1 i a A A .A m i i 1 1 We sell the ADVO Line of Pure Food Products covering everything needed for your Christmas dinner, or for breakfast, dinner and supper any other day in the year. Don't take chances by experimenting Order Advo Goods and be happy. There's nothing better in food stuffs Phone 32 119 West Third Street, first grocery west of Post Office GEO. I DUNCAN k SON I F. E. REDDISH FIRE INSURANCE INSURES FARM AND CITY PROPERTY Represents the leading and best fire insurance companies, including;: Aetna of Hartford Queen Insurance Company of America Phoenix of London Fire Association of Philadelphia St. Paul Fire and Marine I I I I I i I SI : W 'W W 3(P W ' :JW W :W S$ Bonded Abstracter The only set of Abstract Books in Box Butte County Building and Loan Represents the Occidental Building ami Loan Association of Omaha and member of the Advisory Board. An absolutely safe and remunerative investment, besides giving splendid opportunity to fcirore orooertv on the monthly savings account plan. I he resources of this Association have gown in eighteen years from $25,000 lo more than $3,000,000. Office: Room 5, McCorkle Blk. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Phone 168 f f i i MJD lirtJli NJLc -2.'. Vi 1 Lrrj L-fc The following "Want Ads" are WANTED. MUX'S CLOTHING dassifled under appropriate headings and shoes. Will pay Rood price. or the convenience o reader CASH RATE8 One cent per o.-d each insertion. No ad received 'or leaa than ten cents per Inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATE8 One cent per vord each Insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five centa and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. Ir answering Herald want ads please mention that you aaw it In this paper. A classified advertisement will In troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property n this town. ABSTRACTERS . E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract books in Box Butte county. Office In McCorkle Building. 10-tf-670 Miss I 'arks, at tln Blue pVoDt, 117 Boa Butte Ave Advertisement 52-1M677 POU S.M.K OR TRADE FOR LAND .-A five romi , BSOdttB house, good locution: burn on lot. IMione 762. Advertisement (4Mf L"?M ,i L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon Office In Hrt National Hank Bhm Phones: Office. Sii residence, 16. Prescriptions to ilrut; stun' or medl- clnes rurtehed from office. If pre ferred. i-tMtiv9 Advert Isement TO RENT FOR RKNT. A three room house, furnished or unfurnished Also, a six room house, modern except heat. MRS. H. J. BLUB. Advertisement ltf!715 FOR RENT. Nicely furnished steam heated rooms. Rent reasona ble. Address "M", Herald office. 1651-51-tf FOR RENT Office or living rooms. First Nafl Bank Building. I7tfll86 OFFICE OR STORE ROOM FOR RENT A fine office or store room for rent in The Herald building First floor. Best location in Alliance. Kent reasonable Apply at tier aid office. Su-i t" Advertisement rURNIBHBD ROOMS for rent. In qulret at The I lei aid1 nt'flcei Id ler to "M". U tf-167fi PJ I i i POR RKNT. One good south room furnished, light and heat, modern, reasonable. 604 Box Butte Ave. Phone 10. 1620-50-tf. COTTAGE FOR RENT A five room cottage for rent. lo cated at seventh and Big Horn Fhonf 454. Adverileement fiotntii? MISCELLANEOUS Buy cour coal of Rowan & Wright Phone 71. tl All kinds of feed, in any quantity desired, at E. I. Gregg & Son's Phone 155. -tf-1342 Money to loan on real estate. K Reddish. F 3tf Rowan 4: Wright, coal, wood and posts Phone 71. tf Coal office at Rowan's feed store ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf FOR SALE. Cow, age 40 months. fresh once, milked 15 months, just dry, lue fresh February, Ideal but ter cow . Price $50, if sold before Dei LM Inquire at Herald office Advertisement 1-2t-l9K WANTED TO BP Y- 20 head of shouts. W. A. Springer, Alliance. IG95-l-2t PIANO FOR SALE. A fine, sweet toned piano, nearly new, can le seen at our store. W ill he sold very low and on easy terms if desired. Will make a nice Christmas present. NORTON'S. Advertisement 52 2 I6S2 STEEL DIE MONOGRAM STATION ERY. An Ideal Christmas Present. Take advantage of the following special offer we are making on Genuine Steel Die Stamped Mono gram Stationery. We will stamp in gold auy single initial or amy monogram of two initials, styles showtn at the Her aid office on one quire (24 sheets) of high quality linen finish paper, and furnish 24 envelope's (not stamp ed to match, put up in an attrac tive BOX, appropriately covered with a Holiday design and including two color Bteel die stamped Xntas gift card, for CO conts. HERALD PUBLISHING CO., Alliance, Nebr. 50-5t Advertisement THE ALLIANCE HERALD ADVERTISING RATES 'Live and Let Live" Prices, Lower In Proportion to Circulation than Rates of Most Newspapers EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 1912 LEGAL NOTICE ORDER FOR HEARING state f Nebraska ) ss. Mux Butte County At I OOanty court, held at the ount.v court room In said county on the 5th day of December. ISH2. Present I. A Berry, county j.idge. In the Matter of the Estate of Mar garet Harold, deceased. On rending the petition of Daniel R. Hill filed herein, praying thnt ad ministration of snld estate be grant ed to Robert O. Reddish as admin istrator de bums not, Ordered, That said petition will be heard on the 2fith day of December, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m. That all persons Interested In said estate may appear st county court on said date, and show cause If any there be why said petition should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and of said hearing be given to all persons Interested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order In the Alliance Herald, a weekly newspaper published In said county, for three successive week prior to said hearing. (Seal) L. A. BERRY, County Judge. 52-:;t I'm LEGAL NOTICE SHERIFF'8 8ALE. t LUNCH COUNTER GIRL ED. Burlington Hotel. Advertisement 50tflt4t W A XT- DINING ROOM GIRL WANTED. Iljriuigton Hotel. Advertisement 50tf 1645 Storage of goods, moving pianos and general dray. Phone 5. WALLACE DRAY LINE. Advertisement (44tfl4!t) TO TRADE. Quarter-section of A-l unimproved land. SVi miles south west of Berea. for a smaller tract near Alliance. Reply to Virgil Smith, Alliance, Nebr. Advertisement 1716-1-lt PAINE FISHBURN GRANITE CO. Grand Island, Nebr. Make the best monuments and will save you money, "-all on AL. WIK ER, local salesman of Alliance, or send to Grand Island for price list. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS See E C. Whisman for lowest prices on painting, paper hanging and kalsominlng. THREE MILK Phone Blue 4fc5 (4X-tfi COW'S for sale. In answering advertisements please mention this paper. Display Advertising First insertion, per inch, column measure $ -15 Subsequent insertion. without change, per column inch .. .l2Vi Extra charge for preferred position and for first Insertion of advertls ments containing difficult compost tion. Reading Notices and Want Ada Eight point Roman (common read ing) type, five cents per line each insertion. No reading notice count ed less than two lines. Black face type, 10 or 12 point, ten cents per line each Insertion. Each 10 or 12 point head line count ed as two lines; 18 point head Hue counted as three lines. Credit Rates No advertising account opened for less thun 50 cents. Ad for less than that amount should be paid for in advance. Job Printing With Advertising Where Jo printing is ordered In connection with advertising so as to save type setting, a suitable reiliu tion will be made in the price. THE HERALD PUBLISHING CO. By virtue of an order of sale dir ected to me from the clerk of the District Court or Box Butte County, Nebraska, on a decree rendered III said Court on the 7th day of October, A D. t!H2. In favor of The 'Alliance Building and l-oan Association, a corporation, Plaintiff, against Ella I. Hambltn. Frank H. Hamblln. Edgar C. Hamblln, Thomas Gurley, Mre. Ourley. wife of Thomas Gurley. flrat name unknown, defendants, for the sum of $!24.27 and costs avd accru ing costs, decreed a first Iten on the premises herclneflcr described and directing that said premises be appraised, advertised and sold as up on execution, to satisfy said sum of I924.S7 aBd costs and accruing costs, I have caused the snld lands to be appraised to-wit: a tract of land de scribed and bounded as follows, com mencing at the north-west comer Block ten ( KM in Second County Ad dition to the town (now city) of Al liance according to the recorded plat thereof; thence along the north line of said lot 10, one hundred and forty (140) feet ; thence south parallel with the west line of said block 10 fifty (50) feel; I hence west parallel with the north line of said Block 10, one hundred forty (140) feet; thence north along the west line of said Block 10, fifty (50) feet to the poi nt of beginning in the city of AUt unci', Box Butte County. State of Ne braska and will offer the same to the highest bidder, for cash In hand, on the Kith day of Decern lr. A.D. 1812, In front of the west front door of the Court house In Alliance 1n the said county, at the liaur of 10 ' o'clock A. M. of fc-nM day, when and where due attendan -e will he given by tlie underslgnen. Dated Nth day ;,f Njvcmbir, A. D. lit 8, c a:, cox. . Sheriff o. said ".maty. Advertisement 4!)--IKii. NOTICE My wife. Mrs. Rath Tragessor, having left my bed and board, 1 will not be responsible for any bills, am ounts or other obligations contract- d by her after this date. Noven.b r zi, . J. i ragesscr. 5I-4MG5:: Omaha Reef and Pork, Sour Kraut. Spare Ribs, Mince Meat and Dill Pickles, at ALLIANCE MEAT CO. (4tfl5T5) Missouri sorghum 85 cents per gallon, at RODGER'S. JUST RECEIVED at the Herald of fice a supply of high grade type- wrier ribbons and carbon paper. Ribbon for every make of machine. We put them on your machine if you wish. Machines cleaned and over hauled. HERALD PUBLtSHING CO. ' e "ii IRRIGATED LAND TO TRADE I will exchange Itio acres of irri gated laud, being seeded to alfalfa in the North Platte Valley with a good water right, for an Alliance business. Prefer grocery business but will consider any business. Or would trade for Alliance property. I also have a fine irrigated farm of 120 acre thai I would exchange both of these farms are Improved, Address Parmer. Alliance Herald of flee. M tf ' In answering advertisements please mention this paper. NOTICE Ilavliin .-M.ld the City .Meat Market to W. It Drake, all aoeouBtf duo me for meal are payable u him. All persons knowing ilii-aijchts indebt ed to m ... , mealed to call and settle at once. I R BARB. Vdvertist ment Sl-3-ltM NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS W e hi ve only a few of the Wall Charts dnupsi left which we offered as a premium to subscribers to The II raid. We want every subscriber who Is milled to one of these to have it before they are all gone. Will erery subscriber who is entitled to one of them, but who has not yet rece'ved It. kindly notify us 1MMEDIATKI.V? We are now mak ing another premium offer and can not promise to furnish any of the maps after the present small supply has been exhausted. HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY. " "" a New Discovery , One of the s usations of the twentieth century is Meritol Rheu matism Powders. A boon to every sufferer The best known remedy for rheumatism in all its forms. Ask those who have tried it. P J. Bren nan. Advertisement 52-4t $S GET WISE ADVERTISE W Paul W.Thomas instructor on violin Phone 175 Alliance, Neb.g