The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 09, 1913, Image 2

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    Build With Wood
To Suit Your Needs
Today ami enlarge a your
demands require. That's one
of the hig advantages offer
ed in frame eonstructlon
otr ill dihtn Ptttura ml
ditions can e provided for
right in your original plans
and the money saved by
building only for preset) 1
nerds can go on working
HOT you until the enlarge
meiil desired. There
are a lot of other advant
ages too that wood con
struction offers and before
you decide on your material
is time time to investigate
as thoroughly as you ran.
( )ur experience covers near
ly every phase of the build
ing question and if you
think our advice is worth
having, it's yours for the
( loOM in and get right on
this lumber question, Let
us show you wherein the
mills we buy of save you
dollars in labor and time in
doing by machine work what
the cartwnters formerly did
by hand. It's surely worth
while to you and it will be
pleasure to us.
"There's No Place Like Home'
Forest Lumber Co.
Advertisement -2-2-1611
See me before you build.
I can do your work and
save you money.
Plans & Estimates Furn
ished Free
Death Calls Away
Leading Legislator
Hon. W. Z. Taylor, State Represent
ative from Hitchcock County,
Succumb to Long
West Florida lands
Small farms, improved and un
improved, busier terms to ur
chasers than rent, crops grown
all the year round. Oranges,
pecans, figs, corn and cotton.
Healthy climate; tuberculosis,
asthma, catarrh, rheumatism, all
disappear here. Larue bodies
of fine timber lands. Excellent
mill sites, subdivisions to the
deep water city of IVunsacola.
Ask us questions, the answers
are FREE.
Charter Land Co., Pensacola, Florida
Advertisement I Tr 4 l!5t
The Portrait Habit
Habit is Acquired.
Some will appear before
our camera regularly
others, less mindful ol
their friends, only at
lontf intervals.
Get the 1 labit
and CO lira often
Alliance Art Studio
114 E. 4th Street
Phiine 17.S Alliaiuf. Wh.
8tat HeprpRetitHtlvo V. 7.. Taylor
of Hitchcock county riled at hi
home In OstfcMtSS last Friday morn
ing, January .'!. Hc had been 111 for
a lotiiR time. IiIh condition having;
be?n gerioua evr since the elect icn
In November. He wrnt alxty-flve
year old. Ilecauae of the leading
part he h.ts taken for a number of
years in the work of the State legis
lature he will be greatly missed, not
only by the people of his home coun
ty but of the entire wtate as well.
The following sketch of Mr. Tny
lor'a life la taken from the Nebras
ka State Journal of last Saturday:
V. Z. Taylor was bom in Kent tie
ky In 1848. reared on the farm and
educated In the common schools and
Simpson academy. Served in the un
ion army: esbool teacher, f, inner,
inerrhant. OMM to Hitchcock coun
ty In 1ST::, county clerk ten years,
admitted to practice law 1885, county
attorney four years, member of leg
islature !glit years, clerk In senate
IHH7. secretary Southwestern Ne
braska cattle growers' association
eight years, member state board of
agriculture, vice president Nebraska
humane society, vice president Ne
braska state board of irrigation.
Held many commissiona under atate
and national government, nullt first
frame house In Hitchcock county and
first frame house In Dundy. First
postmaster at Collinsvllle, now Jlen
kelman. Kstablished first newspaper
In Hitchcock county In 1878. He was
elected to the legislatures of W09
and 1IHI. and also to ItlS. and was
mentioned as a candidate for speak
er of the house for the coming ses
sion. Mr. Taylor was also a member
of IBS legislature four years previ
ously. Mr. Tnylor always accept ed with
mergy the most arduous task that
falls to MM lot of legislator in com
mittee work, chairman of enrolled
and engrossed bills. This position
was important, since the validity of
measures depended upon the accur
acy witii which their record was
kept in. especial bobby ta two s
lsl.iiuies was stockyard regulation.
Two years ago his measure of this
nature passed both houses and was
defeated by the governor's veto. Tin
OUtl regulatory bill went through in
Its place. Mr. Taylor never quite
forgave Governor Aldrlch for that
Four years ago Mr. Taylor cham
pioned several measures for the
state humane society and with BtSCB
success, although the advocacy of
some of them was not popular. He
was, while in the session where the
liquor question figured prominently,
an uncompromising opponent ol the
i raffle.
In his youth Mr. Taylor had been
troubli d with weak lungs. He came
a Nebraska on thfit account and
settled in Hitchcock oooaty as one of
its mrly settlers. lie successfully
staved Off the trouble which did not
contribute to his final demise. Po
litically he was originally a republi
can and was familiar with the days
w In ii the machine ruled.
Scores of Herald Readers Are Learn
ing the Duty of the Kidneys
To niter the blood is the kidneys'
Winn they fail to do this the kid
neys are weak.
llackiuht at:d other kidney ills
mav follow;
Help the kidneys do their work.
I sh Donna Kidney Pills, the test
ed kidney re-tin d.s
Alliance .perp'.c endorse their
Mrs. J. B. Whaley. t: K. Oregon
Si. Alliance. Ntbr.. sayt: "I hive
had no ret son to chunge my high
opinion of Doan's Kidney I'llla since
1 publhiy recommended them In
May mt. Over three years ago
my kidneys became badly d'aordered
and the kidney secretions were un
natural. Whenever I stooped, sharp
pains darted through my loins and It
was difficult tor me to straighten I
tritei many remedies but all tailed to
h;-lp me uutll 1 pre -ured Doan's Kid
ney IMIlS at HOlstet' I urilR Mime.
Th. y brought relief In a short tii
end I eouiluued using them un'il I
was free from kidney oOittptStUl
For sile by :ill dealers. I'rlce 50
rent, Fost. r Mllliurn CS.. Buffalo.
New York, sole agents ffr the
1'niled Sti'.tts
lie member the name Dean s and
t:ike no other.
Ad.ertlsetnent Jan !-lfi
t'hlcago, January ::, mm.
On Monday of this week a local
cattle supply of 21,000 was under
most expectations and the combined
total of 54,000 head at the six west
ern markets was light. The trade
here had good life from the outaet
awl prices were steady to 10c high
er. While eastern shippers were
not liberal buyers, local dressed beef
MSB gave evidence of needing all j
the offerings available. Top beeves
made $!.0, paid for offerings of
l,00 to 1,690 lbs. average. e sold
three loads of Iowa-fed beeves at
$! .40. averaging 1,425 to 1,496 lbs.,
belonging to G. S. Igo of Indianola,
la., and Foster Bros, of Karl ham,
la., respectively. Most of the beef
steers sold at $8.75 down to $7.50.
Supplier here Tuesday were 4,7on
and the total at the six western
points was 27.000. Wind-up of the
most remarkable year in the history
of the live stock trade as regards
cattle prices was on a highly satis
factory basis to the selling Interests.
The' market was active at prices
steady to strong. A loael of choice
1.284-lb. beeves sold up to $ 25,
these being the best available.
The Wednesday local supply was
15.000 and the total at six western
points was 25,000. The year mm
opened with Just a fair Wednesday
supply of cattle, only fair tone in the
trade and prices on a steady to 10c
lower basis, the light weight steers
escaping the decline. The beat
beeves available averaged 1,458 to
1,597 lbs. and sold at $9.4). against
$8.50 as the top price for the beet
cattle at the opening of the year
1912. Hulk of sales showrel a range
of from $7.50 to $8.75. One load of
very choice 1,00 1 nib. yearlings reach
ed $9.00.
Supplies here today (Thursday)
were 7,500, and the total at the six
western points was 2:1,000. Trade had
dull tone from start to finish and
prices were steady to 10c lowpr.
Heavy beeves shewed the li l, an I
as compared with Monday sales of
those kinds were mostly 25c lower,
lie si offerings bore today brought
IS. 10, they numbering SI head ami
averaging 1,418 lbs.
Cows and heifers showed a price
r.nln of 15 to 25c over last week's
dose, most beef grades going at
16.00 to 14.60. Stockers and feeders
i . a 'K-nirame ciass mini uuiy sieany. PilK'iia!
with most of the week's trading St i ntnhlnj
15 Minn 1110 8.00
::s la 1 1 4R 7.90
It la 1198 7.85
20 la 1142 7.75
Tuesday. December 31
22 la 1..72 9.00
20 In 1062 7.66
Wedneaday, January 1
68 III 1344 9.10
18 ni 1.162 9.00
18 Ind 990 .8.76
II la , 1IS.1 8.70
IM 111 M" (VOU
21 111 1297 8.50
40 la 1175 8.45
SO la 1285 8.40
21 In 1161 8.35
cattle market letter gal two
20 la 1210 8.25
49 111 1324 8.25
18 111 1228 8.25
62 ia 1187 8.20
:!7 111 1194 8.15
18 la 1201 8.16
19 111 1315 8.16
37 111 1158 8.05
22 III 1103 8.00
22 la 1101 7.90
69 la 1074 7.90
i 16 la 1270 7.75
! 28 III 1196 7.70
47 la 1039 7.65
59 la 1046 7.50
Receipts of hogs today 25,000. Mar
ket steady to 5c lower. Top $7.55,
and bulk sales $7.40 and 7.55.
Information regarding any Civil
Service examinations to be held in
Alliance can be obtained from J. N.
Johnston, local secretary, at the
January 20, 1913
Agronomist in Wheat Investiga
tions (male), salary $t.800 to $2,500
per annum. The duties of this posi
tion will e'onsist of experiments and
Investigations in the Improvement
and production of w heat. An cdui a
tlonal training equivalent to that re
quired for the degree of bachelor of
science from a college or university
Of rei -ogni.ed standing and at least
three years' practical experience In
the Investigation of cereals since
receiving the bachelor's degree are
prerequisites lor consideration for
this position.
January 22, 1913
I'hotevKngrave r (male,', salary $2,
000 per annum. To fill vacancy in
Itureau of Printing, Manilla. P. I.
experience in litre
is what the selling interests have
wanted for many years. More equi-
half-tone photographing.
$5.75 to $7.00. anri trl-coloa photographing is a pre-
The packers and the railroads have i requi8ite for consideration for this
thowtn good evidence that they waut ; position. The liufeau of Printing em
a. five-day a week cattle market. Thi;,,i,,.s (Mttntnna u irefkaBtt. Appli
cants for this examination should
therefore possess the requisite's of
.able distribution of cattle suppUee j instructors and have the dispoalticn
wculd work good to the market, as ; to impart their knowledge to the
wen as co snippers ami ieeaers. 1 n mit i ve help
fat', it should benefit the country
more thSB any other reform Which
coulel ht made In live ttOCk trade
conalitions. Congested markets on
M nday and Wednesday, and scant
.ipplits either days, have in late
years thrown too iniicu business into
(.he two big days and uot enough In
to the others. There sextns to be a
cr in t ried action now under way to
encourage feeders and shippers to
pettroolst more freely the TuetMtuy,
Thursday nd Friday markets and
put less ! BSBdSBCCJ upon Monday
ami W itnesday as the main beef
: i r ' - The railixaels and the'
packer are willing to co-operate In
every Way, With all interests work
ing tog her in bring about T 1 1
mere- aft tit factory condition of the
cattle market, great good should re
sult to all men interested in the
Beef Steer
Choice to prime steers,
1,600 to 1.600 lba. ..$9.25 to 10.BB
Good to choi If steers.
1,300 to 1,450 lbs 8.50 to
Mi dttttS to good BbSSM.
1.250 to 1.350 lbs 7.65 to
Plain to fair short-fed
steers 7.25 to
Poor to plain steers . . 6.75 to
Yearling Steers
Kxtra choice to prime
v ai ling steers 8.75 to
GeKxl to choice yearling
steers K.Wi to
Medium to gooel year
ling steers 7.25 to
Plain to fair ft irllng
steers S.75 to
Common yearling ate rs, to
Among our repre-.- I'.ative sales of
beef steers thus far tltlfl WOOk were:
Greatest Per Capita Value Among
Meat Producing States
Lincoln. Netor., Jan. I, (Special
to The Herald). Secretary W R.
Mellor of the State Hoard of Agri
culture has been examining live
I toefe stat is lies to determine N.e
Ivraska's position in prod u ' ' ui Of
live stock products. His i' .;tiga-
! Hons reveal the follow ing g: ...ip of
I facta:
"The live took .-laiistics as : ikn
rremi the I!' It' census re-port fox-ui
an interesting study and should be
au indication inr intelligent action
by live stock dealers.
Slate Populal'n
Texas 3,StS,643
Iowa 2.224.771
Illinois 5p6.'.x.5!'l
Kansas 1.690.94H
Nebraska I.m2.214
New York
Missouri ....
Minnesota ..
0,1 i::.6I4,
2 10.172.
Indiana 2,7(io7
South Dakota ... 58I.SSS
Oklahemia l,0B7J '"
Value of
All entile
Texas $142,646,000
I tura. I
I .,".M.717
i. 161.6 12
1. H94.5I8
1. 329.540
2. kiI,:i7k
,4SS,tSS j
507.215 I
1.337.000 j
Per capita j
Rttral in ,i
"'"' Iowa 130,6s l.otin
The Fourseiuare i lub uie-i ai the
home of Mies l.aura and Glen
Mcunts last week After the busi
ness was trausu.'U'd a happy even
ing was spent together aud light re
freshments were servejd
Mr and Mrs. Co. C.erroll aad lain
ily of Htinlugford left the fore purl
of the week for Oklahoma, where
tiny go to make- their heme. Mr.
Cat roll has rei eiiMy shipped several
ear loads ef Mux llutie county BBSS'
. I tO southern Kansas and Okla
homa, e-xpe'eting to sell the- same- for
UlOJt lluv o? Henry, who has
bcni iu Alliance sluce Christinas, has
deelded to remain and work for his
uncle. K. W. Kay, the plumber.
Monday, December 30
U la I49J
34 la 1425
67 la 1363
I'll l ISA
22 Kan 1272
34 la ISM
36 la 125
20 la 1245
37 lu 1 ill
38 la 1 "O.s
16 la 1243
42 la 1 2 is
19 Mo 1083
81 la 1233
61 la Ol
41 to 1M9
21 to 1I2
71 to
17 la 1055
Ne braska . . .
'. lu j Ne w Yeirk
9.4u Missouri . . . .
I.B0 Wisconsin . . .
!i on Ohio
jM Pennsylvania
t- - Mic higan
si." Alinnesciu
South Dakota
Oklahoma ...
''From tin-
s i
s . ." 1 1
8. oil
8.35 ;
sr.. i: I. in id
64.7H8.0OO 37 .
54,0X5.000 44 ,
54.I57.iiiii 35
50, Is. i. a. in 86
42.612.000 32
above laflile it will he
! 4S
seen that the middle central west is
fur rie her pe r eupita in e aUle than
any other art of the country, the
lank being us follows: Nebraska, lo
wu. Kansas, South Dakota. Wise-on-stll.
lllineils. Texas. Minnesota, New
Yerk. Missouri. Michigan. Indiana.
SAT. EVE., JAN. 11
Mr. Sanford Dodge
Supported by Miss Adele Nickerson
and a Splendid Company in His New Play
"The Right of Way"
Sir Cilktrt Parker's Powmlul Story Dramatirtd by (uftne Prtsferty
Special Scenic Production and Elaborate Electrical Effects
afl Mm
1 H&, 9 Hi
A IbbjlA, . ' flLW
BflMBaBtPiBBw as anal BBaw.
Seats on sale beginning Friday nornning, prices 25. 50 and 75 cents,
with a few of the best seats at $1.
Union Club
Ice Skates
65c and up
Hardware Co.
WfwW r!6 GAUGE
itCI rilil Repeating Shotgun
Mdr iimaujurmi snihMiry. TV mM lop ud mie erctiom krrp que and puwdri iw.r lioa fau mil
kelp iwuk. rtrcbf if-pr .1 ilutt. Ru. !'(. taow nd i.raga nuUrr cu I art into lh tenon
Tn. ihi niiiiiia u Mtoai. wtiplr, wit trmtii The doubt, cilnuon pul u dirl uMUntly- two tpro. nMe
iVV R"'"1 Kodraul dtx-titnjr wl.lir uud is ualorkrd ud n .uknutic moil bluck make Kan fun ti nil
All Marlins ate slionulv mail.- &iu.v LLil LaHl LnmJ D,,n. . nA .M ,k L u. ....J . ...
Vnaaaoddcaa. Uluatiauoo rahows Morirl 24 fiade "A" I J gaugr ; il has all tK iraluras Irial snakr lot a prrtecituo.
A Zflartin firearms Co.
S Willow Sixm N.w H..M cL
Saael three nUsapt pcatafe today far Mr 136
ft catalof eletcnksBg the full ffiarin liae.
"ti uklahoaia. Ohio and IVumtylvauia."
frrr fir X Mamna pnrlafn
h para ta raJaati your akaUe I Vnur rmplv fired sbrlts arr tho en;
fart of fartory Bfm. unit ton. Tb. '" a-, irons? and foavf. aa ni-w, and it'a
ray to r, load) M.'.lv d, rap aid " V hdl, insert pndr. rrlaaa ahcll
on lo bull. i. Yon reload too ,SS id S. It rartridf' (huyin( biillclal In !J
hour al total 77c: ca-t'or hull!, ynairsctf She: iuw taclory
iniriits. , cot $.' .' Proa Ideal Hand II. ok tells all ationt Petaadlnar all j
rim , in-r aioi hotann ainmumlioti ; ii.n mn-j or yaiuanu- iniuruiation: .
itage. Thr Marlm Firearms Ca., t W'iH,w St., N Kan n." Conn. '