I A STRAIGHT TALK ON PIANO BUYING I have recently taken the agency for the SC H MOLL ER A MUEL LER line of high grade pianos for several reasons. They manufacture the famous line of 3CHMOLLER A MUELLER PIANOS. In addition to this they handle the 8TEINWAY & SONS, 8TEGER & SONS. EMER SON, McPHAIL, HARDMAN, MEHLIN and twenty-three other well known makes. This gives me the agency for all of the best known and higest grade makes of pianos manufactured. I am now In a posi tion to suit you, both in quality and price. On my floors today you will find pianos of different makes ready to be shown to you and ready for delivery before Christmas. The buying of a piano at this ti me is of much less import than formerly. Prices have been reduced to a point where it is quite pos sible for every family to have one in their home. Music is no longer considered an accomplishment for the rich, but has become a part of the curriculum of modern education. The placing of a piano in your home emphasizes the fact that your family has reached that point of higher education, higher culture, and is developing a taste for those things which make life more pleasant and enjoyable. It means that you can properly entertain your friends when they call, it means that your family and children will have more of that pleasure out of lift which is every person's due. The home with music in it is infinitely more congenial than one in which the sweet sounds of music do not prevail. The question is not "Shall I buy a piano" but "What piano is thd best to purchase." The matter of selecting a piano is of more than or dinary importance for the reason that the average person buys but one in a life-time. There is nothing in the home that so conspicuously and pointedly reflects the taste of its purchaser as the piano You should buy a SCHMOLLER A MUELLER piano because only the choicest materials are used in its construction, giving It great solidity. The cases are beautiful and chaste; they are artistic; all cases are) double veneered. The woods used In their construction are the most exquisite to be found and are carefully selected. The finish is the height of perfection. Every piano before leaving the factory has gone thru the hands of experts in every department. The carvings are all' strictly hand work not machine pressed. The metal frame Is of spe cial design, extra strength, a composite of steel and bell metal. The pin block, a very important part of the Instrument, Is of eight-ply Ad irondack hard maple. The sounding board Is made of selected Ver mont spruce scientifically constructed, The strings are made of the most expensive imported steel, the renowned "Pohlmann" strings, used In all strictly high-gade pianos. The action of the SCHMOLLER A MUELLER PIANO Is the improved double repeating, elastic and re sponsive. The scale Is the nearest approach to the ideal of perfection. The tone is full, round, sympathetic and refined. The keys are made from the first grade of Ivory and will always hold their color. 8CHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANOS are made In different styles and grades at different prices. They are sold on very easy terms, within the reach of everyone. Every SCHMOLLER A MUELLER PIANO is sold with the unre served twenty-five year guarantee. back every piano I sell with myf personal guarantee and a reputation for fair and honest dealing In Al liance for years. You are Invited to call at my music store, 116 West Fourth Street, Alliance, and see the new pianos which have Just ar rived. Come while the line Is complete. IDA M ROSS 116 WEST FOURTH STREET ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA SHOWER FOR MISS LARSEN SPENDS CHRISTMAS IN ID.:-. Mrs. Fred Campbell entertained a! Mlss ()t.lla M. Reed. Musty f.r-r-number or" the Alliance teachers at intewk?Ht. will leaf Sunday mora ner home Monday evening at a mis- in! ,,. Id.th(, w ;,. rt. S,K wl , vi cellaneous shower in honor of Miss the n,ri8(ni.!S vaeattoa and rill v .Mi Maude l.arsen. relatives. She will attend the Idaho buy a lotforV f'aU ',Vatht,v Qonvautfc wblla CHRISTMAS PRESENT ! 'here. You could not give a better In vestment to a loved one than a lot in the (rowlni town of .Marsland. You can buy them on very easy terms at the big auction sale of lots and acreage in Marsland next Sat urday. Read the big advertisement in this issue of The Herald for full particulars of this sale. You will then want to go to .Marsland and get one of these bargains for a Christmas present. Its value will steadily Increase from year to year. Advertisement- 1 740-1:-1 1 SIMPLE MIXTURE HELPS ALLIANCE PEOPLE That simple remedies are best has again been proven. Harry Thiele. ilruggist, reports that many Alliance people are receiving QUICK benefit from simple buckthorn bark, glycer ine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka, the German appendicitis remedy. A SIN GLE UOSli helps sour stomach, gas on the Btomach and constipation IN STANTI.Y because this simple mix ture antlseptlelzes the digestive or gans and draws off the impurities. Advertiaenient. J When the cave man wanted help or a wife he strode forth, tapped one on the head, and dragged he or she to the tribal habitat. Civilization has placed certain restrictions and limitations about us which prevent this beautifully simple method. (J But it has given us the want ad, which costs but a few cents, and no physical effort. Could Shout for Joy "I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart," wrote C. B. Ruder, of l.ewisburg, YV. Va., "for the wonderful double benefit I got from Electric Hitters, in curing me of both a severe case of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from which I had been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It suited my caBe as though made just for me." For dyspepsia, indigestion, Jaundice; and to rid the system of kidney poisons that cause rheumatism. Elec tric Bitters have no superior. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50 cents at Fred E. Holsten's. Advertisement 52-4t I RENDER ASSISTANCE Iou Skala, a member of the , O. ! O. F., wMio was operated on at the hospital several weeks ago and who , is now confined to his home on the I ranch, was the recipient of a fine donation collected from his fellow members among the I. O. O. F., by Judge Zurn this last week. Near!)' fifty dollars was collected by Judge Zurn. The members of the lodne received heartfelt thanks from Mr. Skala. Foils a Foul Plot When ii shameful ;lot exit's h -tween liver and bowels to cause dis tress by refusing to act, take Dr. King's New Life Fills, and end such abuse of your system. They gently COCO pel right action of stomach, liei and bowels, and restore your health Hnd all good feelings. 25c at Fred E. Holsten's. Advertisement 52-4t TEACHER RESIGNS TO MARRY Mis Maiidt- Lauren, who ha been teaching In Central chool for the pal two year, is bidding adieu to Alliance friends and has resigned her position. She has dceided to take up matrimonial ties and wil Ueave soon ly make her home In the east. H. Schullalbeis, who formerly re i sided near Heiuingford but who weut i from this county to Wood burn. Ore igon, has been looking after his in I terests in Box Butte the past week. 1 arriving last Thursday, lit is pleas ed with his home In Oregon but I enjoys a visit with old Nebraska 1 friends. Why not give A Beautiful Picture We are showing a line just received which com prises many popular subjects in the Carbon Pic tures, with the frames in Circassian Walnut. Size 14x24. Selection is made easy by reason of the large assortment. Regularly priced at $3. 50. but a special purchase for Christmas selling enables us to sell them to you for, each . . , $2.50 Rugs or Couch Covers As a special offering to our customers we are this week placing on sale a handsome assortment of Brussels Rugs in the 0x12 size and of choicest patterns. To appreciate their value you must see them. Sold in most stores at $16. Our special price, $12.00. A splendid opportunity for Gift Selections in our assortment of smaller sized rugs and our Por tiers and Couch Covers. China in Pieces or Sets This store is recognized as headquarters lor PES I China ware, sold at RIGHT PRICKS. Our 2; per cent discount on our line is also gfiven on our high grade I lavilands ami French Chinas, our Cut Glass and Fancy Lamps. 100-piece dinner set, French China or HavHand, $27. 50 values, SPE CIAL PRICF, $20.00. Toys, Dolls, or Books The b st values in Toys, Dolls and Books are shown at this store. Our Doll display is the greatest ever shown in Alliance, and the values cannot be equalled elsewhere. Bring the young sters in to see this section of the store. It will please them very much. Boys and Girls of all ages will find just what they most desire in our store. Mechanical Toys Story Books and Books of Adventure, cheap but not trashy. FURNITURE-The Very Best Gift of All Our Furniture Department offers many suggestions to the Christmas shopper. Nothing is more ap preciated than a beautiful piece of Furniture. Our Eucalyptus Dressers, Chiffoniers, etc., are beau tiful and durable and sold at about half the price of Circassian Walnut. The latter looks no better. Give Father or Mother a Royal Push Button Rest Chair. Every member of the family will enjoy one. Rocking Chairs, Couches, Dining Room P'urniture, Bed Room Suites everything to Furnish and Beautify the home very economically priced. Miller Bros. House Furnisihng Store