THE STAR OF- PROMISE Uy Rev. C. M. Wittvman, L.ngle. Wyo 1 shall him. but not now. I shall behold htm, but not nlph there. kha.ll oome a Star out of Jacob, and a 8cepter shall rlae out of IWMl and shall smMe the four corner of Mont), and shall destroy uli the. Children of Bheth. Num. 4:17. This prophecy eotu-ernlna the Saviour waa (Ken nearly fifteen hundred year before th first Christmas eve, nud before th is.' men I mm the .'Ohm wsre guided by the star of Bethle-i hem to the place " where the youiift child was." The verse Indicates that many years would paas before the. Saviour should come, and that his mission would lie to give light. in giving light he gves lfe also. "In him was life, and the Jlfe was the. light of men " "And Jesus said un to them, I am the light of the world, he that followeth after me shall not. walk In darkness but shall have the light of life." l. ' us worship him. aa our ltdeemer, as Job did, and. sot merely behold him afar off, as. Dives saw Ijtzarus In Abraham'a bos om. A Christmas Picture Before me Hea a picture of a beautiful Christmas star shedding its. beams upon t lie town of liethlehem, the place of the Suvtour's birth. It la a clear night and many stars r in view, hut this one, the stnr ot Bethlehem, Is larger, blighter, and. more glorious than the others". Thus, our Saviour, the Son of Uod. shinesl In the beauty of his righteousness. Ha Is holy and desires us to be llk him. Above the star Is an angel, gazing with rapture upon the village where the hope of a fallen world, lies. The three wise men upon, "ships of the desert'" behold th beautiful scene of the illumined vil lage. Perhaps they are speaking of worshipping the Christ-child, and, laying at his feet their gfts of gold. star precedes the dawning of the ds, so the Joy of being a member of Christ" kingdom on earth Is only a foretaste of the pleasure that, awaits us in heaven. In the next verse of Scripture, Rev. 22:17, we. are given an Invitation as follows: "And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth any, Come. And let him that is a thirst come. And whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely '" lt ua worship at His feet, and say, "Shine on, thou Star of glory, thou Christ enthroned above" For to us thou hast given a promise of atrength. Phil. 4:13; of victory. II Tim. 2:12; of life, John 10:10, 11 :fi, and of heavenly mansions, John 14:, 2 "Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto our Q4M forever and ever." Shine, Thou Beautiful Star Benign1 "Shine, thou beautiful star benign. Over the world of night; Shine till under those beams of thine Darkness shall take its flight: Till all the world shall know her King, Till all the world with Christmas ring. Till every heart with rapture sing. And every Bpot be bright. Shine, thou beautiful star of pence. Over a world of strife. Shine, till hatred and greed shall cease 'And war no more be rife, Till all from near or far away Shall help to speed the happy day When men the law of love obey. And kindness rules all life. Shine, thou beautiful star of Joy, Over a world of fear. Shine till shadowH no more annoy, And faith shines bright and clear: Till all shall sing on Christ inns mm n The Btory of the baby born To lighten every heart forlorn, And wipe away each tear." J KITCHEN SHOWER A SUCCESS I The kitchen shower given by Mrs. ! James Hunter and Mrs. J. C Mr I Corkle at the home of Mrs. Hunter Thursday evening for Misa Tash was reported a grand success. A three course dinner was served and the decorations throughout were of red and white hearts. Hearts from the chandelier to the corners of the table formed the table dec orations. The place cards were lit tle cuplda with arrows. The shower of kitchen utenRlls promised to be many and useful. The young ladles present were: Misses Btntm and Nell Tash. Alice and Nell Acheson. Kdna Benedict, May Gra ham, Avis Joder, Irene Rice, lone Mallery, Beulah Smitb, laura Mounts, Nell 8hrewsberry, Bessie and Blanche Kibble, Klva Hamilton. Mrs. I. B, Tash and Mrs. drip. GLAZE VISITS SON K. I). Glaze, of Broken Bow. came up Friday for a short visit with his son, H. O. Glnze, the monument man Mr. Glaze returned to Broken Bow on Tuesday. frankincense and myrrh. The gold, 1 II k nv" Pl'prv ?lirn IK tnr Is an offering as to a king, for truly .Til1 UI CV ClJ SUTpiUS mere is a human want. JThe business of the is to brine VP buyer and seller together quickly. 4 Put the next "I wish" that slips through your mind into a practical step toward obtaining your desires, by investing in a want ad. A NEW RAILROAD It is true that it will not be long until a new line of railroad Is run up the valley of the Niobrara, along :he north line of Box Butte county. This will make a very important town at Marsland, where the Jtini Hon will be made between the two llnet-. Marsland is located in a very desirable point for a town and Where one Is needed. This means that one will build there and the next two years will see great changes In tills luisillng little town. The nnc Hon sale of lots there next Satur day, as explained in the large adver tlsement in this issue of The Her aid, will bring many investors from eastern points as well as Alliance and other western Nebraska points. You will miss the chance of a life time If you do not go and select your lot. Advertisement 1740-2-H SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL 1. It. I. mm in. editor ot the Free Press, arrived from Lisootl this morning, on his way home to Mina-tare. MRS. WARRICK HERE rs. 8. K. Warrick was visiting in Alliance with frle'ids the first of the week. She is now living at Scotts- bluff, where they moved a short time ago from Alliance. Miss Missouri Monier. a teacher In Central school, has gone to he? home In Lincoln to spend the Christ mas holidays. JODER BOY HURT Mr. and Mrs. B. 1. Joder's young est son, Seth, had the misfortune to fall from a horse Inst Saturday and waa thought 1o be quite seriously Injured. He is now Improving some and It Is hoped he was not Injured as seriously as It looked at first. K. Von Forell. of Scottsbluff. waa In Alliance on Saturday. He is king of kings and Lord of lords. The frankincense is an offer Ing to God, a sweet -smelling sacri fice mingled with their prayers. The, I myrrh, a substance used In embalm-1 Ing. Is a reminder that we must,. . 1 leave this world. The wise men . Want HQ were guided by the star. Centuries ago on this day of joy, peace and. good will. In Kurope homes were lighted by the Yule log. On Christ mas Kvc In our beautifully lighted churches, where we shall receive gifts and learn of the Star that rose from Jacob, let us worship Him as did the wise men of old who saw, tat star In the east. They followed that star. May we and people of all. nations see the Star that rose from Jacob, and follow him all the way to. His great white throne in heaven. The Bright and Morning Star In Rev. It: If you may rend these, words: "I Jeesus have scut mine an gel to testify unto you these things In the churches. I am the root and. the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." As the morning The city council chamber in the city hall on Monday evening to ac H'pi Sewer District No. 27. which has been completed by W. D. Zedi kcr This district is In the east part of town along Sweetwater c MISS NIEDEMIER RESIGNS MIbs Carrie Nledemier, a popular teacher of Central school. which was burned Monday, tendered her resignation last week to the school board. She has been teaching in Central school for the last three years and was very well liked by all. She is a teacher of no small merit and Has taught In summer nor mal at Tecumseh for the past two years. She has now received a fine position In the Klliott school al Lin coln. She will be missed greatly by her many Alliance friends. BOY BORN TO BOX BUTTE PARENTS A seven pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. Wayne Wilson, of Alliance, on December 4th at Belvi- dere, Nebraska, where they were vis iting her parents. This is the first hoy in the family, tne nrst child bens a girl. Mother and child are doing fine. $5 Brings Oliver Typewriter good fountain pen you secure the World's You can pay the balance at the rate of 17 Send for the Miver Typewriter the machine will come allying" The newest Model No. 5 the regular $100 machine with no extra charge for Printype. For the price of a Createst Typewriter. cents a day. This Irresistible "$8 offer" is sweeping everything before it. The era of universal typewriting is coming. The triumph of the typewriter over primitive pen and ink has heen brought about by the same ma chine that introduced visible writing. TTe OLIVER Typeftri-ter This 1b the typewriter whose high efficiency has made it the choice of tho greatest firms and corporations. It is the simplest of all standard type writers, yet the swiftest and by far the most versatile. The moving parts work freely in a solid metal framework, making the machine so strong that the hardest usage liar no effect upon it. NOi EXTRA CHARGE FOR "PRINTYPE" Most people prefer to have the machine equipped to write In Printype. This beautiful type is obtainable only on the Oliver Typewriter. It is the greatest style improvement ever evolved for typewriters the most easily read type in existence the type which conforms to that in uni versal use on the world's printing presses! I WIN SUCCESS WITH THE OLIVER The Oliver Typewriter aids success-seekers In a multitude of ways. The real-life stories of achievement that center around It would fill volumes. No matter what your work may be- in office, store, shop or home the Oliver Typewriter will prove itself a great convenience and an actual money It stands for order and system and success. It U the visible evidence of progresslveness of Its owner. Young people with brains, ambition and Ol iver typewriters are succeeding everywhere. Can you afford to let $5 stand between you and success? Send for Special Circular and Art Catalog Full details regarding the Oliver Kasy--Purchase Plan, beautiful catalog and a specimen letter written in Printype will be sent you on request. Let this $5 offer awaken you to your need of The Oliver Typewriter and the ease with which you may own it. Remember $5 only and on comes The Oliver Type-maker. Sates Dipartmmt THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY. 1985 Firm St.. Omilti, Nafcr. Pay Day People-Look: Here Bring Your Money and Come to Our Store These Special Prices prevail only so long as the stock lasts this week A beautiful iioial pattern VelvetHug m 0x12 size; price flit from our al ready low price to A Beanalona Plush Velvet Run in 9x12 iz (sold sometimes as I Wilton) at t tie spi'cini low price ot A Heavy Seamless 1'lusli Velvet Bag in (.x 1"J size (also solil by some as a genuine Wilton) our spec, holiday price Several Heavy Body Brunei Ruga in 9x10-0 size, small patterns, most suit able for bed rooms, worth $:! 00, now An Ardahan Axininster Rag, one of the heaviest and lxst Axminster rugs made, in 9x13 size, I'oronly A CKM'INK WILTON VKLVKT rttg, sueh as no one need bo ashamed of on their fine polished Moors. 9x12 size, only $16.00 $22.50 $24.00 $23.00 $33.00 $34.50 A Cent's Chifforobe in quartered oak, polished golden finish has a compart inent to bang suits in, a mirror and plenty of drawer room, special price A Cood Sized Shirt Waist Box covered in cretonne, very pretty and useful Only A Large Roomy Skirt Box, covered in best grade Japanese matting, overlapped with oak strips in weathered finish. Price ' it to the limit $26.00 $2.25 A Weathered Oak, Leather Upholstered, Large Arm Rocker at factory price A Beautiful Bird'a Lye Maple Dressing Table with Hair Dressing Chair to match, the two for A Colden Oak Framed Davenport, up holstered in velour. Makes a full sized bed and has compartment for bedding. Holiday price A Golden Quartered Oak Polished Dining Table Special price $8.00 $20.00 $29.00 $21.00 A Large Quartered Oak Ann Rocker, early English finish, fancy carved posts, an exceptional value A Strictly High Grade Leather Up holstered Morris Chair, golden oak frame, reversible leather cushions, at cost price. A Sleepy Hollow Rocker, golden oak waxed finished, leather upholstered, during this apecial sale Two Highly Polished Quartered Oak Library Tables, heavy and massive, One al $24-. 50: one at Get one of those Shoe Shin ing Caeca complete with bristle brush, dauber and polish for only $8.50 $9.50 $22.00 $(8.50 $26.50 Shine $3.00 ';F $2-oo Children's Chairs, Rockers, and high Chairs at all prices. Also, Irish Mails, Velocipedes and Go-Carts Do Your Xmas Shopping with Us We Wnt You to Visit Our Store First 4 We cannot begin to tell you here of the many suitable gifts that may be selected from our stock. But we will be pleased to show you every courtesy if you will come in, and assist in any manner possible in way of suggestions and ideas Special Delivery Service on Xmas Eve and Christmas Morning. We will deliver whenev er it suits you. Store Open Evenings GEO. D. DARLING 115-117 WEST THIRD STREET 4 Aaaa3ajtsrajjtjjt ... v