MM I n mm mm Build With Wood To Suit Your Needs Today nnd enlaige as your demands require. That's one of the bin advantages offer ed In frame eoiistrtiction over all others Future ad ditions run be provided for right in your origin plans and the money saved by building only for present needs can go on working for you until the enlarge ments are desired. There are a lot of other advant ages too that wood con struction offers and before you decide on your material is time time to investigate as thoroughly as you can. Our experience covers near ly every phase of the build ing question and if you think our advice is worth having, it's yours for the asking. Come in and get right on this lumber question. Let us show you wherein the mills we buy of save you dollars in labor and time in doingfby machine work what the carpenters formerly did by hand. It's surely worth while to you and it will be pleasure to us. WASHINGTON LETTER THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Events of Interest from the Seat of Government BY CLYDE H. TAVENNER Special Washington Correspondent to this Newspaper "There's No Place Like Home" Forest Lumber Co. ALLI4NCE, NEBRASKA Advertisement 2-2-181 1 Bulk i A it h hold Stundnrd In which of TeXSIH at tor was a cars See me before you build. 1 can do your work and save you money. Plans & Estimates Furn ished Free. O. H. MOON West Florida lands Smalfarnis, improved and un improved, easier tonus to pur chasers than rent, crops grown all the year round. Oranges, pecans, tigs, corn and cotton. Healthy climate; tuberculosis, asthma, catarrh, rheumatism, all disappear here. Large bodies of tine timber lands. Excellent mill sites, sulniivisions to the deep water city of Pennsatola. Ask us questions, the answers are FREE. Charter Land Co., Pensacola, Florida Advertisement irt'r A8-18t The Portrait Habit Habit is acquired. Some will appear before our camera regularly others, less mindful of their friends, only at long" intervals. Get the Habit and come often Alliance Art Studio 114 E. 4th Street Wellington. D. C, DM. 19, Dott ed States Attorney UeneiHl Wleker sham has refused to allow warwtntx to be served on John I) and other officials of the Oil Companj , In the ruse i he Magnolia Oil Company was Indicted by a federal grand Jury In Texas for criminal violation of the Sherman law. Once again, Mr. Wlckersham is us ing the machinery of the great, of fice of the department of justice to protect, Instead of prosecute, the millionaire heads of illegal trusts. A hundred Instances could be oiled where W'tckersham has, by means of especially prepared opinions, or ders and rules, given comfort to the great industrial trusts, private mon opolies and special privilege. It was W'tckersham, the attorney gen eral, who stopped important suits against the beef trust immediately upon taking office. It was Wicker shain, the attorney general, who rendered an opinion upholding I Sal -linger and viciously attacking I.ouIh It. Ulavls, who said It was legal for sugar trust Interests to acquire by tBO exploiiMtion pro ess &5,000 acres of rich simar lands or the I'liilippineH when the organic law of the islands expressly declares that no corpora tion shall be allowed to acquire more than 2,500 acres. It was Wicker sham, the attorney general, who sanctioned the Taft administration railroad regulation bill, later expos ed and altered, containing a joker legalizing the Southern Pacific-Union Pacific merger, recently held unlaw ful by the Supreme court. It was Wickersham. the attorney general, whose suit against the steel trust is one in equity instead of a criminal prosecution. At the time of the appoint tnent of Wickersham, it was said his M tac tion by Mr, Taft was In recognition of the desires of Mm great industrinl trusts of the country, who had con tributed large sums to Mr. Taft's campaign fund, and who as a return favor desired that a "safe" man be placed In charge of the government prosei tiling ma hiuery. Before his appointment as ne genera, 1 Mr. Wickeishatn trust lawyer. For years and he had been receiving huge from corporations for Interpreting the laws, not from the viewpoint of the welfare of the people, but. from the viewpoint of the welfare of tho trusts. Mr. Wickersham wan a mem ber Of tOO law fin,, of Strong & ( .olwalader. Congressman Henry T. Hainey described this firm on the floor of the house of representatives as follows: t "The firm ol Strong & Cadwala der is one of these important New York City legal firms to which great corporations appeal for aid when they propose to violate the laws ot the land or wlfen they have violated, the laws of the land." The firm of Strong Ai Cadwalder. at the time of Mr. Wicket-sham's ap pointment as attorney general, rep resented, among other great corpor ations, the sugar trust, and one of the last thing Mr. Wickersham did as a member of t lie firm of Strong, & Cadwalader was to draw down his, portion of a sugar trust fee of some thing like $25,000. And one of tho first things Mr. W'tckersham did us, attorno) gvaenU was to write, on Juno 27. IU0!, to John B. Wise, C S district aUornq for the southern district of New York, a letter re vealing his strong interest in three sugar trust officials then in oantjOI of the ptiiit '-lit lury. This remarka ble letter, the authenticity of which has never In-en denied by the attor ney general, reads in part as fol lows : My dear Wise: Senator Itoot has sent me the proof of a petition signed by Bowers, Milbum and Guthrie, in support of their contention that the statute' of limitations has run in favor of Messrs I'ar.sons, Kis sel and Harm. i If the only overt acts done to carry out the objects of the unlawful consplr acv wore those referred to in the brier, I should think they were insufficient to save the bar Of the statute. A strong ef fort will be made tomorrow to persuade the president to inter fere in some way to prevent the indictments Faithfully yours, QUO. W. WICKERSHAM." And now Mr. Wlekcrshaiu is tis ing his office a attorney general to save from arrest John I) II. C. r'olgcr,Jr.. and W. officers of the Standard pan. v. I'nder the Taft administration it has been impossible for the govern- : ineiti to control the trusts, tiecause the trusts controlled the government. At last it has been possible to elect a president without (he financial sup port of th beoJl Of Illegal tariff trusts, ami it is hoped that I'reside-nt Wilson will be to find a man I for attorney general who will be so constructed temperaiuentully as to feel that millionaire sugar trust bar ons who rob the government and violate the. law ought to be sent to the penitentiary just like a poor man is sent to the penitentiary when he violates the law. Archhold, (' Teagle Oil Com Eg '7 V-' ifr Make your Christmas Gifts Attractive at Our Expense Regardless of the size or value of the gift itself, wrap it Ci i:i a neat paper, put on a few Xmas seals and Xmas stamps, inclose a pretty gift ear J, and attaoli a fancy tag or express label. It is quite the thing to do the practice ; growing year by J ear. Besides, it adds a lot to the holiday sentiment. Perhaps you have priced these "fancy fixings'' in the stores and found them "too expensive." If not, price them now. Then you will fully appreciate this liberal offer. A 226-Piece Assortment Free To Every Subscriber Each piere is distinctly designed and colored, beautifully embossed on fine white stock and fully equal in appearance and quality to tite "very best'' subjects nlfered in the stores at "those high prices." Here is a corr.nrehensive assortment, a variety to meet every want and large enough for the whole lainily's use. It contains: 6 Large Cards 50 Medium Seals IS Pott Cards' 8 Medium Cards 50 Small Seals 6 Large Tag 10 Small Card 16 Stamps 8 Medium l ags 25 Large Seal 2 Christina Foldera 10 Small Tngs 10 "Do Not Open" Stickers 10 "Merry Christmas" Stickera We have tried to realize every want of our readers in this assortment to make it complete at.d of the best quality. We have given a rjreat deal of thought to a balanced variety, even including Xmas Post Cards, so tiiat you may "remember ' those to whom 'u will not send gilts. It is with great satisfaction that we offer tiiis assortment to our readers, realizing that not only the quantity but the quality will favorably impress every recipient thai every one who receives this package will be more than satisfied. The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer Is the only weekly published bv a great Chicago Daily. Thus the special advantages in securing and printing important world's news are clearlv obvious. From both Tun D.VILY and The SUNDAY edition of TfMblnra OCCAM, which is acknowledged to be the aid'.-sT edited publication in the West, the cream of editorial thought has been selected for THE Wkeki.v Inter Ocean and Fvrmer. When you add the special features of its own various attractive departments you will realize and appreciate the big money's worth given in each issue of The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer at its regular ub kCfiptiou price of $i a year. Farm and Home Is pubtkhed twice a month, 24 issues a year, of from 16 to 48 large pages; chock-full it Information and suggestions Which you will find nowhere else. It deals with ever -thing of interest to the Housekeeper, Farmer, (.Jardener, Fruit tirower, Dairyman, Live Stock ai d Poultry Keeper. Each issue has several special articles by well-known e Iter-, about the farm and how to make it pay. A year's subscription will include the big Poultry Annual issue, printed in February, which alone is worth the entire price of the whole year's subscription. F.very one who has or ever expects to have poultry should be sure to get the Poultry Annual. f OUR BIG CHRISTMAS SUBSCRIPTION BARGAIN The Alliance Herald, 1 year The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer, 1 year Farm and Home, 1 year - Big (226-Piece) Xmas Package ... $ ;J ALL FOR ONLY $1.75 .5a r .50 Total Regular Price NO Tl'. If you are already a subscriber to or.e full year from t!. $3.50 :ny one of t.ese pubUtations your time will be extended date of your present expiration. Address all orders and make all remittances payable to HERALD PUBLISHING CO., Alliance, Nebr. Unas nan ware WHEELERS VISIT BATTLE CREEK Battle Crfek. Mich., Ik-c. 17th Mr and Mrs. G T. Whether of Alli ance, Nibr.. who arc visiting in the city, wtre guest at the lotutn works on Saturday afternoon. They Inspected the several factories, and were ahowu every process in the manufacture of Poetum, Grape Nuts and other food products Later they were invited to view the private art collection of C. W. Post, which roo tains many notable paintings. Maui ary, rare relic, e" . Luncheon un served at three o'clock in the cafe to Mr. and Mr Wheeler and other, guests. 1 fc Read The Herald big premium offer on page 2. $ GET WISE ADVERTISE Famous Stage Beauties with horror on skin eruptions, blotches, sores or pimples. They don't have them For all auch troubles use Muck leu - Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Kxcellent for , tiia or salt rheum, it cities aore lips, chapped hands, chilblains; heals burns, cuts and bruises. Unsurpass ed for piles L'.V at Pred K. Hoi steu's. Advertisement 52-4t It Can Be Relied Upon The American Drug and Pies As socuuion authorizes its members to Kuaramee absolutely Merilol Hair 'ionic. It has no equal. P Is wonderful remedy. A trial will con viuee you. K. J. Itrennan Advert lteuieiui. Electric Chafing Dishes Coffee Machines, Bread Toasters and Sad Irons Aluminium Coffee Percolators Community Silver Rodgers 1847 Silver Carving Sets, Cake Mixers Crumb Trays and Scrapers Gillette and Auto. Strop Safety Razors Pocket Knives Scissors and Shears Coaster Wagons, Velocipedes Sidewalk Sulkies, Irish Mails 22-calibre Rifles, Air Rifles Ingersoll Watches Boys' Tool Sets. etc. Newberry Hdw. Co. I Wish You A Merry Christmas! What cheer, what warmth those words convey as they Mash over the wires between friends neat-and far. All through the holidays tl,- telephone will hi- (Ushiog millions of grottinga and L'ood wishes over its network of win s Kindness and forgiveness and laugliU-r will be on tin- wires. Old time friends will be reminded that they are not forgotten, and where In the old days one Christmas visit was made in person, ten will now he made by telephone The Hell Telephone is the great and al most limitless roadway over which Christinas spirit can travel. Telephone and send good eheer, for Christina.-, comes but once a year. Nebraska Telephone Co. "Hell System"