MllllimMMMHm MEN AN D : BOYS IB' KH)RK limine vour foot wear, se M. I . NHrhnU' mnrk of New Shoes. Better roods X and lower prices. It wont cost von anything to X look at them. Kemember the place, at me Ngu 01 tVi Knnt jit Box Butte avenue. m 1 1 ii 1 1 m nun i n ii i 1 1 W 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 mii inn i i i I i Autogenous Welding Greatest invention ever made in welding Welds Perfectly Cast Iron, teel, Aluminum, Brass and bronze We hove the only Autogenous Weld ing Plant in Northwest Nebraska. With this process we will weld your Broken Automobile and Machinery Parts and Guarantee All Work Saves machinery Saves Time Saves money ROSENKRANZ & FOX 114 West 2nd St. Alliance, Nebr. ooooooeooooeoooo o LAKESIDE o OOOOOOOOOOO 00 000 Mr. Mclaughlin and Mr. rr returned Snnrtiiv rrom h shopping In Omaha. WVstov-week's roplea Of his paper In Which the have found niiwluke If th find perfect ropy. himcMT, he offer n ! IiIk price fcir It. Hnme with iih, says ' the editor of th Crystal Kalis I (Mich.) Prill. If the fool rrltlc who hunt Nr mistakes in the paper I would rind them all he wr.uld lie kept bimy. We will he pleased to buy copies ot any paper whlrh DM be proven entirely free from error, either typography or In statement of rnct. We will be pleased to find a merchant who never made a mis take in putting up an order; a law yer who never lost a case through lil own errors, a doctor who never wrongly diagnosed a case, a druggist who never made a mistake, a post office official who never put mail In to the wiong box, i woman who Ml er rorgot to put In the salt while Mr Avery- shipped four carloads I cooking or to put the tea In the tea , WILLIAM MITCHELL Hal Trester made a fixing trip to Alliance In his new Kord, last Fri day afternoon, returning In less than an hour. BchOOl closes Friday for two weeks acal Ion. Mrs. Tom llunsaker arrlvefl Inst Tuesday for an extended visit with her daughter. Mrs K A. Westover of tattle to the Omaha market Sat urday on No. 4'i. While in Omaha last week Mr. Westover saw a prize steer weigh ing l!t5 pounds and only two and one-half years old. It had bet p pur chased by Orkin Ilros. Tor Christmas beer. Mrs. .1. I'. Itoss, from south of Lakeside, is spending the week with Mrs. Westover. v. 0000000090000000 O MALINDA SQUIBS O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pot before putting In the water. Hrlug on some of your inistiikeless paragons who find It so easy to crit icize the papers and weil give them a. chance of their lives to find out whether thy are really human. EX. Warlin Repeating Shotgun Made f am out hy Its dfependabflity. Th toIirJ top and tide ejectioa kerp gvi and powder away from your epMg help quick, effective repeal shot. Rain, tiWt, mow and foreign matter cao t ael into the action. The mechanism is strong, simple, wear -misting. The double eitractors pull any iheO instantly : two special safety devices prevent accidental discharge while action is unlocked, and an automatic recoil block makes hang firi harmless. All Marlins are strongly made, finely balanced, accurate.Jiard hitting guns, and are the quickest and easiest to lake fjm and dean. Ulustraiion shown Model 24 grade "A" 12 gauge ; it hat all the features that make lor a perfect ftia 77ii rsn r farms Co. l Willow Street New Haves, Conn. tares aUmni pottage today far oar 136 mm . tU Murikin lh. full Z?vrn lin .-. I It per to reload your (hell! Your empty firorl slit It arc the expensive part of factory aninnnltinn. They're a strop? ana good as ttCW, and its raw to nload! Mi ri K- rlc-cap and rr-cmi shell, ie-ort powder, crimp shell on to bullet. You reload 100 .32-40 S. H cartridges (buying bullets) in 'i hour at total expanse 77c: casting ballet vourself 38c; new factory cartridge' coat ll.ot. Proa Ideal Hand Hook tells all about reloading all rifle, pistol and slintcnn ammunition : 100 pages of valuable information, . Willow M., ew iiav.n. .onn. , t n . R.I , , I ' T!.' .A ll'.'ll i a V ' ow 1ml - v v i m "v a ' Removf d with MOLESOFF, without pain or danger, no matter how large or how far raised above the surface of the skin. And they will never return and no trace or scar will be left. MOLESOFF is applied di rectly to the MOLE or WART, which entirely disappears in about six days, killing the germ and leaving the skin smooth and natural. MOLESOFF is put up only in One Dollar bottles. Each bottle is farwardad postpaid or lecoipt of price, is neatly packed in a plain cast, ac companied hy fell diiections, and contains enevh renedy to remove eight or ton otdinaty MOLES or WARTS Wo sell MOLESOFF under a positive GUARANTEE, if it fails to remove your MOLES or WART we will promptly refund the dollar. Letters from we all knew, together with much valuable inhumation, will ho mailed free upon request. Florida Distributing Comiiany Please mention this paper when answering Pensacola, Florida Guaranteed ty the Fla. Distributing Co. under tin- Pood and Drugs Act, June 80, 1906. Serial No. 13688. 4818t ESTABLISH A RANCH ON PUBLIC LAND HIGH PRICES OF CATTLE INSURES THIS TO BE GOOD BUSINESS FOR MANY YEARS in. It is not neiierally kiiuuii. '.hi: it Is a Fact, that one DMOJi.fl now take up t4(i ai res ol govern ttteai land in VVyoaUBi BJ t'ollo.i First, file a Desert land entry on 1 tiu pjfiraa where you can -..'.eh the drainage from ln acres, in n series of small atOTSCe resen Ii sufficient to Irrigate as nocb as SI aires or the entry and ai loam acres on any M ot the 16t. For this lto you poajr the ajOVaiHIWnl -" (ents an aire at the time or rilins and igaJV an aire when proof !s made. Stroud, tile on Iff as a homestead no charge for tlie land but en iryman must icstdf upon the iioinestead aev n mnnili each rear for I III .... U il iilwl II... 11 ,.fl "II ll j... .....I .l , ... res in crop the third year. iniru, ouy m acres trom tin- government at $l.:T. net acre Tlii- 0 must join the homestead. There are hundreds of such locations n opeu to enirv If you one of these ranches writ BM loday fur map and pari icnlars. r- 0. ( Ofdver, lmmirlion Ayeiit 1004 Farnaju Street, Omaha. NVht aska thaS Lynch is drilling a well ror Charlie Smith. Kthan's baby, which was reported to have had a leg brok en when the Lynch automobile over turned the other day, seems to have made a rapid and complete recovery and the limb is now as good as ev er. a a Mr. and Mrs. tJaines Chapman and Albert Wright went to Alliance on Wednesday last, to meet Mr. Dean on his returnn from West Virginia. and to help one another prove up. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman then contin ued their journey to the old home at Webster Springs, W. VS., where Mrs. chapman, who was not in robust health at the time of starting, hoped to be in time to see her jjiothor alive. Word came by letter, howev er, since their departure that the old lady had died. Albeit brought Mr. Dean safely home to the bosom of his family and Malinda friends Saturday; and this in spite of a brief exciting runaway on the road from Alliance. Mr. Dean seems In his usual good health and genial frame oT mind, and expects to re turn in a Tew- weeks to West Virgin la to rinlsh the work on his broth er's barn. Corn husking is now in Tiill SWlni in this "neck ol the woods , and we are thankful for open weather. t The residents or the old Malinda neighborhood have lately decided to organize their Tence-wire telephone I system and install an overhead line with the idea of connecting to town nerhans in the near future. The sec ond meeting for this purpose takes plltfe Monday night, Dec. 16th, at 1 Kd. Duckcr's, just across the Morrill county line. Quite an epidemic of grip lias been going I lie rounds lately, due no i doubt to the uncertain weather; and the two combined have had an ad verse influence on school attend ant e. .1 i in Conrad and wife have had (luite a siege of alttlng up nights, etc., with little daughter .luanita. who lias been suffering badly with tooth ache and neuralgia a a More than one of the neighbors have recently invested in the Home Comfort range which goes to show that there's nothing like having an attractive article right under a man's nose, to make him want to buy It. Often lie doesn't realize the nature cf his need until he finds himself within handling distance of the an swer to thai need. Distance some times tails to "lend enchainment to the View" (especially in winter, if you do your own hauling), and if "ab aence makes ihe heart grow fonder ", the fondness is apt to be B Witched in another direction: Mr. Dlinlnp and his two Utile daughters hive moved to Alliance for the winter. Mr. Brady, the Lateal arrival ill our midst, who recently came here from West Virginia with his wife and four children and has been visiting witli his old friends Cairn s Chapman and Wee. Cogar, has moved down to go to work at the government camp, a The Literary Society tit Mr. Co gar's still flourishes. Come next Saturday and be prepared to take pari but cone, anyhow. a a a It is all affecting tjcjfhl to watch a . ouii ". and tender bachelor launching i -it up3B Ihe unknown sea of single li .nil. ! hoaseket ping. Thereon, you h e ir sympathy. Wt know how i I i i. after the novelty has worn orr. ' - i w Straws they say s'hew wi'ieli way the wind blows. A certain popular and well-to-do bachelor in this vicin Ity (old enough to marry, with par ents' consent I who is fond of steer bjsg north of, a Saturday night, has l- 'ely installed a new parlor carbet, llaoleiim In the kitchen, bought a ii w range; and exiensive alterations lo the house are talked of for the -;.ring! What do you know about It? Famoua Stage Beauties look with horror on skin eruptions, b'otches, sores at pimples. They don't hnve them. For all such troubles use llucklen's Arnica Salve. It gloriries the race. Kxcellent ror eel em a or salt rheum. It cures sore lips, chapped hands, chilblains; heals burns, cuts and bruises. Unsurimss ed for piles. ISS at Fred B. Hoi sten's. Vdvertisement 52-4t BRENNANS CORNER Opal Fountain Best Luncheonettes Hot and Cold Drinks Served by an Experienced Man BUYS QUARTER LANO T. L. Newlnnder, a prosperous farmer or Holdrejre. Nebraska, was In Alliance MondBy accompanied by J. W. Klngsley, a real estate man of the same city. Mr. Newlander purchased a fine Quarter-section of land through Mr. Klngsley while here. The land lies four miles north west of Alliance. It Can Be Relied Upon The American Drug and Cress As sociatlon authorizes Ma members to guarantee absolutely Meiitol Hair Tomlc. It has no equal. It is a wonderful remedy. A trial wtll con vince you. F. J. Drennau. Advertisement. EjCttST -.1 ) ATTOHNBV AT L1W. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA BURTON & WESTOVER Attorneys at Law LAND ATTORNEYS Office First National Bank Bldg. Fhoae 8o. ALLIANCE. NEB. M. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, ALI.IANCK, NOB. F. M. BROOME LAND ATTOKNBV LuDMPtiwrleneaoa Receiver (T.t). Land 00 a Ruarxntea for prompt itnd efficient aarrtOa Office in Opera Houm Block ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA BRUCE WILCOX L a wyer and Land Attorney Prtltlner In civil court alnce IMPJ aojd Krilstar 17. 8. I. ami Offlrf from IPOS to lat I n form at inn by mall a specialty. ornoa is i.and orriea auiLoiso ALMANCE - M hkaska. ; "I Am Well" writes Mrs. L. R Barker, of Bud, Ky., "and can do all my housework. For years I suffered with such pains, I could scarcely stand on my feet After three different doctors had failed to help me, I gave Cardui a trial Now, I feel like a new woman." DR. H. H. BELLWOOD, Surgeon C. B. A Q Ry. Off ir a Over NoUten's Dnif Store Oav Phone 87 Night Phone 86 OBII QPPKRNOLoi Ken. Phone J0 F J. PKTEB8BS Kea. Phase 01 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHS Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Rumer Block Phone 43 e 58 Take CARDUI It is still leap year, and the woods are full of unappropriated I male 1 blessiiiKs. A happy Christmas to all the read ers of this column. . Addicts news items to "Maliuda Squibs". Alalinda, Nebr. No charge for announcing births, deaths. 111,11 riages or other exciting occurrence. 1 NEWSPAPER ERRORS The editor of an exchange doesn't want anyone to send him any more More Economical Both in Use and Cost CALUMET BAKING POWDER And it does better work. Simply follow yourcustomary method of preparation add a littis less of Calumet than when using ordi nary baking powder. Then watch the result. Light, fluffy, and even ly raised the baking comes from the oven more tempting, tastier, more wholesome. Calumet tutures the hiking of an expert. Ask your jjnKtr 10-day RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS World's Pure Food Exposition, Chicago, HI. The Woman's Tonic A woman's health de pends so much upon her delicate organs, that the least trouble there affects her whole system. It is the little things that count, in a woman's life and health. If you suffer from any of the aches and pains, due to womanly weakness, take Cardui at once, and avoid more seri ous troubles. We urge fou to try it Begin today. GEO. J. HAND, . PHVSlCliK AlfOSlBdlEOIl Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat H. A. COPSEY Phyalelan and Sure6S office Phone SAO Kea. Phone 32 Call answered promptly day and night trow, ofHli-( offices : Alilniiee National Bank Bnlldln over the Poet Office. J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA PnrtU" nut nf town should write, u 1 01 out much of the time. Chanrea will not OS ceed fVi.OO and expentmt per day. Dr. Oliver McEuen Physician and Surgeon HCIH1NGFORD, NEBR. SPECIALTIES: Diseases of Women and Children and Geoito Urinary Organo All tills answered pronptly ii er HARRY P. COURSEY Live Stock and Furnaces for Cold Weather The most satisfactory way ot heating a house is with a furnace. I handle the Wise and Jewel furnaces. They can be seen at my shop Paria, Ex- V?l- poaition, g5jf March', kHjjcf 1912. Wijrl You Jon 'I taw money it hen you kmy cheap or big-can baking oouJcr. Don I Sa miiltd Buy Calumet. It' owe Oca lore mar uihaUtom gives Acaf tomtit. CaUantt irfm tmpuiot to tout milk nd tada. I have experienced men for my plumbing work. Am equipped to handle all kinds of work. Now is a good time to have that plumbing jobputin before cold weather sets in. Plumbing and Heating PHONE 435 ur11iT.11 Milliliter Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS KEASOVAHI.K Phone 64 ALLIANCE. NRRR I). ISO. TVf.KM OENTIST. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, PHONE 167 Alliance. Nebraska G-eo. 3-a.d.s"b3r Licensed Embalmer J Day 4118 ( Nirht5io I'lume Dr. JAS. P. HAXFIELD Dentlat OVER BR EN NAN'S DRUG 8T0RI All Electrical Equipment Evenings by Appointment PHONE 525 RED Let the Gold Dust Twins Shine Your Shoes Palace Shining Parlor, 206 Box Butt C. J. CUR I IS, Prop. "H-M-H IHIII KJej i djpfj A. J. KENNEDY DENTIST ftbce in Alliance Natioaal Bank Blk T Over Postoffice. 'Phone 391. Curtif Kehi and Uooeli's Ileal flour at E. 1. OnSS : Sou K erv pJMl KuaraoUrMi. Pbon lo .tM32 L. M. Scott, Auctioneer lakeside. Nebraska Will cry your sales unvwliere. xee me or leave dates at the Alliance Herald. Old apers at Ttie Herald uffioa S ei-iiM per bunch Read The Herald'a offer on page 2. bis premium