VOLUME XIX NUMBER 45 yv rV rVr Believes in an Honest, Efficient, Economical, Business Administration of State Affairs. More common sense business in the Gov ernor's office and less politics. Invites the support of voters on his record as a citizen of Nebraska, as school teacher, farmer, stock raiser, business man, and state senator. JOHN H. MOREHEAD Democratic and Peoples Independent Candidate for Governor Nebraska NOTICE Crystal Theatre We wish to announce to the public that from this week on the Crystal Theatre la booked with the Sullivan A Considine Empress Theatrical Circuit of Chicago, Omaha and Denver. Acts going from coast to coast, this company Is kuown the world over for Its high class vaudeville acts. Have closed a deal with the Universal Film Com pany of Omsha for eighteen thousand (18,000) feet of film per week, six thousand (6,000) feel to be shown at the Crystal, running three shows per night, change of pictures every other day, change i vaudeville twice weekly. Higher class vaudeville and pictures hut the price remains the same, 10c and 15c Empress Theatre OCTOBER 21st We Will Use twelve thousand (12,000) feet of the newest and most up-to date pictures from the Universal Company, running three thousand (8,000) feet per niffht, making daily change Of two thousand (2,000) feet. Programme selected Iron the All Star Company. For Both Theatres . If. P. Nestor, Powers, Eclair, ni Bisoo.Crystal, Rex, Oem, Champion Victor and Milawo Company's tilms, giving you a much better program than has ever been presented in Alliance before We thank you for your kindness m the past and solicit your patronage in the future. Empress and Crystal .... Theatres .... TOM O'KEEFE AT LINCOLN Tom O'Kaefe, formerly owner of The Herald and resident Of Box Mil tie COUtkty for many years, is naw Bl Lincoln. Tom may isit friends and relatives in Alliance soon Ho bus sold out all his interests at Mission, Texas, where he has been located since leaving Alliance a couple of years ago. SELLS MUCH LAND LITTLE GIRL BREAKS LEG Brought to Alliance Hospital to have Bone Set TUe three year oM daugh' or of Mr. and Mrs. Mallard of Mlnghatii whs run over Til lit J by a heavily loaded wagon and her leu broken Just above the knee Mcing unable to ui l inedi'-al attention there she was hronuiit to Alliance Wednesday noon and taken to the hospital where the bone was set by Dr. Copesy. The little girl was very brave and made the trip without flincttlttg. BRINGS THOROBRED HUNTING DOGS D. J. Pollock Sold Over 2,000 Acres of North Platte Valley Land In Few Weeks I). .1. Pollock, of the Home Land Company, of Sc. ittsbluff, was In Al liance Wednesday. Mr. Pollock is located at Aft on, Iowa, and is now engaged iii selling land at Srotts bluff. He was accompanied on this trip by a number o; I mil buyers who piirehased there'. He makes a trip every few days bringing out home seekers. During Hie last few weeks this firm lias sold ovi r L'.aon a res of ir risat. d land n ar Scottsbluff Thcv ar bringing- I" many new settlers and srate that business in the r al aetata line is rapidly increasing. Mr Pollock is an old schoolmate of P -una ;ti r I. B. Tash and the two men are great friends. They enjoy getting together and tefling of boy hood at every opportunity. Eastern Man Making Hunt Near SALE OF HIGH CLASS nance w.m rnze winnincj ujg MARES AND HORSES Win. L. Smith, of Staplchurst, Ne braska, arrived in Alliance Wednes day bringing wiih him two tliorobreil setters, mot her and pup, with which he expects to do some fancy bunting near Alliance for it few we. ks The mother dog is a registered setter, Tray Din Cladstone, No. 19, 748, winning novice and limit bitch at the Omaha bench show. She is three years old. t OFFICERS CAPTURE DESERTERS Cal Cox and Si Lamg Capture Sol diers from Ft. Robinson The local officers were notified the 'u'st ' tbe week that two sal diers had deserted from Port Robin son and to be on the lookout tor lie in. On Tuesday Cox and l.aJng learned that two in a of their de scription were OB a farm north of town and securing an auto, went af ter them. On being caught by surprise 'he men surrendered without i rouble ami wt re brought back to tow n and plac id in the county jail. Their nanus! a:i Aaron Prieiid of Troop A and Win It Kvans of Troop M. Tie ' wele r turned lo the Port Wednes I day. I lie rcwarii, wiucn is a goon one, will be paid to the . Vlliaiiee of ficer. Might as well tut down the high cost of living by saving ui your ex pense for fool wear, when you can get the In si men's and boys' !n. al Nichols- shoe shop much cheaper than the same class of goods .hi be bought ill other places. dverlis. nit nl i 44tfl 4!4 i)r P W. liolaud of Hemlngford was called to Alliance Sunday night, returning on P". the next day. (J. M Manks, who is well known in this part of NebrMlU as a breed er of high class horses, has decided lo quit brei ding horses Bad. will have a dispt rsiOD sale al his place twenty-eight mill's northeast of Al liance, on Tuesday, October BB . ill be seen by his advertisoiiK at in this Issue of The Herald. Persons who wish to secure the very best grade of Clyde and Shire bri.od mans, or some exceptionally good w.r'u mans and geldings, or a good imported stallion, will have a fin" opportunity to do so at this sale. SPEAKS AT HYANNIS K. Von Porrell, of Scottsbluff, dem ocratic candidate for state senator, pseeed thru Alliance Wedm-d.o in his way to Hyannls where he spoke the eaitnB evening. Mr. Von Porrell was formerly regent of the ('nivei-,. My of Nebraska and is well known In pubile life. He stands a vei gi; id opportunity of being elected WHAT WE NEVER FORGET ie. Hiding to science, are the things a Miciated with our early home life, such' as Htickleu's Arnica Salve, that u. other or grandmother used to cute our burns, boils, .scalds, sores, skin captions, cut. prains or bruises. Por ty years of cures prove its uterii Pnriialcd for Bttas, corns or cold sores. Only 2.1 cents at Pril K. Holsu ii s. h ert iseilient VISITS O'BANNON FAMILY Miss Agues Schrader. of Atkinson. Nebr., sisler-in-law of Oscar O'Man lion, is visiting Mrs. O'Mannon ibis week She arrived Wednesday noou and will probably be here three or four weeks. Eugene Burton Democratic and Peoples Independent Candidate for COUN1 Y A TTORNE Y Box Butte County Your support respectfully solicited A MILLION DOLLARS PAID FOR BEET CROP Farmers in North Platte Valley Re alize Big Returns on Yield of Sugar Vegetable More than one million dollars will be paid this year for sugar beets to the farmers who raised Hum in the Notts Pla'te vall -y be: u ecu Mridge port. Nebr., and Dingle, NV'yo., ac cording to P. A. Wright of Scotts bittff, Mr. Wright, who was in Lin Cols on Monday, di dared that this has been a very prosperous seasaon I ;n that part of the slate "The average beet crop is esti : Stated at fifteen tons to the acre, land the farmers will get $5.50 per I ten for them, delivered at the ship ! ping stations along Hie line." he ! said. Tins means a return f 5n as acre for the bets. Tin lops will bring about $.: an acre more for rattle feed. About IT.uOll acres was planted for ph.. The sugar factory at So ittsbluff will pay out ffJSjSSi for o.ieratiiig expenses alone. besides the mi.ne which goes lo the farmers for their crop The factory is using l.4oo ion.- of b-ets per day and Hie cam paign, which slatted on September M, will continue for about Iff days." Mr. Wright is an enthusiastic bo isier for In- se i loll and dt He ay the alfalfa crop raisod in Hie Noiih Platte valley will nearly all be ftnl lo live stock there this year -o thai little will be shipped. Meet pulp is also usi-d for feeding cattle and sheep. Iist yer IuS.immi .sheep ere fed. This year the numbl'e will be considerably more. Lincoln Star. Pure Home Rendered Lerd Pure lard at the Palace Meat Mar ket. All sized pails and cans at !-' cents per pound. KVKUY POI ND IS CtPARANTKKD Why do you pay one-third mar w Immi you can get better lard at le.s? , are, I -onig to introduce our lard and this is the way we do it for a short tim.' This prh e is below cost to us, but will make us money in the long run. whtn our lard becomes known. This favors our customers and will make us money, too. PALACE MEAT MARKET Phone 131. Adven iseim nt Alliance, Nebraska DR. MOWMAN, general practice. Phones office, residence. IS. Country calls attended promptly. Ad arl iseinent t tttfltss) A. J. KENNEDY DENTIST JotiKr id Alliance National Bank HIB Over Postothce .;. Phoue 391. 9 ii i a 4 1 1 Dr. JA5. P. HAXFIELD Dentist OVER BRENNAN'S DRUG STORE All Electrical Equipment Evenings by Appointment PHONE 525 RED Kd Marks has beeu out lo his farm HilSfWeek helping to thresh a hllsBpar crop of flax. J9 4