COURT? was REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Reported by F. E. Reddish, Bonded Abetracter, Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska HIIU What the New Telephone Service Means to You We believe in the future of Alliance, and we have supported our confidence in the city's increas ing development with a new and modern telephone system. At a heavy expense, we are soon to give Al liance a telephone system that is the best that can be had. Here, we are now installing a new plant, with up-to-date switchboard and metallic lines. It is difficult to measure the value of the new plant to Alliance and to you. It means much to the progress and continued growth of the city. The new system will enable you to carry on your business affairs and social calls with comfort, convenience and pleasure. t Nebraska Telephone Company MMMMMMMMVfe nasxi . Sweep Your Floor with Paroline I In the office, store and home the most disagreeable nuisance is dirt and dust caused by sweeping. This can be avoided by using Paroline. Paroline is a scientific compound of vegetable oils and other substances. You sprinkle a small amount on the tloor before sweeping. It gathers up and holds the dust. It is antiseptic and prevents disease. Paroline costs very little. A small amount goes a long way. I'se it once. You will wonder why you didn't get it sooner. For Sale at The Herald Office in Any Quantity ! and progressive future ;nd remain to be its it now is, a true friend, and aid and a safe directory to the pub lir. WisL.inn you a happy and prosper ous ew Year w sign. Voiir-s respectfully. Juiinanuol's Luth. Congregation. iiy Titus Lang, pastor. 1 VHMLSON FAMILY REUNION A. H. Wilson Mftinnti last Ft It rroia Hclvidere, Nebr., where bo went to spend the holidays wiris folk at home. A family reunion afta in Id Hn Year's day a.t Cedar Hill fariu, the old Thayer county uo'iu Mul on which .Mr. and Mrs. Wilum l.ave reside! since March, 1 S J . p 0 tlicir five children Were born DU th e farm, and they raised rl.o e cd ars whih give the farm i r - name; and of course a family meeting at that place on the first day of the yew was a lory enjoyable affair. Tbwse present were Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Wilson, thedr throe sons, two daughters, two dauKhtera-ln-la w, mid five grande hildre B. ' s OCTOBER RAILWAY TRAFFIC EXCEEDS ALL RECORDS ENCOURAGING WORDS The Herald'a Efforte to Serve the People by Giving Informa tion Which They Want Appreciated GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCH W have worked hard to fTM readers of The Herald announce me-nts and other iuforuiatiou which Were formerly slighted by the Alii auce papers. It I- a great eucour axemen, .o us lo know that our ef forta are appreciated. The fol lowing from Rev. Titu. lane. P'or of lmmanuels (iermau Kvaogelioal Lutheran cbunb. wa not written for puhlicatiou. but we are sure it will le of interest to many Herald read era, hence we take the liberty lo puhliah it: Alliance, Nebr., Jan 2. 1911 To the editor of the Alliauce Herald. liear Sir: YeaJcrday. Jan I, the I nuna nuel 's Lutheran 1 tUKregat!oii in its annual iih-oMiik passel the folio iiiK resolution: ltMiK(il, 1l1.1t express our most heart I'u 1 thanks to the editor of tile Villain o Herald for the com tesy shown us in the pat year. In piiutiiiK and publLsluim free erf . imrn all our church advertisements and all other matt era authorized by our pastor. We highly appreciate tills kind service and hoe that your MM may be blessed with a happy The receipts and the expenses of the steam railways for the month of October, lllf, are greater than for any other month in their history. Net operating revenue, which Is the gross Income before anything has heen taken nut for ta.Vew and roll I als, Interest on bonds, apprupi iai 1 01: for betterments or dividends, irtr nued I57I per mile of line per day, which euntrasts with $1S74 for tie tuber, PJII, an increase of $1.7. This ia an increase per mile of line for the month of $61 13, or 1 4.4 per out The nionthly summary tf the Hur eau of Hail way Keoiuimios, compiled from the re porta of railways to the Interstate Commerce 'oinmissioii. cvers for October 220,636 miles of I'lie, or about Hit Mf cent or all of the steam railway inlloaKe of the i nited Stales. The aggregate not operntin; revenue ror this mileage waa $l07.44o.r,is. wh! h ia areater by f14.87o.125 tjran that for October. I ML The increases wt re clue in greatest proportion to the freight traffic, which is always greater in October than in any other month of the year Cfr . Among the number who Welted in 1 Alliance during the holiday iuid whose names we did not secure in time for last week's Herald were Mr and Mra. W. K. Kakcr of Henr. Nebr. Lincoln IjuthI Co. to F. C. Ful met : Ixits I .!, block 25, Itox ButtS mid. to Alliance SM C I) Rood to K. M. Hampton: lxrf 7. block 1, HltehYock, HUM nnd Snodokers add. to Alliance: 475 Fnlted Suites to Henry J. Wln trtn: SV'( is. 26-51 ratont J. O. Howard to The Occident al Pudding V- LOSS Asaoeia tlon: Lots 2 and I, Mod. 9, First add 1 Hubert KlttelntHiin to Minnie SuUback: Lots 3-4, and s1.. NWH of 2-27-47 1100 Susie Fletcher to A. C. Mullock: NK-4 15-28-48 1500 Sarah K. .lease to Powell Jesse: SK4 24-25-47 800 Sherman Beck to C. 8. Flak: lt 7, block 14, Wyo. add. to Alliance 1 Walter G. Fordhatn to J. O. Howard: lxts 2-3, block I, 1st addition to Alliance 1 Robert B. Gregg to Jits. SI10111 ek: SRV 26-28-62 225 Sang C. Reck to R. M. llRtnp tonr: lxt 10, block 5, Hitch cock, Hills Snedekers odd. to Alliance 1200 Cnltcd States to Anton Krljic- kn: SFJVi 30-27-62 Patent Oscnr O'Bnnnon to Karl 1). Mal lery: S';. lot 8, and all lot f, block :!, Wyoming add. to iAl- liance 660 Heinrich, Uernliard. Agnes nnd Maria Lupkc to Henry Rater BMML Sr.: SW4 11-28-49 .. 1 Katherlna Hickman and Anton IiUpke to Henry Mat erinann , Sr.: SW14 fl-28-4! '. . . 1 I'nited States to .las. B. Leith: W4SK-i 1-24-51 Patent Isaac Hockey to William C. Manion: Ki :!(t-2X.4! 1200 John lli.key to Timothy I). Hickc y : W1. and SK4 si 17, and SKNK' BSi IS, MC.N'W',, Si:1,. S', NB',i sec. 18. and SK'4 sec. 7 all In twp. 26, range 52.. I Ciiited States to .lens I'eier Niolsou: SW4 ll-:'t;-50 Patent Lincoln Land Co. to St. Agnes Academy: A tract of land :I00 Met by :soo feet In SW'i of j: 2:, is 1250 COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS SHERIDAN COUNTY Bushvllle. Netor., Dec. .!. P.H2. Commissioners 11 . t In regular ad journed session. Present : P. S. Parker, m. M. Bruca and J. V. Mc- Parland. On m iticn the following bills were rejutcd: RoMoe lluntir. refund poM tux 2 50 Fred BeCVlB. refund a.liool incm y 500 Carl Schmidt, refund part of iax 50 00 Hare A Chaiubelln, refund part of tax 5 W J. H. Davis, rc-fund part of tax 15 14 Julia K. Hnynor, do 6 76 Allowed on poor fund: Katie K. Ileiinet!, caring for (Lo Muniple. etaltned $75, al lowed " OO j. c. Albright, board HsdHas King : 76 ; S. Leiiinner. ccml, Richard Winters 6 25 J. ft. Mi Parland. M H fare, Uedlry King 16 16 Mvi:ie Barter. Merd ieo. R. Duividson 'r M I. Asay, indse., do I 10 J. W. Aukor. do n si Mary Chaiulierlin, board Med ley King 22 50 Carl Schmidt, nidae.. do -i 00 II It. Merrill, dray. 3eo. Rch ardson M C W. Hrac ken. meliclne tleo. Davidson ll.St, Klnts Lti .. II W The Fair, MM., Win -is I '. The Fair, do 66 The Fair, do 60 The Fair, indse., Mrs founts Ml J t). Kluiore, mod s rv , Mra. Charl s Aibagnat 12 00 M.i.ram . Dc-uerfeldt . coal, Mrs. Counts " 20 0 S l.iniiiKor. MSl. Winters. 7 46 Ailf,. L: we. I 'fund LI 64 Allowed on lirtdgc r'liud Otio Smith, grading hi new bridKo I Oito SiiiiMi. labor . .' I Id Fred Gebbard, do I Od Allowed on C. neral I'tilid L. V. Itanium, ntlleane. sjio.l. commissioner "" 1 W, Murrows. Day SpraMSt. I &o c L Mayes, prinMng 22 45 Amy I Stewart, court coats . 48 H6 Amy I Stewart, expens 10 76 J. W Grubb, floor compound. 5 M II F. Waxmuiicl, f-al , expeWte and freight pd 176 0 C. C. Zlegler, do ft & C. P. Kelley, aal and expeuae. Veils Uhoes Look Over His Line Hanan, Edwin Burr, E. P. Reed, and Sherwood Ladles' line Is the finest line shown west of Chicago by any retail dealer. Look Them Over Monarch No. 1 Dip 1 to 75 Cures Scabs. Chases Flies, Sure Death to Lice Certificate of Government Approval on every can THE BEST FOR Sheep, Cattle, Horses, Poultry and Hogs USE IT NOW Uuurumrcti by RoC Chemical Concern, Lincoln, Nebr. sow by j. R. ACHESON Nov. and Dec 211 55 J. H. Crowdor, to redeem from tax aale No. 8010 11 75 J H. Crowdtr, do., L. J Stichl Jordan tfdW. Co., mdse Klopp . liartlett Co., supplies I. W. Itanium, sped, road cciiiuiiBaioner .1. II. Crowder, office ex Hushville Tel. Co.. tolls HctfttM Hanoi, drnying A. D. Ne w, 1.. bd. of prisoners J. H. Wilson, work J. II. Kduiunds, costs, case of James Howell Prank Fib berry, refund Itiiversity Pub. Co I' rklns Pros., supplies Allowed on road fund: ("has. Wuldron, road work Henry Heir, do Qeo. Ret lend, do Win. HaKadoru. do Henry llallarei, do Peter Peters, do John Clark, do Clarence Clark, do E. A. Wallace, do J. K. William, do C. S. Mee-es, do Joe Keltina, do Pede r Smith, do Arnold Litjeus M. O. Kleffe. do A. Hawkius, do Tlieo. Dorhorst, do ICd. Dryer, do Philip JuiiKck. do W. F. Dorman. d. o A I Tattgert. do Kmc st lleguiu, do W W Watson, do L'.iyd Murker, do Homer Hawkins, do S. J. Yuubusktrk, do Dick Hawkins, do C. O. Moss, do John Kubo, do John aleMea.1. do John MiNeal, do Wltle, Sr , do .lull li Witte, Jr . do Henry Witte. do F. 'A. Denton, do , I Q, K. Hunter, do 7 F. T. Fr.buiK. refund 2 Kd Harney, do 3 Q, M. Cestper, do 2 Dau Hill, do 2 Fie-el Duerfeddt. do I O. F Farina n. do S Wm. Johuon, road work .... 7 Kd. Johnson, do 3 Wiu. Httgedorn Jr., do 7 in II Pe t r. do 62 Jcsi- Me Waiiiee, do 22 Fre el Trinkle.. do Fred Hoberta, do 10 C K. Park, do Hem Smith, do 7 Henry Hler. do M i!. i ...n Juugck. do 14 28 24 67 8 11 6 4 I!I2 4 I 4 7 3 ft 14 ::o 12 12 L'T 10 I 14 17 II 4 M 77 !t It 66 I 25 (15 65 l5 N 10 j 50 4 j 50 50 26 till M no oo , cm 50 .".o 00 no 60 no CHI cm 60 00 25 50 60 50 50 Id II un 50 25 (Ml 041 (MJ 85 26 10 60 on on 60 (Ml no on Del 00 50 00 50 00 50 no 50 IN) an 00 Chris Jungck, do ;i7 26 John Keknian. do :t no Wm. Child, do 3 60 Peier SmHh, do 22 60 John Smith, do 28 M Tom Dewing, do 3 50 A. C. Miller, do 1 75 Peter Olaon, do 3 50 Paul Wutber, do 14 60 A. D. Lyman, do 4 60 J. O. Aplln, do 16 76 Heo. Ross, do 6 00 Nines Bros., do 1 75 H C. Stannurd, do' 13 00 Frank Carter, do 3 5 I. L. Darker, do 8 00 C. A. Thomquiat, do 12 25 K. D. Hlgglns, do 62 M Fied Trinkle, do 4 50 Chris Mikelson, do lo 00 Hoard adjourned to ec. 31, 1W12. , Approved: P. S PAHKBK, Chairman Attest: H. r. WASMIWD Jr.. Clerk. Hushville, Nebr.. Dee. 31, !!I2. Commissioners met as per ad journment. All members present, ftu following bilN were alloyed. On Poor Fund Crowell Memo Home 46 00 HridKo Fund: Mongram V Duerfeldt 20 40 Heiteral Fund: K. L. Wilhlte, hh.. and ex. ..210 65 O. to Sinith. inspecting damage to horae uo M. A. Mart, do no P. S. Parker, sal 35 oo H. II. Hruec. iol z.i 5 M U'llliatlis, livery 2 00 Allowed on Hoad Fund: II. Vunbut'kirk. road work .... 17 50 A L. Duvls. do !i ill On uioilnn resignation of H. F. Ray as Jualice of the peace of Hush ville precinct was accepted The following bonds were approved: Wm Murray. road overseer road disiriei 41. C H Teiunseiid, justice of the peace KxteusiciU prenict. Kuuetie KeuriiH. road overseer road district 23 Sam Mei(7alf, roael overseer road district 26. Ceo Keiland, road overseer, road dtetrie t 21. Joe Hulling, road overseer district No 34. A. C. Plant, county attorney. On mot ion the priutkig aud furu ishlug of euvelejpes, letterheads aud uote heads and such legal blanks as are uaually bought here aud the printing of the commissioners' pro eetedlngs for the year HH3 be let to O. M. Cooper, his being the beat bid. Hoard udjourued to Jan. 6tb, IH13. Approved: P 8 PARKKR. Chairman. Attest: H F W ASM UNO Jr . Co. Clerk.