AutogenousWelding Greatest invention ever made in welding Welds Perfectly Cast Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass and bronze We have the only Autogenous Welding Plant in Northwest Nebraska. With this process we will weld your Broken Automobile & Machinery Parts and Guarantee All Work Saves Machinery Saves Time Saves Money ROSENKRANZ & FOX, 1 14 West 2nd St. Alliance, Nebr. mm Will you help? Just send the VMS. i'- coupon and bunshine will corneal Ha 1 r io vou wnere it comes, it stav m " ' mm POSE -WILES BISCUIT (OMPANr Mamerm .SuniiStndi H.,m, ,,.t Looae-Wtlet Biecuit Company Omaha, Neb. Please Mnd m FREE "Surprise Box" of assorted Sunshine Biscuits Nam Address Orocer's Nam. ...... Address AN UP-TO-DATE MACHINE Wd arc phased to Insert in this Issue of The Herald nn advertisenie-nt for Koaenkrun K Po. the black smiths, announcing th instBiiation In their shop Of an AUtOgenOOa welding plant Wedding Ivy this n-vv proe-ea is a remarkable advance ov er the il(l methods Some kinds of work can be done successfully thut cannot be touched by nny other Method. Cracked automobile cvlin vlers and other expensive pieces of machinery that WOUld otherwise have to be thrown into the snap pile can be repaired and made aa OOd as new We are especially pleased that one or these plants has been Installed in Alliance, thus having done in this city work thai would otherwise lc sent to Denver or other large cities. ' $100 REWARD, $100 Tho readers of thli paper will he pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that Bcl ence has been able to cure In all its stages, and. that is Oitarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the out) DOS Itiv cure now known to the tiled I cal fraternity. Catarrh being I con stitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di rectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the dis ease, and giving tin- patient strength Ivy building up the constitution anil assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they of fer evne hundred dollars for any rase that it faila to cure Send for list of testimonials Address P, J ledo, Ohio. Sold bjl all Take Halls stipation. Advertisement Cheney v Co. To- druggists, "lie. Family Pills for con- -4t BROKEN WRIST Mis Delia Held, county atipevln teiident, who fell and broke her wrist last week, still finds It neees nary to have splints on the Injured arm but state that It Is now getting much bettor. She slipped on an Icy sidewalk i,i ' week and in falling broke one or the bones In the left wrist. She has continued to give v attention Idv her official duties and the accident did not Interfere with he, work ' e A New Discovery One or the sensations or the, twcntlelh century la Mcrltol Rheu matism Powders. A boon to every surferer. The be-st known remedy for rheotnat ism in all its forms. Ash those who have tried it. p. .1 Bren nan. l ert Isi mi lit Ml MORE CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PHYSICIAN AT STRASBURGER Hon. John M. Strasburger returned the fore part of last work from his eastern trip, accompanied by Dr A Clarence Schoch of Chicago. The) were in Alliance Pridny and flavored The Herald with a very pleasant Call. After inspecting the country around St r.i sbtirger. Sheridan eounty. Dr. Schoch decided to locate in that community and accordingly entered a claim to a section of Pncle Sam's land, upon Which ho will take up his residence within the next six months He returned to Chicago, leaving Al liance on 12 Pritlay Blight, expecting to come back to thlB country next spring. New Hair Treatment We now carry the new discovery for the hair, Meritol Hair Tonic, compounded by the Ameiican Drug and Press Association. We will be pleased to have our customers five it a trial. We are author! id to guarantee it by the association, to Which we belong P. J. Ilrennan. Advertisement r'-4t a VISITED HOME FOLKS Delia Watson, of The Herald force, visited over Thanksgiving and the of tin- week With her parunts near llemingford. a IMPROVE BREED OF CATTLE I. N. Worley left Saturday night fir Omaha, intending to g from there to lowa points ami probably into northern Missouri to pun base a bunch of full blood Hereford bulls to ship to Alliance, part of which he will use on his own ranch and sell part of thom. Mr Worley and oilier leading ranchmen of this sc. -lion be lieve it will pay to Improve the breed of cattle in this country and will go to considerable expense for that purpose. C. K. Clougb is one ol the other Hereford men who will do the same. a) The Skin and Not the, Blood Until recently it has been a gen orally accepted theory thai ecsoms was a disease of the blood. Scien tific investigations have laught us that ecsoms is positively a skin dis ease and curable through I lie skin alone. Meritol Besoms Remedy is applied directly to the diseased skin, the effect is marvelous and iis re suits permanent. Do not delay Irj Hg Meritol Bcsems Remedy. P. J. Hrennan. Advertisement ... It - " -a- - ROBINSON SPENDS THANKS GIVING ON RANCH1 W. M. Uohiiisou, of Omaha, man agi r of the piano department of the firm of Oriels Brothers, who has a branch store in Alliance, sms ai bis ranch over Thanksgiving He has two ranches about ftfteeu miles northwest of Alliance and makes his home there Mr. Robinson Is omiiiciiii" a big sale of pianos in Omaha and stales I that business has been very good there. The local branch, managed by I Mrs. .1. T Wiker. reports several very good sales lately. Could Shout for Joy "I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart,"' wrote C. H. Under, of l.ewihhurg. W. VS , ' for the wonderful double benefit I not from Klei trie hitters, in curing ne in addition lo the civil service ex smlnatlons already announced in lor iner Issues of The Herald, (he fol lowing have been announced to take place in Alliance on the dates nam ed: Oecember 11, 1912 Scientific Assistant in Cheese lak Ing i male), salary $1,0S0 per vcar. December 11-12, 1912 Agricultural Inspector (male), sal aries $1,200 to $1,400 pert annum, to fin vacancies In Philippine islands December 16. 1912 Lithographic Map Ka graver (male) salary $1,100. December 27 28, 1912 Educational positions Philippine Service, salary $1,100 per annum With advancement to $$,000 and $:!, 000 as superintendent. December 30. 1912 Foreman of Laundry (male), sal ary $1,100 per annum. Adminisira the Assistant in Came Preserva tion (mule), salary $1,600 per annum. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS We have only a few of the Wall Charta imnpsl left which we offrrel aa a premium to subscribers to The Herald. Wo want every subscriber who Is entitled to one of these to I have II before they are all gone ' Will e-vcry subscriber who Is entitled io one of them, hut who haa not i yet rocotrod It. kindly notify us I M MBD1 ATSLY f We are now mak ; Ing another premium offer and can not promise to furnish any of the maps after the present small supply has been exhausted HBRAI.D PUBLISHING COMPANY. a Famous Stage Beauties look with horror on skin eruptions, blotches, sores or pimples. Thcv don't have them. Por all such troubles use Km 'ul- n s Arnica Salve it giorirics the face, RsoeUent foi ccema or salt rheum, It cures sore lips, chapped hands, chilblains; heals burns, cuts and bruises. Hnsurpas cd Tor pi Id-s ltd at Fred K. Ilol-ste-n's. Advert tasanenl r2-4t ANNUAL PEACE SUNDAY Announcement was made at Wash ington last Sunday by tin- American Peace society of the designation of j December II as Peace Sunday." in I accordsnce w ith a custom Which has prevailed tor mora than twenty years ! churches and Sunday schools through out the country will on that day M called upon to emphasize the barbar ities of war and the growing faOVS i incut toward a world court and In ternational peace The Herald hOpOS ' to see the day duly observed in Al I Hnncd' and other places In this part of Nebraska. Foils a Foul Plot Drives off a Terror The chief execiit totter of death in the winter and spring months is pneumonia lis advance agents are COldS SOd grip- In any attack by one of these maladies no time should he losl ill taking the best medicine Obtainable tO drive It off. Countless thousands have found this to be Dr. King's New Discovery. "My bus hand believes it has kept him from having pneumonia three or four times," writes Mrs. (Je-orge W. Place, Rawsonvltle, Vt., "and for coughs, colds anil croup We have nev er found its equal." Guaranteed for all bronchial affections Price SOctl ami $1.00. Trial bottle- In e at Pred B. Houston's, Advertisement "-4t a "STARS HEAD THE COMPANY" When a shnmetttl plot exists be i ween llve-r and bowels lo cause ills tress by refusing to act, take Dr. King's New Lire Pills, and end such alaise of your system. They nontl.v I compel right action of stomach, liv.t and bowels, and restore your health ami all good feelings. 2ac at Pred B. Holsten's. Idvertlsemeni 51-41 BIG TURKEY DINNER AT RANCH Mrs. Julia T. Known to her "Orandms Hoon", at thi ranch ne hoon, of Alliance, many friends as Spent Thanksgiving tr Cleman with B. Men SO hoon ami "the boys". It was a big family gathering and one to be remembered a long time MANY ACCEPT CHRISTMAS OFFErs; Since the extraordinary Christmas offer or The Herald was made in the last issue new subscribers have been received in great numbers and old subscribers are pitying In ad ranee to got the Inter-Ocean ami The Perm and Home, with the big company Which p- Xmas package of 22H pieces. The lime is short and you sh mid take advantage of the exceptional offer made- here be interested to Playgoers win know thai the ens at the Plielan opera house start ing tonight is headed by two music al comedy stars who have- loured tins stale many times. They are John B. Prank and Miss Nellie Wat tors who featured in tin- "District Leader" and the "Flower of the Ranch" so successfully. Miss Wai ters closed the season just passed ai So Ufa Bend, Ind., wil ii "The Cat and the Piddle" in which she WUI featured strongly, and Mr Prank was Willi "The Hidden Oirl" all last season playing John Cort Time in till West. Pi ,v stock are so fortunate as to stars like Miss Walters Prank. The opening play three-ad musical comedy nig!it at the Plielan Willi lour high class Read The Herald's offer on page 2. big nremium IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE POST OFFICE DIRECTORY Mails close at office as follows, the Alliance post Mountain time: i om panics offer t.wo and Mr. will be a drams to opera house, vaudeville sets), change of play every' night- during this engagement. g - a -T- IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE East Bonn I ll.lo a in. for train No. 44. 11:00 p. Eg, for train No. 42 West Bound p. m. for train No U 11:00 p. m. for train No 41. South Bound 12:20 p. m. for train No $03 11:00 p. m. for train No $01 On Sundays and holidays mails close at tl:o0 p 11 00 p. in I it A K. ill uight m. instead of TABH. P. M. V W I? of 16 GAUGE IIIO rltn Repeating Shotg an KM I . I I , I f . - . ft ... . . . ii '7 " f1"111'- 1 " ioe ni an r prboi -p ,id rxVi ,wmr lioai foul uymt Mu 'W k. r-trciivr irpul hoM. Raia. lori, cow and farn auttrr iu I mn into t,r a. boa TIV marhaiuani alruaf . lunplr, war nannf Tt doubla asSsaiM puB aajr uVII latianily i two aprcial aafrtT iulV V"1 trcxi"'" "rnartr wluU a. Uoa fa unl k-t. and an auloawar rtj hi.., k aaakra Kaa( (, haiimlaaa. AI Maikn, air aUoagly madr. 1WI balanrnl. a., uiaw. haid tnilinf luna. and an the quf kf-ti and caaeat la 5B aJowaaadclaas llluatranoo akowtM.drl 24 g.adr "A" 12 (aua ; it tm all tha fralytaa thai meki lot pfrfact SSS, Isnl tkr.. x-p seaaafs lals tm .., 13 yfo marn rf,arm . fit out catals aVarribtaa Ik tail ftirV, n ... ,.,... c . . p - a a waaaaar jvvci nav- rifle, pi-t r.l fr-r fnr S tatups postage. I para ta raload your ahclU! Yetw taeady firrd rierlti an- the eaaeaalae tt nf factory aeeimaaMfaet. Th. v'n- a- tina nml goml a new, ami it'a -a-y t o tnad! M.-r, lv id-rap aril rS'CSp -lull, faearrl fteevilfr. rriaap shrll on ti Imlli t. Ynu r. loM lid JS dt S. R. ranridg. s Ihuyitig Satltrt) in i hour ad tntal easaaaa 77'-.: i-atina? hull, is v'icsrlf : in w fji-lorr cartrMara boat IS. at. Praa Ideal Hand H'oV'trll- a'l ahaerl reloading all d -tiotiriiii atumiiriitinii : M0 nacr-s of vatuahlc inforntation: Thr Martin Firrarms Co., 4 Willow St.. Nraj Haven, Conn. , HOWS THIS? We e)ffer One Hundred Hollars Reward for any ease ol' Catarrh that cantioi be cured by Hall's Ca arrh Cure K. .1. CIIKNKY A. 00., Toledo, ). We, the undersigiieil, liave known V J Clieiu-y for the last IT. year, ami I) i in perfectly honorable iii all business transact Ions aud fi nam lally able lo carry out any ob ligaliouo made pjj his firm. NATION l. BMJfK OP COMMPKCK. To!elo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Tsstlmonlsls sent free. Pile I 71 cents per bottle Sold by all Druggists, Talre Hall's Pailiil.v Pills 4'or con stipation Advert I semen I a i STEEL DIE MONOGRAM STATION ERY. An Ideal Christm.s Present. Tiike advantage ed' l be following special otfer we are making on UeOUino Slee-I Hie Stamped Mono gram Siationea-y. We will stamp in gold any single iniiial or anv imMiomain of ivvo Initials, styles shown at the Hit aid Office on one emire l 24 sheelbl of high 'iuhIHv UasNi finish pnper, and furnish 24 euve-lopen (MM stamp ed I to inaicli, put up in an altj ai due box, appropriately cove reel with a Holiday design and lie lintm, a twee i olor Httel die stamped XOMS gift card, lor din cent. HERALO PUBLISHING CO.. Alliance, Nebr. IsVil Advertihemelit of Im it le l rouble which I sufferer eaa at. Pin- snd a severe' e'ase- of Stomach and of ism . from bad been an almost helpless for ten years. It suiie-d mv though made Juki Tor me dyspepsia, indigestion, jaundice, lo r.d the system of kldn Kb poisons that eausc rhe-uiual ism , trie- Hitlers have no superior Try llieln Rvorj hoi lie is guarantied to Satisfy, Only M cents al Preel K I lolslen's Advertisement 52-4f Are You Afflicted with Piles? dlSOSSO, whether ete-uto r , Is esally and rapidly over Meritol Pile KoOaOdy This ohranlc, come bv 1 1 1 - diivea positive and permanent relief I when all others fail, and srg aanrtil) , recouiiuejid ii to any sufferer. Advertisement 41 , MOLES AND WARTS Removed with MOUSOFF, without pain or danger, no matter how targe or how far raised above the surface of the skin. And they will new return and no trace or scar will be left. MOLESOFF is applied dr rectly to the MOLE or WART, which entirely disappears in about six days, killing the germ and leaving the skin smooth and natural. MOLESOFF is put up only in One Dollar bottles. Eacl bsttie it terararded ssatiaut tn tecerpt si price is neatly packed m a plain case, ac cemaaaief y f sell eVechaas. ggj caataias easufl laattle ta rtma eight er tee srliaaiy MOLES at WARTS We sail M01ES0F f sasar a sosibea GUARAWTt E. if it fails ta ttmeve yasr MOUS ai WART ate will piemptle reluna the dollai tetters tr oere per senates we all aaaar. tsfstfctr with ss:k ealuakle lafaraiatiaa. will he mailed Irsa usee leanest Kloiuiu Piutribtjtinc t'oiiipati.v PenMecola. Plorldg Plegnfi nosntioo this LMtper when ejuiwtfrinii (Jiiaianti'd'iJ by tin- Khi. Dintributagvg Co. uuder the1 FixkI ami Drugs Act, June 30, ISI06, (Serutl No. l.iii;:. 4i VM