The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 31, 1912, Image 10

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A real progressive In politic la on
Who. by liis past conduct has proven
that he is in avmpafhy with, and a
Buppoiter of. the men who aim to
make this government belter. An ad
Torate of those principles or govern
men which aim to make laws respon
Ive to the will of the people. Meas
ured by this standard. Covernor Shal
lenberger is a genuine progressive.
ProRresslveness with him is a mat
ter of conviction; a part of his life
work; a record of the things he has
done Hla claim to that title la not
based on mere promises or sudden
Changes in his political views He
repressiveness Is
he advocate this law. but as a mem
ber of the rtate board of equalization
and assessments, he. at all times, op
posed any arbitrary raise of any
assessment of any county. Hi saw
to It that the board of equalization
was In fact an equalizing body and not
fe board of assessors.
Corporation Taxes
In order to relieve a part of the
burdens from the taxpayers of the
state the corporation tax law was
passed An effort hud been made in
a prior legislature to pass this law.
but the corporations of the state were
powerful enough to defeat It. Gover
nor Shallenberger placed the power of
bis administration behind this law,
and it was enacted and thereby placed
was fighting for progressive principles i ,po" " "' l" " "
long before his opponent knew w hat I "w tn' n" broM moTe thn 't56.
tbe word progressive' meant. Mis'300 ,n ,a"8 ln, ,he enf,ral funrt of
t h....,i state.
lev vnvu muiir i .
Progressive Lac.
Governor Shallenberger advocated
and supported and signed the law pro
vldlng for the Oregon plan for elect
Ing Cnlted States senators, thereby
placing the election of Cnlted States
senators directly In the hands of tbe
people of the state.
lie advocated and signed the law
requiring the publication of campaign
contributions before election. Nebras
ka is one of the first states that placed
this law on its statute books.
He also advocated and signed a law
that prevents the intimidation of
! voters by their employers.
General Statement.
Time and space forbid a complete
recital and discussion of the various
laws that were supported, advocated
and signed by Governor Shallenberger
during the time he occupied the gov
ernor's office. Suffice it to say that
be took advanced ground and an intel
ligent position on all public questions.
He advocated and supported what
was best for the people, Irrespective
of what effect It might have on the
few individuals that were being bene
fited by laws favoring them. Governor
Shallenberger has always stood upon
the side of the people, and he has al
ways had a remedy that would correct
the evils complained of.
Aa a Senator.
If be is elected to the Cnlted States
senate, he will propose and advocate
real remedies for existing evils In that
upon what he is advocating and sup- body as he did when governor,
porting at the present time. It is He went Into office upon a platform
backed up by years of political work promising the people a great program
la behalf of measures that are really 0f reform legislation. He was only al-
progressive. lowed two years in which to redeem j
His administration as governor is his pledge to the people, yet when he
tne brightest and cleanest page In the lft the office the state was out of
political history of Nebraska. The debt, its credit was at the highest
record of that administration Is now point, and every measure he had proto
history. No scandals or grafting In Bed the people was a living law upon
ny part of the administration marred the statute books He now asks a
10:00 H
I wessons.
1 1 (to a.m
7:.'!0 p.m.
m. Sunday school, Graded
Prayer meeting, Wednesday even
ng, nt 7:30.
A. L. GODFREY, Pastor.
Phone 45
Democratic Candidate for United
States Senator.
Services 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays
of each month at 11:00 a. m. and
7:30 p. m. First Sunday in each
month at 11:00 a. m. Sunday School
every Sunday at 10:00 a. m. Junior
Auxiliary, Chapter A, meets every
Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Junior Auxil
iary, Chapter B, meets at 2:30 every
Sunlay afternoon.
11:00 a.m. Pi 'n hinn. Common
ion Service.
The subject whence tilt sermons
for the morning services will be
lathered during tht) next three
months will be, "The Miracle of
JaatjB," with the view of grasping
their meaning as one of Christ's
methods of teaching the prioclpit -Of
a true life.
Nov. 3- Healing on the Sabbath
10 The Centurion's Servant.
17 The Feeding of the Multitude
24 Jesus Walk inn on the Sea.
Dec. 1 The Gaderene Demoniac.
S The Nobleman of Capernaum.
15 The Story of Blind Hartimae-
22 The liaising of LuaitM.
25 The Fulfillment not the De
struction of the Old.
29- The Way of Life.
GEO. Q. WARE, Missionary.
Phone 13,
At the Court House
10:00 a in. Bible school.
11:00 a.m. Preaching riubje.t,
"The Searching Question."
At Empress Theatre
7: 30 p. m. Preaching. Subject,
"The Heavenward Way. Step 2."
Chart talk, Subject, "The New
T( stamen; Church."
A revival meeting will be DOM1
nicmed in the baseinent of the new
church November 14. Elder F. K.
Day of Lincoln will be the evangelist.
Pliocia 7b2. .vliiiwuer.
.Meetings in Marks' hall, northeast
coiner Laramie avenue and Third
street. Sunday school at 10:30 u. m.
Preaching at 8:00 p. m. All are welcome.
Corner Yellowstone Ave. and 7th 8t
1:30 a.m. Sunday school.
10:30 a.m. Preaching.
Herman and English services al
his record. Taxes were reduced and
tbe state gotten entirely out of debt
for the first time in a quarter of a
Among the many progressive laws
that were passed during his admlnls-
ternately Sunday evenings, unon an-
trial as senator, and if given a chance nauncejnent.
will make good for the people there, j Services will be held at Berea on
as he did when governor.
If elected Cnlted States senator, he
will Introduce and support in the sen
ate a law limiting the jurisdiction of
tration and under bis leadership are the Inferior federal courts in such
the following: way that they will not have power to
The guarantee of deposits law. declare state statutes Invalid. When
Which absolutely insures the people's this law is passed, those who desire to
uney in the batiks. destroy state statutes must go into the
The corporation tax law. courts of the state and have the ques-
The Oregon plan of electing Cnlted tlon first passed on by the state courts,
States senators. and take an appeal from the highest
Non-partisan judiciary law. court in the state to the supreme court
A law requiring publicity of cam- of the United States. This Is a pro-
paign contributions before election. gressive law. It is not only pro-
a taw providing for the physical val- pressive. but it Is sensible and ef-
Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock.
German-English parochial school
from September to June, five days
of the weclk.
703 Niobrura Ave., phone 35ft.
Rev. J. B. Brown, Pastor
Phone 710
Sunday afternoon prayer meeting
will be held at the home of II. F.
W alters, adjoining the Alliance Steam
Liundiy, uth.
Tuesday afternoon prayer meeting
will be held at the home of Iff
Simmons, c rner 2nd and Swee; water.
These meetings will be held at .'!
Because Its Citizens Have Learned
the Truth
Sabbath School.
Junior Endeavor.
Pubtfc Worship, "Cat
nations of railroads.
A law regulating the issuance of
Btoeks and bonds by public service
Anti-mist discrimination law. to
regulate trusts and prevent monopoly.
A law preventing corporations from
Intimidating employes at elections.
fectlve. Recall of Judges will only ap
ply to the judges elected by the people
and will not reach the Inferior federal
judges who are appointed for life and
cannot be reached by a recall. The
Shallenberger plan will deprive these
Inferior federal judges of a power that
has been abused by them It will re
in. 00 am
3:00 pin.
11:00 a.m.
a ways).
t$:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor.
7:30 p.m. Public Worship. "The
Paramount Issue."
6;45 p.iu Thursday. Bible pittance
7:30 p. m. Thursday, Midweek
prayer meeting.
Daylight saloon law. the best liquor store the administration of law to the
law- ret enacted.
The law controlling rates of surety
A law providing for the election of
local assessors, restoring to the people
local se if -government in taxes
A law preventing the state board of
equalization from assessing property
tinder the guise of equalization.
In the matter of legislation regard-
place that power
where it ougl t to
state courts and
nearer the people.
Governor Shallenberger has never
been an employe or the servant of a
corporation lie lias never been un
der obligation or In the control of any
seltlsh or fav or-seekiiiK interest. He
has been in act and deed a real pro-
urci-sive. lie has supported uroures-
Oiin S. Baker, Pastor
Phone 90
Ing railroads. Governor Shallenberger slve men and progressive principles
led the fight for a physical valuation ever since he took an active part In
law; also for a law requiring railroads public life
to provide for transfer facilities at It "can truly be said of him, "His
crossings; for a Uw requiring rail fame does not rest alone upon things
roads to furnish cars In good condition written or said, but rather by the ar-
for the transportation of freight; for duous greatness of thing! done and
a law preventing railroads from oper achieved '
atlng trains without a full crew- for -
another law requiring railroads to fur
nleh adequate telephone service In
railroad stations. All of the foreiioin
laws were aimed at abuses ami Hie
passage of these laws were 0f benefit
and use to the general public.
Governor Shallenberger. bv advo
cating these laws, and by signing
them, has proven that he is a progres
sive on the ailroad nuMttan
No action was taken in Nebraska to
top the leaning of watered stock by
public service corporations until ;0
ernor Shallenberger in a special mes
aage to the legisla;.;re. asked that
body to pass a bill forbidding public
erie corporations from
....... n
Stocks not backed up by actual values
This simple law has stopped and ab
enlutely prevented the further water
Ing of stock of public sen loo corpora
tions in Nebraska. This law is a tit
Companion to the law providing for
the physical valuation of railroads.
Taxation Law.
Governor Shallenberger took ad
valued ground on taxation legislation.
not only advocated and sinned
laws taking away from the county
assessor tbe right to appoint deputy
assessors, and prov idiug for the elec
tion of precinct assessors by the peo
pie. but he forced into the law a pro
vision preventing the state board of
equalization from assessing the prop
erty of the stale under the guise o(
snaking an equalization. Not only did
I Should Vote for
! i.
a I, Because he stands for equal
a rlghtr for all and special privileges
jk for none.
a 2. Because he standi for tariff
a revisicn downward.
3. Because he stands for trust
a legislation, which will prevent mo
st ncpoly and the control of price.
. Because he stands for thi in
m come tax and believes that wealth
a should share the burdens as well
a as the blessings of government,
a 5- Because he stands for the
a rights of labor jnd the protection
a .of the seeps 'earner, a shown ir
a hit record as Governor of Nr.
a Jk'sey.
is". Because he jiands for the re-
B VIVI of our merchant marine, gov-
a ernment promotion of agriculture
a and industrial and vocational edu
a cation.
a 7. Because he truets the people
a and believes that the governed
a should govern; and that senators
p should be chosen by the people,
a 8 Because he performs in office
a te promises made out of office,
a Because he would clear
a house" at Waehington as h has
a "cleaned house" in New Jersey,
a 10 Because he preaches and
a practices clean politics and opposes
p machine politics.
It. Because he is a real pro
a gressive.
a 12 Because hit election will re
ft ttore the Government to the people
10:00 a. ui. Sunday School. Graded
Mible Classes.
11:00 a.m. Public worship.
G M p.m. Young people's Bpwortt
(."ague total tag. The leader will be
Meni'.t Chaffee; Subject, " Blind
Nagger1 and "One rhat Was Deaf;'
the Cse of the Snues in. the At
ttiinnieiit cf Character. Mark 10: K,
:': 7:;! 1-37; Judg. IfMfrft.
7::t0 p.iu. 1'ubllc worship.
Praar, Mible study and
hour, Wednesday evening at
The doors of this church are open
t i all people at all serv ices. A cor
dial and home welcome extended to
all to worship with us. If you have
BO other dum b home In the city.
Next Sunday the new superiute-nd-n
of this district, Rev. A. it Has
lup. will pree h in the Met bodied
Church nura'ing and evening. A cor
dial invit.:.m to all. Saturday ev
i!ini, Nov. Jnd, he will hold '.he
firs: quarterly conference .it the
chuivli at eight o'clock. Officials
phase be present with reports.
After reading this generous and
encouraging report from Mrs. Hick
nell, those who have the misfortune
to suffer, as she did, will naturally
long to get similar relief. Hut to
get the same good as Mrs. Blcknell,
you should get. the stie remedy,
There are of course, other kidney
pills but there are no other kidney
pills the same as Doan's. That Is
why Alliance people demand the gen
uine. Mrs. Robert Hicknell, 504 Hig Horn
Ave., Alliance, Nebr., says: 1 have
known of the merits, of Doan's Kid
ney IMlls for over three years. 1
first used them In Pleasanton,.- Iowa,
ana after coming to Alliance a
bout a year ago, I procured a supply
pt Holsten's Drug Store as they
are the best remedy I have ever
known for disordered kidneys. Por
a number of years I was afflicted
with kidney complaint and was un
able to find permanent relief until
I began using Doan's Kidney Pills.
They removed the pain in ray
loins and also strengthened my buck.
Since then I have felt like a differ
ent person. I an not recommend
Doan's Kidney Pills too highly in re
turn for the benefit they brought."
For sale by al) dealers. Price 50
cents. Eoster-Mllburn Co., Huffalo,
New York, sole agents for the Unit
ed States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Advert isenieiit
Colored People Show Their Enter
prise in Many Ways
Alliance lias a considerable colored
population that have shown their
enterprise In many ways, some of
which have been mentioned before
in The Herald. They constitute an
important factor in the affairs of
the city.
The ambition and enterprise of poo
pit CU often be judged by their use
of printed matter. This OffloC has
reoently turned out I nood deal of
printed matter for the above men
tioneil citizens. One of the jobs
printed din inn the past week was
for the Ouye Hotel. HI Kast First
St., the aafoe being a lot of neat
cards advertising the nOUSO
Sabbath school at the residence of
Mrs Pilkington every Saturday af
ternoon at ;( o'clock.
7 ;31 p.m
a. in Sunday school,
a ui. Public worship.
It Y. P l
Miss It'll .on. Honu
ejIWorktr for the Foreign Mission So
ciety, will lead this servue
Ladies' lllble class every Tuesday
a fti'llilii: al i-liureh hi 7 .'111
! Men s lllble Class meets on Wed
I nesduy evening at 7:30.
Midweek Praver Meeting Thurs
I day , wnitm .it '." ::n
XI QEO. A W1TTE, Pastor.
Phone IIS.
Special Sale
on the
Well Known
$200 Pens
for -
$1.50 Pens
ftavZnl gW 't Hm7 IBBHaaSKSmaK
enj ti&l. aglai(aff 1 1 bbT .at SaaaWlaB
aWaw a RbbbbH 1 l nlaaVe aBaaaf -'' 2Sbs3BHbLbw
kWS- IrKi -affl PJ''1 ISJnM
iman &
For T. R.'s Fund
tTjaasBsssasa sssjpsaaaa
2n . ...
fAr- OO
Time and again Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, the third term party's can
didate for president of the Cnlted States, has stated that the famous $240.
000 raised by the late E. H. Harriman in the fall of 1904 was for use in the
New York state campaign. He also declared most positively a few weeks ago
that he had ordered Chairman Cortelyou of the Republican national commit
tee, not to accept any money from the Standurd Oil company In that cam
paign and to return It If any had been accepted.
On Monday. Sept. 30, C. C. Tejcethoff. secretary to the Late E. H. Harri
man, produced the above receipt of the Republican national committee, signed
by Treasurer Cornelius N Bliss, for Mr. Harriman's individual contribution
of $50,000 to this fund, proving conclusively that It was used in behalf of
Mr. Roosevelt's candidacy. The day following John D. Archbold, president
of the Standard Oil company, produced the documentary proof that his com
pany did give $10,000 to Roosevelt's campaign fund and that It never waa
returned .
Two Souls With but a Single Thought
-Macauley In New York World
The nation has awakened to a sense
of neglected ideals and neglected du
The tariff has become a system of
e e
We stand face to face with great
questions of right and Justice.
Parties and platforms and candi
dates should be fraukly put under en-
animation to see what they will yteld
us by way of progress.
The only way you can conduct poli
tics Is in widening circles, not In nar
rowing ( licit 3
e e e
I regard this campaign simply as a
continued struggle to see to it that the
people are taken care of by their own
e e
If prosperity Is not to be checked la
this country we must broaden oar
borders and make conquest of the
keta of the world.