The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 19, 1912, Image 6

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SATURDAY, DEC. 21, 1912
Town Lots and Acreage and One Acre Tracts All Go to the Highest Bidder
200 Lots, Three 40-acre Tracts, One 240-acre Tract.One 80 acre and 50 1 -acre Tracts
Special Trains-Bountiful Dinner-Plenty of Autos-A Mid-Winter Gala Day in Marsland
Each tenth buver, beginning with a certain number that is sealed in an envelope and on deposit with a committee of Mars
land citizens, gets a lot ABSOLUTELY FREE
One Good Investment Beats a Lifetime of Labor
The greatest possessors of wealth
in the world today started their bus
iness eureer from Heal Kstate invest
ments. Town and City Lots are
comparatively small Investments, hut
raise in value from 500 per cent to
1000 ier lent is no uncommon thing
Nicely Situated for a Good City
Marsland is hound to be a good
city. Being situated 22 miles from
Crawford; 88 miles from Allien ce
live town; trade from man) miles up
and down the Niobrara River valley
there is no ehanee to net away
from its being a city of from I Wfl
to 2Q0O people within the B6X1 five
years your investment In Marsland
grow witli Alaislaud.
Through Marsland, Up The Niobrara
. There is not the remotes! question
cf a railroad a branch of one of the
greatest of Ameriea's companies
passing through Marsland from the
est, right up the Niobrara river val
ley to the west, connecting with the
coast line in Wyoming; there is not
the remotest question of an Irriga-
ttoa eompeny not taking hold In the
verv near future, or the waters of I
the Niobrara, with which they will
make the lands of that ri h ralleji
produce abundant ami UOOXC lied
crops ol sugar beets and alfalfa, and
with the great railroad facilities
Marsland will blossom forth With
beet sugar fnctorits. alfalfa meal
mills, canning factories and other In
dustries that-the good people of Ibis
present little village never dreamed
Men ate living today who will tell
of the early days when iiinaiia
was a village not one-ienui on d".v
Marsland; when Denver was onij
small mining hamlet; when ni-
cago was only a few Hoard snacKs,
when -i I v lots iu these "cities" could
be bought for $-'5 to 40 each these
game lots today are worth perhaps
one thousand times that amounl.
A Christmas Gift
What WOUM make a more fitting
Christmas gift 10 the wife or to the
husband, to the sou or to the (laugh
or even to ins rauer ssu mom
from the children, than a cusp
liineni, a Warranty ueea scum
forth the fact for record mat uie
are the sole possessors of a good
residence or business lot m the fast
Krowing and certnin-to-be successful
of Marsianti -Homcium
. . ....
years to come, tney can iw iv
;il a alue or main mm" vwm
price yon paid; someiinus
their inevitable "rainy day" they
n il : handsomely upon in
ration, with heartfelt blessings,
i h.'lnr II I lie lie I -oil I l lie
Fondest Hopes Will Soon be Realized
The West is fast settling up- just
as sure as the sun rises in the east
and sets in the west, the Niobrara
river valley for miles and miles to
the east of Marsland is going to
have a family on every quarter and
many close In on forties and eight
ies then, dear reader, you will look
out upon that well cultivated valley
and ley, "That is what made a city
out of Marsland." The plentiful sup
ply of pure water flowing down that
river today is not always going to
flow on and nut of the country. It
is going to be harnessed and dealt
out to the husbandmen of the soil.
No other city tan or will take the
place Of Marsland. When another
road is run through Marsland and en
up the fertile valley, other villages
and hamlets may spring up, hut when
they do Marsland will be "The City
of the Niobrara," and, not as it is
today, but, as it should be, "All
trains will stop at Marsland."
In on the Ground Floor
The man or woman who waits un
til the Othei follow has "paved the
way" and prepared the home is not
the person who ever becomes very
wealthy. It is he or she who bought
on tin lowest market and held and
helped to boost thai re hi- i lie prof
its always get in on the ground
floor If you can that is what makes
sure and safe footing (Jet in en the
ground floor on town lots at Mars
land and you will never regret the
step. Hold your investment, build
and derive a revenue and our child
ren and your children's children will
live to thank you for founding your
t state upon a footing hd solid ami as
strong as the old rock itself "The
rock of Cibraltar."
Rental Property in Marsland, Good
Right today ou cannot rent- a
house in Marsland those that are
rented are paying from IT, per cent
to 2o per BOUt Interest upon the In
vestment to the owner. Right today
20 new houses -ould be rented to
those desiring to live in Marsland if
the house were to bo rented. Kight
today the writer knows of from five
to ttn business houses needed in
Marsland and knows of a half logon
thai would be rented ot a figure that
would return mighty good lu!erest
on every dollar Invested.
Lt Your Mind Stray Back
.lust atop- think let your mind
stray back to only two years ago and
then picture in your mind the Mars
land of today with the Marsland of
then. Do you no! see a healthy,
prosperous, rapid growth?
Think of the nlee new housi s that
have been erected; the elevators,
the lumber business, the Co-opera-Ihe.
the hotel, the oilier uew bust
ness nouses, that have been and an
bi ing erected that is not a scratch
to the improvements you will tee in
i lie noxt two years.
We Will Not Sell All Our Lots
We are not going to soil all our
lots we are not going to sell to ex
ceed one-half of them, Neithi r of
us expect to make a dollar off this
sale, but we expect you to buy and
gel in with us "on the groimd fhor."
We want as many as will, to get In
terested with us and then help us to
boost for Marsland. It is always
more pleasurable as well as more
profitable to be a booster and if you
will all join us in our efforts we will
not only make you Big mom y on
every dollar you invest, but will
make of Marsland a i ity you will be
proud of and'you will have Hie autlo
faition of knowing that you Were
oik of the builders a builder of a
monument that will live long after
you and I have goSe on.
All Trains from Alliance will Stop
Train No. ti leaves Alliance at
1:1!' in Hie meriting, On Saturday,
morning ou can take this train,
which will stop at both llemiiigford
and Marsland, arriving at Marsland
iu pbnty of time before the sale to
look over the lots and acreage which
will be sold. You can then return
that evening on train No. 42, which
will also stop a! Marsland and Hem
Alliance Made Rapid Growth
Alliance a few vears ago Mas no
larger than the town of Marsland at
the present time. l,ots could be pur
i based in Alliance very cheaply then.
Today business lots are selling here
as high as $ and and
residence lots arc bringing from
11,000 to $2.0"0 in many points Iu the
city. Marslund, located iu 'he en
ter of, a thriving agricultural out
in unity, will make a more rapid
growth than that of Alliance NOW
is the time to invest your savings.
The ladles of Marsland have vol
unteered to prepare dinner for us.
This will be served at the hots!, al
so at the hall over the Cooperative
block, and also in a store room on
the ground floor of main street.
There will be no question of all be
lug cared for, and. inusoiu'h as 'hi
ladie of this "Little City of the
Niobrara" have an enviable reputa
tiuu along the lines of the Cuisine.
It Is safe to predict an enaction!
taken by
the sale
auto to
train you will be
the place where
follow the crowd.
Sale by Auction 10 A. M.
This sale will be carried on with
despatch. The I s wdi be sold sep
arately, and wili go to the highest
bidder, who will Immediately step up
to the clerk's err, ; ive his full name,
give the name to whom he wishes
the deed mailt and make his depos
it us per rule set forth in the "terms
of sale" paragraph. The sale will be
gin promptly at 10 a. in.; at 1 2 in. all
will adjourn to dinner. At
the auction will again be
uud continued until 4: SO.
Terms cf Sale
ISeeb purchaser of
it ll the clerk Of the
equal to 10 m r cent
i i( e. The contrai l
will he made up and
ers of
er the
I p. m.
a lot will post
sale an amount
of the pur h. isc
for the deed
signed by own-
the propd-iy and left at clth-
Marsland State Hank of Mars-
.i least
of their cars In
go on the train
a score of owners of ri
hae volunteered I lie us
which all Hi . . who
aud have no' rigs
in which to follow the auctioneer
may ride, hence when leaving the
land or the Commercial state Hank
of Crawford, tit the option of the
purchaser. The purchaser will b r
quired under the "Contract for Dead"
to pay for their lot or lots in pay
ments of 10 per cent of the pur
chase price each month until the t"
tal purchase price has been paid. All
deferred payments to draw Interest
at 10 per cent.
Those Wishing to Pay Cash
To- nil those wishing to deposit
the cash to cover, their purchase, a
discount of 2 per cent will lie allow
ed. Deeds to Lots
All moneys will be left in the
bank until Warranty Deed covering
the proterty bought lias been deliv
ered to the bank for all the pur
chasers who pay cash, or a duly ac
knowledged Contract for Warranty
Heed has been delivered to the hunk
for all those who avail themselves
of the lo per cent ier inciith terms.
'Ri member "this io par tent per
mouth" is not Intt-rest, but h divis
ion of your purchase Into ten equal
payments of Iu per cent each.
Bids by Mail
if it is impossible for you
pr leal at the auction you
see the blueprint of the to w n i '
Showing the lots that are to be sold
'Set H. i. Coarscy. at Alliance, for
blue print.) Choose from this
blue-print or plai the lot or lots ran
Mould want and mall uur "bid'
Arah L Hungerford, in care of
Marsland State Hank. Marsland.
Nebr., accompanied by a remittal!
ot In per cent of your bid. On Hi"
iiiurulug of Hie an t Ion all thSSC let
ters will bo opened and th clerk
will announce your bid when 'he
auctioneer is selling the res pei I e
!o' for which yon bid en. Mark ufl
the outside of your envelope our
to be
name und uddress and mark ofl mi
i plat I mail you the lot or lots en
Which .miii are bidding end RETURN
Many Lots To Be Given A-vay
lit ginning w ith a certain number i
that Is sealed iu an envelope and i
deposited with three representative
Mnrelahd citizens, the owners are
goina to give a good lot, ARSOl,
I'TKI.Y h'KKK, to the buyer of ev
ery tenth lot. This affair will be run
absolutely fair, no one knowing what
the d number Is. For example,
If the number in the sealed envel
ope should be No. ".V, then the buy
er of the i:ith lot sold, the buyer of
the 2:trd lot sold; the (3rd lot sold,
etc., etc., win be given a Warrant)
Deed to one extra lot absolutely
free. At least one of these premium
lots will be one of the one cr
tracts while the other premium lots
win be either residence or business
Schedule of Prices
Heretofore in Force
The lollowing is a schedule, an
extru copy of the price list wliiii
was In force up to March 1st. I HI 2.
At 'that time a general Increas of
In par. cent was added you can fig
ure this for yourself. That schedule
was then good for six months, .r to
Sept. 1st, 1812, at which time anolh
er raise of 10 per pent we made
Which brings (be price up to just
one-fifth more than the following
schedule calls for.
Facsimile of Advertised Schedule
Hlk One ' I corner lots CO
Bill one ill inside lots 50
lllk two (i corner lots f
Itlk two (2) inside lo's i 50
Hlk three 13) corner lots :.",
Ulk three (8) inside lots .10
lllk four (t) corner lots 75
lllk four Hi inside lots tin
Hlk five 1 01 corner lots fS
Hlk live (ft) inside lots tl
Hlk six (til enter lots T",
Hlk six () Inside lots 66
Hlk seveniTi lot alx(6 cor 125
Hlk nine i8 lot 17-18. en h 65
Hlk nine, loi 15-16, each 75
Hlk nine, lot 12-U-I4, each 65
Hik nine, lot 4-n-in 75
Hlk nine, lot 6-b 80
Hlk nine, loi 7-8 87 50
Hlk eleven, lot 6-7 130
Hik eleven, lot - 115
Hlk eleven, kit lull M5
Hlk eleven, lot 16-17 70
Hlk eleven, lot 18 75
Hlk ten. lot 1 Iffl
nik tn. lot 2-:n mo
Hlk ten. lot 5-6 85
Hlk leu, lot II 65
Hlk ten, lot 12 IJ 14 15 75
Hlk tin. lot 16-17-18 85
Hlk twelve, lot 15-16 70
Hlk thirteen, lot I -'! 60
:, 55
Hlk thirteen, lot 6
Hlk thirteen, lot 7-8-8-10-1 1-12
Hlk fifteen, lot 5 0-7 8 !) ..
Hlk fifteen, lot 10-11-12
Hlk sixteen, corner lots . .
Hlk sixteen. Inside, lots
Hlk seventeen, corner lots .
Hlk seventeen, Inside lots . .
Hlk 18, corner lots
Hlk 18. Inside lots t
Hlk l!i, corner lots
Hlk I!), inside lots
Hlk 20. comer lots . . .
Hlk 20, inside lots
Hlk 21 . corner lots ... .
Hlk 21, inside lots
"The above schedulo n
i .... . . -v- . I
"minis uucnangeii until March 1st
1812. After that time a general In
crease of 10 per cent will be made
To all local people win; com. mphtto
buying pome town lots 1 would say
that now is the time to Inveel as
there is no question but that Main
land properly will, greatly change ln
value before fall."
"Mursland wants and needs bolst
ers and to be a booster you want
to he an owner. Address all com
municatlons to Arah L. Hungeiford
raw.'ord. Nebraska."
All the above lots, however will
go to the highest bidder, regardless
of the aiuouut bid. at the auction
sale lK ember 21st.
Ool in your order Immediately for
a plat of life lots or see blueprints
wueh are conspicuous! panted.
Big Ranches 8eing Cut up
Tie- Arab L. Hungerford orfi In
Cruwiord recently sold the Ho:baugh
ranch of more Um 4000 a rts to an
eastern firm who have cut up into
160 acre tracis and are selling ii off
lo clients of helrs. who are to move
on in the spring Several of titfse
quarters have already been sold and
the balance of the former big ranch
"ill be coloniod by old former
friends or the purchaser who are o
Ing to ereel several new se: or
buildings during the early spring f.
Hielr clients
This Is i he way a country settles
up and b, oities a prosperous agri
cultural' section when you have con
vinced the skeptical easterner of its
merits. Within two years more thin
MM acres of this former grazing
land ol the old llollibaugh ranch will
be uudor cultivation and MarsUnd
Its trading and selling point more,
than twenty families, or about loo
people will be living on this tract
that heretofore housed only one or
two. and they were bachelors. Manv
other tracts about Marsland. of more
or less acreage, are now under like
'negotiations through the Hungerford
Moral - "(let iu on the ground
Arah L. Hungerford, Eben W. Warner, Owners of Marsland Townsite