Givei all the newt of Box Butte County end , City of Alliance. St MP The Alliance Herald Largest circulation of any newspaper in West ern Nebraska. VOLUME XX ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA THURSDAY. DECEMBER 26, 1912 NUMBER 3 XEW yEAKS GOOD ENOUGH FOR, ME,- TCopyrlirhi. lSli by American Press Asso elation 1 SOME people think that "New Year's day Should come In April or In May. When hillsides start to showing green And Nature oils her old machine Her vegetation factory For on more spin : but. as for me. No April New Year's day in mine. Old January suits me fine. A New Year starting out so late Would get spring fever sure as fate And then, with summer coming on. Would be prostrated by the sun. A yesr requires a robust frame. Considering the kind of game It's up against : It stands enough To need a constitution tough. A year that started In the spring Would be a poor and puny thing, A mollycoddle so effete It couldn't bear the summer heat; Would get frostbitten in the fall And wouldn't stand a chance at all When winter struck it ; by which sign 1 choose the winter kid for mine. Yet even this is not the worst. Consider how each year la cursed By human deeds -the woes of Time By fraud and lies, by war and crime. The odium men make it wear Demands a fiber to upbear That is not bred by April showers And does not rhyme with buds and flowers. The folks that want to change the date Of New Year's have a grudge at Fate. They would complain and raise a din In heaven if they should get in. They cuss the weather snd asperse The workings of the universe. And they agree on but one point. Which is that things are out of joint. The year that's born in frost sstd snow Will have some ginger, snap and go; Will have the roumlt and the sast To bear the worst fate with the best; Will have the stsmina. in thon. To smile at hardships like a sport. The turn of winter suits me floe. The January kid for mine I I m By MMEj EDCETN. S 4i J THE NEW CHAMPION TDK ol.l year wa t BgeVITWSigJM Who Uitttle.l In th ring Of all tl aliwaera lit the cam Ha pmted mniaeir the king. He 0H a asallea. mora or laaa. A diamond Mfit or an. And navar found a man to stand Kefora tils might) blow ftaSM 4 i mum toothful atrangee .am Ami ehsUeajgag imn aaa muni Ilia rfiH' wua Kmlmr Tuna iii. sating annua int wmia Hp gun wit staaasd ninn ike rut Anil in n aliigle bout. VVIille rat the cl.K-ka were striking m He . .1 i ii f old year out Stinna la t'ora Ainaro. ANNUAL REPORT ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL BURNED SAME DAY AS ALLIANCE SCHOOL DEATH OF VETERAN Wm. Paiker Writes that School at, John Andrew Kinney, Father of Mrs. Springfield. Missouri. Where He is . Thomas Rnrk. Paaaeri In the Now Located Btirned under Simil ar r.irrom.tani-e. Great Beyond Last Sun day Afternoon it. ... rn t. l II....... I..... endid Showing in Number oi Patients - letter . .... wm ran,,,. formerly proprietor of tin- Hw Hive FUNERAL MONDAY AFTERNOON) Received and Cared tor During the Year Just Closing BUILDING FUND FAIR The Herald is pleased tt receive Hii tallowing, report for pool tea Moh. We .re sure our many readers will be interested in it: Hit' 1 1 ; t iir night t ; t n I t,;i, certain In rewarded their charity by bteataaj their effort .tin tlio purl of ooi- suf- 1 jferer by the unexpected recovery K.rvouinr that man- or our com of many h seemingly hopeless cxhv. jimnity are not aware of the aart 0r next word of than, ha shall be I in relief of poor sufferers that Is be -I J or the assistance received ffOtt in:: none at St. Joseph's Hospital, oa the city of Alliance. Through the the corat r ol BUTOath street juiU mediation of ur Honorable Mayor T .' ca avenue of this t ' y . W Utk" and City Comicllroen, w have our in Allinnce. and who still owns prop erty here, staging ttsfM he had road of the fire at Alliance which burned tag Central lefcOOl traNdtBg and that ! Peaceful as Hie Sabbath day on Hn btfgeel school building in Spring- j which he t(Mk his departure from Held burned tQ the ground Utl samO th scenes of thin world, the spirit ,i;,v of John Andrew Kinney passed Into vir I'a rker sent r reelings to many the great hereafter. He wus bom of his H i. mis an. I ui'Kl thai the in tlreen county. Kentucky, January :ievv tour hous- be built us soon as ' 24, is-iil; died in St. Joseph's llosplt- ,, ..silde. Bl. Alliance. Nebraska. Sunday after noon, December L'2. 1912, the cans of bis demise being pneumonia lever. The deceased was one of 0 family of ten children, seven boys and three girls. He is survived by three brothers. Jens. TIioiiibk and David BAKER EATON Miss F.nnna K. linker. dauRbter Of Mr. and Mrs. K. it, Maker of this city, nnd Mr. Lewis 1). Mfttofl of plHWanre In aaaklajg known to tin gt neroug oltlagM -of Alliance und suvrouiidliiR countrrv that She good work which they did In aaaJgUaa; t.hp late Ray, Warn. MeNanara to found this instHuixui RJ proviaj; n gre. I blessing to all Who have recagRMMl The rerd! of tho past year bqoM that patients eared Icr nnmlxv -ii more thae (ktM times thtwe Of the .preceding yen) Since -IhIIUiIIV fir'-t rater fr-c of chi.vge. To tle imsiness men of the city of Alii-ince, we are highly indebted sj.ire the blessings of ranch life as for most court -on treatta. nt in ev- ry t aapedl The caaiitl patient attended to at i bf bagatHl during 3?H2 were 5.r Tht had i be limited in the past ow jj'g to J-k of accran modal ion. so aHnrlatftOQ, Winning, were Mgtted Kin,.v, and by th- following named six children, three sons and three daughters: Chnrlee, John, !.' Fred Kinney; Mrs. k Knimit of Pana, Ml.; Mrs. S. K. KlrkmHti of Sheridan VVyo. ; and Mrs. Thou. Rock of this city. In 1ST.", he was married at UetgU on. Mil, to Miss Martha Ann Knier smi of Nashville. T.-nn To them ware bora ten ehiMreOi four of whom did also his holy bond; of matrimony at eiylit p. in., December SiVtli, Jit tho home of . .Mr and Mrs. Horace BOgOO. Mr. Katoa is the proprietor of u tlgg rancJi nine and one-half miles trom Torrlagtoo, and decided to well jih Hie rtnoh Itself with one of Ui.t faJi-er Hex. Mr, and Mm. lOaton will leave for their ranch after - . .a . .Mcii.tiJiv a lew uays W7in relatives , i.f,,,, aR an. I friends here. I w)f on May 10, 1P0S. Those iu attendance were Mrs. K. Auaust 21. 1862. he enlisted in BOW, ill oreer that t need not rt m Baker, mother Of the bride; Mr. c()mI,.,ti.v II. Ninth U.Kim.iit of KeBo !u ailiiiisv. on io aus one and do .eri Itaker. brother to the bride; all in out power fot our suffering ,tr. Jiuk Kafon, brother to the! maateea USaftee, one hndtd eighty h d lircn rn and arttMUtil the eitj of jgreotn; Miss llrenneinan ; Mrs. Wrtte 1 operatjons. ta e liiinlinl sevaity- .Vliance. ire make an appeal to the inad Mr. and Mis. Honue t)n iu - oign. m wnu' were .nciini, nun ... ponpie of tots section ol Wie , un' ,,r illness Mr. ! M. linker was fifty-sis medical oaagei have bcae OOUBtry n assist tu- iu ereetlne a ' mu m at tenditDive areii f-. JU-ere were ae en tl'atas nnd .in ver.v respeci nn Bpv Wltie l the llanlist church : ...... m . u,t n, tn. unuKiiier, .l I f. I inn., t utnn. at the hoj-iwtal. two sd wiub ireeult 3.1 rtoU hospital, facing HIk Horn officiated usinj: the rlnn ceremony ! . , .vl,h 1,1. Hon .John will tie a credit 10 i:ie Ktdk.winit the certunony. Hit wly ,...., , .,.iu,i nnu their guests repalieil 10 1 ... K1 .,.,..1 ,he New llono lutky Cavalry, and served in the I'nlon army until receiving an lion orable dtaoharge, in is:i. He came to Nebraska in May, HMO. During most of the time since that date h. has made his home with his ed frcvin ctuiver, on tvhold. tubercatosis. one apfteudicltiB, I high''. Staaewe, one gsaaaaM liver one one Hsc avenue, .in. la hat order 1o get a funrf gturled w- Is and tor ihh. tarrgnea an,e of the kes.w- .j. dining room, where they seated , H (.hur,h H) .f,,mnoni Mo., Itt ..1 . t ,,-,. ------ I'... 1 a. 1 . . 1 olent, lnlies of Alliance have 01 ; in i thtaiiseh e about a beautifully de( St. JaaagaVg Hoaptadl was arectati izi,, t ,-otnmitiier- to make giagsai about liiiri... ears agn utvd iut Jieen, 4lijou ts,r a fr. Ihe pro-.veda throagei Qa nmirint agjtiuaa t.f Uq inc . to go to ihe hospital..- liP3. The funeral service was held doctovw ihiuI . nurs .in clmrge, ti most itn i i -tui undei talking, us Ittn many wlu ave soxtglti and found relief mule their BEtO can tes'ify. We w mil to niost sincere ,! thank no tgue lerx? "f if Ileal Hilt rra- Ijligious der.ominaiidiis far ttinlr ' gpgefli vesv .us. t calls, .in nay and aft tiiiu, to inlAHvW-r tn pgCBalta who ieedng that? aajhilintfl add. in 1 connHt.t.ioir' e beg t.. any tut Un-y j are Oggjgggriji to corae at ati.t i.inn- in 1 see thuse C their 9th. j Certaihtly. the dortiurs of Mlmnce 'who kave its,,( patievbs with us hiv 11 . a v 1 - ... .-r -. sno n i-lie r hjsi iiucir s(ii.n 111 s.-ii sacrifice .le charity patiHBts, jiust the :tme .i. to thoaa of aigaaa Eeea they wej-e sure by promptly fe .apoOdlag 1 ur calls at gggj unit ...f Thlts Talr will held after Rasiot diiil uif slnc.erielv r ust our gomti It i.eas w. Ill assisl ti'se ladles iu auk lag it itsceaea leVOME FOR (CHRISTMAS oral'd table artl enjoyed a very .., ..e..mvit, nt n.ia i, imm . ... - Pi-ani repast rentdeace of his daughter on llox It Ui the wish ml die ir tunny n length lu u, .,,,,,, ,.nducted by H.v. and .relatives tha.t a long, happy ami W1M(, lmBor of ,he teptli!t ,.hu. h. proaaerouB life wiy be their 1H. ' interment being in Oroeawood 0OOV I eiery. 1 A 'fnl fawiilv reunion w;ns luld at ihr hojae o5ii 9t, Hoef on Chaast ma.H Kj v There mere there the s eral aaMitbers .t ts Hoag family re siding In All'ran Krtmi U1 r f tearaeeere Mr. .and Mrs. .1. II. AJjmi. of BOdgeport MBg, Mann was lot Dsarb Mi" Ugdla 5ltag. Also Mi .loMpi.uie Haggj af Dtatrlae ami mj. and Yirs. O, K. Zibk. of .Spearfil'. S. !.. close flhuada f the family. FAMILY REUNION A f'hristmas lata ana party t in the naeei;e of a family reunion was held at llif residence of Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Loiter, the gucst.s being Mr. and Mrs. i. II. Carroll, parents ut Mrs TYSON-HUGHES On the eve of December -4th. Miss Mayme Tyson of Allien e ami Mr 1.. ater, .ami Mr. ami Mrs w. k. Oar-1 Herbert H, rfttgaea of Laurel, Mont roll ajitJ son of Harrison and Mr. and sua. were Quietly united in inrirrlaxe Mrs. W I Carroll and son of liar- ' parlor of the Hap' ,; parson- rlson. aT. K. and V. I. Carroll are ge. POr a sliort time they will via- sons of Mr and. Mrs J.. H Carroll M with relatives and friends in Alll- They agtiyed with their wives and n' and Mannvllle, Wyoming, arter boys on anil will remain nn which they will go to make their ni toosorraui or Batordag B is aeed- home In Laurel, fttotttaaa, where Mr. less to say that the reunion has Hughes Is employed. Relatives and been very much enjoyed by all par- friends with them a long and happy ties. life. The Big Events of Interest In 1912 Haeta t Tatl lupyrtaht by i'unly HtsatOg ot BUjaJtgjfett lira, Roosvelt and WiIb.jii copyrlggt l gioarteaa I'resa Akh.m iutu.ii I JajMgU) the $15,00O.iJO Kiiuitat.le building iu New York was buruel down Ui...sevelt threw bis "hat in the rtaaT in l . lnii..i Auiundseu ao liauarod the discovery of the south pole in March. April witnessed the Titanic disaster Wilbur Wright, the pi 1 ..f aviatnm. die.1 in May. Taft w as reanBslaatad In June In July the mikado of Japan djad. and the following Bsoatfe was marked l. the death of NNilliiiui Booth In I..imIii America waa forced to send troops to uell a Mcaraguan revolt in BgfM)gggggg The opeiilug engagement of the war took place In OrtObel November itnw tbe of Wilson, and the house of governors met in Richmond, Va , in December.