I pon 2 --vi solved once for all by Calumet. For daily nse in millions of kitchens has proved that Calumet is highest not only in tj utility but ix leavening fknvtr as well un failing in results pure to the extreme and wonderfully economical in Me, Ask your grocer. And try Calumet Dill bake day. RECEIVED HICHEST AWARDS v. o . Par r cc a e.poiition. ChiMS. III. Pmr I poi ton. frinu, Marsh, Vou on ' sat) money utnen Jiou itijf thtap or big-can baking powder. Don't I misled. Buy Calumet. It's more economical more wholesome gives best results. Calm.::' is far superior to sour milk and soda. NELL ACHE90N RETURNS Popular Alliance young lady returns from extended visit with east ern friends. NHIe A:h n. ho left caul on Annual !th linn re to her IMM In Alliance, ar Friday nt nocn. Win n the returned Miss for tin t limed rlrtas Aapffl walls of Chicago MM Bin- nccompnned them. Ml Aeheson on her trip visited with the 'spenwnll family for two month, taking complete MIM In Ikmiestlr Sc Icik nl one of the. In nee OktOMJt Institutions She. in company with Miss Itutli Aspen w a 1 1 . MM an exti MM trip lo Deerfield. Wlncetiftin, where they visited Minn Aspen Willi's grandmother and to Lake Mills. Wlsconson, where they visited Miss AspenwalTs aunt. On her way home Miss Acheson visited with Mrs. II II Menefee, In Omaha Mm. Mcnclcc was I rem dent ol Alliance for n number of veirs and lias ninny trienus acre Mis Achcsi; n was in Oniiiha visit ing fib lids lor about ten days. At Lincoln she slopped over for a couple of weeks. visiting with the It. I! Hamilton family. These people were formerly Alliance peo ple She also visited with Kev. and Mrs. Cordon, formerly of Alii pastor of the L idled Presbyterian church In A II in ncc and is DOW lo cated in Lincoln The many friends of Miss Aeheson are glad to have her back with them again ' U) take her part in the social life of the youger Bet, with whom she Is very popular. 1'iaded the MMM ar with spurts that he brouglit the apple in. Mr Lnndrigan Is a voier in the same wnrd with governor- lect More head nud states that he has a very high opinion of the new governor. MM Is highly respected In hi home city. RETURNS TO MILWAUKEE Dr. W. T Kikner, who was located at lb iningford for a number of yi ars and more recently at Mason Cliy. Nevada. was In the city last Friday arranging his at'fnu - be fore going to Milwaukee l)r Klk 1 1 t left Milwaukee about ten yi ars In-. .111 nf iimii health ami lo en t ed in westtrn Nchraska a fortune In real when ob- Ii r amassed tAte. Dr. Kikner returns to th utai'f of Trinity Hospital in Milwaukee and takes up his old work. He Is now in fine health and eager to take up his chosen profession McKELVIE ELECTED TO LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR CANDIDATE FOR DEPUTY AUDITOR. STATE Jijm W. L. Minor, postmaster at Mor rill, Nebraska, is a candidate for the appoint mcni of Deputy State Auditor Mr Minor has always taken an acilve part in western Ne braska Mitics and is a lending Iti'imhli'-an Petitions urging his throughout this end of the state and we underslaiul thai he. has a very good chance of securing the appointment unrli r W. It Howard. ilw. Iteniililicaii candidate who was elected on November .rth. Mr. Minor was an Alliance visitoi mi Mnndav. StOilM from here In Lincoln In connection with his candi dacy. 'i the absence of complete re- niins H seems that s. K McKtivn-. pilhlisher of The Nebraska Fanner, has been elected lieutenant govern or by a vote ot soiuetiung near to,- nun more than his nearest competi tor. In view nt the tremendous plurality given Wilson for president, and the defeat of (lovernor Aldrich for re-election, this splendid vote for McKelvie conies as a ine compliment to him. He is a Dative Nebraska!!, the youngest man ever to haw- been lected to Hiis office in Nebraska. ind his good vote no doubt resulted because of his successful business ireer and his clean, progressive rec ord in public life. BUSINESS TRIP EAST. VISITS ALLIANCE FIRST IN MANY YEARS. TIME Contractor See me before you build. 1 can do vour work and ean do sav: f:r work you money Mrs. f. m. O'Ltnn, of Caadron mother of Klizabeth Smith, librar ian of the Cbadron PubHc Librar) was in Alliance Monday on a con teal case before the government land office. Mrs. O'Ltnn had net been in Alii attoa since the court house was mow d from lb mingfonl and when coming through Heiniugford and be MBf Informed that it had been moved by train to Alliance many years ago was very much surprised. Sin was very much surprised at the Iowa ol Alliance also, which was i,l.l a little village when she last saw it . ANOTHER HIM. M008BR The quietUS may have MX'D put on the big stick for the ttflte bi-Ui and rneodore may he quietly pass leaf his time at Ojster Hay. Tin cold weather may conn and old Bow s may shake the earth vtfh M wintr blasts. Democratic presidents may oome and go, but it all make no differen to .Joe Smith, of tin lli' force), fOf it's a healthy lausrhhu! si pound baby boy. born a! eleven thirty o'clock Sun-day morning and .loe says he showed his teeth the '.vry first ihing so lo 's sure to be a true Dull Ifooaer. Thbl mains th third hay in Joe's family and they're everyone thoroughbred BuH Mooters like their pofMiVar Ban Drug A adereon, Store. W hi of to the Holsten, Lincoln and Omaha Friday over m laacoin purpose ot wtnic foot ball game. night. He stayed Saturday for the 'sing the big Varsity REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Reported by F. E. Reddish, Bonded Abstracter, Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska Win Itusi to Virginia Itusi NK'j MO LM-li-47 $1 f. m . Brooma n City of AlUan e. lots ."i A ;, blk II and MM I, blk 11'. first add to South Alliance $1. 0 rover Broylee to Prue Bfoylee s BVi N B ' i 14-3449 wad all that part of NWU 30-24-48 lying west of Kit rigiit Of way $."u. Krnt ; t Decker to Rot Macketi, lot It; l)lk IS Alliance IS400. U s to WtB Rust N'K1, 20-26-41 Pa.' out f S to .las Kennedy lt-tfe81 l'at. Dirard Trust Co to Dollie I'lu-ce. SU'i, I0-2S-47 700.0b Katliat'iua Nag'l to Qep Nagel N W', lt-Sft-49 $1. Henry () Wildy to I'alvin ildy N SW'4 I424-A2. l. V s to m Uturaaa xw'4 7-ttft0, N 1 1 1 12-tMl Patent. 0 S to LydlH Corbett S'L. SI-:'4 A. SWV, :::;l-4!) Patent lidisn to trustees of Church lot 4. blk L Nebr add to 500. '.Li-land to (' W Swift E't 1. McCorkle to Levi Detttca i SK',, BV SU', sec II, ( si p 1 ::. all of sec 14, .'.. n I-' 1 ( aac S3 NVj x 140400.00 W SV Norton S'i 1009. Pre Robblaa BH i BM Pians & Estimates burn ished Free. o. Is MOON West Florida Lands Snmll tarais, improved and tin a proved, BfMter tanns t pur; ( uera than rent, crops Brown a.i the year ion ml. Orangea, peoana, ticjs, corn anil cotton. Heajthy climate; tn'berculoaia, t&thma, catarrh, rbenmatiam, all rj aappear bere. Largv bodies oi tine timber lands. Bxcellant i.: 11 sites, subdivision! tn the i p water city of Pennaacola AsU iiw QqoatifMH. tlie hnafrera I a PBEE. Charter Land Co , Pensacola, Florida Advertiaetnent 1568 l" 13t fa lu r. - - 4 MAKE TRIP TO SCOTTSBLUFF. CbaSi Ri '''old. president of .'li(' Hrai National hank, oooutpaatod by bis son. Bujesie V- TOtA, assistant eashler of i Ik bank, made a trip to Beottablttff the las; of tin' we. k. w in', there they Btade trip throuth the s. oitsbiuft Bujtar roaway faa tory whfli m aparatlM) aratki faM fori c. LOCATES AT NEW CASTLE. 1 phaj m I'hifer, erhe baa haaa httAlUan.e for a number of years, is now located at New Castle. W'yolti- jinn. He srrlUH The Herald aakshf that bis paper be seal there. Mary of Oarl Alllanee Ja M 1 4-r John bat igli. al I see W, sec -'-: -SO 1'rank PMIItp to sec ::i and W 'j I Lydla ('tfibett to SK', :i::-J4-4(i Too. Peter Rowtand to Thomas RowtaAd lot :; blkS Shoridan a lo All.au.e 300. Math) a C rteatimonl to OeorM b Taylor K's sec S1-2S-60 WW. k w Raj to John c Wdaht, lots i and '-' i!' c.- l'I box butte add to al liance 400 I- B to W i.i Andrtts BH SW'1., pec 1 B 1 1 N B 1 4 see 1 i w . m c 12 x i H WWH sec 13 twp M ringe siPat. ii. .v. Van Ni-e to w m Lee lot T.l blk B Bberktao to Alliance 1 .00 1 I t s tc Vdcntrr.n .i hord s1- sec A7. J. HAMILTON'S The advance of this store to the front is due to Quality of the Goods and Low Prices. A trial order will convince you that we can save you money on your groceries WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF ROB ROY COFFEE steel cut, no chaff to spoil the flavor of the coffee. Every can warranted TRY A SACK OF OUR Snow Drift Flour 27 live young 'Turkeys for Thanksgiving. Get your order in NOW PHONE 589 404 BOX BUTTE AVE. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE CHEAP Two Ford Roadsters, one Metz and one Cartercar. Splendid values for the money. I also have a mail route to let. J. C. McCORKLE M, NV ECHOES FROM CHAORON Chadro'i Happenings Always Interest Cur Readers BRINCS APPLES TAKES SPUDS. BACK William l.uu.lriKuti, eariaa4 of Baa I'allo it. ..'lir;s!;;i. who brought spplai taQNi a short tiint ma. raturn i araajr srttli MNHsty aaada. axchaaa ; tu l-'al'.s t ' i 1 Sat- carload ison r.mte li ih saM that a fair no robbery aa !.. i NIC. 1-.V27-.C pistaol Lbscolo 1. ami i uiaay to Julia M Brooma tot I i'-k I ' Box Butte, add AlHaaea i"r- Bvarajfaaa Camaasrj to Clark lot 22 blk A Evergreen C'emotefy In WrlsM Praelaot. i.iwi.. M:u-kf 11 Katia ChHaitaB, lo- 11 blk I Httcbeoek, rlilli & Baad- . U. rs .ulil to All aii'c SO i ONLY A FIRE HERO but the irowd caaafaQ, as, wilii bunitxl hands, lit hold up a small round box. "FattDWt!" he shouted, "this Bttoktoa'a Aialoa Balva 1 hold. baa everythillK beat for burti " ItiBiit! also for boils, ulcers, sore-, jiluiples. eet-ma, euts. siiiuiii.-., brin es Surest pile cure. It .sulilufc iu ilainmatlou. kills pain. Only 2) eta. at FYad K llolsieii's. Mr. ; n iioo iviutmi trip touth on Satuniax f riu 1 Alter readiag of so nany aaoplo hi our town abo bava baaa oarad by loan's Kldae) Pills, th- question aataraUj arise.-: tbls medicla equalli sueoaaaful la our aalaaaorini towns?" Tbs Baaaroui ttateusai ol this Chadroa raaldani leaves wj room tor doabi on pile point limes a. Kersey, s Main Bt Cbadron, Nebr . Mjre: "I '';1V' aaad Doan'S Kidtuy PUIS at several oe taaloaa aad 1 am sure thai they are well worth recommending, i had s!u.ht symptoms of disordered kid Beys aad as there has baaa Briiht'e disease in my family for .-.everal gem rations, 1 decided to try Daaa'a Kah:. Pills Tbls remed) sooa com nletel) cured me. I believe Doaa'l Klrinoi Pllla 10 be uneuualled for kuim y dleordere." For title by all dealer--. Price 50 cent. FojWr-MUburn Co., Uuffaio, New York, sole asent for the Unit ed States Remember the uame - Loaa's and take no ocuer Nells HOES Look Over His Line Hatt an, Edwin Burr, E. P. Reed, and Sher wood Ladies' line is the finest line shown west of Chicago by any retail dealer. Look Them Over