LL!ANCEjtRMD JOHN W. THOMAS, Klltor Published every Thursdny by The Herald Publishing Company. Incorporated LLOYD 0. THOMAS, I'res.-Treas. F. A. P1KM0N, Vice I'res. JOHN W. THOMAS. Sec'y Entered t the postofflce at Alii hnoe. Nebraska, for transmission throuab the mails as second-clasi attar. . . Subscription, $1.10 per year In ad Tance. The circulation of this newspaper la guaranteed to be the largest In western Nebraska. Advertising ratss will be furnished on application Sample copies free for the asking. fur , EPRESENTED FOR rcPCIC ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES ,EW YORK AND CHICACt BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIFS THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1913 WILL MAKE VIGOR OUS CAMPAIGN Citizene Interested in Obtaining Y. M C. A. Building for Alli ance Campaign Being Organized The Herald to pleased to learn of 'he recovery of the flve-raonths-old . hlld of Editor stnd Mrs. A. B. Clark of Hemlnfctord. The babe was brought to Allinnee some time since dangerously sick and placed in .harm- of Mrs. Clark's mother, Mrs. Belle Brown, while recelvlne medic al treatment. Mrs. Clark accompan ied by her two-year-old son came iown to Alliance on 44 to remain over Sunday and Mr. Clark came on 49 that night. Mexico to a busy country, for In .ditlon to havdng a new revolution every few weeks, It plana to exe cute many Internal innovations. The Washington government has been in formed that farmers' loam banks are planned throughout Mexico under government authority. In the United States we are still "just talking' about the same thing. Since 1880 the UAal value of the mineral production, of Alaska has i2r)7.no.non. of which over 50 per cent, or $19F.!19,77f, has been In ;old. according to A. H. M rooks, of the United States Geological Survey MEETING STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY The annual meet inn of the Nebras ka State Historical Society will be held nt Lincoln, January 14, IB, If, beginning with a banquet at the Lin- . oin iioiii tM stent mi or the 14th All members and friends of the Ne braska State lllslorlral Society are urged to attend the mee'thig this year, an matters of policy are to be oiialdered, which will have an im portant bearing upon all Lie future a the society. ' The indications are thai the weath er will be favorable, and a program of real merit lias hern pro ided The iler attraction will be the addresses by Dr. Keuben Gold Thwaius, on of the foremost hlstorl;. a of the DnttCd Stales. The friends nnd patrons of the Historical Society and of the State Ltbrrry are working tot lu r to pro file a permanent he ta for these two great libraries on a site where he Historical Six-h ly already b an investment of approximately $6.r. 000. The library and museum of the Historical Sc. -i t has an estimated worth Bl over a quarter of a million dollars, while the 8tt It Library Is orth as urn; It nwie, and both are at the peril of any fire that might start In their respective buildings. The plans provide for including also in the new building the supreme court, which will leave ample room M the present capitol for the other state offices It is believed that the I aim mem iters of the Nebraska State Ilistor , val Society and the bench and bar of the state are entitled to have these two great libraries safely hous Sal and the legislators manifest a wUtuumesa to make this provision f tin re is a considerable demand far tt it ts imi.jrtant therefore that friend should r.im out to this annu me ing and ii they ennnot attend the mi .-ting t In ought to communi cate with their senators and repre aentatives. The Ladles' AU Society of the Methodist church met with Mrs. Jas. Hunter New Year s day. Light re freshments were served nnd an en joyable social afternoon wns had. KikIi lady was to earn one dollar ami tell the atory of how she earn ed It. The amount taken In was al.oiit r0, which will lie used to help pay the balance of the parsonage debt. The storlcB told of how the money was earned were very Inter esting and brought out some odd ways of earning money. Last Monday evening Mesdame V. W. and Claude Lester gave an elegant six o'clock dinner In honor or Mrs. U. N. Hosklns' mother. Mrs. fhos. Carr of Btaplehurat, Nebr. Those present besides tlve hostesses and guest or honor were Mesdames iiot9kins,.Holloway and Highland, and Miss Lougeay or Denver. After dinner the guests were taken to the theatre. The home of Mrs. F. W. Harris was one of entertainment last Thurs day afternoon. The entertainment was In the way of a Kensington, honoring Mrs. Edith Phelan Barker, who returned to her home in Peru last Friday night. The Foresquare Club will meet Sunday afternoon at the First Pres byterian church at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Rev. James P. Brown, leader. Sunday evening Mrs. K. K. Young entertained a number or Alliance business men and families at a six o'clock dinner. The evening was spent In discussing the proposed Y. M. C. A. which is so greatly needed in this city. SuggeEMons rrom neigh boring cities have been sent for. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. R. It. Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Uumer and son Frank, and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hani, s Mra. YV. D. Hunter entertained in a unique way the P. K. O. Monday afternoon. One vf the festivities of Ion.? ago, Twelfth Night, wits carried out. Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" as uiven by Mrs. F. V. Harris. A fine luncheon was served with ta ble decorations in yellow and white, the P. E. O. colors. HOLCOMBWRIGHT Miss Gladys E. Holcomb and Mr Harry Wright, of Hroken How. were married on Sunday. December 29th. at the Baptist parsonage, by Rev Geo. A. Witte, pastor. The young people are both from Broken Bow where he Is employed by the Chief The Herald joins In extending oOTt graf illations. CITY TO TAKE NO ACTION Telephone Question Came up fore Council at Regular Meeting. Burton Reports Be COMMISSION AUTHORIZED RATES The campaign for a new Y. M. C. k building in Alliance is now being organized and plans laid for a sure and swift campaign. The publicity given the project by the newspapers and the energetic work being done by Dr. Alice M. Day Young is arous ing Interest In the proposition and bids fair for a successful campaign. The Woman's Club has taken hold of the proposition in their usual suc cessful manner and they will do their part In making this project a suc cessful one. A systematic, business like campaign is being organized. Readers of The Herald will be kept Informed as to the progress of the project. :a5s53fcBSS ""saasLV John Wiker, or Orkin Brothers pi no branch, made a trip to Craw- From Northport herald: The 'Al liance I l i aid showed commendable (ford on Tuesday to deliver a piano. enterprise m getting out a Doom eiti He also made a trip to Broadwater Hon ror that city whkm was a great PEDDLERS MEET Among the social events of Akron, Ohio, we note the BMUTfiSgS of Mi II. A. O'Hftrs and Miss Marina R lit I'fcrnn. The couple were married DtCtnMto! 2tith by Hev. Fr. Marr. It was u quiet family wedding. They left for St .h s -ph. Omaha and Den ver on the honeymoon trip, and re turned to this city Monday. Mr. OTIara is claim agent for the llur 1 MKUm and has resided In this city for fcbKlt two years. At the regular meeting of the city council on Tuesday evening the much discussed question of the right of the Nebraska Telephone Company to install new rates In Al nance tor tne new service was thoroughly discussed and disposed of, for the present, at least E H. Boyd, city attorney, was out of town last week and Mayor Barnes hired Eugene Burton, county attor- nev to go to Lincoln and confer with th State Railway Commission, which authorized rates for the new service in Alliance. Mr. Burton made his report to the council at this meeting. His ivport was In sub stance that the company had the right to put Into errect new rates after being authorized by the com mission and that it should be allovr ed to go ahead without interference, but that any citizen of Alliance or the city could go before the com mission at any time and protest against the rates and get a hearing. Attorney Burton was also present when the case of The Lincoln Tele phone and Telegraph Company was argued. Orricials of the Nebraska Tclc lihone Company statu that the ce n m'sslcn in Axing hs rates take into eonslderaton the actual investment end earning of the company and al lOW it a fair rate of profii cat rh Kume. That Alliance is practically Ihe only town of its size in the state in which the new rates are nr.: L.' ln;; i lid and that two or three 't.vvns of the tame size are paying higher rates. That the company has ex P nded thousands of dollars in cov ering this ctlon of the country with a network of copper toll lines on which they expect to get no profit inside ot five years. That af ter the new service Is installed ! lit re will be no trouble whatever in '.he opcruCon of the local exchange and that my I ibscriber can talk from ho:;., or oflhe for a radius of l.oou miles, Mi ssr. Wilson of Grand Island and B The recently organized association of traveling men, called the "Ped dlers", will meet ror a smoker at the I. O. O. F. Hall next Saturday even ing. Every traveling man In west ern Nebraska Is invited to be pres ent and have a good time. An Inter esting program Is being prepared and a number of new candidates for mem bershtp will receive-the Initiatory de gree A boxing bout between the two leading Alliance white hopes nBfit also be a feature. OBITUARY Archie Charles Thome s was born In Bufralo county, Nebr., not rar rrom Ravenna, Oct. 12th. 1886. He studied In the Ravenna schools, go ing as far as tihe i 2th grade. Had he completed the last year he would hav graduated at the age of nine teen years. He worked as brake man out of Alliance for about two months. He was a musician and at times wai a member of the Alliance band. He tra'eled for several years as a professional musician, returning to Alliance on September :!rd last, hroken down in health. Paralysis confined hint to his bed for about four months when he died, on New Year's day, at the home of his hr j' her-in-law, .lohn Declous, at 118 Yellowstone Ave. Arch Thcmas, popularly known among his friends as "Shtrty", leaves a mother, Mrs. H. B. Thom as of Grand Island, two brothers, FrttN Thomas of La Grand, Ore., ami Harry Thtmas of Sheridan, Wyo. Also two sisters. Mrs. Alice Decious of la Grand, Ore., and Mrs. John Decious, who lives in this city. OLD TIME FRIENDS wli. re he sold some Instruments. Miss Adeline Schultz returned to this city to again take up her duties as teacher in the city schools. 8he has been spending holidays with par ents. see Miss Miriam Seawell returned to this city to resume her .duties in the Alliance city schools as music supervisor, after spending the holi days nt her home in Marshall, Mo. Dick O'Bannon, who formerly re sided in Alliance bjt who is now mine in Seattle. Washington, will return to Alliance m ry soon to make this his home agyin. He Is a broth er of Oscar O'Bi. nnora. . . . , ' a !'. Mr, and Mrs. akeevcr. bf Ren essalaer, lndi- na, returned to the'r home arter -pending the holidays (th Mr. M tkeever's sister, Mrs. F Lester. ' ; Mrs., L. E, Cox, who was operated on at St. Joseph Hospital a few days agD ror gall stones, is getting along especially well and hopes to go p lur home in a rew days. credit ! cHy. to both the paper and the Last Thursday night Mrs. Kd!:h Bsdlksf entertained several young ladits In honor of her cousin Miss Bertie Vernon. A da ni luncheon was served in courses. Mi.-s Hr - wold. Miss V ou lis, Miss Vernon and Mks Broome furnished music. A flashlight picture was taken, after which all went to their homes, ha. Ins sprnt I wry enjoyable SVCiniftf Tho-. present were Misses Bertie- lois Vernon, Alice Carlson, I'tarl and Elva Hill's. Edna Duncan. Ina Hell waod. Malzo Soults. Bsasle Blanche Kibble. Ala Younu. A is lOSter, Hat tie Itonswold, Virginia Brooms, Flva and Bessie Hamilton, Blanche Mncdonald, I. aura and Glen Mounts and Psttlin Montgc nery. f. c. Muiicy cf Broadwater, pro- 1 ri' tor of the Mulloy inneh, twen"y tjvs mlks south cf Allla. e, and Da-; Watson if lleminfonl, who re Fiue.' ntar Berea, are old time friends, and, meeting in Alliance las' Fiitlay, enjoyed an afternoon's visit together. Mr. Mulloy is a brother cf i !.. late Coot Mulloy, who was so well known and popular in northwest ." braska. Messrs. Mulloy and WV son favored The Herahl offi with a call while in UtWW Friday. Mr. Watson was already a Subscriber to 'i,t paper, and Mr. Mulloy or f -red n or Alliance appeared for , uj6 Unme added to our Broadwater uie te ue company. I'hey w. nt ,,,, nf subscribers into the proposition thoroughly with the coun.il and BXp&aiDSd tneir le of the question. The (in stion of the franchise giv en the company and under which it 0D4 rat. s wasbrougbt up. The fran--chtse wliich was loubtediy i enl ed to cover the old system, states JUDGE HOBART SETS COURT DATES lion. H. W. Hobart, district judge of the Seventeemth judicial district, h :s made' up his schedule of terms for this year in the various counties Mrs. Holdredge, who underwent :i successful operation at St. Joseph Hospital last week, is able to go to her home where she will be cared Tor until she is fully recovered. Eugene Burton made a trip to Lin coln the last or the week to confer with the State Railway Commission regarding the telephone situation in Alliance. He reported on the same at the meeting or the city council Tuesday evening. m m m Mrs. T. J. O'Keefe and baby arriv ed Sunday morning from Kearney, where she has .been visiting her par ents for some weeks. Mr. and Mrs O'Keefe have been making their Si home heretofore in Texas but have returned to good old Box Butte county to make their home for the winter and perhaps lone r. mm Miss sola Woriey has been 111 for the last two weeks, and was not nble to return to bar school life this week, uj she expected. MIes Wor iey thinks that In another week she will be able to asain enter Peru hool life with as much enthusiarm as before. g - Win. Mitchell, of Denver, elref electrical engineer for the Great W. stent Sugar Company, Which has factories at Scottsbluff, BUftagf and several Colorado point.-, was in the city the first or the week, when he visited for a short tine- with Bates Copeland. Sister M. Lima, who was sen: here from New Lexington, Ohio, for an operation, is reported by her sur geon, Dr. Single, as getting along very well and she hopes to return to her cenvent In a few weeks much Improved in health. James Feagins and J. E. Rice left on 44 today for Omaha, enroute Texas, where they are going on cat tle business. They will be joined at Omaha by R. M. Fnddis of Gor don. These gentlemen have etc;' live stock interests in the Lone Star tate. They will probably ship sev eral thousand head of cattle to northwestern Nebraska In the spring. I i I Miss Edna Bullock's many friends will be pleased to learn that she has about recovered from the seri ous operation which she recently un di rwent at St. Joseph's Hospital and ivill be ready to report, ror duty at Or. Maxtield's office next Monday morning. . ess Grandpa lister left, for his home is Brownville, Nebraska, last Sun day night. While here he met many friends and enjoyed his visit great ly. There are very few men of his age who enjoy life so well and are always bubbling over with good hu mor, as Grandpa Lester ia. Dave Kauifman, who has been very 211 at the hospital, is reported today as .showing some Improvement. His many friends hope to see him back ct his old place in The Famous .main before long. BENEFIT BALL The I. A. Ot M. No. 602, will give a hen. .tit ball in M. B. A. Hall on iMonday, January Ltth. Big prepara tions are being made and a large crowd is expected. P, F. Farrell, or Glenrock, Wyo., arrived in Alliance Tuesday to make his home. He is the owner Of a number of mining propositions at Glenrock, which is locateel twenty miles east of Casper, on the North western railroad. Mr. Farrell's claims, which he is now developing. COS tain oil, coal, copper, asbestos, gold and silver. This district and the Casper distrie t, is known a one ot the richest mining sections or Wyoming. Tess of the Storm Country Phelan Opera House, Night, Jan. 16 Thursday tlMl the company shall give good ' comprising the district, jury terms i n n ' 1 1 luvhatlons written in poetry, the uuthor of whl ii we h ive Sol vet found, were seattered among L ierds of Mits I 'earl Hlllis last week. They bW her friends to com" to a shower at some late hour, wec.r log sun bonnet s and aprons. The RtettOMM were Miss Maude Sp:ul:t a:i! Miss Dorothy .long, given at the home of the Witter. Cupid's coL o - .-. In me of red am white was car ried cut in every resin . t Hearts, s. n ice and that the rates .shall not exceed one dollar per month for res idence phonts and two eiollars tor and .business phones. This franchise pires in 1920. It Is Mated, however, that the State Railway Commission, which has been in power five years and which wus created by constitu tional amen (linen t. has power to raise or lower rates at their dis cretion and that the terms or franchise in this case are not reotj vc The company offers to ; i . the sarnie rate of two dollars cn two-party busine ?s phones and a being set to begin upon the dates give n herewith: Jan. -'7. Nov. 24 Scotts Bluff June 2. Nov. .1 Morrill April 14. Oct. 2 Garden May 5. Oct. 6 . . ., Banner In addition to the jury terms, eq uity terms are also scheduled t be he1d in Scotts Bluff eounty begin sing June 9, and in Morrill county i i. the Jnuunil v. ef-1 ' I We thank you, Brother Hev wood. ill 1114' I 1 It l , IMIM of The Courier contained the . and cupids were r Hinders that 0 ioilowing notice. And. by the way. PW Pkiy.d a big part in the game, (he Christmas edition or The Craw and ;a. nations helped to play their ierd Courier was certainly a hum part. Pearl Hillis pla.ved the part . ! Maud Muller and very willingly . L..L .11. ' "UlSl weeks issue.- ol noui no j nee papers were indeed v ery cred ible papers for small western town, in fact they were Hmdited It papers with an advertising pat isuage to be proud . In fact the kiud and ouaiitlty of advertising thut set to :hv task given her of rak In.'; hay. In this way she uncovered BOH pretty gifts. Those preselit were Misses I 'earl and Klva Hillis Mable Duncan. Blanche Mncdonald. Ft la Keane, Margaret Bell, Ethel Nclan, Huth Couklln. Edna Duncan Makes it possible tor the people ( Alice Carlrou, and Mesdames Kerry here to live and get out a goodiWaiJ. Thiclc, Crane. Triplet!. Zedi ataeet Here la hoping they can keep ! ker, Burke, Gantz, Biedermaii it .hjuV ....... , - 1 MolHiiUiUl-. and 0 Mr. Farmer, if you're Prof. Burns or the Cenfral school was operated on for appendicitis at St. Joseph Hospital a few days ago and is making good progress toward recovery at this time. He has been under .the weather for u long time and holies to have better health fol lowing the operation. Mr. Hollers of the Rid red ranch is at St. Joseph Hospital recovering from an attack of pneumonia. Mr Hollers bus been very sick ami for several days It was thought he eould not recover but faithrul attention on the part or the Sisters has been n warded by seeing him coming back to health Playgoers Who were delighted with the two great plays "The City" and "The Divorce will be pleased to learn that the same management is sending to Alliance another one of their great plays, entitle'd "Tess of the Storm Country." This play is one that requl:?s s:me Tine acting and for the various parts Jones & OraM have made a careful selection Of the bed players that can be se CUred. Marguerite Insure will play the title role of "Tess", and .Howard WaAsh plays the part of Frederick Gravis, the young minis ter who gives up a fashionable Chore in New York that he may Kvvaken the souls of the poor fisher aquation in the storm country. "Tess ot the Stcrui Country" will be pre sented Wednesday night, January 15. Advertisement 5-1M774 rale of one dollar and twenty-five cents on two-party residence phones ! . -- iLA J- bro Officials or the .iipaii slaie that , UDlllg UlC WOUIL QUO !a) l"hty per cent or :he present tele pbone users have consented to the ii 'A rates and that nin ty-fivo per cnt will, in their opinion, do so ! ore the new ajystem tio . That the bulanc Mrs. Dlaedet of Mars land was brought to St. Joseph Hospital Tues- here she underwent an opera tion for appendicitis and complica- .... lit L 1 yUU IC a licav WSCl. ttOOS. She is doing as well as fff " 1 1 j be- expected at this time i liiu a uuycr iui yuui ' sane,"miv fruit, produce, discarded a, an opportune to compare the f tOols, livestock. r.rprovcd service to be lunu-h d Sell your farm. (J Find farm help. Advertise your sales. v Ii take the n.rt ' me. new service in Gladis Armstrong, daughter of L. Armstrong, living forty-five milas northeast of Alliance, has beeu very si... pneumonia the pas, . ek ! Q fc ' Fir several days her lite was de--, a ' i l iind of but this morning she .s j-ggyjt leporico some oeuei u-i ui.ni.. friends in Alliance will be glad to see hlfC npule i! rapivl revoverv Mr. Cooley of Whitman was hrOOgM to St. Joseph Hospital some days ago suffering with a broken lyiec cap. It was found beecaarT operate ou him. which was done this week, and hoptut are eutert. tilled thut he will make a gootf re-e-overy ' The classified page constitutes a clearing house of "White Elephants." (JMost people have a white elephant - a discarded article which either has served lt3 cliier earnir.3 results are sure. H. II. Lower, whese public sale in,-! ire aM.ui ill this l.-sue of The Herald, has be-en looking southward for some time and DIM about made up his mind to take up his residence ill Texas or oue ot er sxuherii state He beiught a piece of Florida i.idd l.i.-i sprius- . x purpose or for a reasons is not its room. Every white elephant of yours has a cash value to some one. A want ad will find a buyer for a few cents.