Classified Adertisements Ths following "Want Ads" are olsseified under appropriate headings for the convenience o resc'ers. CASH RATES One cent per wo.-d each insertion. No ad received for leas than ten centa per Inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per vofd each insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rat. Ir answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw It In this paper. A classified advertisement will in troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property In this town. ABSTRACTERS f. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract books in Box Butte county. Office in McCorkle Building. 10 tf-670 ' FOR SALE OR RENT. Seven room house. Good outbuildings. Barn for four horses. House for automo bile. J. B. DENTON. Advert Isement 5t f 1 77 2 FOR RENT. Nicely furnished fit earn heated rooms. Rent reasona ble. Address "M", Herald ofTice. )651-51-tf FOR RENT. Office or living rooms. First Na.fl Bank Building. I7tfj 186 OFFICE OR STORE ROOM FOR RENT A fine office or store room for rent in The Herald building. First floor. Best location in Alliance. Rent reasonable. Apply at Her ald office. 50-tf Advertisement FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. In quire at The Herald' office; Refer to "M". 52-tf-1679 COTTAGE FOR RENT A five room cottage for rent. Lo cated at seventh and Blf Horn. Phone 464. Advcti'acment 50tfl647 MISCELLANEOUS Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright Phone 71. tf All kinds of feed, In any quantity desired, at E. L Qregg & Sou's. Phone 165. EMMS43 Money to loan on real estate. F. B. Reddish. 3tf Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. tt Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN & VYIUUHT, phone 71. tf Highest price paid for Hides and Furs. Oscar O ' Bannon, Alliance, Phone 9, Rowan's Corner. 1751-3-tf LOST -Large .Moore's black foun tain pen with pocket clamp attached. Reward for return to Herald office. Cut Flowers and Potted Plants Missouri sorghum 85 cents per gallon, at Silverware and Jewelry I have the agency for the celebrat ed Kodgerx silverware and also for Jewelry. I have a fine line of sam pler which I shall be pleased to show tn any persons wishing to In spect them with a view to ordering. Phone 719. W A. DUNLAP, S24 Wem Third Street. Alliance. Advertisement -L' lt-1 734 Dressmaking and plain sewing at reasonable prices. Also, stamping and embroidering. Mrs. Dimmer and Mrs. Wright. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED A middle aged lady wanted. Perman ent place. MRS. W. H. ZKHRl'NO. Advertisement Hfl721 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS We have only a few of the Wall Charts (maps) left which we offered as a premium to subscribers to The Herald. We want every subscriber who is entitled to one of these to have It before they are all gone, Will every subscriber who Is entitled to one of them, but who has not yet received it, kindly notify us IMMEDIATELY? We are now mak ing another premium offer and can not promise to furnish any of the maps after the present small supply has been exhausted. HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY. L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon office in First National Bank Bldg. Phones: Office, 362; residence, 16. Prescriptions to drug store or medi cines furnished from office, If pre ferred. 60-tf-1608 Advertisement NOTICE Having sold the City Meat Market to W. R. Drake, all accounts due me for meat are payable to him. All persons knowing themselves Indebt ed to me are requested to call and settle at once. .1. R. BARB. Advertisement 51-3-1660 WANTED TO BUY 20 head of shoats. W. A. Springer, Alliance. 1696-lSt HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR BALE. Including furniture, rugs, cook stove, gasoline range, etc. Call 602 Lara mie Ave. MRS. THOS. REGAN. Advertisement 4tfl762 Curtis Best and Gooch's BM V ir it E. 1 Gregg & Son's. Every sack guaranteed. Phone 155. ft-tM84a SEWING BY THE DtAY WANTED, Satisfaction guaranteed. MISS CAR RIE CHitiSTENSEN, 318 Sweetwa'er Avenue. Advertisement 4-2tM759 Fresh flowers every Friday morn- Leave vour orders at .Mrs. Zehrung's shop. Phone 785. Advertisement Itti.iH tag. PAINE FISHBURK GRANITE CO. Grand Island, Ntbr. 3 1 Mgka the best monuments and will save you money. Call on AL. WIK ER, local salesman of Alliance, or send to Grand Island for price list. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS See E. C. Whisniau for lowest prices on painting, paper hanging and kalsouiiuJng. THREE MlUv Phone BM Im (4S tf) COWS for sale. Omaha Beef and Pork. Sour Kraut, Spare Ribs. Mince Meat and Dill Pickles, at ALLIANCE MEAT DO, (48tfl575) FOR SALE. -Cow, age 40 months, fresh once, milked IT. months, just dry due fresh February, ideal but ter" cow. Price "'. ii ''""" Bee 2;i Inquire at Herald, office. d . i t isement l-ttMSM The best Is the cheapest" when it comes to buying a piauo. I have the agency for the best and mosi popular pianos made MRS. IDA M. IW MJU Advert iseTiienl t-1 77:: " STALLION FOR SALE Dapple Gray l'ercheron bred stal lion, coming four years old, weight lsuo pounds, for side. He Is of the heavy bone type, good condition, and rangs broken. If not sold at privaite sale will be sold at public RUCtlOn on February 4th. 19111. Write, wire or call and see this horse. Six miles east of Scotwbluff, Nebraska W. V. POLLOCK. 17t-4-.r.t. Scottsbluff, Nebr. PUBLIC SALE At in residence, ten miles west and two miles north of Alliance, com nieiicint; ;ii I p. 111. sharp, OH Wed nesday, Jan. I, the following prop erty: 18 head of Good Work Horses and Colts. Farm machinery, including lumber wagon, buggy, binder, disc, three-section harrow, breaking plow, six-foot mower, work harness, single harness, driving harness. Household goods, such as cook stove, oil stove, table,, bed, dishes, etc. G. H. LOWER Advertisement 4-U-I75S LEGAL NOTICE Notice for Election for Court House Bonds Notice is hereby given to the qual ified voters of Box Hutte coumty, Ne braska, UUM upon the written request of at lea-;t one-fourth of the legal voters of seld county, an election will be held at the regular polling places In each pr cinct of said coun ty, on Tuesday the 18th day of Feb ruary, 1 S 1 . from the hour of eight M. m. to the hour of six p. ni. of said day for the purpose of voting upon the following proposition, to wlt. Shall the County Commissioners of Box Butte county, Nebraska, is sue the bonds' of snld county, in the sum of Sixty Five Thousand (f.5,000) Dollars, of the following denomina tions, viz: Sixty Five bonds of One Thousand Dollars each to run for a period of twenty years from the date of Issuance of said bond, bear ing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum. Interest payable semi-annually, said interest and prin cipal payable at the fiscal agency of the state of Nebraska, In New York city, state of New York, said bond Issue to be known as "Court House Bond Issue"; said bonds to be issu ed ifor the following purpose, to-wlt: For the erection and construction of a Fireproof Court House, for the use of said county, to be erected and constructed on lots 22 and 28 in County Addition to the city of Alliance, Box Butte county, Nebras ka, according to the recorded plat thereof; and shall said County Com missioners be empowered to make ah annual levy for a sufficient amount to pay the Interest on said Court House bonds In the sum of Sixty Five Thousand (65,000.00) Dol lars; and shall said commissioners be empowered to make an annual levy to create a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of said Sixty Five Thousand ($65,000.00) Dollars, Court House Bond issue? By order of the County Commis sioners of Box Butte county, Nebras ka. J. M. WANEK, Chairman Attest: If. S. HARGRAVES, Clerk. 191-4-7t The purest and most delicious home-made candies ever sold in Al liance now a feature- at Dietitian's, Ccrner Drug Store. Advertisement S-lt-1776 COAL AND LUMBER Buy your coal and lumber from this company. Quick deliveries and full weigh! in every load of ooal, DIERKS LUMBER a COAL CO. Phone IX 177'.-5tf wanted Balawnaa to sell our guaranteed Oils and Paints. Experi ence unneci !eary. Extremely profit able offer to right party. The GLEN refining COMPANY, CteyebuM), Ohio. 1768-5-lt TEACHERS' EXAMINATION Regular state teacher' examina tion will be held at Alliance, Friday and Saturday, January 17 and is. iflS. DEUjA m. reed, County Superintendent . Advi rtiSI ment 5-2M781 Bargain in slightly used piano. Call it once, m us. IDA It. uoss. Advertisement 5-2t-177f siNtiLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS AND SPRING WAGON FOR SALE One set of double harness, first class condition; one single names, fair condition; one good spring wag on. Will sell cheap If taken at once. Inquire at Alliance Cleaning Works. Phone 5V C M. KKBLEY. Advertisement 5til 780 PHELAN OPERA HOUSE Wednesday Night, January 15 Tess of the Storm Country ' One of Jones Crane's fine shows, better than "The Wolf" and others Special Scenery and Electrical Effects Seals on sttlc Monthly, prices 7rr and $1. Gullet, v, ."tOc Mrs. Edith Barker went to Peru on Friday of last week. Mrs. W. B. Young to sick with tonsllltls this week. Miss WUma Wood returned to Uni versity Place on Saturday. T. 11. Barnes went up Lincoln on 44 Tuesday, expecting to return to morrow. Mrs. Tash, mother of Postmaster Ira E. Tash, Is visiting at his home for several weeks. Sam Tlllett went to Denver Thurs day to see his mother, who resides 1 here. mm Norman McCorkle went to Omaha, stopping at Lincoln, to attend Boyles Duslness College, and study musL-. George Burke has returned from Lincoln, where he haB been visiting his relatives during the holidays. .Mrs. Hob llolden, who was visiting with the Regan family, has returned to her home. Hoyd ft Darker, has returned from a visit to relative In Omaha. Saturday night Miss Alia Young left for Lincoln, where she will con tinue her study of music at the con servatory. Lewis Powell, Robert Gregg, Earl Meyer, and Roy Spocht left for Lin coln Saturday night to continue work at the university. Mrs. Ida M. Ross, the piano deal er, epent several day lq the coun try Che latter part of last weak, vl King and on business. Homer Molyneaux of Broken Boo returned home Sunday morning after spending New Year's week visiting Alliance friends. Wolf Freeman, living north of Al illanoe, is the owner of a new Ford automobile, purchased this week from iLowry A Henry, agent. 9 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mann came up from Bridgeport Saturday on their way to Omaha. She Is a daughter of .Mr. Iloag of Alliance. The heavy snow on the road late ly has caused a number of double headers on the heavy passenger and freight trains. Eugene Ford, assistant cashier of th First National Hank, returned to Alliance yesterday after spending the holidays in Chicago, nt hit home. after spending the holidays with her parents, In W'oiser, and friends In oilier points In Idaho. R. R. Reddish, living southwest of town, has been quite ill for the past two weeks. Mr. Redtah Is but very little Improved, from the last report. Mrs. N. G. Beck returned home after spending tho holidays tn Oma h i nnd other eaatern Nebraska points. O. II. Kerr, of the Uurilnsaton force. Hint to Rdgemoa last week to vis it relatives and to bring back bis sis tcr. who attends the. academy here. V m Chas. llagley of Alliance, traveling salesman for the Standard Oil Co.,. went to Omaha Sunday to attend a meeting of the traveling salesmen.' of that company. L. H. Bennett, Studebaker travel lug salesman, returned to Denver this morning after spending his New Year's vacation visiting Alliance friends. George Douglas returned yesterday morning from Lincoln, where ha went New Year's day on a business irp and to visit friends. Ha relatives living in the capital city. Mr Met!, of the law' firm of: Miss Delia Reed returned home FRESH FISH Any Kind of Fish You Want, Every Day in the Week OBANNON BROS. ITr-ciit scrxd. 2?roduice Store ROWANS CORNER PHONE 9 flWe do not claim that the mere use of want eds will reduce prosperity. t But it seems men than a coincidence t. r most prosperous bc io are quick to veco: t j n the 'value ci c!a.c :'. I advertisin fJLet us supply ywj wantsthrou. a this p ira. agues) tlYou need not be an "ad writer" to use these columns. State your wants simply, and above all truthfully. CJOr telephone this office and the clerk will write your ad. flWant ads are the biggest little investments you can make. Opportunity stares up at you from this page. may be a better pes: lion just the cot tage you want to rent a chance to own a house on easy terms a new ccok an ambi tious employe what not? f Want ads bristle with the intimacies of the work-a-day world. You can ill afford to over look them with your daily reading. A PREMIUM YOU nEWB Everyone needs one of the new parcel post maps showing the units snd zones. With every new paid-in-advance renewal subscription to The Al liance Herald we will give for 25 cents extra a splendid PARCEL POST MAP We guarantee these maps to show the correct official Postal Zones and Units. Complete tables of Oata as to Rates, way of mailing packages, etc., shown on each map. No home and no business office is complete without this splendid Parcel Poet Guide. The Parcel Pest has come to stay. If you want the best paper in Western Nebraska and the beet Parcel Poet map and Guide in the field, here is your opportunity. Send or bring money or check for J. 75 to THE ALLIANCE HERALD ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA