! Gives all the newt of ! Box Butte County and City of Alliance. The Alliance Herald Largest circulation of any newspaper in West ern Nebraska. VOLUME XX ALLIANCF. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA I THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, II2 NUMBER 1 ALLIANCE TO BE SEAT OF BISHOPRIC Rumored in Catholic Church Circles that Change May be Made This Month Life Work of Late Very Rev. Father Mc Namara to be Recognized Brothers' School a Feature ARRESTED FOR BEATING WIFE Frank Morrison. living a I HOI Toluoa avenue, v. as arrested Tues day night churned with being drunk and beating his Wife He lodg h1 in jail over night Htl wife re fused to prosecute hint and lie wh.s given his liberty the next day, prom ising to lead a better life. It Ik stated that he has been arrested for Urn MUM offense before. WILL RETURN TO ALLIANCE MOVING OFFICE Former County Surveyor .1. IV Hazard is moving his office today in to the MoCorkle block. He will oe upy Room where he has hung oui a sign, laincl Attorney, surveyor mil Locator." He has had a large experience in surveying and locating and will no doubt have a good busi ness now that lie lias an oBlce In a better location than heretofore, e VISITING IN BOX BUTTE Ora K. Phillips, of Mnraland. tr iner county superintendent of Boa Butte county, was in Alliance the fore part of the week The Herald has information that ho will again become a business man of Alliance about the first of the year, which will be pleasing news to his many friends here. , a BIRTHDAY SURPRISE PARTY It is persistently rumored in Cath olic circles ID Alliance that there j may be Important changes made in the new diocese recently created in : BMtfcweatern Nebraska vrhen the seat, or the bishopric was placed at Kearney. Rumor has it that Keel" ney will lose the bishopric and that it will bo plated at Alliance on ac count of the fact that Alliance is an important Catholic center, having large church, hospital and academy. The late Fr. Me-Xainura, who was tatUmed for so long at Alliance, was an indefatigable worker. He was in a large measure responsible for the institutions now loe-ated at Alli ance and it was his ambition that Alliance be made the seat of a Ma hopric Although he did not live " see this" ambition realized his work will soon be rewarded if the rumor be true. It is very probable that in connec tion with the establishment of a bishopric at Alliance a Brothers' school for boys and young men will DO located kere. It is said that t In former Catholic parsonage, which was on the market for sale, has been withdrawn, and it may be that this building would be used at the home for the brothers, and a substantial building erected for the school on the old church site Brv. Fr. Wolfe, of Grand Island, is said to bo slated for the appoint ment as bishop. Ho is well known in Catholic church circles and is highly regarded. The appointment and change, if made, will probably be during the present month. Rev. Fr. Donnelly, the present pastor, who succeeded Kev. Fr. .Me Xamara. is doing a RreHt work and will receive a large part of the cred it if the change is made Monday evening, Decefnber Bib, friends and neighbors of .Moses Wright remembered that he bad reached his fifty-fourth birthday. A party of twenty met at the home of Mr. and Mrs C C. Uodgers and proceeded to the Wright home Mrs. Cal Cox, in behalf of the guests, pre sented Mr. Wright with a pair Of gold cuff links. Lunch was served and a most enjoyable time was had by all present. At a lalo hour the uuests departed, wishing Mr. Wright many more happy birthday. . LIKES PREMIUM XMAS PACKAGE A Herald subscriber c alled up t lie office over the phony Tuesday morn nu to state that she bad Just re ceived her Xnias premium package and that it Was much finer than she had expected. She wad delighted with the premium El Veil by The Her aid. VISIT FROM OLD FRIENDS REMEMBERING GRANDPARENTS HAMPTON R C 0MPCETCO Children Getting Christovsaa Spirit J Alliance Banker Will Have Fineat Make Other Happy Home in Western Nebraska Alliance children are getting tin Christmas spirit and are trying to make others happy. The little Ze.h rung children are busy preparing a box to be shipped by express to th ir grandparents, -Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Watts. Bogeraville. Missouri. Mr. Watts will celebrate his 77th birthday NeU Year's day. He was a pioneer hunter of the Kocky moun tains as well as of the Ossrks. his game being elk, deer and bear. There are still a number of loeoino tives of the Frisco line between Kansas City and Memphis that car ry on their headlights huge sutlers from deer, killed in the Ozarks by Air. Watts in hiB younger days I. SHERIDAN CO. CORN COUNTRY A. P. Lee. mauage.r of the, forest Lumber Co. at Alliance, mane a bus iness trip into Sheridan couuLV in his automobile Monday, returning 00 Tuesday. He visited the Spade ranch country north and Borthoaal or Ellsworth. To a Herald repiv psutatlrs Mr. Las expressed him self as being surprised at (he large amount of corn grown in that vie -u-ify. reminding him of old Missouri The worst difficulty with corn grow ers in the south part of Sheridan count v is the distance to market, but this will be overcome to wint' extent when we get the O'Neill-A 111 aace extension of the C. B. ft o railroad If we gel IL MARRIAGE OF MISS EMMA SOULES One season Mr Mr. Cl! her the ei and of the social event of the Will be the marriage of Miss Kmerette Diana Soules. daughter or tnd Mrs Silas ( alder routes, io .lohn Alexander Henderson, of Toronto. Canada, on the evening at Wednesday, Deoembee r 1. ItlS, at eight o'clock, at the home. 4-3 Cheyenne Avenue. Mi Smiles has resided in tins for the past nine years, making homo with her uncle auu auni. late Mr. and Mrs .Nelson Mei u She is a charming young hui.v rfnrlna her slav has made many warm friends who regret her depart ure from Alliance. Mr. Henderson Is a prosperous young business man of his home city. Thev will be at home after Fobru an I, HM", at :!!' Shaw street, Tor onto. Canada. BIRTHDAY PARTY On Monday Deo. I Mrs. Geo. Da via will give a party from S:1W to p. in for Master Sidney fcfatU of Mystic S D. The occasion M ill bo Maei s in'h birthday. The invited guests Hill be Master .lames POU- atfa Clifford Lester. Parker ihxvhj and Sidney Mettz. Mrs. Davis will be assisted la serving by Mrs f. Ponath. Mrs. W. 8. Melt.. Mrs. Claud Lester and Mrs. Hoakin. - DAVE KAUFFMAN VERY ILL Have Kauffmaa was aura lad op at the hospital Wednesday morning for appendicitis. Hia condition la very serious at the present time. The residence of K. M. Hampton located at the corner of Sixth street and Big Horn avenue is nearly com pleted. A firm of Omaha decorators have been putting the finishing touches on the interior for some time. Whet) their work is coin pleted and the furniture installed lr Hampton will have the finest and costliest home in western Nebraska The building, which has ten rooms, is fitted with the very latest jn plumbing fixtures and conveniences. It will be furnished aritil carelully selected furniture. Mr. Hamptons former home, lo cated on corner of the lot. wJI be removed, giving a large lawn ur rounding the big house. A total of approximately 115,000 has been spent bjf Mr Hampton in the construe; loU and furnishing of the house It. is expected that the residence will be finished so that Mr. Hamp ton and Ills famly can move ia about the i5th of January. RETURNS FROM EXTENDED WESTERN TRIP Win. King returned Monday morn ing in hie new Cadillac car from his extended western trip, Which covered several thousand miles of territory and took about thrge weeks. Mr King was accompanied Tb Den ver and Colorado Springs by Frank Wilson of Alliance. They got as far as Colorado Springs when they en countered heavy snow in the moun tains ami ware forced to return with the ear as far as Denver. Mr. Wll sou than returned to Alliance and Air. King wont via Kiel. Idaho, and a western points. At Hlackfoot Mr. etal hundred acres cbard land which i ill m oved and mad) chards. He also owns western points, which train to lllack- n amber of other King owns sev of fiue apple or is being rapidly into fine or- laud at other he visited bo- fore returning to Alliance. .-. - s. P GROWTH OF BUILDING A LOAM F. EL Reddish, whose advertise ment Includes a mention of the Oc cidental Huildfbg and l-oan Associa tion, has beon member Ol Hie ad visory board for some six or eight years and has representee! the asso elation for the rast eighteen years, during vhfcah lime the resources have grown from f 2S,000.Ml to WOrS than $3jMf,aj0.(MI. While lbs build Ing and loan affords u good Invest ment for those who fake stock In it, it is also splendid proposition for those who lake stock for the purpose of securing S loan to v out on property a man who se cures a home iu this way pays for It. with money thai would otherwise OC paid for naui , I - - - FREE FOR ALL FIGHT A (res for all fight was started in a local pool ball Tuesday evening by two young men who seemed to he lodhing for i rouble with two broth ers, who aro said 'o have cleaned up the trouble makers when attack ed The trouble makers were ar rested and fined $10 and coals each in police court. George Johnson was agreeably sur prised the last ol the week by .i visit from two of hia old friends who wore passing through on thoii way east. One was Mr. Anderson of Toriibgton. Wyoming, and the other was Mr. Hayes, of Monmouth Illinois. Mr. Anderson hail been vis Iting Mr. Hayes, who was no. un panying him on his return to llli nois as far as Omaha. Mrs Mass , Butte before sister early is her West. here she K s Falter of Lancaster, has boi n visiting in Hox OOUntj since the Wednesday Thanksgiving day She is a Of Arthur ( hilson. one of the settlers Of this county. This first, visit to this part of the She will terminate her visit next. Tuesday, at which time will leave for Sioux City. Iowa, .lease ('liiNon, who weeks boon accompanied by will be gone a couple of While hero Mrs. Kuller has the guest of her old time Mrs. W. I. Lorance, northeast liance. friend, of Al- MUSICAL NOTES To the management of the Drake Hotel is due considerable credit for the establishment of orchestra music for the dining room Heretofore such a thing has been sadly unheard of in Allinuc, save on a few very rare occasions. Now music is regu larly employed on all Sundays, holi davs and special occasions, and il Is much to be hoped that the example will be followed and enlarged upon, until as it should be, in any good hotel or cufo, a good orchestra will bo a matter of course. Following is a sample musical pro mam which was recently rendered and Well recurred at the Drake: I. March Napoleon's Last fharg K. T. I'n ill I. II. Overture The Midnight Dream If Schlepegrell. III. Caprice Dance Of the Lunatics. T. S. Allen May Greene. Kd Ma honey. the Sun- iseirman General S Allen GO TO EASTERN NEBRASKA Mr and Mrs. M. S. llargraves left Monday morning for the eastern Bart of tie state Mrs. llargraves will' spend some few weeks wiih her parents at York, while Mr. liar graves wjll go on to Lincoln to at tend the county officials' convention held thir-e the 10th, 1 1th and IStb. LOCATES STOLEN HORSE Scottahluff Man Loses Horse Locat ed in Alliance Sold to Al liance Man George Halters, of Boettsbluff, lov a. fine horse a little over a week ago and sent out circulars oflerlug a reward of fifty dollars for its re covery. Saturday afternoon the attention t' Damut Sheriff Lucas was called to a horse and rider parading the streets of Alliance, On investigating lie learned thai C C. Smith had pur coasted the horse at a good price from the thief, who had immediately skipped the country after uiakinu the sale. Mr. Halters came to Alliance from Seottsbluff on Monday to reoovir the ibarse and pay the reward for its recovery. We understand that Mr Smith is offering a reward of fifty dollars for the capture of Ge thief. APPOINTED WEIGH MASTER VoUix Judge liregory Zurn has been appointed official weigh inaeder at the city scales which aro located in front of the city, hall. Ills hours are from eight o'clock in the morn ing until six in the evening. RETURNS TO ALLIANCE .lames Feagins has returned to Al liance from Ills long busllaaaa trip to Texas, Chicago aiidother oMonded point. Mr Feagina, who his been visiting at Fairfield. Iowa, returned with him Tueadaj morning. , . PAULING PIERCE Mi ami A. Mo., A beautiful ijiliel wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. 1'ierce, Wednesday evening, at the hour of eight, when I heir ilaiiiihter Sella was nulled in lnarri age to Mr. Martin Pauling of this city. Klder F. A. Woten, pastor of the Christ Ian chur.'h. officiated. The ring ceremony as used. There were present as siiies and Mrs K. F Shields. Mr. Mrs I) W Mlddhrtoa, Mrs F Woten, Kobert Fox of Dovr, J. W Miller of Alllaie-e. and Hie 1m mediate family. The bride and groom were the recipients of some beautiful psWent At eight thirty the wedding "olllpau weal to Nohe's cafe, wheiv an elegant dinner was served in uurh style under 'he supervision of airs. Nohe The bride's cake was simply grand. I p) newly married couple left Alliance Oil passenger No. 42 for Lexington, Mn , wiieie they will atay for a couple of mouths and then will re turn to Alliance to make (heir home. The Herald joins their many friends in belt wishes for a lou and happy married life. BETTER SERVICE AND NEW SYSTEM Nebraska Telephone Company Spend ing Over $40,000 for Complete New System in Alliance Over 30 Men Now Em ployed in Doing the Work Completed About Feb. 1 When the Nebraska Telephone Company purchased the Alliance ex change they found it composed or old fashioned, out of-date equipment IV. Wisteria Waltzes V. Hypnotic Itag . . vi. Overture sounds from ay south B, VII. Characteristic Man h Mixup. t'. S. A.. . T. Personnel : Alfonso St. Pool -Violinist, Dll tor Win. U. Walsh. Trumpet Jus. Ititowsky, Clarinet .Miss Hattie Henswold. Pianist ... e "OUR MUTUAL FOE" Lecture by Or. ef Guy W. Denver Wads worth tiuy W U'adsw-orth of Denver, as sociate secretary of the Presbyter lau temperance committee, gave a stcronpticaii lecture at the First Presbyterian church last evening to a Israe and appreciative audience. Admission was free bulla silver of fering wan taken for the support of the work of the committee The lei lure was ol au educational churaoter. along sciostiflc lines, showing the effects of alcohol upon the human system It presented strong arguments for practical, per sonal temperance and could not fail to have a good influence. - i SECOND TRY FOR DIVORCE Mrs Ollie Wulbridge makes a sec ond attempt to yet a divorce from Fred C Walbridge. Iuat Do ember she filed a petition but a decree was not granted her. This morning she filed another petition J'or divorce. Her plea is that bar busbnnd is an habitual drunkard. I . " ENTERTAIN OMICRON KAPPA CLUB Mr. and Mrs. V. If. RaOOOM were iuiited to act a chaperones at the Omteron Kappa Dancing Club regular dance last eveuiug and gave the club a very pleasant surprise in the form of a banquet after the dame, at Riannap a Ovor 0ft you Ik. people enjoyed the dance and feast and all had a very enjoyable lime. TWO VGKS TO CHRISTMAS Two little Sants Clauses swtidy on the tun ! One got a "week" back and then tnere wss one. GOING! GOING!! GONE ! ! ! Your Christmas Chances Will Be Gone. Too, If You Don't Get Busy. SHOP NOW! throughout. Alliance patrons had to turn the crank to call central, and ' service at It a best was poor. 8lnoe thai time they have had their ex-i j perls at work on the system ami have given the best possible Her- vice with the old equipment, which has always caused them endless an noyance and trouble. Keceutly they determined fJ take out and scrap every bit of oiu ; equipment, putting In an entirely j new and modern leleplunie exchange, new cables, wires and phones thru out. When the now system is put , in operation on the 1st of Kebruary, j not a bit or the present! equipment, will be In use. This now exchange and equipment Is coating In the neighborhood of 40jaOO. The new exchange and equipment, which Is of the very, latest, modern up to-date equipment. Is being installed by the Western Electric Company. Hy having one, ; installed. It company furnish the entire cm linage, the company a phono, f or u period ol promiijiy i twelve hours, while the transfer is being made, there will be two com plete exchanges in operation On a. Saturday evening before the changn is to be made, all phono subscriber will be culled on the phono and noti fied that the next morning they are to use the new phones The change will not inconvenience anyone in nny way whatever. The old phones will then be removed. The old plant will then bo dlamnuteled All of the old wire will be Junked. Kvery piece of old (able will be out into short lengths and shipped back to Him factory in barrels. The telephone company now has a force of twenty-five const ruction men i working and six cable splicers. There1 are at the present time six different makes of telephones in ! use In the old exchange and more than that many different kinds of cable and materials. It ia easy to imagine the Improved service which the subscribers will receive when the new exchange, using one kind of ; phone and one kind of material, ia la really wonderful that has been able to keep and equipment everything Is stand-j the service up aa well as has ben ardi:.od and uniform. Instead of doae, considering the difficulties, n.u ing. half a dozen.dJffeutfit jnakea vwhlch. Ihe' Jiavo had to cRi-ouMer. of materials In the system there, will be one standard line throughout., This will save endless annoyance, ami trouble The tiovs ex hange Is now being installed Hi the Kin building, semen from the Drake Hotel. The Nei ka Ti'l phone Company has leased the upstairs of this building for u term ol ten years. All of the poles now strung on Box UuttH Avenue will bo torn down and the nef ca bles placed iu the alleys This will greatly improve the appearance of IJox Butte Avenue, the main busi ness street in Alliance. The new cluster, lights will all bo plainly seen from either end of the avenue The Western Kieotrio Company now has a force of four men Instal ling the central office equipment in the Kins building Ahum the first of February, ahsn the saw eacbaags is to ie put in operation, new teli phones will be placed in every fice and home where there ia Sidney west or now will lbs Iftth or December. This will give direct connection with Chey enne, Salt Lake City and Other points. Before the change la made to the new system about l-'ehr.iary 1st It is planned to have the uw telephone directories delivered to the sub soribcrs so that all changes in num In rs caused by tin transfer will b ready for the subscribers. The di rectories will be printed by The Herald The Nebraska Telephone C;ii pany deserves gnat credit for it. confidence la the future of Alliance by making this enormous expenditure The cost of operating the new ex change will probably be higher than at the present time. The eapense wlll be heavier and it will probably be necessary to Increase the tote phone force But the operatora wilt be able to handle all onlta ouicker and bettor Kvery phono wilt be OB metallic circuit, which wilt insure quietness ut all times and no cross ed lines. , Pp to two years ago Alliance wfii i"olated, so far as loll service with other points was concerned. There were practically ho toll connections at all. Shiee tnat time hundreds of miles of copper wire have been strung by the Bell Company, giving connection with cities and towns of importance within a radius of soo miles. This was not dreamed or at that time. Alliance now has good connection with Denver, Omaha, Kan sas City, leadwood, Pierre, and Dth er important points. It is expected that the now copper toll lino from be completed by AUTOMOBILE BURNED Three Alliance Men Have Long. Cold Walk Tuesday MITCHELL CAR DESTROYED rJvorett Cotk. K II Itoyd and W F. Kientop made a trip down lulu Moil ill county Tuesday morning in. the fine Mitchell car owned by Mr. Cook. They had finished their busi no.-. and were returning on their way to Alliance trivial at a point near i lie QeotgO Qajddis ranch. The engine died, and Mr Kioutop. who ti.ol bossl driving, bad luketi off the a. .m i and looasasd the carburetor,, which seemed to be stopped up Willi some obstruction either iu the ar buretor itself or iu the gasoline feed. line. Lu cleaning the carburetor connections Mr Kieplop had some cotton waste which he thrown on the ground under th In spite or their efforts the gas..,ine pipe and connections soon rangbi fire and within a few minutes tht fine cur. costing over IS.dOO, was completely ruined. The men arc re lucky to escape without injury theUI s.lves They were compelled to walk a long distance before a tele phone could be reached, when they phoned to Alliance for another which brought them to town, car was partially insur but loss to Mr. Cook will be heavy. car. The the COMMISSIONERS TAKE TRIP and used had eli- giue. This waste caught fire- rroiu some unknown cause and without warning burst into Hame, completely em eloping the engine and rront of the car The men made frantic- efforts to Mtaa the heavy car away from the fire and tried to throw dirt on the flames but the frozen conditiou or the ground made I his wry difficult County Commissioners J. M. Waa k. S C. Beck and C L llashmau have left for Lincoln to attend the clerks' and county commissioners' convention held there. ' J. M. Wanek and C I. ILishmau while there will take a look at the work of the architect from that city who is vary much interested in eon vln ing Itox Unite county that; he la the man they are looking for They will also go to Kansas City. Kans . where they will vtw b uhl t ings erected by Hose Peterson. From Kansas City they will Pet urn home by way of leiiv. i 2 "2 Mr. and Mrs M. C Huhbeil will spend the winter in southern Califor nia. Mr. Hubbe.ll left yesterday morning for Los Augeles and Mrs. Iluhbell will go within a few" days.