la9a-a9V'mr 444 4444 ' The Biggest Store in the World NORTON'S The Christmas Store NORTON'S If you wish, all goods bought now will bo held and delivered whero you diroct at any time BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS AT THE BIG STORE WITH THE NEW FRONT Store Open Evenings Commencing Tuesday, Dec. 17th Christmas Handkerchiefs Don't Delay Buy here and positive ly save money. Women's one corner embroidered Handkerchiefs 1 T Women's Hemstitch Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 20. 25. .'Or and 50r , Men's Hemstitch Hdkfs., rC- 10. 15. 25c Men's Silk Handkerchiefs .... 25? Christmas Silks 36 In. Slack Silk SI. 00 36 In. Blk. Chiffon Taffeta Silk . . yard Sl.SO 24 In. Fancy Taffeta Silks for shirt waists and drssses, SI. 00 and SI .25 20 in. Crepe OeChine, all colors Blk and White, yard SI .00 40 in. Satin 8oleil, all colors, for Party Dresses, yard SI. 50 27 in. Jap Silk, all colors, Blk. and White 507 10 Pieces fancy silk mulls for scarfs, all shades 35 yd. Christmas Exhibition and Sale of art needle-work and art linens, all hand work. The most beautiful display ever shown In Alliance. Table Run. ners, Scarfs, Art Centers, Arts and Crafts Pillow Casee, Shirt Waist Pockets, everything in the line of art needlework. A fine opportunity; to purchase these at one-half regu lar price for Christmas. Dress Goods Specials Worth While 64 in. Broadcloth,, colors and black SI. 39 yd- 54 in. Navy, Black, Brown and Tan 8torm Serge 81.10 yd. 50 in. French whip cord Dun good) Grey, Tan, Red and Brown SI. 40 Christmas Clothing Givs your looks a fair show. Why sjjoil them with dubby clothes t You can just as eas ily wear clothes that tit and have style. You can be as styl ish looking as the best dress ed man you know. Take a good look at our styles. Take it today. Prices, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 and $25.00. Florsheim Shoes Gordon Hats Arrow Shirts Shawknit Hosiery ,. BOYS' CHRISTMAS ClOTHINC Boys' KmcktrfcMkir Suit. J3.S8. 4 50. 5 50. 6 50. 7.SD Boys Pints. 49c. 65c. $1, SI 50 Boys Hats and Caps F1TFORM Christmas Gifts for Men Men's Kid Gloves, all sizes from 7 to 10. Priced at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and S2.50 Men's fancy fur lined Gloves from S3.00 up Fine line of Mufflers, all colors, 50c, 75c, $1.00 S1.50 and up Men's Silk Hose, 35c, 50c, 65c and 75 pr. Big line of men's fancy Vests at one-third off regular price. Traveling Bags, Suit Cases (very appropriate for Xmas gifts) also a big line of trunks. Men's Auto Gloves, $2.00 and up Extra fine line of Men's and Boys' Night Gowns and Pajamas. A new line of men's Slippere. Ask to ses them. Tht Storo With a Conscience NORTON'S QM,ity Rei"S SUPreme P. S. Do not forget our Big Line of Overcoats Sale of Xmas Ribbons All Silk Taffeta Ribbon 4 In. wide, all colors, black and white, 15 yd. Fancy Holiday Ribbone for tying packages, bolt 15 No. 80 Fancy Ribbon for fancy work and bows, yard 10 100 Bolts Bebe Ribbon, all colors. 10 bolt 50 Manufacturer Sample Bags Genuine Leather Genuine Leather Bags, Seal and Walrus grained, leather lined, with coin purse. Silver or gilt frames at 1.25. 1.50. 2, 3. up to 6.50 Ladies' Felt Slippers, fur tops, all colors, 1.25. 1.50. 1.75 pair Ladies' Pulman Slippers, SI. 50 pr. Children's and Misses' Felt Slippers, 81. 00. SI. 25 Ladies' Red Button Shoes S4.50 pair. Ladies' Grey Suade Shoes S4.50 pair AT THE CHURCH A ES. ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH EPISCOPAL CHURCH 11. 00 a. it). Preai hing. Tin Raising Of l.azrus. 25 The Fulfillment not the struct ion -of t he Old . 2 The Way of Lire. GKO. G WARK, Missionary l'hone IS, lie i Choral midnight service, Christ man Kve. Celebration of the Holy Com mimion. Carols Tell It once Again The Crowning Hay ; One Midnight, Oh, So loog AS The Saviour Eton's King Has Come to Helgn The Saviour's Natal Day When the Sun Had Sunk to It xi. old Knglish Noel Henry Knight Kne RtatMBJ CI. Mia THil I'axton Sani'tiis. Sursum Corda" J. Cnniidge Gloria in Kxcelsls Ouseley Recessional, It Came Upon the Mid night Clear Invocation. Responsive reading. Song, "The Merry IWdls." Recitation, "Joy Hell are Ring ing." Scripture lesson. I'niyer. Recitation, "Sing of the Star." Song by Primary department, "The Time Of Christmas." Primary exercise, "Star of love." Song. "Hail to the Child." Kx.-rc.lse, 'Unseen Voices." Song. "One Messed Holy Night." Recitation, "Love's Lesson.' Singing and recitation, "The Moth er's Song " Kxeieise. -What the St;.r Mings." Song, "The Children's Savior." short address Song. "The Children of Light." Recitation, "A Christinas Tho't." Song, "Christ, Hie Lord, is Horn." Hem. lie! ion. CHRISTMAS SERVICES N iMMANUEL GERMAN EVAN- AT METHODIST CHURCH GELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH FINE EXHIBIT AT ACADEMY ST. MATTHEW S CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOO A. M. E. Services at the The Christmas service for the Children, followed by the Christmas tree, will be held on Christmas night cit 7 o'clock Following U the pro grain i ii. ! Carol. A Shout of Mighty Triumph Sunday School lmyer, Psalter Magnificat Carol, Ring out the Hells Sunday School Weciu.tion, Why lk Hells for Christ uius Ring? Katheriue Harris A Good Time Coining Howard Cogswell ffwo Little Stockings Isabel F lemming Christinas Song . . Virginia ICuhauks Christmas Night Bern ice Fleimniug Carol, The Flocks Were Scattered Grace Carlson, Margartt Harris. Helen Rice. Kdith Reddish. Carol. O Virgin 1'ns.potted Raymond Thaddeus Peckin- paugh Carol, Slleut Night. Sunday School Carol, In the Field with Their Hock. fcolo Howard Bennett Sol... The Virgins' Lullaby Delia Holsteu Carol. Stars All Bright Are Beam tug Sunday School j Benediction U. P. CHURCH 10:00 a. ni. Stindav school, Graded mono on Platte Avenue Ussons. ?:lDiU'; s 1,001 ' " 9 M Preaching service at i 11:00 a m. Preaching 7;M p.m. Preaching. Prayer meeting, Wednesday cv.n ing, at 7:::o. Pltap i 4.'. A. L. GODFRKY, Pastor. CHURCH home of Mr. Rich- SJ p m. BAPTIST CHURCH SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Sabbath school at the residence of Mrs. Piikington every Saturday af ternoou ut .'! o'clock. MRS JOHN PILKINGTriN, Supt. CHRISTIAN CHURCH 10:00 a m itihle school rally. 11:00 a. in. Piea. Iiing Subject. "Jeaus, the Man of Galillee." G:45 p. m S. K. Mrs. Wot en will lead. 7:30 p. in Preaching Subject, "Jean, the Prince of Peace." FRANK ALiAN WOTfciN, Phone rU Minister. 10:00 a. in. Sunday school ll;SS a. m. Preaching. Subject, Aggressive Christianity." :M p m. B. V. p: U. ' I 7 "o i. ni. Servica Rev. Geo. A. Witte, Pastor Phone 113 see METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. Graded HiLle Clauses. 1100 a in Christmas aennou Special music. C.'Mi p.m. Young people's Ky worth league meeting. The leader will he Miss Nichols. 7 :;o p. m Sacttal Couoerl. Prayer. Bible study and so. hit i hour. Wednesday evening at 7 The doors of this church are opeu CHRISTMAS PROGRAM AT .. . , .. k u . (.r CHRISTIAN CHURCH to al a" 8 cor dial aud home we4cotne extended to Following la Ibe program which all to worship w4tta us, if you have will be given at tae Christian church no other cburcb hotue in the cky. on Christmas eve 0jn , mmk9r, Pastor 4 Song, "Sing the Praise of God.1 Phone SO A Christmas program will be ren dered at the Methodist church on Christmas eve. The Sin. (lav school children and their ichers have been making very oarefol and pains taking preparation, for the program, which will be varied ami interes-ting. A large crowd is expected. s FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10:00 a.m. Sabbath School. 11:00 a. m. Public worship. The morning sermon topic will be. "What Gifts would Jesus Give?" A mixed quartette composed or Mr. Philip Nohe Jr.. Miss Nettit Nation, aud Messrs. Walter Root aud J H Mown will sing "Glory be to God" Davis. Mrs. Nohe w ill sing "The Palms", and will be ac ciTupanie.i by Miss Weller, who is isiting in the city. p.m. Junior and Intermediate C.F. p. ui. Christian Kmleavor. 7:M p.m. Public worship. CHRISTMAS AT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHUCH The Christmas service at the First Presbyterian church will be of unusual interest (his year. A children s choir of thirty or more voices will sing two Christmas an thems The service will be held on Sunday evening. Uc. --. and the program will he as follows: Organ Voluntary, i Aatbeui, "Holy Night," by Child ren's Choir. Invocation. Hymn. "Joy to the World". 1 Scripture lesson. Prayer Song by Mrs. H. Ponath, "Change less, the love f 'he Saviour," by Titus. Notices Offering Anthem. "O Little Town of Heth letiem," by Children's Choir. CHRISTMAS 8KRMON Hymn. Angels Rejoiced and SwaeUy Sung." Benediction Rev. J. B. Brown, Pastor Phone 710 Corner Yellowstone Ave. and 7th St. 1:30 a.m. Sunday school. German and English services al ternately Sunday evenings, upon an nouncement. German Knglish parochial school from September to June, five days of the Vdsjk. TITUS LANC, Pastor. fOI Niobrara Ave., phone US'J. CHRISTMAS AT IMMANUEL'S GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCH The ChrUtmaa festival will be ush ered in at Immanuel's Lutheran church by a special children's ser vice on tne eve before Christmas, Uec. J4, commencing at 7:30 p. ui. with Christinas tree aud Christmas carols. A program will be retideivo lu this service by tile pupils of im manuel's Germau-Kiiglish Lutheran school, special features of which will be: Anthem h the choir. "Come all Ye Faithful ' t German i "The Stoiy of Our Saviour's Mrth." A catechisation by tin pastor with i he pupils of the parochial school, luterluded with songs of praise ami declamations by the children. I Oe masi i Declamation, "Hark, the Angels Singing." iKngli-lu German ami Hngilsil address by the pas lor. We kindly ask all our friends both German and Knglish to be :VlUl us on that evening aud partake of our joy. On Christ ums day, le'. there will be a regular festival service in German, with sermon by th pas 'or, beginniug at l:S4 a. m To .this service also all German Luther aus of this city aud community tire cordially invited. 1 Ou the Sunday after Curist ma.-, Iec. 89, coinmeucing at IU:30 a. in . there will be an Knglish LntneraB 1 Christmas service with sermon by : Rev O. L. Lang of Crawford, Nebr : At the same time Kev. Titus l-im. i of tbis city will conduct an Knglish ! Lutheran Christmas service at He re. An Invitation to these services is hereby extended to all Knglish j Lutherans of Alliance and vicinity. TITUS LANG IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE The students of St. Agnes Acade my gave an exhibition of fine art work, calendars, fancy work, picture etc., that was wor!h going miles to see last Sunday. Many Alliance peo ple gOd the parents of many or the pupils visited the exhibit. Seldom has an exhibit of so much interest been shown here. Mrs. Wayne Zediker will go to Lincoln iH'ietnber 25th to attend a meeting of the Teachers' Associa tion of the State University. The will hold a two days session. Their subjects will be mjusical and pertain ing to studio work Two recitals will be given by the faculty and a big bamii'.et on Friday. Silas C. Soules fell from a step ladder Wednesday night and dlslo catcd his should aw. We hope the ac cident is not a serious one and that he will soon recover. Miss Ruth Conklin, employee of th" BttrNngton. will spend the holl day vacation in Omaha, visiting rel a iws and friends. Mrs .1. G. Beck and sou Lawrence defeul for .VI Ho. Iowa, tomorrow for a short stay during the holidays at the home of lira. He-k's mother. The. annual Christ mas social will be held Friday night at the sooial rooms in the First Presbyterian church The case of Helei.e A. Schmidt vs Ora K. Mack was dismissed at this last term of count. Or. Allen C. Robert of ;reat Vails, Mont., comes Suturday to viait with her brother, H. F. Ollmau. Irwin Mackin went to Bridgeport yesterday on business for the Ne bntska Telephone Co., for whom be is collector. Miss Kva Ross, who is studyjug music in Lincoln, will return to Alli ance to spend the Holidays with her mother, Mrs. Ida M Koss.