Classified Advertisements ABSTRACTERS 9, E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. 1 have the only set of abstract books tn Box Butte county. Office to McCorkle Building. 10-tf-670 THREE ROOMS To KK.NT West Fourth St Phone f.74. (44tflli Curtis Best and Oooch's Bes4 flour at E. L tirgg & Son's. Every sack guaranteed. Phone 1 T&. M-tMItt TO RENT FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. 314 Sweetwater Ave., Phone 387. Iltfl083 FOR RENT Office or living rooms. First Nat'l Bank Building. 17tfll86 MISCELLANEOUS Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright. Phone 71. tf All kinds of feed, In any quantity desired, at E. I. Uregg & Son's Phone 155. 29tf-in42 Money to loan on real estate. F. K. Reddish. 3tf Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. tt Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. ti REWARD FOR STOLEN DOG J25.00 will be paid for little white Fox Terrior, bob tailed:, few black spots on head and one ear. Answers to name of Buster. This dog was 6tolen about three months ago. Last heard of was taken out by some train man from Alliance. Address "W", Alliance Herald. (1551-47- 1 PAINE-FISHBURN GRANITE CO. Grand Island, Nebr. Make the best monuments and will save you money. Call on AL. WIK ER, local salesman of Alliance, or send to Grand Island for price list. See E. C. Whisman for lowest prices on painting, paper hanging and kalsomining. It Can Be Relied Upon The American Drug and Press As sociation authorizes Its members to guarantee absolutely Meritol Hair Tonic It has no equal. It is a wonderful remedy. . trial will eon vinee vou. F. .1. Brelilian l eft iseinent Old papers at The Herald office at 6 cents per bunch. FOR SALE Household goods and books, oak finished kitchen cabinet. 705 Toluca, phone 753. Advertisement 46 2-1527) LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS State of Nebraska ) )ss. Box Butte County ) IN TllK MATTER OF TUB B8TATK OF JOHN P. WEINKI. Decease, I I. L. A. Berry, County Judge of BOX Butte county, Nebraska, hereby notify all persons having claims and demands against the estate of John IP. Weinel that I have set and ap pointed the 15 day ot May, 191.'!, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the County Court room in 'Alliance, for the examination of all claims against the estate of said decedent with a iew to their allowance and payment. All person interested as creditors of the said estate will present their claims to me at said time, or show cause for not so doing, and in case any claims are not so presented by said time they shall be forever barred. This notice shall be served by pub lication therefor for four consecutive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a news paper published in Alliance, prior to the day of hearing. Given under my hand and the seal of said court this 5 day of Ootober, 1912. L. A. BERRiY, (Stall County Judge (184-45-4M502) PIRE LARD This lard is our own production. !l is guaranteed by us as cnntnlnlng nothing hut pure hog fnt It is man ufactured under the most sanitary conditions or the pure food law. Will sell all sized pails and tans from 2 pounds to 50 pounds, at II cents per pound Out of town where we are obliged to crate It, we charge M cent more per pound in 100 pound lots and one cent more In less amounts. PALACE MEAT MARKET Phone 131. Alliance, Nebraska Ad vert isement DR. BOWMAN, general practice. Phones: office, 3i2: residence, 16. Country calls attended promptly. Advertisement (44tfl489) Notice for Election for Court House Bonds GIRL WANTED FOR HOUSE WORK. Permanent. MRS. GEORGE HAND. 918 Laramie Ave. (4'M.fl440) VOUND.A place to have your cleaning and presing done. Satis faction guaranteed. Prices given on dyeing. Mrs. W. H. Zehrung. (4"tfl468) HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Ca tarrh Cure. F. J. CHEN FY & CO., Toledo, O. Ve, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe bin perfectly honorable In all business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any ob ligations made by his firm. NATIONAL DANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sy-tem. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Victor Flour $1.40 per sack, $2.75 perewt. Cab bage $1.00 per cwt. Navy Beans 6c per pound. ALLIANCE GROCERY. Advertisement. 47-11-1563 NOTICE is hereby given to the Qualified voters of Box Butte coun ty, Nebraska, that upon the written request of at least one-fourth of the legal voters of said county, an elec tion will be held at the regular poll ing places in each precinct of said county, on Tuesday the 5th day of November, 1912, from the hour of 8 a.m., to the hour of t p.m., on said day for the purpose of voting upon the following question, to-wit: Shall the County Commissioners of Box Butte County, Nebraska, issue the bonds of said county in the sum of Seventy-Five Thousand ( 175,000) dollars of the following denomina tions, viz.: S-.",-ii Five bonds of One thousand dollars each, to run for a period or twenty years from date of issuance of said bonds, bear ing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, interest payable Beml annually, said Interest and principal, payable at the fiscal agency of the State of Nebraska, in New York City, State of New York, said tenuis to be issued for the following pur poses to-wit: For the erection, con struction and furnishing of a court house for the use of said county, to be erected and constructed on lots 22 and 2:i in county addition to city of Alliance, Box Butte County, Ne braska, ac c ording to the recorded pla thereof, and shall said County Com missioners be empowered to make an annual levy for a sufficient amount to pay said interest and to. create a sinking fund for the payment of the principal? By order of the County Commis sioners of Box Butte County. Ne braska. J. M. Wanek. Chairman. Attest M. S. Hargraves, Clerk. Advertisement (44-4-1483) A. J. KENNEDY DENTIST Office in Alliance National Bank Blk Over Postoffice. , 'Phone 391. Dr. JAS. P. HAXFIELD Dentist OVER BRENNAN'S DRUG STORE All Electrical Equipment Evenings by Appointment t PHONE 525 RED WHICH SHALL IT BE? W. H. REYNOLDS W. H. ELKS' ENTERTAINMENT The Orgimal Strollers Quartet Gave High Class Entertainment Tuesday Night AUDIENCE GREATLY PLEASED That was a happy thought that in spired the Elks of Alliance to put on the high class entertain in on I course furnished by Hie I it-It t Lyceum Bureau. Aa announced In The Her aid last week, the first numWr of this splendid course was given at the Phelan opera house on Tuesda night of this week, there being only a fair attendance What the audi ence lucked in size it made up in appreciation of the program render ed. The Strollers put on a program that it Is a pi ensure for us to com mend, high class and entertaining, not a feature that was objectionable, not a feature but what was enter taining. If they ever return to this city they will no doubt be greeted by a large audience. Tuesday evening's entertainment will be a good starter for the course We wish to congratulate the Alli ance Elks uwm the success of the first number. If the succeeding en tertainments prove to be as good, and no doubt they will, they should hae a large patronage. PROSPEROUS SHOWING uinr re i . uiviami MAUL DT ISl NAIIUNAL WILL SING IN MENDELSSOHN CHOIR IS YOUR LIVER THE CAUSE? Many common ailments are caused directly by liver trouble. The prop er way .to relieve such ailments is to remove the cause. Very frequent ly in nervousness, irritability, bowel, kidney and stomach troubles. Jaun dice sluggishness that tired-out feeling -the liver is at fault, and the only satisfactory or permanent relief to be obtained is thru some remedy that will remove the cause by restoring the liver to health. Kexall Little Liver Pills are spec ially designed for that purpose. They contain powerful remedial agents In the right proportions to assist the liver in regaining health. Every sale is accompanied with a positive guarantee that ir they do not do all we claim for then if they do not relieve afrom liver trouble and, by thus removing the cause, prove an effective remedy for all ailmenls arising from a faulty liver -all you bave to do is to say so. and we will cheerfully refund your money. Price. 26 ceuts. Sold in this com munity only at our store. The Rex all Store. F. E. HOLSTKN Advertisement 1 46-2-1474 1 LEGAL NOTICE ORDER FOR HEARING State of Nebraska ) )ss. Box Butte County ) At. a County Court, held at the Countv Court Room in said conn t on the 16 day of October, la 1 1. Present L. A. Berry. Countv Judge. IN THE MATTER 0 F THE F.S'I 'ATE OF WM. L. McNAMARA. De ceased. On readiug the petition of Daniel H. McNamara filed herein, praying that Administration of said estate be granted to himself aa Adminis trator De Bonis non. with will at tached. ORDERED. That said petition will be heard on the 11 day of Novem ber. 1912, at 10 o'clock a.m. That all persons interested in said es tate may appear at County Court on said date, and show MUM if any there be why said petition should not be granted; and tliat notice of the pendency of said petition and of said hearing be given to all per sons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order tn the alliance Herald, a weekly news paper published in said county for three succes-ive weeks prior to said hearing. L A DERK . i Seal i County Judge. (45-3 185) Why you should vote for Reynolds for State Senator: He is honest. He is experienced. He knows the needs of the dis trict, having a wide acquaintance thruout it, and knowing the desires i nrt wishes of the people. He knows the needs of the State, having long been a resident of Ne htaska, and Is one of the men who stand for the new order in govern ment the rule of the people. His service during the past term has been most acceptable to his con stituents. Against his own personal desireB, he was requested by men from all over the district to let his name go before the voters this year, und won in the primaries over a most excellent man. His service was so satisfactory to all parties that no well known re sponsible democrat dared oppose him. and so it was merely the accident of no democratic opposition that put the present democratic candidate in the field. Mr. Reynolds is strongest where he is b:st known. His clean life during his years of residence in this district has shown that he will be ul Nrayv on the right aide in the opin ion of those who know him best He- has always been on the glide of the people, fighting for principle against corruption. He is a firm supporter of our schools and our school system, and has an enthusiast ic contsructive idee! where our young people are under consid ration. He believes in the Initiative and Referendum. He supports the eight o'clock clos lag law. He supKrts the Albert's, and will oppose any measure that will in any way take away the effect of these two laws. He stands for decency ami good government, and by voting for him you ally yourself with all that stands for good citizenship. His servic e has been of such high order that the spirit of fair play which actuates us all in the perform ami- of our dally work would make us want to show our appreciation by ending Mr. Reynolds back to the St it Senate for another term. AtNluir MI. Bartlett, Chairman of Republic! County Committee of Daw I ounty. Aha S'.attere . Chairman of Pro County Committee of Duwv couiuy. Ernebt M. Slatterv, County Judge ot H.iwes county. W. A. HU-dsall, Sheriff of laweB county. Political Advertisement 1 47-1 -1 557 1 - LAKE PRECINCT VOTERS i.ake precinct voiers, attention: R is Important that road overseers Iw elected who are familiar with the road machine and understand how to work it without I ok of time For thU reason L M. Kennedy should be elect wl road overseer this year. As no nominations were made for road overseer, it will be n-nsary to write in his name on the dotted line under "For Overseer Highway' and then make a ctum X iti the square at the end of the liie. Advertisement 147-1 1559 The many friends of Lloyd Smith will he pleased to know that he has been chosen as n member of the Mendelssohn choir, which will enter tain the members of the Nebraska Teachers Association, in Omaha on November 6th. 7th and Nth. This choir has two hundred mem bers, chosen from the best talent in Oinhaa. The program Friday even ing, November 8th, will be given by the choir. A large attendance of Nebraska teachers Is expected, and the three days will be taken up with association meetings, and enter tainments of different kinds. Trainmaster J. P. Da I ley. of tie south line, MM In .Milan -p last Sat unlay on cmipanv biisin a a . Fireman ttfBW has been M the sick list several diys. He reported for work Wednesday tnorninit see Mrs Will Tragnsser returned the first of the week from a trip to Brush and Denver. On last Saturday the private car of the president of the l V R. (i came In on the out lon No. 44. Denver and went BIG CROWD AT SALE aAs a result of the thorough adver tising of G. M. Banks' sale of hors es, twenty-eight miles northeast of Al liunee, Tuesday, a big crowd was in a i ten da in e; and that the people came to buy horses was indicated by the bidding. Mr. Banks la well known' as a man- whose word can be depended upon, and the m.-n at the sale from Box Butte and adjoining counties did not doubt that his stuff was as represented in t lie advertise ii! nt. The bidding was good and tli. boreal sold at good prices, but they were worth what they brought. Everything advertised was sold, ex cept the IfHtCM The sale amount ed to be: ween $7,500 and $8,000, of which about $0,600 was Mr. Banks' and the balan e neighbors' stuff bra in to be sold. I. .i ENTERTAINS BOX BUTTE PIONEERS Mrs. Boon Gives Farewell Party to Mr. and Mrs. Asa Brigga Mr and Mrs. Asa Ilriggs, pone r suttlers in Box Butte county, and well known to all old time Ilox Butte rt-.-ddcii: s. have gone to Wac ela, South Dakota, to make their home. They were tendered a fare well reception Mond iv evening by Mrs. Julia T Boon at her home in Alliance. A large number of friend! of the departing couple were present and although all were sorry to sec Mr. and Mrs. Briggs leave Alliatt e a happy evening was spent. It. seems hard for people who are so well liked and who haw lived lore so long :ind happily to leave an. I no to a new town, and their many friends trust that they may sen tit to return soon. Ladies are invited to visit Situ tuon.' store, the leading millinery and ladies' furnishings store in this part of Nebraska. An up-to-date stock of stylish millinery, furs, coats, et A big cut is now being made In price on millinery. It will pay you to call at this stone before buying. Advertisement 1 47-1-1560) Fireman Karnes! Speak, who has been employee! here only about ten day.;, has resigned. He L-fr without paying one of his friends who had stood good far a Meal tic ket. He put up a talk o his land lady about go lag right down after his check then skipped out. Miss Blanche Macdouald writes from California that she is huvlng a grand time and may not return to Alliance until after Christ mas. Conductor Clyde Miller left last Tuesday for a vllt with his father and other relatives in Iowa. Mr. Miller Jiad his foot mashed in Cnw -ford recently and will have to use crutches for some time. He will be gone about three weeks. Machinist Austin received a bad cut over his eye while at work last Monday. It was necessary to take three stitches In closing the wound. D. B. King Is one of the now nven In the train service. J. H. Carlson has gone for a month's visit with friends in eastern Nebraska and Iowa. On last Monday there were ten stock trains reported from the Sher idan division. a a a After a month's visit in Washing ton Mrs. C. K Wills and Miss Jan ice Wills came home the first of this week. They report Mrs. Mcln tyre and other relatives well and happy. Mrs. Ray Hoag returned Saturduy from a visit with her sister to Den ver. Fireman B. F. Trenkle was taken to the hospital Monday and on Tues day morning was operated on for appendicitis. The case was a very severe one. For several years Mr. Trenkle has had trouble with his heart. He was off sick in Kdgemont and Dead wood about two months before coming to Alliance for medi cal advice. Dr. Slagle performed the operation, assisted by Dr. He rah man. The patient is n w resting quietly and unless some unexpected trouble sets in will make a rapid recovery. V Bar J Rahcler is an Business Conditions Reflected in Vol untary Record Statement On b diiK Interviewed regarding the unusually Ktod showing made by the First National Bank, the officers stat ed In substance as follows: "Our deposits have been making almost dally increases s-.nce the shipping season iipe ned i . i aril about Aug ust first. The present record mark reac lied by the deposits is of inter est to all citizen of this community for the reas a that this Is Indicative of the general prosperity enjoyed by this section of the country this year. This unusual surplus Is explained by an unprecedented ac tivity in the way of large ranch sales durlmg the past year, unusually high prices of beef, Mnem) productive increase and in d fat in aei cage and the local horse sales which tended to cash many horses which would otherwise have been run over until next year. "We have o r two thousand cus tomers on our hooks at present and our general business will continue to Increase during the rest of the year, with good prospects for 1913. We do not give much weight to the na tional political situation in-so-far as its i tfectlng general business is con cerned, although we will keep our bank on a very conservative I tails a.4 in the past. Our customers pay ing the year's bills and restocking their ranches will tend to decrease our deposits to some e xtent during the next thirty days, although they will continue to reflect a healthy con dition in our territory." , OCTOBER WEDDINGS Alliance and Other Box Butte Coun ty Young People Units Life Destinies During Week HERALD EXTENDS BEST WISHES Rowland-Snoddy Al 7:15 a.m., Wednesday. Octob er 30, 1912, Father Donnelly per formed the ceremony that united the life destinies of two popular young people of Alliance, Miss May Snoddy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Snoddy, and Peter F. Rowland, well known Burlington engineer. Sear mil t Ives of the contracting parties were present to witness the cere mony and offer congratulations. The newly wedded couple left on 44 for a ten day' or two weeks vie it a. id w, Iding trip. They will viiat I. BOOSn, Kansas City and St. IjOU&i, after which they will spend a few I in- in Arkansas. Returning to Al liance they will take up their resi dence in Mr. Rowland's house at StS BU Horn uveuue. Purinton-Rust it the home of the bride's par- young man. In a Mi. :i to his dut e ms, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rust. Sr., t's as night call boy. h has secun d tour miles steady employment at lie Central Cafe A. K. Pratt. Intel) northeast cf Alliance, Wednesday evening, October 30, nil',. Miss Guy R.ije unJ Kunu-t W. Purlnton were unued in man.ige by Denver, Is i fty o. S. Baker, pauor of the Al ii new brakeuutn. Mr. i'ratt was at MM time In the engine serwie here. li.ui e ftt, K. church. Ml t Ida U. '.nntou, a'.ster cf the gi.o.... acted ;:. bridesmaid, and Jos. R. Ruet, Burke! i,n, i,jT ci the bride. wis best man. Promptly at eight o'clock the coo tiac iag par i s n'ered the beauti fully de. orated trier to the sratins TIME 0f u,e w aiding mar.-h, pre; tded by I the off: iat ng mini er and Pollowing is a list of a number of'l ';' -v thp hrid-smnld grcomsuuri large numuer ui jUMH were present, relatives and MMkH of the bride and groom. Af t?r the wedding ceremony had baeo a a a Passenger llrake man John is in Lincoln on u v BURLINGTON TRAINS WILL CHANCE changes in the running time of Bur lington trains which will take place on November lircl. Most of the tratoa effected are on other Barling- Victor Flour $1.40 per sack, $2.75 per cwt. Cab bage $1.00 per cwt. Navy Beans 6c per pound. ALLIANCE GROCERY. Advertisement. 47 It 1 563 NEW PIANOS COMING I will have a large shipment of to w pianos of different makes at different prices, all grades, within a few days. Anyone contetuplat inn buying a piano should wait and ee this new assortment. The prices will be right and the terms easy. IDA M ROM, Allian e Advert isuuicn: 47tfl5Wj ton lines and Alliance will n t -ffec ted to any great extent: Train No. I will leave Pacific Junc tion fifteen minutes later than now. will It--, i- Lincoln at 7 ." a.m. and arrive- Denver X:::o p.m. No. 10 will leave Denver at S:B6 a.m., instead of 9:;f0 a.m. It will be curded earlier all along tin- lin?. le aving Lincoln at It: It u in It nill arrive Chicago as now. No. 6 will leave Denver at -ISlO p.m. instead of :15 p.m. It will be carded earlier along the line west of Lincoln; no change in time at Lincoln or Omaha but train will ar rive at Chicago at 9:00 pm instead of t:4f P tn No ! leaving Chicago aa now will arrive Omaha at 1 1 1 tt p.m. It will leave Omaha at U:tt p in. as now and arrive Denver at 1:15 p. No. 30:' will leave Denver at 7:0 p. in instead of 7:30 p.m. Nos II and 4 will be discontinued wtvet of Red Cloud. No. 4 will leave Red Cloud arter arrival of No. M ami arrive Hastings for connection with main line No. 12 and branch train for Aurora. No. 18 will leave Orleans S:U0 a.m. No. 190 will leave St. Kraueis 3:35 p ni No. 23 will arrive Omaha at 6.50 or :M a m t,,. 1 performed and the newly wedded e-oup'e had been showered with ooa- gru'ul it ions, the company repaired to the dining room where a sumptu ous d'.nner was served. Mr and Mrs. Purinton's many rrienids In this county will be pleased ta learn thnt they will reside north of Alliance, where a home has al ready been provided ) the groom. Klaaain-RidBevway HM Matlele Kidg way or lXMllS ville. Kentucky, and J. H Klasstn, one of the me st popular Burlington firemen of lAlliane .-. were married t the home of Mr and Mrs. Thos. Kvaus in, South Hakota, at 7 o'clock. Tuesday evening. Oct. '!, 1912. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. Howley in the pres ence of a few friends, after which the wedding supper was served. The uewly married couple arrived In Alliance on 42 Wednesday morn ing They will make tieir home here and will receive a most cordial weUotue. . i. ROY GREGG ILL Roy Oregg. of the Alliance Cream ery and Produce Company. b: been confined to his bed at borne for three da w.ih n VJ7 severe tack of la grippe, lie is getting 'bomewha; tee ter at ihi time.