jo-.... a 'V. At THIELE'S you will find the largest and most complete assortment of Christmas Goods in the city. In this advertisement we give only a small portion of our complete line. These are suggestions. You are invited to call and give us the opportunity to show you many beautiful and useful articles for Christmas. You will find the prices as low as are consistent with good quality. Make your reser vations for Christmas now. We will hold the articles for you and deliver when you desire. JgiveTV f SOME Jfe" j Fine Candies Exclusive agencies for Huylera, Nunnaily and Webbers. Oui canoy coumer is a o'g attraction, riemy vi m mmui... ( Perfumea and Toilet Waters. LaValliers. , Pennant High Grade Cigara Spalding'a celebrated aporting goods. Thia la the place to get youj sport ing goods. They make fine Xmaa presents. Stouffer's Hand Painted China a big assortment to select from. Manning-Bowman Percolators and Chafing dishes. Libby Cut Glass known the world over for ita quality and diatinctive ness. Ansco Cameras made by the manufacturers who make 90 per cent of all professional cameras. All kinds and at all prices. W. W. W. Ringa the settings are guaranteed not to come out Jewelry a carefully selected atock of fine Jewelry. Diamonda. Silverware plated and aterling. Hammered braaa the iateat designs. Clocks and Watches. All the Iateat booka from 50c to $1.25. New copyright booka. Muslin booka. Children's booka. Dolls, all kinds of toya for the little onea. Crane'b Exclusive Stationery. Special Crane's Initial Stationery at 59 cents per box. Traveling Caaea Parisian Ivory. Sterling Silver, etc. T H I E L E MAKE BOSSY COW PAY Too Many Star Boarders Says Frand sen Lincoln. .l.. IX'"-- 15. Itif, Two, hundred thousand Nebraska cows clq not give enough butter fat in llieir, milk to pay the feed bill and the product of 500.000 more c an be easily doubled by proper methods of art and feeding, says Hrof. J. H. Fruncl sen, head of the dairy husbandly de partment or tbe Culversiiy of Ne bra ska. This siateinent is based upon the work of the Douglas County Co Testing Association for the past year. The farmers Of this county have been weighing milk and testing for butler fat in cooperation with the experiment station, and valuable data have been obtained One herd of ten cows shows u net profit of f I .o.'.L'.SS. while another similar herd of ten shows only $57. S2 profit. The. Males and the Italic ork tester show the difference and ideutify the un profitable i ii "Sell the Star Hoarder.'' says Frandsen. The creamery butter product of Ne braska is now in excess of thirty million pounds annually and is in creasing rapidly This does not take Into account the ordinary product known as "country butter." The dairy experts claim that this amount can be easily doubled without mater ially increasing the expense of op eration, by better methods of feeding and care and the use of the test for butter (at The result a of the cow lest inn work In Douglas county have been published in Hiilletin No 129. which may be obtained free by addressing the Nebraska Kxperiineni Statlou at Lincolu. MAKES RAPID HEADWAY Add Thia Fact to Your Store of Knowledge KUtliey disease often advances so rapidly that many s person is firmly in Us grasp before aware of Ha pro ejreaa. Pf Hi attention Hlioulcl be Kien the slightest symptom of kid ney disorder If there la a dull pain in the back, headaches, dizzy apelU or a tired, worn-out feeling, or If the kidney secretions are of fensive, irregular and attended with paiu. procure a good kidney remedy at once. Thousands recommend Duau k Kid ney Hills. Read the statement he low : Mrs. J. A. Steven:-. Bridgeport. Nehr.. says: "Several years ago a member of my family procured Moan's Kidney Hills and they BOOH cured an attack of kiduey trouble and lumbago that had been the source of much misery. At that time we publicly recommended Doan's Kidney Hills in return for the bene in they brought. I am now pleased to confirm that statement and make the fact known that the relief has been lasting." For sale by all dealers. Hrlce 50 cents. Poster .Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Unit ed States. Remember the name (loan's and take no other. Advertisement J-2t RAISES FULL BLOOD HORSES Wm Heutler of the Canton neigh borhood, in the west part of Hox Unite county, la a breeder of full blood Shire horses, and he raises .-nine very good ones, too. On Sat urday, the seventh of this month, he came to Alliance with a four mouths old colt which he sold to Win Cody of Lakeside for one hundred dollars. About a month ago Mr Heutler sold a stallion coll. that was a year old in lilne. to Kdgkr Vf. ilsou for two hundred dollars. It weighed I ,::.'!5 poiAida. Mr. Wilson has since sold It for fifty dollars more than he paid. Drives off a Terror The chief executioner of death in the winter and spring months la pneumonia. Its advance agents are colds and grip. In any attack by one of these maladies no time should be lost in taking the beat medicine obtainable to drive it off. Coon Mass thousands have fouud this to be Dr. King's New Dlecovery. "My hus band believes it has kept him from having pneumonia three or four times," writes Mra. tieorge W Plana, Kawsonville, Vt.. "and for coughs, colds and c roup we have uev er found Its equal. " Ciuarauteed for all bronchial affection Price .".nets and H un. Trial bottle free at Kred K Kolstell's. Advertisement 52-4t oooooooooooooooo o AFTON o ooooooooooooooooj The weather is fine lor winter time, and most everybody is gel ting, done husking corn. Mrs. O. B. liuguma n was visiting ! with her brothe r's family last we. K, Miss Kthel Hagaman and Mrs Co- , cil tllen were visiting at the bOOMt of Geo. Hagaman from Thursday till Sunday W. S. Coker w ears a broad smile, i now. lie finished husking corn Sat urday. Miles Hagaman helped Sy Coki r husk corn last wee k. LONG ON BOY BABIES I-Jisl Saturday's Sidney Telegraph reports six births for Decenrber 7, 8, !t and 10 Pretty good showing for a small town, but the peculiar part of it is that the babies are all boys, i HOWS THIS? John Wright, of Alliance was to his ranch Friday night of vv eek out last Mrs. J ' Mrs. George unlay while town. Hawkins stayed with Clark's children Sat- Mra. Clark steal tm Wanted A wife. She must not be over flfiy Sad not younger lhan twenty, does not need to be hand some nor rich, but some goad woman thai wants a good home and that will do the cooking and mend and keep his clothes clean. No other kind need apply, M . H.gaman. ... Miss Honnie Hagaman returned, home yesterday from the home ot her brother O K. Hagaman. V . Dora Coker visited Saturday algbl at the Hagaman home with Miss Dol, lie Hagamas Mrs. Maud Donovan ot Alliance vir. ited with her daughter, Mrs Lee, Marsh, the past wetk. -- - - New Hair Treatment We now carry the uew discovery for tbe hair. Merited iiair Tonic, compounded by the Atuericair Drug and Cress Association. We will be pleased to have our customers give It a trial. We are authorized to guarantee it by the association, to which we belong F. J Hrennan. Advertisement 62 tt Read The Herald's offer on page 2. big premium IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be oured by Hall's t'a tarrh Cure. F. J CIIKNKY v CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any ob ligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COM MKRCE. Toledo, (). Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken iu ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 ecu's per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Hills for con st ipation. Advert isement ' ' i FIFTY-FOURTH ANNIVERSARY State Board of Agriculture at Lin coln, January 22 The Nebraska Stale Hoard of Ami culture will hold Its fifty-fourth an i, i.i : meeting for election of officers and transaction of other business at Lincoln. January 22-2:1, in tbe hand some uew building of the Lincoln Commercial Club This board has a long and honorable history, latlWante ly counecteel wilh the development of Nebraska agriculture. Chartered originally iu 15 by au act of the territorial legislature. It has conn nil ously during over s half century been (he official aifency instituted by the state for Hie encouragement and promotion of agricultural and kindred aria. ! This board receives $2,000 annually from Hie state treasury for tbe pay ment of premiums at the state fair. 1 In HH2 this board returned iu cash ipaymeuts to various state depart TO GUARD AGArNST GERMS! ccr IUUK i KAFS ULLAN !t. T Hahhiit's Pure Lye or Potash cuts the grease and dirt from sink pipes, saving plumher's bilk. A lit 1 1 v- I . ye and a lot of W itter (or general Household Cleaning and Diginfeetinf. Banish Dirt and Germg. Great labor and Money ' tr. Valuable presents for iho labels. : : : : .. .v for !joL!vt cx!t!ah:ii:g many vr.. . H fWTT NEW VO!K C5LTV incuts the following sums: To Stale Horticultural Society. fl.Soo To the Fish and Can..- Commis sion 4oo To the Kducaiioual department tag To the Acljutaut Ceueral a hew- pital corps H0 To the Industrial School Hand 450 $-:io In addition to this return of vari ous amounts to other departments of State (he Hoard of Agriculture has paid iu premiums at the state fail approximately $176,000 during the past eleven years, exclusive of preiu hi ins paid in the spoed department, the addition ot which makes a total of approximately $275,000. Not less lhan ninety per cent of all this prem lum money lias been paid to Nebras ka citizens in competition with the world. Tbe state fair grounds were pur chased by the stat in mm, slme which time the board or agriculture has stesuiily made permanent im provements on these scoujjtla fTulU the earnings of the fair, to the amount of $ltis,o00. The state has invested iu Hie state fair the follow ing sums made by legislative appro priation: lltOI Hurchuse of grounds and equipment $35,000 I 'Mi:: Ladies comfort buuldlng :;.. 1105 Live stock building ... Hi. "an I MoT Tattle baru 20.000 l!o One-half of live stock col iseum 50.000 H 1 1 Repairs on grandstand.. 15.000 Total appropriations by the slate HiH.ooO Added In permanent improve ments by the state board of agriculture from its earn Ings tag ,SS)d Estimated present value of the stste fair grounds and build tuns ; 25.000 In answering advertisements please mention this paper.