Ml A MAJESTIC RANGE The Majestic Steel Range is in a class by itself. It has the reputation and is stand ing up to that reputation. Come in and see them. Prices from $55 to $65 Cast Ranges of superior quality $35.00 and up I. L AC m PHONE 98 HiiKD TXT -A- The Savory Roaster represents perfection in the art of roasting meats or poul try. You will get the cost back in satisfaction the very first time you use it. Prices $1 up. NEWBERRY'S HDW. CO. MRS. W. D. ZENKER'S STUDENTS RECITAL Fine Musical Program, vocal and In strumental, by Students. Assist ed by Mrs. James Gaddis. HOME OF MR. AND MRS. SWAN. W. H. r s On Monday vrniim of thlw week bOttt a tlMtdrvd. persons SMMBlMsd at the spa. 'ions rcsiiliMicc Of Mr and Mrs V. II Swan. 114 Ijiramie avtiiue. in PBSpOB.Se 10 invitation to attend a students' recital 1 pupils of Mrs. Wayne I). Zeiliker, assisted by Mrs .lames Caddis, reader. The program as printed below was ten deted. with the eXCapUM of No. 8, which mi omitted on account of the illness of Mish Kvannellne Aeheson. Each rendition received generous ap plause, showing the appreciation of the audience. The Herald wishes to congratulate .Mrs Badtker and her students upon the success of the recital Program. 1. Match. Autumn Days. Lindsay. Kuth Montgomery and Itessie Ham Uton. L' The Alpine Hunter. Wenel.. Lucille Kawcett ::. a. Moment Musicale, Mostkow- ski. h. I.s Muscadins. VV&ChS, Heat rice Pate. ' 4. a. When Love Here. .Mar- iraret MtClure: I). There was tin Old Woman. Catherine Murray. 5. The Grasshopper's frolic. Kor man, EtuJby Bauere, fi. Gavotte in It minor, NasabeTf Hannah Cotant. 7. The North Wind, Dutton, Naomi Caddis and Mrs. Zediker. s. March e Facile. Curl it t. R ran ft line Aeheson. B, Two National Dances : a. Spanish Bolero. In Old Madrid. l-'airar, 1) BnsUsh Gavotte. Tread We Meaa urc. Katlierme Schill. Hi. Readtn. Showing the Album Mrs. .lames Caddis. 11. A Serene Morning, Curlitt Marjoric Crebe 11'. In the Orchard. Kowe, Marii Kibble 13. Neapolitan Son:. Hartman Charlotte Mollritm and Hdna llowiiiuu 14. Vocal Duet. Will o' the Wis. Spross. Anm la Ware and X'irnini Bnuoaie. I. Sous les rVuilles, Thome. Two P!aOS, Hannah Cotant and lain: Bowman. CONTRIBUTED. Alliance. Ncbr., Nov. Jn. 191 Bditor Alttonoe Herald, AUtanoa, Ncbr. uear Btr: ihe enclosed poem wnicn i Dave composed with my own hand- sounds very appropriate. Will you please be kind enough to allow iimj the space necessary to print it. I will appreciate the favor and remain, V ry respo. t fully yours, A BUB8CRIBER NEW ROAD OPENED. The DOWN) cointnlsslonern have onleied a new road opened ROffJM Ihe HurllnKton tracks about six miles east of town Jupt west of the Sweeney ranch The new road will be one-half tulle In length and runs MO the south west quarter of wf Hon If, township II, ratine 47. north one half tulle The petition was put In some time aito but the opening of he road was delavcd because of not heing on the line and survey Ins hail to be done. K V. Sweeiiej has been appointed special commissioner to attend to the matter of Open tea tin the road s RESTAURANT CHANGES HANDS. The Crand liestanrant ohSflftifl MMlda last week Ton Tuck and Tom Aekung sold Ihe same to Horn Sue Wo and Honi Vee ulm will onlinue the busiiess at the stand as heretofore. same AUTOED TO HEMINGFORD. .1 H. Ilaskins, familiarly known to the Alliance boVH as "Curlv" Ilaskins, was in Alliaine visiting old friends Monday. He is now con nected with the tdaal Stanm Laun dry of Scottsbluff and was on an into trip in his new car from the I II tiffs to lltmingtortl e VETERINARIANS CONFER. It K Davis, itlari,4n, was (it the week local state Wyoming state Veter irr Alliance tlm hist conferring with the veterinarians. Dra. w M l Campbell w. t Bpencer and L s VISITS WITH POSTMASTER TASH Special Sale on the Well Known Parker Fountain Pens $2.00 Pens for - $1.50 Pens for $1.50 $1.00 F.J.Brennan William Mitchell ATTORNIY AT LS.W, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA BURTON & WESTOVER Attorney at Law tAND ATTORNEYS Office First National Bank Bld. I'bone 180. ALLIANCE. NEB. H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, vli,iai i;, NEB, F. M. BROOME LAND ATTORN EV I,nigexitrlini-.s llerdve r I'.H. Landnf a guantntp lor prompt and efficient ssrl34 Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA BRUCE W ILCOX Lawyer and Land Attorney Pritrtlttniirr In civil courts slum MM ul KeKlitar V. St. Lund Office from 1903 to USf Information bv mall u spmMalty. nrrics in i.aphi orrtct buii.diho ALLIANCE - NEBRASKA. t; w. Be h reck, of York, visited with Postmaster on Saturday, as lie was on bis wa from a trip to Scottsblnff, where be invested in some property. Mr. Sclireek is post master at York. NOTICE OF BOND SALE THE T ? A. J. KENNEDY DENTIST . t .Otbce in Alliance National bank rsu Over Po.siottice. . Phoue 391. Dr. JA5. P. n AX FIELD Dentist OVER ERENNAN'S DRUG STORE All Electrical Equipment Evenings by Appointment PHONE 525 RED PalaceShiningParlor job Box Butte Ave. First-class Work for Ladies and dents G. J. CIK1IS, Prop NOTICE BURIAL OF MOOSE. THE BULL ' I'ertenal Taxes are due November ul fssllmaissa 4 Dec saber it. K. M. MARTIN, aS-St-litf County Treaa. d en loeuienl We Welcome Woman and Her Suffrage if tlttoiirli it sin- will ac complish ;i greater Interest in ejotxi homes and set high er Ideals lor the youth of our country. By Instinct woman Is a bome builder because be realises the good tnnuence it has on I the children, anil you men would be terribly surprised if yon knew as wi ll as we, do what good common si nse ideas they have on arrange' ment and in the choice ol lumber. They Know that our smooth finished aiding ami casing, base and mould' lug is a labor and money saver because it requires no extra work from the car penter or painter, ami their taste in the selection of doors and windows usually addabeauty and attractive- ncss at little extra expense. if you're thinking f build ing we w ant to talk to both you and your wife and help you select your lumber. v. 1; in his glory. an New at i It Can Be Relied Upon 11. A mortem Dmu and Press 'There's No Pine Like Hume" As- biHULtion auiuori.e u 111..... niaraatM absolutely Meritol Hair Tni It ba-s n equal. K M ;' wonderful remedy. A trial will (MS- vim e you. f. J- Braasss Forest Lumber Co. Let Uis bury Mn darkly at dead of siabti Motli bis buriiH, bis hoots and bis bide; We'll plant liim neatly at Oyster Hay. With the "Big Sti.-k" etoae by his side. I lush: Make not a sound to disturb his rtpnae. Kor laimli at the last foray; Usy the lt;iii4ii aider Hat real of bis duds. Ami leave sin sIom tas bo ribald :im of tb Verk rumps its 1 fror me tvoiier o Cbicscoj Prom hy "Psaami natter" we'll kindly refrain. till Tail's creeds we'll lav an '. refearco. ill "harvests r Trust" 11 men . It -i we'll make, xv I the HarriastO Letter shun fully: : Hi Hi e and sadness we'll just make a sneak, Ami leave hits ilure Feetyat so r.uiiv " roan leuoeriy, piousty, lay mm With D either mali e tir bi:is; '- may tliink a DSMsSi siuht 'f not bins to say. That night shame QSJf ohl frieinl ssanlaa. No WSliiM bttSta sliall sound "Hgbtl out ." Shed no 'ears for the hopes that are bliuhled ; Hut he'll lay like si dead Moose tak Ssl his rest. And the Nation LIGHTED.'" Notice is hereby nivon that the County Commissioners of Hox Hutte County, Nebraska, "ill met t an the Court House in (Alliance, nx ituito County. Nebraska, on the Nth day of December 1912 at I" o'clock A. ML of said day for the purpose of re ceiving bids on the 76,(Kl.00 Court House llotid Issue; Said Hon Is to be (A the following dastomloatkme, vi.: Seventy-five Hotuls of tine Thousand Dollar! each, to run a parted Of twen ty years from data of issuance, bear inn Interest tit the rate Of " per (tut par annum, kttsn si payable semi-annually, saitl interest ami principal, payable at the fiscal ai;euc cf the S ate of Nt braskii, in the City f N v York, State of New Yark All bids to be In Writing and filed with the County Clerk on or before In o'eh 'i A. If, BO the 14th day of Dec em btr 1912, sad accompanied with a Certified cluck of not less than 10 per fi t:: l" the SOKMM bid Those not accompanied by eertlfted check will not be eos ildared. The County Commission rs reserve the riulit to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board, If. B. HARCWAVBB, citik of th- Board. r.o-4t-n;i!' It Helps! Mrs. J. F. Daniels, of Sip, K, writes: "I was so sick for 3 or 4 years, I had to hire my work done, most of the time. I had given up hope. When I began to take Cardui, I knew, right away, it was helping me. Now, I am better than ever before in my life, and Cardui did it" E 64 Take CARDUI DR. H. H. BELLWOOD, Surgeon C. B. A Q. Ry. Office Over Moisten' Drug Store Day Phone 87 Night Phone 86 OKIE t'OPPEBlfOLt lit, riinnt' 'JO F. J. PETBSSSa Kes. Phuas 41 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHS Rooms 7, 8 sad g, Rumer Block Phone 43 GEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN AND Sl'ROEOR Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AND St'KQEON (Succassor to Dr. J. K. Moors) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCS Office hours 11-12 a.m. 2-4 p.m. 7 SO-9 p, m Office Phone 62 Res. Phone. 8) The Woman's Tonic Cardui has helped thous ands of weak, tired, worn out women, back to health. It has a gentle, tonic ac tion on the womanly sys tem. It goes to the cause of the trouble. It helps, it helps quickly, surely, safe ly. It has helped others. Why not you? It will. Try it Get a bottle todayl H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 3A0 Hcs. Phone tAJ CallM answered promptly day and nlfht Sjssj nffltce OtBi-e: Alliance National Baal HnlldlnK oer the Pout Office. J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, ALLIANCE. RBBKASKA Parties ost of tows should wrtte. 1 ast out miH-li i.f the time. Chante, will not at ceed fo.iJt' MM t'xpt'ii.sefi p-r day. Dr. Oliver McEuen Physician and Surgeon HEMINGFORD, SERR. SPECIALTIES: Plassssi of Women aaJ Children and Qsaito L'rinarv Organs All calls answered prsmptly say or St! IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA Chadron Division Case No. ) In 17. untary n Bankruptcy. Petition Vol- Furnaces for Cold Weather The most satisfactory way ot heating a house is with a furnace. 1 handle the Wise and Jewel furnaces. They can be seen at mv shop PUBLICATION NOTICE CREDITORS TO wa hut 4LU4NCC, MBKaSKA t;n!t-5t It Hill l Olil papers at Thf HsfaM office at 6 cents per buucU. In the Matter of Benjamin C. Soth, Banki-upt At Cbadrco, Dawes Cottntr, Nebrss lea, in .-.iid District, bafors rraaer ck a. Crttes, Raferas in Bankrupt. cy. November Ittb. Wli. tin the .'fih day of Asasat, 1911,1 Benlaatis C. Sotii of AIHa& . i'-x Butte County, Nebraska, -v. is duly adjudioatet) u Bsakrust, and on lbs ;;itii da of Noretnbar, i?)2, said bankrupi Med bis SMtlkattion for dlscbante. it i.-. hereby crdcred tliut taa -"rd day of Daosmber. 1911, !c u itd tba saoss barabj is, flxsd a- the dstc Of ix-fot-f abl a ail creditors K-.t ami all otin-r persons Interested .:i pnid estate ilI'l t lav dUcliai-Ro it Bankruptcy of said bankrupt, shall. ;t tsaj desire to oppnss the ssma, file ia my offloa i" Chadron, Bswes Bounty, Nebraska, Is said District, their sppaaranoci in i i inn m tjio itioll to the Kranting Sf MM dis- ebnraa, ami itso wlthhn las dsyi ibtreafier Ule is wtf nM sfftoa p- ulfioations of the sroundv 6f said m posit too. Witnras my hand Miis l.'th tla. t)f N'ovt tnot-r. A. I., IMU'. I'ltEUKKK'K A I'UITKS. i . s. Rsssiss in Baskruptey. "0-1 1 -17 a.k. ' I HARRY P. GOURSEY Live Stock itiid General Aoclioueei Farm Sales a Specialty TEKMJ KEASONA. I.H Phone 64 ALLIANCE. NEBR DH, 1. IC. TYI.Kll DENTIST, Or'tHA HOUSE BLOCK, PHONE 167 Alliance, Nebraska G-eo. 3-. 0-3.d.s"b3r Licensed Enibalmer Phone Day 49S I have experienced men for my plumbing work. Am equipped to handle all kinds of work. Now is a good time to have that plumbing jobput in before cold w eather sets in. Plumbing dnd Hedtinq PHONK 4.15 The Portrait Habit Habit is acquired Scuiu- will appear before our camera regularly others, less mindful of tluir friends. only at lonu intervals. Get the 1 Iabit and come often Alliance Art Studio 114 E. 4th Street Curtis IU-st ami Qooeh' dt K 1 Qfssjf 'V- Bon's lusrastaad. rasss IM. Htf-lSiZ 1 BsbI flour L M. Scott, Auctioneer Lakeside, Nebraska Will erjr your sales injarhtyn. goes nu or leave dates at ths Alliance Herald.