1 " 'Copyright, 1912, fBifharb. fclrrti $c (La. Rochester. N. Y. Election and Selection WHILK next Tm s.hiv is Enaction I ; .v today and every Other business day is "Selection Day" at oar store i).v which we meat) that any man who's Interested in Hood clotliefl CM) examine dozens of exclusive models in hun dreds of smart patterns and finally choose the very suit hp wr.nts, at the price he wants to pay. "Selection" in the truest sense of the word. 8TE1N BLOCH CLOTHE8 $2 upwards MICHAELS, STKKN CLOTHES $15 to Made in Rochester, the Home of the Tailors. Call and get your portfolio of photo gravures showing Michaels, Stern Clothes in actual service, as adver tised in the leading magazines. We are exclusive agents for White Cat Klosed Kroteh Union Suits, the last word in comfort. Florsheiui Shoes. Arrow Shirts. Gordon Hats. Shaw knit Hosiery. NORTON'S (The Store with a Conscience) E LOCAL PARAGRAPHS I Fred H. Mi Donah! of the Allium Film KxchatiRe returned to 'Alliance Monday from n business trip to northern Nebraska points. jr Mr. Petite and wife of Scottsbluff passed thru Alliance on their way to Omaha Monday. A. J. Shnmway of Scottsbluff, ac companied by his family, were In Al liance for ti few hours Monday. Mrs. Geo. (!. Ware went to Mul len Moiwlay noon to visit for a few days. Hon J. 1. Mcllrlen of Lincoln ar rived In Alliance Friday. He nmis met at the train by a delegation who flroried him to the hotel. Marvin Dickinson, a school boy. cut one of his hands very badly Fri day evening, by falUna and catching hold of a barb wire fern c. The chicken pie supper given at the First Presbyterian church last Friday evening was a big sucoms. Karl Mallery returned Mouthty noon from a short trip to Dalton. Nebraska. Mr. I'lerson of the Lincoln Kami Company was in Alliance Monday. He went from here to North Platte valley points. Robert Keddisli came up to Aili nee, staying over Sunday with his home folks lie returned to the ranch Monday. J. I,. Willis of the Dalton State Bank, urcompanied by his sister, Miss I'earle Willis, visited with Al Itance friends over Suuday. Frank McCIuiib of Hrldgeport was In Alliance over Friday night. H K lUxm and family went to Bonner Saturday to spend a couph of weeks on their ranch at that point. mm Miss Mouier of the Alliance city school, weut to Mluatare Saturday in visit ovi Sunday with friend She returned Suuday night. A man who was completely paral jrwd was taken from thraiu -i to the Denver train Wednesday. Me was earrieil by attendants. Miss Irene Rise and Mis Nell Tash went to Hemlngford Saturduy noon, visiting with friends there un til Sunday noon. A. U Powell of Anora, son of ('. L. I'owell. terminated a few days' visit at the home of his parents north of this city yesterday and left for home on Itt. (learge 1). Darling was called to lilt man on undertaking business Tuesday night, returning this morn ing. Mr. Marshall, adjuster for th r irenien s i-umi insumnce t o , was in Alliance yesterday tramuu-iitig business with the Nelson Fletchei Fire Insurance Co.. adjusting H. I' Coursey's loss in the fire of last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Weidetiham er and son Ce il returned yesterday from Gulesburg, 111 , where Mrs. Wet- deuhamer and Cecil speot a week visiting friends, while Mr eiden hanier was attending to railroad business, a part of w hich was at I ,;i Crosse, Wis. Supt. K K. Youjig and Tralnmas ter D. .1. Nelson made an i imped ion trip over i he eatU end yesterday Mrs. A. F Allen left on tl Tues day morning tor Hillings. Mont., for an extended xisit with her dauglite Mrs. H. J. Sevenis, who is n poor health Si's Shoe Contest In order to give the people of Alliance, young and old. an opportunity to learn more about Si's Shoes, I am going to give three prizes to the three beet goeaeers who can fill in the missing words on the blank at the bottom of tins ad vertisement to correspond with the words now on the blank in the sealed envelope now on exhibition in my show win dow. This contest is now open and will close Saturday, Nov. I al 5 p. m. Competent judges will be chosen. You can make as many guesses as you wish, but the following rules must be fol lowed : 1, Your guesses must be on the blank cut from this advertisement. 2, Bach blank must be fully tilled out. ;i. Your name and address must be tilled out on the blank. I. Each blank must be in a plain, sealed envelope. Ti. Employ ea of the Alliance Shoe Store, or mem bers of their fnmilies, cannot enter this contest. (i. All guesses must be turned in before o p. in., Saturday, Nov. 9. 7. Prizes will be paid in trade at regular prices, which are marked in plain figures on every article. The tirst prize is 3,00: second prize, 12.00; third prize, $1.00. 8, In ease of two or more being correct the amount of the prize will be divided. tl. Guesses may be sent by mail. Charley Mien eaine up Tu.'.-.l.iy from ItridgeiMirt for a short vklt with hib mother. Mrs. A. F. Allen before her departure for Hillings hut liliss.-d seeillK her as she lef on 41 i hat inornUig. A postal card from Ernie Teati advises the editor that he arrived at WeUer. Idaho, with hi tar o moveables in rcrd time and waut The Tribune sent him. lie also wrote as follows: "Every! hm livel in the land of the big. red apple Harley Coble i formerly of Ityanuis has fhkppttd fourteen cam of prun and has uiuy-tx men working oti In.- appUs. (ioiug . I KUeiiM. Hyaunis Tribune, Oct. !4 m A. F. Snyder, ho lives in th northwest part of Morrill eouuty. Cut out this blank, fill it out, and turn it in. I have filled out the first guess as an example: VOUD mJ hoes Sr. hoes SVs s s hoes is hoes i's hoes ri's 5. are the best made because stand the racket. are made by honest labor. do not hurt the feet. give you absolute satisfaction. are the shoes to buy. hoes NAME ADDRESS SI MILLER, Proprietor ALLIANCE SHOE STORE was In Alliance on business Monday. While In the city he ealled at The Herald office to secure some litera ture on progressive politics and or dered his name placed on the sub scription list for the paper. He is strong for Wilson for president and as a western Nebraska homesteader is heartily In favor of V. J. Taylor for congress. lohn Jansky has sold his shoe shop to Thomas Olson, who comes from Alliance The new owner akes possession Monday Sidney Tel egraph. Oct. "Jti. How to Vote for Roosevelt To make your vote count for all of the eight Roosevelt eleccors, make an "X" in the circle oppo site the PROGRESSIVE ticket, which will vote for all candidates on that ticket, or read down the bal lot until you reach the following group of names and make an "X in the circle opposite the brace en closing them: VV. J. BROATCH ALLKN JOHNSON GEORGE S. FLORY W. (). HENRY A. R. DAVIS A. V. PEASE W. E. THORN E O. G. SMITH Progressive Progressive Progressive Progressive Progressive Progressive Progressive rogf&mtve A cross in this circle o. i o votes for eight PROGRESSIVE electors. The Roosevelt electors will come last in the group of electors on the official ballot. It is not deemed necessary, and you are advised not to mark each name separately. Keith L Pierce, Secy. PROGRESSIVE STATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, F. P. CORRICK. Chairman. E. P. Sweeney, Co. Chairman Political Advertising ITS MEANT FOR WOMEN ON WAY TO OKLAHOMA Mrs. J. T. Whitehead aiul son and daughter, of Mitchell, Nebr., and her mother-in law, Mrs 1). C Whitehead. arrived on ::tl4 yesterday and are guests at the home of the junior Mrs. Whitehead s slater, Mrs. K. W. Harris. They hae many other good friends in SMIlan e with whom they will visit while here. Mrs. I). l Whin head is en route to Oklahoma. here she will spend the winner with a daughter. m -1 - WILL SELL THRESHER J. it. loraitce and 0. J- llenjamiu went to AiiKora Wednesday to close the sale of a thrashing outfit whieh they have there. A GOOD CARTOON A raitoon in The Herald window headed. lUllletiu Kleetlon post IHMied sie week to allow Taft to catch up. " has attracted a greU deal of attention. President Taft is shown sweating gra drops of iu I;;.- effort to eaten up Kexall Vegetable Compound Is for women. It has been devised with a scientific understanding of the dis eases to be treated, and of the a tnon of the drugs most useful in their treatment. It is prepared to meet the wants of those women who from troubles Incident to the change suffer from painful menstruation or from troubles incident to the change of life, or who. during pregnancy .-land In need of remedies to pre serve the tissues of the generative organs in normal condition Kexall Vegetable Compound con tains Ingredients valuable iu lessen big irritation, allaying pain, stimulat Ing activity, and overcoming the sensitive ues of the nerves and muc ous and muscular tissues of the parts affected. Its tendency Is to retnlei the monthly period normal in time ami amount to correct tardy nuns os -to preserve at normal the tissues of the female general tve organs. We guarantee it to give satisfaction- iu the case mentioned above, and to benefit your health or your money back l'i!e. $1 00. Sold in this community only at our store The Kexall Store. K. K. Holsten. Advertisement 1 47--14751 i m MRS. QUIVEY VISITS FRIENDS Mrs. M. li. Quivey of Mitchell ar r.wil Wednesday to visit friends in Alliiiuet for a few deys Mr Qui e is interested in Hie vliti hell Mer cantile Coiuitany. the largest mer cantile store in the North IMat.te al ley He Mas formerly interested in the AllbiUA-e Ororery Company be fore going to Mitchell. Copyright Ht Sthffnrr & Mr N Suits for men of every build o matter how unusual your shape we can fit you in a Hart Schaffner & Marx suit or overcoat, as well as any custom tailor in the country. You'll find here fall suits in every color Snappy gray checks and mixed grave at '$20. $25 and $30 Fancy ami plain hlues at $20 to $30 All the new mtidob just in Stetson Hats Manhattan Shirts Munsingwear Holeproof Hose Douglas-Tilt Shoes The Famous One Price Clothing House Alliance s Largest Clothing Store