parents at
Minalare. Prof. Philpott is well
known to the school people of Alli
ance and Hox Mutte count). haing
beta a teacher in the Alliance .lull
lor Normal severul years. licit h he
and Mrs. Philpott are teachers in
the riiad i n State Normal.
Alliance la a
worthy of tin
That's why we
a Good Town
mighty goiMl tuv u.
best of everything.
have joined the Aiuer-, wtr
l i
and Mrs H. l Sternberg, who
married at Crawford, Oecem-
Alliance Cleaning Works
The place to bring your clothes
for f i r st-c lass cleaning a n d p ress i n g
We make a specialty of night work
All goods called for and delivered
Phone 58 4034 Box Butte Ave.
lean Urug and Press Associat ion and ; ber -U, arrived Saturday night from
offer to our people (he Meritol line ; ,tol springs. S. II., where they had
of preparatujns. nw oy ne vsso - wedding
olbvii . I fall 1 tliriilllMI 1tS 11 U 111 .
hers There is nothing like then Hie homes or his two sisters. Mr.
goods, guaranteed in every way. riutliberg, who is a popular t H. &
without an i-qu.u. mane i. irn..!U fireman, and his bride, who was
N'e want Alliance people to have
the best there is. so we offer you
this line Ask to see Meritol goiwls.
Advei tiseiueut Jan 2 i'.O
Meritol Hair Tonic keeps the
scalp in a healthy condition, pre
vents the hair from falling out, re
tnrii it to ita natural color and it
used regularly keeps Hie hair
aud fluffy, r. J MR UN NAN.
Ad ertisemenl Jan -30
Miss Kittherine Straiten, have many
friends in Allian e who will be pie i
ed to learu tliat I hey have taken up
their residence in this city.
Mrs (V W. Zuni, who went to Pa
dfie Junction Iowa. liecetuber 12,
for a visit with ber parents, is ex-
pt-cted home the last of this week
or first of next.
, ,
Ifeilaflaajw asssT JHt '
Transfer Line
Household goods
moved promutlv
7 s I 4. I
zcAj- aiiu iiansit-r worn
i-Z?:, ....
Dray phone 1 Residence phone 636 and Blue 574