i 1 i i i I 1 i iiiiii T ' ktefct -V.. B . ...tf ifeAamAatfeAaaaMaaVaMi I HUiM i "JET ft Bicknell Grocery Co. Phone 19 Fresh, Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits, Candies and Nuts Breakfast Call Coffee Special Coffee, 25c Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co.'s "Sunshine" Goods Sugar, 14 lbs. for $1.00 Cured Meats in any quantity desired Everything good that you need for the table We carry -a full line of Prussian Stock Food 123 West 3rd St., Corner Laramie Avenue i 1 FUN IN "FUTURES." P ft 1 P Fortuna Tilling For the Christmaa Prty. Any t hi nc In tlip nature of fortune telling I alw-nys K)piiltir. nnl. not withstandine dentals, there Is a rein of Kiiierstitinii In every one's charae ter. No game I more heartily enter ed Into thmi one dealing ostensibly with rate or the rnture. Re It Iritrl 'ri te or simple. It I fully enjoyed. In the L'aine of futures great run is Hire to ensue. Iterative Ihe futures ean be previously arranged to suit the con ditions of certain teople. although gen era'lly the one in charge of the web (if fate knows as little of what will lie revealed as the individual himself. From a given center cords of all colors nnd conditions, no two alike, extend in every direction upstairs, downstairs and almost in my lady's cham!er. across each other here and there, often being knotted together at these points of intersection. Kach searcher winds tip his cord as he proceeds, and mnny difficulties In the way of knots to be untied and round and ronn.l windings to be unwound he encounters. When he finnlly reaches his future It usually proves to be a coin, a toy. n book of nursery tales or some article of abso lute absurdity. This he takes back to the Individual Who started him In pur suit of Ids fate, who mt.st be clever enough to give him quite a little in formation as to what will or will not happen, basing her remarks on the 'future" he found at the end of the cord. Rach future'' thus found is to be considered significant of other things. THE FIRST CHRISTMAS TREE. Custom Originated With Northmen. Hanging the Stocking. Across the English channel, where the Ciauls and the Franks and the northmen observed the stern rits of the severe religion of a strong hearted race, trees formed an important part in the festal observances of the feast days. The pine tree ever in all ages an object of deserved admiratiou was greatly revered by the northern folk. At the time of the midwinter celebra tion the northmen hung gifts upon the tree for their gods As is readily seen, when the early fathers of the church came to this tierce people with their message of peace it was easy to change the idea of gifts proffered to heathen deities Into a custom where offerings were made to the Christian God. Thus from such humble beginnings began the cherished customs which are our heritage of today. Gift giving on the birthday of Christ may be logically traced to that observance prevalent in the middle ages of having Christmas boxes wherein offerings were placed for the priests. Christmas boxes grad ually became an Institution In Chris tin ii families us well. Hanging up the stockings on Chrisi- . an iutf IllSlllllttull "l gov.- ft. Nicholas, old Santa Clans, Is ol purely Christian origin nnd started in Germany many hundred tears ago It has become one of the most cherished of Ihe Christmas customs of the civi lized world. National Monthly. The Blessed Christmas Tima. I (talked In the world today, dear Lord, Mldt worth Hint wrnpli nnd fame. Claaped hands with M.er and hrautv. I m il with loveltneaa and name. 1 1 wnllu'd in t h world today. dr;tr 1 .- rl . Midst iiprfimif-s rich and rare. " K. irtli's chiiii est exotics poured costly t.rpHth t'lton tfi- heavy air I unlluil iii : notlil today, my Lord. 'i nfouffk crowded hull and mart, Wharf) fruit ni lOOtn and press and brush K.ich vie f i Silrtry'S part. 1 Imc if - i 1 1 from the world, dear I. or t. Where the m.qhty rule and shine. To Med sweet ioy at thy MaXRaM sldo. To feast on tliinus divine. Oh, the world Is poor! 1 sm rich tonight As 1 walk in the path of the star's clear light. And I ti'.-ed no share in the great world's fame. 1 am crowned In the faith of the star child's name. -Christian Work. Christmas Trees For Manila From Alpa. Ileal Christinas trees with 'all their pristine freshness and with the fra glance of the balsam still clinging to them, as green as when they were cut in the Alps, arrive In Manila every Christmas season. By a special scientific process the trees when they arrive to be placed on sale by Jhe Manila merchants are still green and fresh, having been pre served in all their beauty and fra grance by a i-heiuiral bath which docs not impair tin- trees in any way and will ptverve them for many years Manila rime. Yuletide Common Sense. Cut out till presents given from cus tom. Many a girl is bankrupt or over worked because she has not laid '"the ghosts of a Christmas past." There Ii no sense in giving a present to a gi"l because you started to exchange witli her ten years back If you have drift ed apart she will be as glad to stop the custom as yu are. Whan Expressing Gifts. For packing the gift that is to be expressed a good strong box is abso lutely necessary, made of wood, if you can possibly get it: if not. heavy card board will have to do. The box must lie plenty large enough, giving ample room for packing. Sensible Gift Giving. Stop thoughtless giving. It is a waste of money, and uo one thanks you. Par better tin appropriate trifle than a costly present for which the recipient has no use. CHRISTMAS WREATHS. Here's prettlness. Tin holly wreath lends. Southern b'tirel Is beautiful. California pepper berries serve to DdUM, Sc. .li b In itlier Is one of the pretty wreath material, Red immortelles will at least never blush unseen. I.yciipodium is often used with very good ellect for wreaths. But. after all, holly is first fn vorlte, with Its lovely bright red berries. The gay low of holly red satin ribbon is tin usual finish, though it should not Ik used with ber ries of flie California iepper tree.- Philadelphia Record. Qllllll.M -c CHRISTMAS POSTALS BURNED. Dead Latter Office Dastroyed 178.000 Last Year. The dead letter office in Washington last year destroyed 178.000 picture postcards. The majority of them car ried Christmas greetings nnd were held as unmallable because either the post age was not prepaid or the cards bora mica or tinsel ornaments and were mailed in unsenled envelopes. The transmission of cards with mica or tinsel decoration Is forbidden by the postal regulations because In the past the eyes of employees were Injured by handling them. The Christmas Present. A plague on him who sourly dubs The custom overdone. For every Christmas gift contains All presents rolled In one. It takes the fnlth in things unseen Most wonderful to think, in reindeer kturnoye over roofs While stars look down to wink. It take9 the hope which ever springs In high and lowly found. The optimism and the trust That make the world go round And. last. It calls for charity The present to enhance. But If from giver or glvee Depends on circumstance. -Mclandburgli Wilson In New York Sun. Christmas Flowers. Flowers always make a lovely gift and will keep fresh several days if the following precautions are taken: Dip the ends of the stems in melted paraffin wax god carefully wrap the flowers willi sheets of cotton. Line the box with waxed paper, being care ful to leave plenty to fold over the flow ers. Place them in the box. cover over with the paper, wrap with several thicknesses of brown paper and they are ready to express. tain's HINTS REASONABLE .m rails It is not difficult to select your Christmas presents at Brennan's for here you will find the assortments complete and selected with care and judgment. Our long experience in buying for our Christmas trade has qualified us to select the stock of goods that satisfies the people of Alliance. We invite you to come to this store and do your Holiday purchasing with us. SUGGESTIONS Silver Presents Bracelets Card Cases Cigarette Cases Match Boxes Coin Purses flesh Bags Tea Sets Sugar & Cream Sets Bread and Cake Plates Percolators m Baking Dishes Candelabra Hat Brushes Military Brushes Hanicure Sets H I U I I I mi l I III I I I I I Our line of books, stationery and art calendars is very select. There are many suggestions here for presents. A complete line of fine American cut gla$s offers beautiful presents. Toilet Sets Clothes Brushes FEW Gold Presents Barretts Brooches Necklaces Bracelets Rosaries fcobs Tie Clasps Bar Pins Waist Sets Collaretts Lockets ' Ear Screws Watch Chains Emblem Buttons Crosses Stick Pins Cuff Links Boquet holders mm iii i i i i i t i i i i i itti BRENNAN'S On the Corner e