BeV e a :: It may be fun to ride a steer but you'll get there quicker in a FORD 44 ::: : A WW A AAA AAA A 888 A A w a n A 88 We have just received a carload of eight of the new 1913 Touring cars. They were unloaded on Tuesday. Part of them have already been sold. The rest are on our sales room floor. Will you come and look at them. Let us take you for a ride in the bracing western Nebraska air in this incomparable car that sells for half what the heavy, expensive-to-keep-up cars do. Every improvement made in the Ford for 1913 has been carefully tried out and thoroughly tested and every one of these improvements gives added value to the car. The Ford for 1913 is far ahead of any other low-priced car. We have ordered 1 10 for western Nebraska. We expect to sell more. We have one for you. It costs you nothing to test the Ford. We invite you to compare it with other cars selling for much more money. Our garage is the best equipped in western Nebraska. Special attention is given to repair work which is done by first class competent repair men. No matter what kind of a car you have we can repair it. Wmn : a A A A A A A ::: ::: AAA W LO WRY & HENRY Garage, McCorkle Block:. Rhone 318 AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED STUDEBAKER AUTOMOBILES mmp ::: ::: jA 4 V 4 1 r 4 4 M44444444UUKi4444444 H 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 U 4 4 4 4 4 44f 4444t444444444444(4444444 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444tslt ' 44444) 4444444444444444444;444444444444444444444444 t444444444444444444 t:444444444444444444444444444444444444J4f4444444444444444r4444444444444444444444444444444444444 44 4444444444 ansJ 1 DIVINE HEALER MARRIES. Schlaater. claiminq to be famou; divine healer, takes unto himself a wife. He and spouse both married before. THEY WILL RESIDE AT STRAS BURGER. ra "stfs- -a'w ,a Biscuits will fill your home with gladness. The best biscuits of all. You will especially enjoy Sunshine Graham Crackers crisp and brown simply delicious. 10c a package. All Sunshine Biscuits are 'The Quality Biscuits of America" as Your grocer knows. af, Ioose -Wiles Biscuit (ompany 4M Bakers of Sunshine Biscuits Saturday afternoon, before County .indue U a. Berry, Bchftaeter, the tlflsr. and Mrs. Comer, bOtQ4- itoador living near Btraeburger, No braaka, were united in the holy bonds of unit liiiK.ny. Itoth of the parties had been wai i leil in-fore. I t is pre tuned that they will reside on the bride's homestead near Stras- burger. MIT jj BIT II 1 SIMPLE MIXTURE HELPS ALLIANCE PEOPLE That simple remedies arc bed lias gala been proves. Harry Thlele, Druggist, report tliat many Alliance people arc receiving QUICK benefit from simple buck t horn bark, glyC4V ine, etc, as mixed in Adler-i ka, the Herman appendicitis remedy A SIN OLE DOSE helps sour stomach, Kas on the siomai h and constipation IN STANTLY because this simple mix ture anl isepl icies the dinestive or gan I and draws off the impurities. STEEL DIE MONOGRAM STATIONERY. An Ideal Christmas Present. Take .- p. c i a I Oennlnt !ni: ial nil i:t 1 eD t ive Try a Herald Want Ad advantage af the rollowlog off r ara are ntfhlng oa Siei I I):;- Stamp) d Moae mam Stationery. We will ftamp in U'ld any Single or any inoatograai of i-o . stvlea Ui) n at Hie Hcr- oll'i'e OB one HUire ( sheets I ut hiuh quality IIdjm finish paper, ami furnish J4 envelopes l not stamp- I o UiaK II. pill up ill an Bi 1 1 .i- li ). appropriately covered with B Holiday dealga and SMClUdtng a t!WO colli- stel di stamped Xmas ;i!'t card, for cents. HERALD PUBLISHING CO., Alliance. Nebr. ',i-5t PORTO RICO'S NEW WONDER From far away Potto Uico come reports of a wonderl'ul new discox- tbal is iH-Hcxeil will vasnj iii'iii'- the people. Kamoii T. Manhan. Barvelonota, writes "Or. King's Discovery is doiai sph-ndid bare, it cured me ahoajl Bva times of terrible coughs and coMs, SiaO m Ill-other of a eere cold ill his chest and moiv than N gthara. nho used it oil my advice. VVe hope this ureal tned Idas will (NSt g sold in eery drag StOTS in PottO RlaO." Kor thrOSi and Iuiik troubles there is nothing better. A trial will con vince you of its merii. ",' cents ami Trial battls nee QHsarsjitaad b.. I'red K HMataa. vert isement The election is over and so are your fall troubles, except buying that winter supply of groceries. And we wish to say in buying them you can not only get the best and freshest but you can save money by calling on us and letting us figure your bill. We bar none and welcome all. No mail order house is too strong for us. Try us once und you will never go elsewhere. sry fit of N.W wokr Gold Coin Flour $1.50, Crown Jewel $1.40 per sack Get prices on quantities. Every sack guaranteed satisfactory or money back. Sugar, 14 pounds for $1.00 Call or phone us. Corner west of post office. Phone 19 Bicknell Grocery Co. I