The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 09, 1913, Image 1

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Gives all the newt of
Box Butte County ed
City of Alliance.
The Alliance Herald
Largest circulation of
any newapaper in West
ern Nebraska.
Fire, Starting at 3 O'Clock Wednesday
Morning, Consumes Half of Town.
Burned Three Hours
Fire, the origin -of which is not of Mn helper engines whidl work
wjertatn, started at Mwee o'clock on omwford lilll, wars strurk and
Wednesday morning in the hotel of- inire by the header a new
axe. "Xvhlch flew eff the handle
while being used by .another man la
r; ... . .. A It )w..i. .K i!,,,
i is e ill .nturmuu. -in Fnin.mi uiv
Mursbind ciMaens worked herolcly
they were unable to stop the fire
until It had burned itslf out The
lieat was ae Intense that It set fire
chopping down par) of of the
bussing buildings. The axe fcend
a luunoer of times to bulldhngnj cut through the sihoe on Townley's
across the ntreet and attention was left foot, cutting off the end of Ike
devoted to anwing thssn. ankle bone. He wns brought to A1U-
The fire presumably started from anee on No. 43 Wednesday nooa and
either the stove or lamp in the j taken to the hospital for treatnueuK
hotel office. The building was ex- i ,1,000 bushel of pott too. brnrg
pensive abd large, and about twenty- lag to a Chicago eon. Mission bouse
five persons were asleep in the laud stored in sue of Hie buikdUiKs.
building. A number of them aere 'were destroyed.
compelled to jump from the second This is the anost destructive Hire
story anil most of them escaped Ji the history of Jr.trsland. The
iwith only their night clothes on. owners of the 'burned store and
The hotel building was the first property were not able to wate
, to burn. Then came the Matthews this morning wheUier or not they
general merchandise store, the Ken-' Intended to rebuild. Charier Maf-
dricks hardware. the Keaarick thews, owntr of toe general moti
blacksmith shop and I vaeanl build- which burned, whs formerly a Bur-
in ar. The total loss is about $40,- lington condnctor. living at Alliance.
000. 2lfW) tot the hotel: $S.So Un He will have the eymiKithy of aaanj ' i. twumferiMi
i . . .
VUiatiee friends i, bis liiisforrinse
Weskynation of Several Teachers
Makes Changes Necessary
In Teaching gone of
City Schools
The fire burned itself out a.l tlx 1 enrol
The Alliance city schools opened
Monday, the teachers and pnpila of
Central school being housed tat the
other buiKUags as announced In The
HeraU last week. AUheegh tb
new (juartens are not as convenient
as anight be desired, the work if
Ihe schools Is progressing nlcity.
Several changes have been made
In the leaching force. Jtiss Carrie
Nlederineyer, who has been a teach
er here three years, resigned her
position. First grade Owbral, an ac
gggl a poBltkm in the Ltncedi city
Reboots. She will be missed very
muoh. but ber place is be! nit ably
rilled by Miss Alice Achesoa. who
ha leen connected with the schools
as supply teacher, and recently as
assistant primary at JOmerhoa.
-Miss Maud Iarsor, Second grade
Canitrn), begun her fourth near as
an Alliance teacher, but resigned to
pn?pare -for her canning sealing, so
we are add. Her place has not yet
ihcen filled, but it is expected that
a teacher will be 'Secured soon.
Miss Margaret Shecklwr, Fifth
grade Central, being offered a posi
tion in MoWing. resigned during the
iioliday vacation Miss Millie Smal
ley of Broken iimv Is fDling the
place .made vacant by liin Shock
ler a rrftslgnatiaa. but wip probablf
to Seie, grade'
when another bencher ban been -
(Matthews' store; $8,000 for the h a
driek liaidwure store, $2,000 for Ul
hlaiksmith shop and $2,000 for tli- o'clock Wednesday morning. Xearh j Mis Frances K-olan fill Uie nliiti
vaomi Dunning, me uiiuriun i-.n uu m muuxii m ito mr uiuin ; 0j- assistant primary testier fillet
tried acnumaiH to abort $20,000. street of Marsbuid were oracijtl am. bv jj-s Achesot before b-r tran
HfeOaty Towniey, n fireman c-e cw broken by tke iiiinge lieet.
i First ktjuj.' CentraJ
Postmaster Tas has forae! -in. Wmntg a1tlgrJraMBl fl
hi quarterly report for tbe '-it burn, d .BoH. tin X.o ISl.gfl
quarter during Mb 12. The tnpport 1 " 'r,nu" :)f N''l-ank:. Cersl." tit
shows receipts t SM.M. te xu ar- M" !" A 1 '"' various sMicta
lv $4,000 for the .piartcr. " :i" " "' "f Nbra.K. .
Mr. Task received a request onon;- " 'he life-UU. .!:-v of
v.ona. win re they will spend tke aVi (Tuesday for a epertal report ;sa the 9,1111 ,s K'v n r
ance of thf winter. Mr. Joy kaejj buinesa transacted for tke first ,,i4' ,ttr "',,hc conrtj vr prc
teea in Fhoenix sereral tinier be- w eek in -Jliaaia VemHoR This bilketin may he had
it .()' by e-id tits of K l-ias
ki i i.ot aDnliontiaa to the Agricul
tural Kskperimrnt Static-:, t&keuht,
Cold Wee trier Causes Alliance as
to Co to Sunny South
C (('. ..1q and llernian Kransf leti
en the nooa miin fast tarda J for Hen
ver, ion their way it) Phoenix. Ari
Grandma Boone Gives Herald Par
ticulars of ber Experience
During Year 1912
fore and sa;s that ie likes th
counts y better every time he goes
there. Thi is the firsi trip for Mr
Thc biggest piffe of expres mat-
ter tbnt has nggned tkrpttgS Alliance
:for a lung time sas transferred from!
LIC INSTALLATION 4:: , ::; lit Frtt'a.v. It was a ioisl
bag apoot. aogntating of one paxes. Jaoson. official Alliance Jfefl
Odd Fellows Will Have Public hvjjujd w.-:ghed mort than 2, too ponads. j
stallation of Officer, Tues
day, January 14th
Th TocaJ lodge of I, O. O. F. will
give a public n.stallatkin of tlie in
comtuK effloarn at the haii Tuaaataj
evening. Janunrj 14th. Ai Inter eat
inix program hue been and
all grautanra of Citp I. O. v. F. and
4heit families ami rebitives ,nv in
vited bp ke prese'it.
The rrting business of thr Nohe
Bakery and Cafe makes 1 new b.-ke
oven necessary. ona"ii 111 ly Mr. and
Mrs. Nohe 'save defjded to batild a
new and cuiumclions hake shop.
Their present biiilling exieiuls Jrom
the street tt the alby, s- there will
be no rei'in tt build tin the awnc
lot, but as they own two lots, across
the alley they will bugd the ne-w
bake shop on oae or botfc of them.
It was being sent from bouk' eust
;i -i iioint to MinaJare. The etpwss
Charges were $1X4 Kxpress lAgint
Tinkcom and his helpers found it
'.do heavy to kuiidle on e-xpr-ss
rngrka as they do ordinary expresa
muttr, so the two express cars
Catchrr, Gives 'Herald Re
porter Inside of Dog
St-ve .Ifliksrjn, ofi i ll !( -mteh fj
for J he city f AJUntoeg, was wnlkipg ,
down the street the other inorninK
1 with a fine, htt, juicy hen tucked uu
awe ula.ed on nmrallei tnveks near , ,,"r ia " ; n"ki,i ir l,r
enough for skids tp be plactMl fpnag Mllf in ' '" '""'" 1 h''
one to the o'ker, and the transfer
made In that way. When they set
1 to sending parkngts like that by
paTOBlt post, Dtmle Sam will kave to
emph only s;roni! .men for mail
clerks and carriers
A demented man Hit brought to
repiiea in tne nirirmative, and mi
being questlosfd reiiariiiJis what
use he intended o make of the
chicken, replied that he bad six 1
Mag la ihe ( i y pagMi a;iU thai
tbey had to be eell red. We are
ut the opinion, however, thai Sieve 1
will have bis turn at the chicken be !
fore the dugs.
Steve anys that dog-catching at !
Alliance Man Returns from Extend
ed Visit to Native Land
K. Hsaay, who wax formerly en-j;a-ed
in mereantiit- buuiness :n Vlli
tuire, a 1 riied on 41 ?eterday inorn
inf aCtef an absence of more Jliau
a Ppggi luritig wliic h time he visintl
his aative land, Syria, where kis
pintber and a brother, wtill rslde.
WhltS in thai country he was mar
lie. I. so that now he has a helpmeet
for tke balance of life's Journey. Mr.
and Mrs. Kasay crossed the At Ian
ti- n :he eamshlj) t' t'edric,
one of the White Star line's ntSg
Bit i cent vessels. Tggf were eii;lil
days in crossing The usual time
la seven days, but a severe storm
lengthened out the lime of th trip
a day.
Mr. Kseay is planning to go into
business here again. Mrs. Kseay la
visiting in l.inioln at present but
xpt(tb to be In Alliance wltli'n a
few days.
the Jaii Monday afternoon and lock- hi time of the year is luted work,
ed up. We had $157 la cash on his'1" HW fir' place there are so many
person nnd seemed to be under the;1"" dogs, young oaes, chasinu
delusion iba't someone was following around that he has pity on them and
him. AfUx being In Jai for a cou- OrgtW to let them grow up before
)le of hours he begat cry out ! suariug them and frag too. thes -liat
he tih dying and askwl for nfW days make it bad for a njgg '
priest and a doctor, both of ggoatiW ou, f -doors. hUling behind cor
were called ",ls H,,1 aTgathij for the elusive cur
They soon ascertained that he was j 10 0 his lu'ches Ami every
gegBented and out of his minO at the;'ld dog has ti( b? burtetl three
time, lie seemed to recover from 'd the cold, cold ground. Steve
his spell in the evening and was u. I says that the ground is frozen than
lowed i go to one of the hotels. I det'P t Nnstt,
About uiidniglit he awoke the cntir.-l 'cve gets one dollar for every
bote) by breaking down the door to capturtd. On b'ing asked It any
his room and running down to thet,v,,r Rot wy he said that one did
hotel office. The polit e were ggttgn j one u"u ,,,Hl n cstagbl him
and he was brought IghaS to tbe Jail. ssaSaS. not knowing, however, thai
sic aict that s ghost was lu his I ll ""' Him dog until gg nggga
room at the hotel. to bury " ,n " 8ave, when he saw
j that It was the gages dog cap'ttred
nine before. It was the only two
! dollur dog be eve had.
On lieing aktd if he had ever
(irnatiiM lloone, one of Tke Jler
nld's subscribers, at the request of a
tin in t.e.r ef her friends, kept track
of the cost of keeping her chickens
during the year 1912 nnd of the
revenue 'derived t herefrom. The
following article written by ber on
(the wubject will be read with Inter
est by many people who wbsii to
know whether or tit chicken raising
can be indulged in here profitably.
It must be remembered that the
Jflrst pnrt of the yenr 1912 had some
vers laid weather, much ere
4hnn usual.
"Does poultry pay when one hits
to bey everything," has nft 11 been
asked, ami in order to find out for
my own satisfaction as well as for
general enlightenment en the sub
ject. 1 kept a strict account of ev
erything from the first to Hag last
day of the year iiti'. IFWmI of all
Uiials lias been higher t.hi last year
than for several years previous
while eggs and poultry have remain
el about the same as htretofore ranged from lu to 40 cents.
young chicken from ::o to ."n cents,
hens averaged about in s per
pound. Following hi the statement
rOt ie year:
IV'gan the year with 'CX fowls (15
hens. All had to be fed, however.
First four months had t!5 hens, sob!
8g, ao the Inst eight montliH had .15.
rVvgrgge for the jrear. 4a. Number
tf egps laid tlurhtg the year. ItfS,
V'ahM at market pxhs of each
month in whx-h tke eggniwcre li' l,
fStJBtti Set 1C bems aatrktg the
sejuwn, which, of course, cut down
the egg supply, galsert on ri' y
1 hickt-ns betanse- .it a wetrsel the
boys tailed to trap These Bfl chick
ns north at least !" junking a
total f SMXfMH
Keed aaul expenses Xi.'lu
Leaving a profit of MMafU
Avenigt per hen 1.31
Not eotintiii:; trw Htul son
Feetl used was the coinin n Turin
grains, knunht of Mr. Sowan, except
$-.'70 sent to St. Louis for Vurlna
Poultry Fd, a-h!h is the 'brt
ever need. By the say. 1 have found
gel nil l 11 to be the very best thing
to rid the lions? anif poultrj of
pi'Mrs and He, ulng It plentifully
In tJi" nests, on the poultry and
riiosjs, usinj; a little In swft fe'(l
oii'i-e a montti. and fumigate r,ot
ly with it OSgg or twl-e a motitli.
at ti il pciiltry raisers will not be troub
ltd whh these iieets.
Fiank .Mosrison, gngghgl several
;.ims for grife hmtlgg. was arrested
I i:e i!.i al:i rnoon, cbargul with as
sault on a warrant sworn out by his
wife. He was sentenced to ten
days In the county Jail by PoMce
Judge QrgJPOtg Zurn. Morrison bef
ged and pleaded with his wife for
two horns, crying ami making all
kinds of promises to reform, but her
previous gggerlogafn had tauub her
that he deserved some punishment
for the last offence.
i ...
A week ago last Saturday -..inl
windows in the First I'rebyierian
church arena broken out by boys, alio
threw stones at them. A reward of
$lu hts bei 1 offered for the appre
l. n-ion of the culprits.
r- - ' - '-
Delegates will go to Convention at North
Platte in Private Car on
January 21st
The following report of the reg
ular meeting of the Alliance Volun
teer Fire Department last evening
ut headquarters In the oily hall con
tains much of Interett to our read
Regular meeting, Jan. 8, 1 913 :
Cormtch, 31, elected, L. Pllklngton
11; secretary, h. I'ilklngtnn 27, elect
hd, Roy Wells 1, Hates Copelnnd 6;
treusurer, W. C. Mounts 26, elected.
Roy Welig I. Oea J. Hand 6; trus
tees, Oeo. U. ttadnby 4, W. C
Mounts 7, Cal (kJX It. elected three
Meeting called to order by Chief 'years, P. K. Hobilg 11, elected one
year, L. Pllklngton 9, R. U. Fleming
7, Oeo. Keaser II, elected 2 years.
J I iirold Snyder 10, Carl Behrung 5,
F. I). McCortnick 5, Witt. Buchman
I, James Keeler 7.
As Reiser and Komlg each re
el II votes, they flippetl a coin anil
P. K. Komig. Roll call. Minutes of
the two previous meetings rets) and
approved as read.
The following reports of coinin '
tees were read:
January S, 1913.
To the Alliance Fire Dept.: Com
mittee on constitution and byJfhwa Kelser was put in for two years, MM)
report no progress and ask further Romlg for one year. For chief, I'
extension of time, being unable
get a meeting.
V. ft. ROM IC.
to F Komlg 26, elected; aaat. chief, 11
J. Large 14, elected. T. M. Tulley
7, W. F. Kelntop I, Wm. Huchmai
I, Hi R Snyder 0.
Moved and seconded that a vote
Moved and secondel thai we give of thanks be extended to the old of-
onuaittee' further time. Carried. 'fleers for their faithful service and
January S, 191:!. extend a glad welcome to the new
To the Alliance Fire Dept.. Com
laittee on ibletic Kxhibitlon report
progress and expint to hold exhlbl
ijon xmi the 2tMb Inst.
li. I. LA ill ! K
int. llaJWD
Jdo'ed and swonded we give com
in j J tee further lime. Carried.
January x, I vis.
To the Alliance Fire !ept..; We
your committee appointed to rai e
fUndj to send a delegation to North
I'laite, report thai went Insfore
the Hty council antl they donated
$..i io the tlnugl llgWIH1 to send a
aish ga.1 ion.
Moved and seconded re.rt be flc-
epud and a vole of thanks be giv
j committee. Carried.
January . l!H .:.
Alliance Volunteer Fire Dept.:
Qentistncu: We, the undersigned, , j
your cumnii.ue appoluied to audit
the npokn of your secretary and
treasurer, beg to repor; that we
have done so and find as follows.
Jiiicivel by sec $ 761.20
I'ald to treasuret . . . .$75!). 70
I'd. to oUngr sources 4.5o 7C4JW
Cash on hand 182.23
Rtcelved from sec.. 75H.70 941.9'!
Vouchers, 79-i:!l inc. 916.81
Cash on hand 26.12 HIM
Voucht r 12.S, for $4. In, issued K Ceo.
A. Mollrjng, stlJJ out.
Ilespt ctfully s.ibmitted,
W. C. MOl'NTS.
MovkI and MOOOdnd report be ac-
of fleers. Carried.
Moved and swonded that a com
mittee of three be apjiolnted to look
into the i-.eige proposition and r--port
at next pieetiug, and each nun
buy his own badge. Carried. Mc
Cormlck, Pllklngton and Inrge ap
polnted. Moved and seconded that;
an order be drawn on the treasurer
da favor C. W. Spacht for $110. to
pay for car to North Platte Carried
The following bill was presented;
Oeo. U. Darling $6.75
Moved and ssonded bill be al
lowed. Carried.
Moved and seconded that a rising
vott be taken as to who will take
badges. Carried. Vote taken and
found to be unanimous.
Secretary read letter from C. A.
Newberry Inclosing check for $26,
for fnod service rendered at fire.
Jan. 1st.
S i tar rej oris thin A. I Itad
tfers donated $5 to Dept.
Movd and seconded that the sec
retary write letters to mayor and
1 .. a a a .
ooani, . .ewneriv and A
) Redeem thanking them for their
(donations C.uri"d.
Moved and seconded applications
be received and committee appoint
ed Cgrrled.
M Ccrmi k, Hand and C.nrter ap
poiii'cd. c w. si' cn r, S.v.
The committee on en: eriulnnient
I have arranged for a b'? aIt1t!e
i bout and exhibition to bo glvou at
the Phelan op.-ra house Frdnj et a
lag, January I7ih TVcketa wi'l sell
for -." for balcony and 50c for main
rioor seats Bvery minute of the
entertainment will be packed with
inti resting doiJigs.
The most im (-resting event of the
v iiiiw w j t,e
cepted anJ commitl... disdiarKed. .,, k. . ..., ,
v " inu ri .niK a r-
1 r, who at out time was classed ivj
Moved and se oudtJ we give th
new niembtis including the thief
111.10 and the okl members 8.00 as
cxcns s to the convention. Motion
Moved and oi.tltd tliat the M
uu Dpnonant for Jeffarisa bsfora ic
was knocked out by Jack Johnscgj.
Carter stands very high in his pro
f:slon and will ko to iK-nver in a
lew days t participate in the Ihjn-
or .Milieu, ( iub tournament, which
'a!' ' :,"!'' '!l ' ' ' '"' ": i' raws lea I ng athletes from all ever
loweii an expenses ami the old dele
ja t lu alluwtd cur fare, and then
f Hi :rt is any ! ft. It be applied on
Uu old d'. ;ate. Carrii d
J J. Keegan. Jr.. son of J. J. Keo
gaa of Alliance, spent the holidays
wiib his parents on their farm near
Alliance lb' is attetidiug the L'nl
vcrsliy at Lincoln and returned Fri
day. -
Mbs lena M. Jacks;n has re
iiiiaed from hi r home ut ahk Pine,
in re slie has been during her
Vmiis vacation
heard of the Ouuiha dog-caiche-r who
tells dih by (heir bark without cwn
seeing them. Steve did not express
Ills opinion but haM another party, "I
won't say that that there man is
lyin but he sullenly is Juggllu'"suni
with the truf when he says that."
Although he ililiiks dog-catching is
nu cinch, Steve nays It is still more
profitable than poker playing
Mir Jay t'arr visited in liroken
llcw mer Sunday. There is a Joke
TO her i i'hir. J O. I'ailller. of Bri V
en Hew, connected Willi her visit i
liat city. It seems tliat Mr. I'ainter
wanted very much to see his four
yar o)d grandson, and resort d to a
li'lle rust- to gratify his desire. lie
wired Mrs. Carr to come at once,
pri -umably on account of sickness,
and supposing of course that she
would take the little boy ith In r
This she failed to do. leaving him at
home until her return.
- m i i ,
We wish io ihunk our man:
Friends who so kindly assisted us in
our bereavement by their
glgd words tin 1 fkortl offeringg,
mil and m us j it msriov
Moved aud s. undid that all vis
i lag d! ;iates to the Caagaggssggj be
Kluu a five ticket to the e inert aim
maaw. Carried.
Movi d and seconded that the or
d NT of hggineas be suspended aud
we voie on the application for rein
statemt ii'' . Curried.
Applcaiion of Ighjl King, F. J
Cat lr ajul W F. Uoseiiburg were,
presented. Moved and seconded to
vole b a lunation. Carried Vote
taken and found unanimous
Chi,:r annouu es election of offi
cers lu order
As there, were no uw gggsJng
4 ions a vote was taken on I be noin
illations made at last meet Inn.
Win King, Lloyd Thomas and Ceo.
Snyder were appointed us tellers
Vote taken and resulted as fol
lows: For presldeut, C. W Spucht.
27, (deeli-d; vice pres., F. I. Mc-
'. ie coun'ry. Carter's opponent.
Juk Klnuteen, is a coming white
Stone, He will make a champion and
is will match. d wi h Carter.
Dther interesting features on llw
program will be boxing ami wrestling
by lie peerless athletes of the fire
department, chair and barrel jump
in aud diving and other athletic
feats and specialties. Kvery Alli
ance ciliiten siiould take pride lu the
Alliance Volun'ecr Fire Hepartiuent,
which stands head and shouklers
above every other volunteer fire de
partment in the state.
Contests between Messrs. Guthrie,
and Itidgcll. and I'ilkiuatou and
j larg have uten unaned for. They
will be ver interesting, lirlag your
family and see the most interesting
and the highest class athletic enter
tainment ever given in Alliance.
The delegates from Alliance will
leave for North Platte in a special
car on Tuesday , January 21st Thev
will In a eoiup.iniid b 24 rtelegiites
from other western Nebraska towns.